Our Inner Demons: Parts of Our Personality or Spiritual Entities?

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Our Inner Demons: Parts of our Personality or

Spiritual Entities?
The concept of "feeding" one's demons is becoming more and more popular. Furthermore,
so is the concept that the human personality is made of multiple parts. I believe both these
concepts can be spiritually harmful in the hands of the spiritually undiscerning.
Prior to 2017 I briefly practiced a partswork psychotherapy called Internal Family Systems
(IFS) therapy. It was known amongst my fellow IFS therapists that there are sentient,
spiritual energies that can inhabit people. In extreme cases, these entities can even
completely possess a person and make them do awful things.
Early in 2017, despite growing success professionally I felt a strong call to leave the IFS
Therapy world and try something different -- I saw this new way working in a way nothing
else ever did in my life. There was something much more happening, tied to the nature of
reality somehow. The stuff of synchronicities and minor miracles -- all outside of the realm
of everything I'd ever learned in medicine/psychology etc. Months after consistently and
diligently seeking Truth, I spontaneously and unexpectedly became born again with the
Holy Spirit -- changing my life forever.
My new eyes brought clarity to many of my prior experiences. I realized that the IFS
psychotherapy framework completely normalised the less extreme entities as parts of the
client's personality. It is only natural for clients and therapists to do this because there is
NO spiritual discernment without God. In IFS, the point of reference for what is a "demon"
vs. what is a "part" of the personality is the client's "Self". The Self is NOT the human spirit
or the Holy Spirit but a person's soul essence, so that particular point of reference cannot
be relied upon as it isn't based on God's omniscience.
Humans cannot be easily taught what is part of a person's soul and what isn't. This is
something the Holy Spirit reveals to us as he renews our mind and cleanses our soul.
Plus, God does not need to work within any therapeutic practice in order to heal people or
boot out demons. If anything, these practices can hinder the power and direction of God's
Holy Spirit.
Additionally, without the discernment of spirits, therapists might even introduce or magnify
the influence of other fallen entities in clients. Any trance state makes a person vulnerable
to the influence or possession of fallen spiritual entities and therapies like IFS, hypnosis
etc. are no exception.
In cases of spiritual "gurus" who supposedly exorcise demons and impart 'kundalini"
experiences, inner demons are merely replaced with more powerful ones more suited to
the satanic agenda.
According to a recent Telegraph article, even some psychiatrists have started to evaluate
clients for demonic possession. Again, only very extreme cases of mental illness are
thought as possibly having an unworldly cause. These psychiatrists rely on a 'scientific'
approach of gathering information. I think this is wise because human judgement is
worthless when it comes to spiritual matters but it's unlikely criteria developed from a
human worldview would reveal the extent and influence fallen spiritual entities have on
humanity's wellbeing and soul.
Personally, I'm glad some in healing field are starting to be more open to the existence of
spiritual entities affecting humans. Prior to my own training, I was skeptical of this,
although I was open to seeing evidence. All I knew was that I had a spiritual hunger of
some kind. After working with clients I became more intellectually open to the existence of
'demons" but remained closed off to the existence of God. God for me signified "atman" or
what was beneath the ground of all consciousness.
Only after being born again have I seen the influence of the fallen spiritual realm
throughout my own life, the lives of all people around me and behind some strange, then-
unexplained experiences.
Jesus' directions to resist "the devil" was vital to my journey. The path I took after leaving
the IFS world surprisingly turned out to be pretty much Jesus' directions to his disciples ... I
became even more sensitive to the spiritual dimension, thanks to the Holy Spirit, and saw
a whole new reality to Jesus' existence and teachings.
I now know God neither forces anyone to believe in Him nor to believe souls require Jesus
Christ's salvation. It is far easier for most to be open to there being a "dark side" to the
world than to acknowledge our own sinful, fallen state that our Creator wants to free us
from, through Jesus Christ. I believe this all serves God's vision in eternity but I had to stop
feeding quite a few of my own "demons" in order to see that.

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