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Perception Of The Senior High School Students Of Asian Summit College

Towards Research Paper

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements In

Practical Research II

Submitted by:

Cao, Sherwin

Eguia, Angelo James

Peley, Isagani Jr. B.

Planas, Leemar G.

Cabanganan, Mariz T.

Mostoles, Ivory Franzesca S.

March 22, 2019


Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


In this study, the researchers focus on the different perceptions and attitudes of

the senior high school students towards research paper. Research activity is considered

one of the important educational practices in that the vital skills and attitude for lifelong

learners can be cultivated through inquiry. Conducting a research is not merely pursuit

of academic career and advancement of knowledge. Rather, it also includes an aspect

of learning process. Development of research skills is also important when having this


Research is what we are trained to do or asked to do in our schools. Research

means the systematic investigation into studies to in order to establish facts, new

information and new conclusions. In other words, it is the collection of evidence or

information for verifying some theories. It means a search for an answer to the

questions asks. Research is finding out new things and asking a question on it. It allows

you to pursue your interest, to learn something new and it challenge you in new ways.

Research allows you to come up with a result that represents the combination of your

interests and studies and a real contribution of knowledge.

Although research activity as an educational practice has been increasingly used

in a variety of disciplines as well as in diverse cultural contexts, students might take

different preferred approaches to learning across different cultures. For instance, Asian

Summit College students have been portrayed as typically passive.


Significance of the Study

The study aims to determine the perception and attitude of the senior high school

students of Asian Summit College towards research paper. It tells about the importance

of research paper in daily life, personally and in psychological aspects of the


To the Readers

To know if conducting a research is relevant to life of the readers or students,

and also to possibly answer the question why is important to conduct a research.

To the Students and Future Researchers

This study gives significant perspective and attitudes of senior high school

students on conducting a research. This topic is important because understanding the

perceptions and attitudes of students toward this issue can lead to improvement of

research practices among future researchers.

Scope and Limitation

The researchers focus on using all Senior High School Students enrolled in

Asian Summit College in the Academic Year 2017-2019. The respondents consist of 21

grade 11 and 33 grade 12 with the total of 54 students.


The researchers believe that practicing a research is a hard task to the students

who usually encounter this kind of activity for the first time. And in this study, the

conductors of this research find possible ways to uplift a student by doing this project.

The result will be successful enough for the students to be motivated in conducting a

research for further improvement of life.


1. To determine the perceptions and attitudes of senior high school students

towards research paper.

2. To know what are the barriers in conducting a research.

3. To find possible ways or solutions to motivate students to participate in

conducting a research.

Conceptual Framework

This study collects student’s perceptions and attitudes towards research through

the use of survey questionnaires. One of the goals of this study is to know the

importance of conducting a research. The researchers base the study from the

experience of students of senior high school that encountering difficulties on conducting

a research.


- Perceptions and attitudes

of students towards
- Importance of research Process

 Collecting of data through

the use of Questionnaires

Importance of research in :

 Daily life
 Personally
 Professionally

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to gather different perception and attitudes of senior high school

students towards conducting a research.

The research will ask the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of students as to:

1.1. Age,

1.2. Gender,

1.3. Strand?

2. What are the perspectives of senior high school students on conducting a

research paper?

3. What are the possible difficulties in conducting research?

4. As a students, what are the effects of conducting a research in your:

4.1. Daily life,

4.2. Personal Growth,

4.3. Psychological Aspects?

5. As a students, what are the importance of research in:

5.1. Daily life,

5.2. Personal Growth,

5.3. Psychological Aspects?


Definition of Terms

Attitude. It is the feeling or opinion about something, especially when this shows in your


Conduct. It means to organize a particular activity in order to find information.

Cultivate. It is the way of improving that needed a special effort to develop it.

Diverse. It is a thing that is very different from each other.

Inquiry. It is a process to know or ask information.

Investigate. The act of getting information from a group of people by asking them


Passive. It means to not influence or change a situation

Perception. It is a thought, belief or an opinion often held by people.

Practice. It is doing something regularly and repeatedly in order to become skilled at it.

