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Video Script/Draft

Why do we need to study sociology?

Video Intro (10 seconds)

Why do we need sociology? Sociology is the scientific study of human society. It is an attempt
to understand society in order to better navigate it. Let’s look at some of the things that
sociologist does. Insert transition music

Responsibilities of sociologist (25 seconds)

They all make observations about how the world works…. Categorize what they see to simplify
it (Rich/Poor, Atheist/Christian, Mexican/Italian). They also generalize from experience or what
they are told also known as Naïve theories…. Some examples are- poor people have bad work
ethic, Muslims are likely to be terrorist, American is a place where winners are the worthiest,
women often say no when they mean yes. Insert transition music

There are 5 types of bias in sociology (40 seconds)

Bias is a tendency to prefer one thing over another that prevents objectivity.
1.Confirmation bias-occurs when the person performing the data analysis wants to
prove a predetermined assumption. They will continue to look at data until the
assumption can be proven.
2.selection bias- This occurs when data is selected subjectively.
3.outiers- an outlier is an extreme data value. Ex: a consumer with 10million dollars in
their bank account. You can spot outliers by inspecting the data closely, and particularly
at the distribution of values.
4.overfitting and underfitting- underfitting means when a model gives an over simplistic
picture of reality. Overfitting is the opposite when the model is overcomplicated.
5.Confounding variables- An example would be if the weather is hotter, people will eat
more ice cream and more people will go swimming. The temperature would be the
confounding variable. Insert transition music

Voice intro (5 seconds)

Next Let’s introduce the sociological concepts that describe the essence of society.
Insert picture

Voice types (35 seconds)

Symbols-help people understand the world by providing clues to understanding
experiences by conveying recognizable meanings that are shared by societies.
Institution-a group of people who have come together for a common purpose, they are
part of the social order of society and they govern behavior and expectations of
Stratification- a kind a social differentiation whereby members of society are grouped
into socioeconomic strata, based upon their occupation and income, wealth and social
status, or derived power.
Identity- one’s sense of self as a member of a social group. Used to explain how people
understand who they are and why they do what they do.
Culture- consist of the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to
the members of a particular group or society. Insert transition music

Introduce Nelsons causes of behavior (25 seconds)

Nature Vs. Nurture Insert picture that symbolizes nature
Nature- biological/chemical/physical forces. Genes, Body, Brain, Disease.
Nurture- caused by physical and mental habits and our history. What we’ve learned or
been taught during our life such as to mold minds or personalities.
Posture(interaction)-the rules of communication.
Structure- the organization of society. The connections or distance between people.
Contexture- the distribution of resources and power. Geography and demographics.
Insert transition music

Why it is important to study sociology? (25 seconds)

It is the task of sociology to study the social problems through the methods of scientific
research and to find out a solution to them. The scientific study of human affairs will
ultimately provide the body of knowledge and principles that will enable us to control
the conditions of social life and improve them. The study of sociology helps the
individual to understand human society and how social systems work and it also
exposes problems that different individuals have in society.

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