Result Lab 1

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For this experiment, at first the period of pulse have been set as constant with the
value 100µs and the frequency have been adjust between 5000, 10000 and 15000 Hz.
The value of angle and time have been recorded in the table below.

Period of pulse in micro

Frequency (Hz) Angle (o) Time (s)
second (µs)

5,000 100 160 1.24

10,000 100 280 2.00

15,000 100 440 2.61

Next, the frequency have been set as constant with the value 10000 Hz and the period
of pulse have been adjust between 50, 1000 and 1500 µs. The value of angle and time
have been recorded in the table below.

Period of pulse in micro

Frequency (Hz) Angle (o) Time (s)
second (µs)

10,000 50 280 1.41

10,000 1,000 280 5.11

10,000 1,500 280 15.00

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