Lesson 6 Every Drop Counts

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About 3/4th of the earth is covered with water.

97% of this water is present in oceans and seas which is salty and cannot be
used for drinking and household purposes.
Only 3% of the earth’s water is fresh water but most of its frozen
in the form of glaciers, ice caps or is trapped under the soil.
Answer the following

Q1. What are the different sources of water?

Rain is the main source of water. It is the purest form of natural water. Seas, Oceans, Rivers,
Lakes, Ponds and Springs are other sources of water.

Q2. What is Baoli or a step well?

In olden days rulers made watertanks with steps on all sides. People used these steps to
reach the water.This is called a bioli or stepwell
Q3. What is Piaos?

Water stands made by the kings to provide water to thirsty travellers are called Piaos.

Q4. What is Rehat?

Rehat is a water wheel. It is a partly submerged vertical wheel with buckets attached to the
rim. When the animal turns the wheel the buckets attached to the rim will also turn and the
bucket gets filled with water.
Q5.Who made Ghadsisar Lake?

Ghadsisar Lake was made by king Ghadsi of Jaisalmer, 650 years ago. The construction of this
lake was such that when the lake was full, the extra water flows into another lake at a lower
level filling nine such inter connected lakes. The collected water was used through out the year.

Q6.What was rain water harvesting?

Rain water is the main source of water. Collecting and storing the rain water using
under ground tank for our future purpose is known as rain harvesting.

Q7. What is Irrigation?

The supply of water to the fields to grow crops is called Irrigation. In India wells, tube wells and
canals are major sources of water for irrigation.

Q8. Explain the following water sources.

1. Wells
2. Tube wells
3. Canals
4. Tanks

This is an ancient method of supplying water for irrigation wells are dug to reach the ground
water. Water was lifted up by using a Perisan wheel called Rehat. Now a days electric pumps
are used to draw water from the wells.

Tube Wells:

We can draw under ground water using tube wells. A deep bore is made using a drilling
instrument and the water is drawn out using electric pumps.. Water is then sent to the fields.


Canals are an important source of irrigation in India .Water from the main river is diverted in to
small human made channels which irrigate the field.

Tanks are build to collect rain water which is later used to irrigate the fields.

Why is water so important to our life?

Water is one of the most important substances on earth.

All plants and animals must have water to survive

If there is no water there would be no life on earth.

People need water for many other uses .

Uses of water



We cannot live without water

Saving water helps to preserve our environment.

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