Research. It is a detailed study of a subject in order to discover information or achieve

a new understanding of it.

Uplift. It is the improvement of a person’s moral condition.

Vital. It is a necessary thing needed for success.


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Students at the undergraduate level usually tend to view research methods

courses negatively. However, an understanding of these attitudes is necessary to help

instructors facilitate the learning of research for their students, by enabling them to

create more positive attitudes toward such courses. The aim of this study is to describe

the development of an “attitudes toward research” scale and verify the different aspects

of attitudes toward research among undergraduate students enrolled in introductory

research courses. The basic hypothesis of this research study is that the concept of

attitudes is multidimensional in nature. The sample of the study consisted of 226

students who had completed a research method course. Based on an analysis, five

factors of student attitudes toward research were identified. These were the factors of

usefulness of research, anxiety affect indicating positive feelings about research, life

relevancy of research to the students’ daily lives, and difficulty of research.

Students at the undergraduate university level, typically tend to view research-

related courses with negative attitudes and feelings. These negative attitudes have

been documented in numerous studies for a number of years in relation to courses in

research, statistics and mathematics. One of the main problems of these negative

attitudes is that they have been found to serve as obstacles to learning. In turn, these

negative attitudes have been found to be associated with poor performance in such

courses, however, suggest that attitudes are actually mediators between past

performance and future achievement. Prior research studies have found that negative

attitudes toward a course (e.g., mathematics) have been found to explain a significant

portion of the variance in student learning. In turn, these attitudes influence the amount

of effort one is willing to expend on a learning subject, which also influences the

selection of more advanced courses in similar areas (e.g., research and statistics

courses) beyond those of minimum requirements. Therefore, assessing students’

attitudes toward are search methods course is important in order to enable instructors to

develop instructional techniques leading to more positive attitudes toward the subject .In

a study, Roberts and Bilderback found that most students who take statistics are quite

anxious. Once this dominance of negative attitudes was revealed, many more survey

instruments designed to measures university students’ attitudes toward statistics were

developed. One such instrument is the Survey of ‘Attitudes Towards Statistics’ (Schau),

which is comprised of four dimensions, those of affect, cognitive competence, value,

and attitudes about the difficulty of statistics.

Another instrument created for the same purpose was that of Attitudes toward

Statistics, which was designed to measure two separate domains, student attitudes

toward the course they were enrolled in, and student attitudes toward the usefulness of

statistics in their field of study. The Statistical Anxiety Rating Scale was designed to

measure the value of statistics, the interpretation of statistical information, test anxiety,

cognitive skills in statistics, fear of approaching the instructor and fear of statistics.

Other similar instruments included the Statistics Attitude Survey, and the Statistics

Anxiety Inventory. However, although a number of instruments that measure attitudes

toward statistics already exist, they all differ in content and configuration. For example,

although some instruments represent attitudes as a construct with six factors, others

regard it as an undimensional construct which hypothesizes that no meaningful domains

exist within attitudes. The identification of the factors that form the structure of the

student attitudes toward a research methods course may bear important theoretical and

practical implications, especially due to the fact that this has never been examined

before. For example, by identifying these subscales of attitudes, research methods

instructors may include themselves in the process of learning research from a different

angle. By using these domains, instructors may facilitate the learning of research for

their students, by enabling them to create more positive attitudes toward such courses.

Research is an integral part of all academic disciplines and the related

foundational concepts should form the background knowledge of students within the

linguistics programmed. Therefore, in order to produce the ideal linguistics graduate,

linguistics lecturers need to ensure that students develop the skills to conduct research

using the accepted methodologies associated with the various sub-disciplines of

linguistics. Based on these realizations, a research methods course was introduced at

level two in the academic year 2009–2010 in order to expose students to a structured

program designed to help them develop the skills needed to conduct research in

general and, in particular, to complete their final research projects. In addition, research

activities were highlighted as part of the assessment for other courses inclusive of

LING2302 Sociolinguistics and LING3202 Creole Linguistics.

