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Enabling Outcome:ENABLING OUTCOME:

Apply basic knowledge and Skills necessary to design and develop and host functional websites and blogs in the network environment


1.1.1 Explain the concepts of i. Describe different internet Learners should be Quiz, Class test Question paper
web technology and able to explain the and end of
different terminologies concept of web semester exams
used on web tech. ii. Explain website concepts and types application and
development describe how the
of web application in world wide
world wide web
web (WWW) works
iii. Explain the client side and server
iv. Demonstrating HTTP protocol as
used in client server modeling
v. Identify different tools used for
developing a website
vi. Identify and apply various steps to
designs websites
1.1.2 Ability to design, i. Describe basic structure of HTML 5 Learners should be practical Assignment
construct and format a ii. Identify different formatting tags able to describe and assignment, presentation,
simple static website and text formatting practically implement project, Class project
using HTML and CSS iii. Describe syntax of creating HTML how to design, test, and end of presentation,
tags and their attributes develop and decorate semester exams Question paper
iv. Identify tags for Inserting Spaces website using HTML
and Line Breaks and CSS
v. Introducing List Elements
vi. Displaying images in html page
(multimedia content)
vii. Organizing data in tabular form in
HTML page
viii. Identify and use HTML 5 media
elements to play video and audio in
HTML page
ix. Explain importance of CSS in Web
x. Identify and apply ways to insert
xi. Identify CSS properties to set
background color and background
images in HTML page
xii. Apply CSS to style (texts, fonts,
links, lists, tables)
1.1.3 Explain the use of i. Define and describe different Learners should be Practical Assignment
content management concepts of content management. able to use CMS to assignment presentation,
systems (CMS) to ii. Explain overview of some of the create website content project, final project
instantly and different CMS tools and methods in attractive way exam presentation,
dynamically creating and that today’s web publishers are Question paper
updating web pages using to create dynamic web content
content iii. Installing CMS tool to create
iv. Introducing and applying different
features available in CMS
(Favicon, Logo, Edit footer,
Menubar, User creation in
creating websites
1.1.4 Apply skills and i. Introduction to blogs Learners should be practical Assignment
knowledge necessary to ii. start your own blog either with able to explain the use assignment, presentation,
blogger or WordPress without of blogs library project
make, create and design having any html or coding context and continuation , project progress
blog using Blogger or knowledge practically design and practical test, report,
WordPress iii. write and create a blog post. implement blogs and end of Computer and
using tools like semester exams Question paper
iv. set up your theme
blogger or WordPress
v. install and use plugins
vi. sign up for a Google AdSense
account and so much more!
1.1.5 Publish website on world i. Apply skills for Optimizing Search Learners should be Assignment project
wide web Engines able to describe and presentation and
ii. Introducing knowledge of using apply the necessary report,
cpannel and other FTP tools to knowledge and skills Question paper
upload the Site for hosting website
iii. Explain the knowledge of testing
1.1.1. Learners should be able to explain Describe different internet Describe different internet Describe different internet
the concept of web application terminologies terminologies and describe terminologies and describe
and describe how the world wide world wide web (WWW) world wide web (WWW)
web works and identify different types and identify different
of web applications applications and apply
various steps to designs

1.1.2. Learners should be able to describe Describe HTML5 and it’s basic Describe HTML5 and apply Describe HTML5 and
and practically implement how to structure of HTML page knowledge to create simple apply knowledge to create
design, develop and decorate HTML pages together with simple HTML pages
website using HTML and CSS displaying multimedia together with displaying
content like audio, image and multimedia content like
video in webpage audio, image and video in
webpage and be able to
decorate it using CSS
1.1.3. Learners should be able to use CMS Define CMS and explain the Identify and explain Explain CMS features and
to create website content in
importance of CMS in creating different CMS tools and their use one of the tool to create
attractive way
and updating web content features webpage content.
1.1.4. Learners should be able to explain Define blogs and explain the use Explain the concept of blogs Explain the concept of
the use of blogs library context and
of blogs in library context and identify different tools blogs and use different tools
practically design and implement
blogs using tools like blogger or
and their features to create to design and develop blogs
blogs of library related content
1.1.5. Learners should be able to describe Explain the importance of Explain the importance of Explain and apply skills for
and apply the necessary knowledge publishing website in world publishing website in world optimizing search engine
and skills for hosting website wide web wide web and explain the and use cpannel and other
steps to publish websites FTP tools to upload the Site


Module Code: IT xxx
No of Credits: 10
Sub enabling outcomes On completion of this module the student should be able to:
Explain the concepts of web technology and different terminologies used on web tech. development
Ability to design, construct and format a simple static website using HTML and CSS
Explain the use of content management systems (CMS) to instantly and dynamically creating and updating
web pages’ content
Apply skills and knowledge necessary to
make, create and design blog using Blogger or WordPress
Publish website on world wide web

Learning Content: Hence it will cover the following: -

1. Introduction to Internet and the World Wide Web

2. HTML 5 and CSS
3. Content Management System(WordPress)
4. Blogs using (Blogger or WordPress)
5. Website hosting

Delivery Methods: This Module will be conducted through lectures, demonstrations, presentations, quize, Practical and written test
and practical assignments.

Learning Materials: White board, LCD Projector, Computer system, and Text books and use of Computers

Required readings:
1. CASTRO, Elizabeth HYSLOP, Brue(2012). HTML5 and CSS3: visual quick start guide . Seventh edition, Berkeley, CA :
Peachpit Press.

2. Elizabeth Castro (2006). HTML for the World Wide Web with XHTML and CSS: Visual QuickStart Guide, Fifth Edition,
Peachpit Press
3. Wiley Publishing, Inc; 2010. Beginning HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript
4. Caimin Jones (2014)WordPress Websites Step-by-Step: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Creating a Website or Blog
With WordPress

Reccomended readings:
1. SitePoint Pty. Ltd;(2011). Build Your Own Website The Right Way Using HTML & CSS, 3rd Edition

Integrated Method of Assessment:

Continuous Assessment 60%
End of Semester Examination 40%

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