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4/30/2016 28  John 2:1–11

These  things  took  place  in

Bethany  across  the  Jordan,  where Sign In Sign In
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Behold, the Lamb of God
29  John 2:1
Westcott DARBY 1901 ASV ABSVD AV VGCLEM D‐R Elzevir
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ESV day  he 
Standard saw  Jesus
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“Behold,  the  Lamb  of  God,  who Embed

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This  is  he  of  whom  I  said, Sign in w ith your account
The Wedding at Cana
About Biblia a
‘After  me  comes  a  man  who
2 On hthe third day there was a wedding at iCana in
ranks  before  me,  because  he  was
Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.
or Create A FreeJesus

also was
me.’  31 toI the
before invited myself  did  not j
wedding with his disciples. When the wine

know  him, 
ran out,but  bthefor mother
this  purpose  I
of Jesus Build
said to him, “They haveBeautiful
came baptizing with  water, that 
wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman,
4  he k
Worship Presentations
what does this
might  have m
to do with
be  revealed  to  me? My hour has not yet come.” 5 His
mother said to thedservants, 30 day free trial
And John  c
bore witness:  “I saw “Do whatever he tells you.”

Now there were six stone water jars there nfor the
the Spirit descend from heaven like
a  dove, Jewish
and  eit rites of purification,
remained  on  him.  each holding twenty or thirty
o 1 7 
33  gallons.
I  myself  did  not Jesus
know saidhim, to
butthe servants, “Fill the jars with
f water.” And they filled them up to the brim. 8 And he said to
he  who  sent  me  to  baptize  g with
them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the
water  said  to  me,  ‘He  on  whom
feast.” So they took it. 9 When the master of the feast tasted
you  see p the  Spirit  descend  and
the water now become wine, and did not know where it
remain,  came this from
is  he ﴾though
who  baptizes
the servants who had drawn the water
g 34 
with  the 
knew﴿, Holy  theSpirit.’ 
master of And 
theIfeast called the bridegroom 10 and
have  seen and 
said to him, have borne 
“Everyone witness
serves the good wine first, and
when people have drunk freely, then the poor wine. But
that this is the Son of God.”
you have kept the good wine until now.” 11 This, the first of
Jesus his signs,Calls Jesus the did atFirst
Cana in Galilee, and manifested qhis
Disciplesglory. And rhis disciples believed in him.
The next day again John was
standing with two of his disciples, 
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and  he  looked  at  Jesus  as  he
walked  by  and  said,  “Behold,  ithe

Verse of the Day:

Lamb  of  God!”  37  The  two
1 Peter 5:8
disciples  heard  him  say  this,  and
Embed image
they  followed  Jesus.  38  Jesus
turned and saw them following and
said  to  them,  j“What  are  you
seeking?”  And  they  said  to  him,
“Rabbi”  (which  means  Teacher),
“where  are  you  staying?”  39  He
said  to  them,  “Come  and  you  will
see.” So they came and saw where

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