Another relevant issue is that linguists query whether attitude is cognitive or

affective; they also question if it can be modified. These authorities determine that

although attitude is both cognitive as well as affective, it is more so affective because

one must be motivated to change an attitude. Hence, Baker puts forward the view that

the5 main characteristics of attitudes are that they are cognitive and affective and

dimensional rather than bipolar so that they vary in degree offavorability or

unfavorability. He also claims that attitudes predispose a person to act in a certain way,

but the relationship between attitudes and actions is not a strong one. Baker concludes

that attitudes are learnt, not inherited or genetically endowed and although they tend to

persist, they can be modified by experience. Again, his perspective reinforces the

interrelation between the learners’ attitude and their learning experiences.

In this regard, while Brown (2007) has determined that attitude is a set of beliefs

which the learner has, Stern (2009) outlines three types of attitudes which learners

possess and among them is their attitude towards language and about language

learning in general. Furthermore, according to Ellis, learners with positive attitudes who

experience success will have these attitudes reinforced. He also believes that learners’

negative attitudes may be strengthened by lack of success. For these reasons, this

research seeks to examine students’ attitudes towards research and the specific

courses identified by gathering data on their perspectives of their learning experiences

based on instruction within the formal context of the classroom. Similar work has been

conducted by Shu-Ching Wang and Yuh-Jen Guo (2011) as they sought to investigate

the influence of a required research component such as a thesis or research project on

students’ attitude towards research methods classes and research. They concluded that

students can encounter major obstacles while studying in research methods classes

and applying learned knowledge. Moreover, Wang and Guo observed that students

experienced immediate and long term effects from any adverse influences they meet in

research methods classes and exhibit a reduced level of motivation to actively


participate in research methods classes and activities. Students at the undergraduate

level usually tend to view research methods courses negatively. However, an

understanding of these attitudes is necessary to help instructors facilitate the learning of

research principles for their students by enabling them to create more positive attitudes

toward such courses (Papanastasiou, 2002, p.16).

It must be noted that the application of best practice principles requires less

focus on instructional methods such as lecturing, which utilizes those established

teacher-directed and whole-class strategies. In addition, they involve less use of

activities which require learners to merely sit and listen to receive and assimilate

information. Moreover, with a focus on best practice principles, the use of power-point

presentations and other forms of teaching in which information is transmitted one way

from teacher to student are deemed inadequate and ineffective; such activities stipulate

that learners be passive recipients of knowledge. In contrast, with the implementation of

best practices within the teaching/learning environment, the focus is on experiential and

active learning in which learners are interacting, discussing and collaborating as well as

critically analyzing and evaluating. In such a situational context, which is conducive for

learning, the teacher performs several different roles and there is more emphasis on

higher order thinking. For these reasons, the theoretical framework of this research is

based on the work of Zemelman, Daniels and Hyde (2005) with their focus on principles

of best practices related to the five elements, “student-centered”, “experiential”,

“holistic”, “authentic” and “challenging,” which address various aspects of student-

centered teaching and learning.


Chapter III

Research Methodology

In this chapter, the researchers discuss the method for data gathering, research

design, sources of data, sampling method, instrument for data collection, preparation,

and statistical treatment of data that was used to collect the perceptions of the Senior

High School Students towards research.

Research Design

The researchers chose an investigate research design because it serves to

gather answers and relevant perceptions of the Senior High School students towards

conducting a research. The survey assesses public opinion, attitude or individual

characteristics by the use of survey questionnaire and sampling method.

Sources of Data

The researchers used a primary data which is a survey questionnaire that was

given to the Senior High School students of Asian Summit College as respondents with

an attached permission of administration and the research adviser.

Sampling Method

A stratified sampling procedure was used for selecting the participants in this

study. This technique was employed to ensure a fairly equal representation of the study.

Every Senior High School students of Asian Summit College were given a questionnaire

sheet for the survey. A total of 45 respondents answer the questionnaire, 28 Grade 12

students and 17 Grade 11 students.


Instrument for Data Collection

The researchers design a self-administered questionnaire for the data gathering

process to get quantitative data. The questionnaire aimed to determine the importance

of research in their daily life, personal growth and psychological aspects.


