Some Features of The Magnetic Field Evolution in The Early Universe

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Some features of the magnetic field evolution in the

early universe

Tamal K Mukherjee, Adamas University

Soma Sanyal, University of Hyderabad

Magnetic field in HIC

Origin and evolution of helical magnetic field in early universe
Role of Particle Temperature in the evolution of Mag. field in early
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Man-made Magnetic field

Magnetic field in Heavy-ion collision

Non-central heavy-ion collisions should produce magnetic field.

Biot-Savart’s Law: B ∼ γZ e Rb3

γ= 2mN , At RHIC 200 GeV/nucleon γ = 100

For Gold (Z = 79) at b ∼ RA ≈ 7 fm,eB ≈ mπ2 ∼ 1018 G

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Man-made Magnetic field

Huge Magnetic field with a short lifetime ?

K. Tuchin demonstrated that magnetic field freezes out after initial decay due to
finite electrical conductivity of the plasma (Adv.High Energy Phys., 490495, 2013).
However, L. Mclerran,, find that effects of conductivity do not play an
important role. They argued that result of K. Tuchin was obtained on the
assumption of σohm >> 1/tc which is never satisfied for realistic values of the
parameters. tc ∼ 2R/γ is the characteristic time scale (Nucl.Phys. A929, 184,
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Magnetic field in the universe

Origin of Helical Magnetic field

There have been observation/indication of presence of helical

magnetic field.
Most of the observed helical fields are magnetohydrodynamically
Fields become helical due to the physical rotation of the plasma in
the vicinity of a rotating object
However, presence of helicity in the intergalactic magnetic fields
indicate that there may be helicity generated in the primordial
magnetic field itself

Ref: For relevant references please refer to our paper - Tamal K

Mukherjee, Soma Sanyal, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 32 (2017) 1750178.

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Magnetic field in the universe

Evolution of Helical Magnetic field

Helical magnetic fields even with small helicity evolve into fields with
maximal helicity due to MHD turbulence
Magnetohydrodynamic simulations show that at small scales the
magnetic energy evolves with a Kolmogorov-type spectrum with
EB (k) ∝ k −5/3 while at large length scales it evolves as a Batchelor
EB (k) ∝ k 4
Recently, it has been shown that chiral effects also produce a strong
narrow Gaussian peak in the magnetic spectrum and the magnetic
field becomes maximally helical

Ref: For relevant references please refer to our paper - Tamal K

Mukherjee, Soma Sanyal, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 32 (2017) 1750178.

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Evolution of Magnetic field in early universe

The Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME)

In a chirally asymmetric plasma, in the presence of a magnetic field

there is an electric current which is proportional to the number
density of the right handed and left handed particles
If ∆µ (∆µ ≡ µL − µR ) be the difference in the chiral chemical
potential of the right handed and left handed particles then the
current due to the CME is given by

e2 ~
JχB = ∆µ B
2π 2
Ref: A. Vilenkin, Phys. Rev. D 22, 3080 (1980) ; D.E. Kharzeev and A.
Zitnitsky, Nucl. Phys. A797, 67 (2007).

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Evolution of Magnetic field in early universe

The Chiral Vortical Effect (CVE)

It was shown that for a spinning body, chiral particles tend to align or
anti-align with the angular momentum generated by the spinning
body. So the LS coupling tends to generate a current proportional to
the vorticity (A. Vilenkin Phys. Rev. D, 20 1807 (1979))
Jχω = ∆µ2 ω
4π 2
~ × ~v
~ = ∇
where, fluid vorticity, ω
Due to the presence of quantum anomalies, relativistic hydrodynamic
equations get modified and the conserved current has an additional
term which is proportional to the vorticity – See Later.
Ref : D.T. Son and P. Surowka, Phys.Rev.Lett.103.191601.

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Evolution of Magnetic field in early universe

ideas from cosmic magnetic fields

In the presence of cosmic chiral asymmetry (∆µ ≡ µL − µR ),

chiral-vorticity and chiral-magnetic effects can play an important role
in the generation and evolution of magnetic fields in the early universe
The electric current is given by the sum of the Ohmic and chiral
J = Johm + Jχω + JχB
= σ(E~ + ~v × B)
~ + e
4π 2
∆µ2 ω
~ + 2π 2
∆µ B
~ × ~v
~ = ∇
where, fluid vorticity, ω

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Evolution of Magnetic field in early universe

ideas from cosmic magnetic fields

Evolution of magnetic field is guided by:
~ × E~ = −∂t B
∇ ~

replacing E~ by the current, we have the equation for the evolution of

magnetic field:
~ = ∇
∂t B ~ + γD ∇2 B
~ × (~v × B) ~ + γω ∇
~ ×ω ~
~ ×B
~ + γB ∇
1 e∆µ2 e 2 ∆µ
, , γω =
γD = , , γB =
σ 4π 2 σ 2π 2 σ
magnetic field is generated due to the χω effect.
As the field gets stronger, the χB effect becomes important and leads
to rapid amplification of the field.
The amplification period ends when dissipation (magnetic diffusion)
becomes important.
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Evolution of Magnetic field in early universe

Are we missing out something?

It is possible that the plasma in the early universe though in thermal

equilibrium may have a non-uniform temperature distribution
(multispecies plasma, ρ ∝ T 3 ).
If we also consider µL 6= µR 6= T , then the chiral vortical effect will
also have a temperature term:
e e 2
Jχω = 2
∆µ2 ω
~ + T ω
4π 12

Use ”mode expansion” to find the new spectrum for the magnetic
modes using these new components of currents.

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Evolution of Magnetic field in early universe

Figure: Plots of the magnetic energy spectrum in the presence of a hotter/colder

particle when the background temperature is T = 109 GeV. The inset shows the
evolution of the magnetic energy spectrum in the absence of the hotter/colder

Growth of the magnetic field with time for a fixed mode

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Evolution of Magnetic field in early universe


The Chiral Magnetic Effect and the Chiral Vortical affect the
evolution of magnetic field in the early universe.
Our numerical results show that the Gaussian peak in the magnetic
spectrum becomes negatively skewed which can be fitted with a beta
the non-Gaussianity of the distribution to the temperature-dependent
vorticity term
beta distribution → the presence of temperature anisotropy may lead
to turbulence in the magnetized plasma !!

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My Co-author & Collaborator: Soma Sanyal, Hyderabad University
Adamas University & Visva-Bharati

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