Microbio Wine Pre Lab

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Khrisha Anne A.

Davillo March 7, 2019

BSN 1-6 Microbio Lab

Pre-Lab Observations
Title: My Wine and Only
Yeast are single-celled fungi. As fungi, they are related to the other fungi that people are more familiar
with, including: edible mushrooms available at the supermarket, common baker’s yeast used to leaven
bread, molds that ripen blue cheese, and the molds that produce antibiotics for medical and veterinary

The scientific name for the yeast that baker’s use is Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, or “sugar-eating fungus”.
A very long name for such a tiny organism!

Yeast cells digest food to obtain energy for growth. Their favorite food is sugar in its various forms:
sucrose (beet or cane sugar), fructose and glucose (found in honey, molasses, maple syrup and fruit), and
maltose (derived from starch in flour).The process, alcoholic fermentation, produces useful end products,
carbon dioxide (gas) and ethyl alcohol.

 To harness the fermenting capacity of yeast to produce wine

 To apply principles of good microbiologic practices in wine making

1. Half gallon of:
a. grape juice (labeled 100%)
b. cranberry juice ( labeled 100%)
c. blueberry juice ( labeled 100%)
2. 1/2 cup white sugar
3. 2 tsp. active dry yeast
4. two (2) 1-liter PET bottle
5. 2 balloons
6. Funnel
7. measuring spoons/cup
1. Resume grouping for yeast experiment - 6 groups
2. The class can just buy and share 1 package of active dry yeast (be sure to have at least 50 grams for
the whole class) and 1 kilo white sugar
3. Groups 1 and 4: grape juice
groups 2 and 5: blueberry juice
groups 3 and 6: cranberry juice
4. Juices available at SM Manila supermarket. Get the ones with label 100% juice
5. No sharing of other materials other than those mentioned
6. Procedure will be posted later

1. Make sure that the juice is at room temperature.
2. Divide the juice into two equal parts putting it in 2 PET bottles
3. Add 1/4 cup of sugar in each bottle. Cover lid and shake until the sugar is totally dissolved
4. Add 2 grams or 3 ml of yeast in each bottle
5. Prick the balloon at least 3 times using a fine needle
6. Place balloon in each bottle.
7. Observe for at least 30 minutes.
8. Wait for further instruction from your micro lab faculty.


Our hypothesis was that because yeast has acid tolerance levels, there were be an optimum amount of
acid to add to the juices which would produce the most amount of ethanol; too much acid, however,
would result in less ethanol, as it is killing the yeast.

Cranberry Blueberry
 After swirling and putting the PET bottles  After swirling and putting the PET bottles
down, the yeast particle in the cranberry down, the yeast particle in the blueberry
mixture completely spread out. mixture quickly settled down.
 After a minute and 20 seconds the yeast  After a minute and 40 seconds yeast
particles start to go up. particles start to go up.
 After 5 minutes almost all of the yeast  After 5 minutes almost all of the yeast
particles are on the top of the mixture. particles are on the top of the mixture.
You can also see the top of the mixture You can notice a ring on the rims of the
has an evenly spread out particles of PET bottle and another ring on the
yeast. center.
 After 7 minutes you can feel that the  When we held it after 7 minutes, it feels
balloon has a little air when you hold it. like the balloon was sucked by a vacuum.
 After 11 minutes and 30 seconds the  After 10 minutes yeast particles starts to
yeast particles starts to go down. go down faster than the cranberry.
 It looks like a galaxy but has lines through  It has a foam on top that really looks like
it that looks like stretch marks. The a galaxy from the top view. The yeast
mixture also looks grainy because of the particles also looks like it is already
yeast particles. dissolved.
 After 30 minutes, it accumulated more  After 30 minutes, the yeasts are still
air. Minimal activities can be observed in slightly active and the balloon has more
the yeast particles. air compared to the cranberry mixture.

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