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Pink panther-In the Pink of the night

1) He (break) the alarm clock.

Fill the gap: He ________________________ the alarm clock.

2) Choose the correct answer:

a. He doesn't wake up.

b. He don't wake up.

c. He wakes up.
3) He (cut) the wire.

Fill the gap: He ________________________ the wire.


Put the words in order: phone The rings.


Put the words in order: He up. wakes


Put the words in order: water. He drinks


Put the words in order: eats sugar. He

8) He (run) to the station.

Fill the gap: He ________________________ to the station

9) He .... the train.

a. Miss

b. Misses

c. Misss
10) He ... to bed.

a. Go

b. Goes

c. Gos

Put the words in order: swims the in river. He


Put the words in order: They don't up. wake

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