Before making the draft of the questionnaire, the researchers look for similar

research studies and get some idea on their sample questionnaire. Suggestions given

by research adviser provided additional information to the researcher in the preparation

of the final questionnaire.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered was tabulated, organized and analyzed using the following

statistical tool:

 Frequency and Percentage distribution was utilized for the profile and answers of

the respondents, computed as follows:

Formula: P = F x 100
Where: P = percentage

F = number of Senior High School students of ASC as a respondents

n = total number of Senior High School students of ASC as a respondents


Chapter IV

Analysis and Interpretation

This chapter will bring in the presentation of the analysis and interpretation

derived from the survey questionnaires. This also focuses on presenting the gathered

data and the level of agreement and disagreement of the Senior High School students.

Table 1: Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage Ranking

Male 14 31.11% 2
Female 31 68.89% 1
Total 45 100%

Table 1 shows the gender of the respondents. There are 14 males (31.11%)

and 31 females (68.89%) participants. There are more female (Rank 1) than male

(Rank 2) that participates on this survey

Table 2: Age

Age Frequency Percentage Ranking

16 4 8.89% 2
17 18 40% 1
18 18 40% 1
19 4 8.89% 2
20 & above 1 2.22% 3
Total 45 100%

Table 2 depicts the age of respondents. The ages 17 and 18 was the largest

group with total of 36 (80%) participants. The ages 16 and 19 was the second largest

group with total of 8 (17.17%) participants, while the group of 20 & above had only 1

(2.22%) participants. Ages 17 and 18 got the highest ranking (Rank 1) for number of

participants, next is ages 16 and 19 (Rank 2) and ages 20 & above got the lowest

ranking (Rank 3).

Table 3
Effects of Research in Daily Life

I. Daily life Total Total

Research should be… Respondents Percentage

Q1. Taught to all students. 45 100% 1

Q2. Relevant to daily activities. 45 100% 1
Q3. Use in daily life. 45 100% 1
Q4. Use in daily interactions. 45 100% 1
Q5. Play an important role in daily
44 97.78% 2

Table 3 shows the effects of research in daily life of the respondents. This

table presents the level of agreement or disagreement of Senior High School students

of ASC in terms of importance of research in their daily life. It implies that 100% of the

respondents agreed that research should be taught to all students; relevant to daily

activities; it is use in daily life and it is used in daily interactions which also show that

this ranks as number 1. The second in rank was that research play an important role in

daily which rank as number 2 and has 97.78 percent.


As stated by, conducting a research is useful and important in their daily


Table 4
Effects of Research in Personal Growth

II. Personal Growth Total Total

Research is…
Q1. Useful to my career. 45 100% 1
Q2. Very valuable. 45 100% 1
Q3. Provides skills for future
45 100% 1
Q4. Beneficial to all. 45 100% 1
Q5. Interesting. 45 100% 1
Q6. Important in professional
43 95.56% 2

Table 4 depicts the effects of research in personal growth of the

respondents. This presents the level of agreement or disagreement of Senior High

School students in terms of importance of research to their personal growth. It shows

that 45 out of 45 respondents agreed that research is beneficial and is useful for every

student. And out of 100%, 95.56% agreed that research is important in professional


Table 5
Effects of Research in the Psychological Aspects

I. Psychological Aspects Total Total

Research is…
Q1. Research makes me anxious 45 100% 1
Q2. Research is stressful. 45 100% 1

Q3. Research is complicated 45 100% 1

Q4. Research is rewarding. 45 100% 1
Q5. Research builds self-
45 100% 1

Table 5 details the effects of research in the psychological aspects of the

respondents. The level of agreement of the respondents in terms of psychological

aspect implies that 100% of the respondents agreed that conducting a research makes

students feel different emotions.


Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

The following chapter concludes this report. A summary of the research is

presented, and findings of the study are discussed and interpreted. Recommendations

for further research end the chapter.


