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A learning style is how you receive information best.


Auditory Learners Visual Learners Tactile &

receive receive information Kinesthetic
information best best when visual Learners receive
through lectures aids are used information best
and audio-based (slides, films, when they are
instruction. whiteboards, etc.). allowed to use their
They would rather hands and sense of
read to learn than touch to learn new
listen to learn. information and
apply new skills.


A thinking style is how you process information best.

Linear Thinkers (or "sequential

thinkers") prefer a structured approach
when processing information. If
instructions use a sequenced format
(i.e. Step A, Step B, Step C, etc.)
LINEAR THINKER strong linear thinkers will feel more
comfortable starting "Step
(Left-Brain Dominant)
B" only after "Step A" has been
completed. Overall, linear thinkers
like predictability and consistency.

Mathematics & Accounting are linear-

oriented subjects.
Global Thinkers (or "strategic
thinkers") are more comfortable with
new information if they can put it into
context with the big picture. They also
tend to be impatient with linear
subjects and step-by-step instructions GLOBAL THINKER
- they prefer access to all the (Right-Brain Dominant)
information (early on) so they can
relate it to their overall goals.

Philosophy & Literature are global-

oriented subjects.



They plan out every They get in the car and

Planning a detail. drive.
"Road Trip"
(i.e. they will determine the (i.e. they will determine the
location of restaurants, roads destination and deal with any
to travel, items to bring) issues along the way)

They neatly lay out all They look at a picture

Assembling the parts and carefully of the assembled
Toys, read the instructions product and try to put it
Furniture, or before starting the together like a jigsaw
Electronics assembly. puzzle.

(i.e. "this piece looks like it fits

here, this piece probably goes
over here...").

Of course, it would be difficult for a person to use only one learning

style - or be strictly a linear or global thinker - and still be able to
function adequately in our complex world. Even if you have a
dominant style, at some point you will need to incorporate a variety
of learning and thinking styles to complete certain tasks. For
example, when shopping for an expensive item you need to use
linear skills to calculate the item�s cost relative to your personal
budget, and you need global skills to determine the benefits the
item will provide now and in the future.


What game do you like to play the most? What part of that game
was the easiest for you to learn? As you think about it, you will
notice that you incorporate your own personal thinking style when
you learn how you to play a new game, hobby, or sport. For
example, a golfer with a strong linear preference, will have a set
routine before each swing and focus intently on the mechanics of
the game. On the other hand, a golfer with a strong global
preference tends to be more of a "feel" player and will pay less
attention to the numerous details of the golf swing. Of course, you
can apply your personal thinking style to any type of task or activity
at work, school, or home.

But what about those boring and tedious tasks you tend to avoid?
The first step is to examine how you usually complete those tasks.
You might be using a technique that someone else taught you - a
technique that worked for your instructor, but may not match your
particular way of thinking. If so, consider what you ultimately want
to achieve, then re-invent the process using your own thinking
style. At first, it may seem a bit awkward because we're all
accustomed to following instructions from others, but if you make
small changes in the process as you go, the transition to your own
style will feel more natural. Equally important, as you apply your
own way of thinking to each task, the process becomes less of a
chore, and even a personal challenge on how to do it better each


Despite the known benefits of using one's personal learning and

thinking style, adults often neglect using their strongest style when
learning new information. Actually, many adults still follow the
standardized way of learning they were taught in elementary and
grade school. But don't blame the school system entirely, it was
designed to educate as many children as possible, as quickly as
possible, and as inexpensively as possible - a very difficult
assignment, to say the least.

Of course, generic learning in today's fast-paced world is not

practical. How quickly you learn and process new information will
determine how valuable you are to your employer, and how
successful you will be in managing your time and resources well
into the future.

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