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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify WH question words;
b. construct questions using WH words correctly; and
c. determine the values conveyed in the given text.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Grammar in Focus: WH Question words
Text: Mother Teresa of Calcutta
References: Catholic Relief Services
Materials: Pictures, Manila paper, Colored paper, Chalk and Chalkboard, Projector

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminaries:
*Classroom management
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation:
Who are fond of playing puzzles here? Sir, us! (students raise their hands)

Thanks! Put down your hands now. Let’s play

a game. It is a jigsaw puzzle game. I want
four volunteers from your group to arrange it.
Is it clear? Yes, Sir!

(after arranging the picture)

*Picture talk

Very good! So class, what did you form? Sir, we formed a picture.

Good! What is the puzzle all about? The picture is all about Mother Teresa.

Who among you know Mother Teresa? Sir, Mother Teresa was recently canonized as
a saint.

That’s right! What else? Mother Teresa lived among the poor.

Great! I think all of us knew Mother Teresa

because of the goodness and holiness that she
shared and displayed cheerfulness and a deep
commitment to God in her daily work.
So what is our topic for today? Sir, our topic for today is all about Mother

Very good! As we go on, we will know more

about her.

C. Presentation of the Lesson:

(Unlocking of difficulties.)
Find the meaning of the underlined words in
Column A with their meanings in Column B.

1. People who are sick should go to the e. place where medical treatment and
dispensaries. medicines are given
2. Cheska’s assignment in English is hard so c. help
she asked for an aid to her Mom.
3. Mother Grace lives in the convent together a. house or building where nuns live
with Mother Mary and Mother Antonnette.
4. Squatters are common in slums. d. an area where poor people live and the
buildings are in a bad condition
5. The beggar is begging for food and money. b. to ask for something
a. house or building where nuns live
b. to ask for something
c. help
d. an area where poor people live and the
buildings are in a bad condition
e. place where medical treatment and
medicines are given

D. Discussion:
1. Reading of the text: Mother Teresa
1st Reading- Teacher
2nd Reading- Choral
2. Comprehending the text:
a. Who is the character in the text? The character in the text is Mother Teresa.

b. What is the text all about? The text is all about the goodness of Mother

c. When did Mother Teresa start as a nun? She started in 1928

d. Where did she taught for twenty years? She taught for twenty years in a convent
school in Calcutta.

e. If you were with Mother Teresa before, I prefer to help the poor people; / I prefer to
which will you choose? To help the poor with work under a rich man.
less money? Or work under a rich man with a
higher salary?

f. Why do you prefer to help the poor? Because it is through helping and giving that
we become rich. It is through helping and
giving that we feel genuine happiness which
material things can’t give.
Why do you prefer to work under the rich Because I have to earn money and support my
man? family and own necessities; I will donate
some money to the poor people.

g. How are you going to show your concern, I am going to help the old people by offering
love, or care to others? myself to do the task assigned to them.

I will offer medicine, foods, clothes, and

pennies to the unfortunate ones.

h. What lessons or values have you learned I have learned that we should help the poor;
from the text: Mother Teresa? that we should be generous, kind, considerate,
and God- fearing.

i. What is the benefit of helping others? God will love us more. God will bless us
more. And other people will love and respect
3. WH Question words:

Going back to the questions I have asked you

about the text Mother Teresa, what is the first
word I used when I asked the following:
Who is the character in the text? Sir you used Who when you asked for the
character in the text.

How about when I asked what the text Sir you used What when you asked what is
is all about? the text all about.

How about when I asked about the You used When to ask for the time or year
time or year she started as a nun? she started as nun.

When I asked for the place she taught You used Where to ask for the place she
for twenty years? taught for twenty years.

When I asked for your choice between You used Which for our choice between
helping the poor and working under a helping the poor and working under a rich
rich man? man.

When I asked about the reason of your You used Why for our reason.
own choice?

And lastly, when I asked about the Sir you used How on how will we show our
ways and how you will show your concern to others.
concern to others?

What do we call for these words? We call them as WH question words.

Why do we call them as WH question words? Because they contain the letters W and H as
in WHat, WHen, Which, Why, WHere,
WHo and HoW.

When do we use these question words? We use question words to ask certain types of

Will you use a WH word in a sentence? Who is your crush?

When is your birthday?
How are you?
Which color do you prefer, red or blue?
Why do you treat me like this?

What punctuation should be used when using A question mark.

the WH question words?

Very good!

E. Application:
Fill in the blanks with the correct WH
question words.

Miss- Taken
Dan: _______is that the girl standing on the Who
Jay: Where? Oh! She’s my classmate.
Dan: Really? _______ is her name? What
Jay: Maria Angelina Santos.
Dan: _______ does she live? Where
Jay: She lives just in front of our house. We
are neighbors, you know.
Dan: ______ is her vacant hour? I want to When
meet her. I like her.
Jay: At 1:00 p. m. in our classroom.
Dan: Great! _____ Polo shall I wear later? Which
The stripe one or the plain blue?
Jay: It’s your choice.
Dan: By the way, ______ can I go near her? How
Jay: By befriending her daughter, Anicka.
Dan: What!? She’s got a daughter? _____
didn’t you tell me? Why
Jay: Sorry. You didn’t ask me about it.

F. Generalization:
What are the WH question words? Who, what, when, where, why, how, and
Why are they called WH words?
They are called WH words because they
contain the letters W and H.

IV. Evaluation:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct
WH word to complete the sentences.
1. ________ do you live? I live in the Where
2. ________ is that girl? She’s my sister. Who
3. ________ do you go to school? I go by How
riding bus.
4. ________ do banks open? At eight o’ clock. When
5. ________ are you wearing that a coat? Why
Because it’s hot.
6. ________ do you like more, red or blue? Which
The red one.
7. ________ is that? That’s a snail. What
8. ________ are you going to visit Palawan? When
I’ll visit it next week.
9. ________ did she left? Because she was Why
annoyed with him.
10. ________ does this thing open? It opens How
by pressing its button.

V. Assignment:
Construct seven questions using the WH question words. Questions should also have their
Example: What kind of dog is that? That dog is a St. Bernard.

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