Curriculum Vitae: Abdullah

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Organizational Experiences

o Ikatan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia

(Staff of student’s wellfare)
o Forum Ukhuwah Studi Islam
Fakultas Teknik
( Staff of Finance and Enterpraneurship
. division)
o Petroleum Festival (PETROVA)
Abdullah (Staff of Logistic)
o Petro Gas Days (PGD) 2015
Department of Chemical Engineering (Staff of Logistic)
Major in Bioprocess Engineering o Gema Ramadhan FUSI FTUI
Universitas Indonesia I GPA 3.47 (GRADASI))
“Self-motivated fresh graduate, hard- (Head of Operational Event)
worker and quick learner, adaptive and o Kajian Islam Awal Semester “New
ready to accept challenges.” Generation” (KIAS NG)
(Head of Security, Hygiene, Health and
Coordination of Mobilitation)

085312905271 Achievements & Rewards o Accepted Paper in

International Tropical Renewable Energy i- trec.
Education o Best Innovation
“Sansevieria Air Freshner”
(2008-2011) SMPN 73 Jakarta
at Innovaction 2016
(2011-2014) SMAN 68 Jakarta
(2014-2018) Universitas Indonesia Computer & Other Skills
Working Experiences

o PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk.

MS-Office, MATLAB, SuperPro
Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and Designer, Photoshop.
Waste Water Treatment Plant

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