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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AAPP002-4-2 Knowledge Representation

Tutorial 5

1. Why are representations so important in Artificial Intelligence? What risks are

inherent in using the wrong representation?
2. Explain the connection between frames and object-oriented structures in
programming languages
3. Explain the relationship between graphs, semantic nets, semantic trees, search spaces,
and search trees.
4. Explain why goal trees are so useful to artificial intelligence research. Give
illustrations of how they are used.
5. Explain the connection between decision trees
6. Explain the problem of combinatorial explosion. What impact does this have on the
methods we use for solving large problems using search?

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AAPP002-4-2 Knowledge Representation

Write your predicate logic for the following statements:

1. Not in many cases every people will pay for the late charged.

2. Suzy and Christ is sibling but only Christ knows how to play guitar.

3. Every guests need to bring their invitation card and wear a classic style if they want to
join the party.

4. A lot of people confuse about a new route since the construction has started.

5. All shirt in the closet are my favorites and I need to choose one for my day out on
this weekend.

6. Simon buys the ticket if he have extra money at the end of this month or he keeps
some saving to get it.

7. My mother goes to market every weekdays by bus but sometimes my sister will send
her if she goes out earlier.

8. Jean likes cat as same as her sister who is owner of cattery in this town.

9. Everyone is loyal to someone.

10. All communists admire Karl Marx, Ronald Reagan did not admire Karl Marx.

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AAPP002-4-2 Knowledge Representation

1. Write the statement based on the following propositional logic, where :

p means 'He will come on the 8:15'

q means 'He will come on the 9:15'
r means 'He will have time to visit us'

a) p q r
b) p q r
c) p q r
d) p q r

2. Are the following propositions or not?

a) Three is an odd number.
b) Five is an even number.
c) Chair ocean camera instigates.
d) ‘Good morning!’ is greeting.
e) If x= 20, then x + 7 = 27.

3. Pick a capital letter to represent each simple statement, and represent the following
statements in predicate logic.
a) Mark Twain wrote Huckleberry Finn as well as Letters from the Earth.
b) In Letters, Satan, Gabriel and Michael all wonder if creating Natural Law was such a
good idea.
c) Every Guests need to bring their Invitation Card and wear a Classic Style if they
want to join the Party.
d) A lot of People confuse about a New Route since the Construction has started.
e) Simon buys the ticket if he has Extra Money at the end of this month or he keeps
some Saving to get it.
f) Everyone is loyal to Someone.
g) Not in many cases every people will pay for the late charged.

4. Write down complete truth tables for the propositions :

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence AAPP002-4-2 Knowledge Representation

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