This study was conducted to gather different perceptions and attitudes of Senior

High School students and to know the importance of research in student’s daily life,

personal growth and psychological aspects. The stratified sampling procedure was used

for selecting the participants in this study and a self-administered questionnaire served

as the instrument for collecting data. Most of the respondents agreed that conducting a

research is useful on their daily life, helps them grow personally and professionally, and

research study makes students feel different emotions. The inquiry was done during the

school year 2018-2019.


The following were the conclusions drawn based on the findings of the study:

1. What are the demographic profile of students as to:

1.1 Age,

1.2 Gender,

1.3 Strand?

Based on the study, a total of 45 respondents answered the questionnaire; there

were 28 Grade 12 students and 17 Grade 11 students. All of the respondents are from

Asian Summit College.

2. What are the perspectives of Senior High School students on conducting a

research paper?

Majority of the respondents think that research paper is hard to conduct but

should be taught to all Senior High School students.

3. What are the possible difficulties in conducting research?

The difficulties that students may face are; (1) finding references for similar

research topics and review related literature, (2) making survey questionnaires, (3)

emotional breakdown (4) lack of financial support, (5) gathering respondents, (6) tallying

the gathered answers from the participants.

4. As a student, what are the effects of conducting a research in your:

4.1. Daily life,

4.2. Personal Growth,

4.3. Psychological Aspects?

Conducting a research affect the daily lives of the students and plays an

important role in providing skills and information that can use in the near future.

5. As a student, what are the importance of research in:

5.1. Daily life,

5.2. Personal Growth,


5.3. Psychological Aspects?

The significance of research in a student’s daily life, growth, and psychological

aspect is that this study had the big role not only in lives of students but also on lives of

every individual. Researches provided important information that useful on our daily

interactions. Conducting a research has many processes, and on that process, it will

give skills and knowledge that beneficial on our personal and professional growth.


In order to gather different perceptions, attitudes and to know the importance of

conducting a research in Senior High School students in Asian Summit College, the

researchers would like to suggest the recommendations in view of findings and


To the Readers

This may help the readers further understand the possible obstacles that

researchers may encounter. This will help the readers to identify the barriers on

working on a research studies.

To the Students and Future Researchers

The researchers recommend this kind of study for this improves each student in

their daily life as well as their physiological growth. This can also be a related literature

for other research papers hereafter to make a good foundation for your related



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January 23, 2019

Professor Yong Doo Cha

President of ASC
4th Floor Pelbel Bldg.
1 2019 Shaw Blvd.,
Oranbo, Pasig City

Dear Prof. Cha,

Good day, Sir! The Grade 12 students of Asian Summit College Foundation, Inc. are currently
conducting a research titled as “Perception of Senior High School Students Toward Research
Paper”. This is one of our requirements in Practical Research 2. We would like to ask permission
to manage a survey among the students of Asian Summit College. The response that we will
gather will be strictly confidential.
Thank you for your kind consideration.

Respectfully yours,

Cao, Sherwin
Eguia, Angelo James
Peley, Isagani B.
Planas, Leemar G.
Cabanganan, Mariz T.
Mostoles, Ivory Franzesca S.

Appendix B


This instrument contains items that are related to the Senior High School
Student’s perception towards research. You can contribute information to this survey by
answering this questionnaire.

A. Personal Information of the Respondent.

Name : ________________________________(optional)

Age : ______________

Gender : (M)______ (F)______

Strand : HUMSS_____ ICT_____ HE_____ ABM_____

B. On a scale of 1 to 5, please indicate your level of agreement of disagreement

using the following statements below. Kindly check the box that corresponds to
your answer.


5 – Strongly Agree

4 – Agree

3 – Undecided

2 – Disagree

1 – Strongly Disagree

1 2 3 4 5
Research should be …
1. Taught to all students.

2. Relevant to daily activities.

3. Use in daily life.

4. Use in daily interactions.

5. Play an important role in
daily life
Research is …
1. Useful to my career.

2. Very valuable.
3. Provides skills for future
4. Beneficial to all.

5. Interesting.
6. Important in professional
1. Research makes me
2. Research is stressful.

3. Research is complicated.

4. Research is rewarding.
5. Research builds self-


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