Reaction Paper SONA 2019

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4th State of the Nation Address (SONA) Reaction Paper

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivered his 4th State of the Nation Address
(SONA) July 22, 2019, at Batasan Pambansa at Quezon City. As the father of the
nation, President Duterte delivered his SONA, highlighting the accomplishments of his
administration for the past year like the Boracay and also the Build Build Build Program
although it is not yet finish and proposing the changes that he will still want to pursue in
the coming years. He wants to give a comfortable life for everybody, all Filipinos. The
illegal drug, corruption, death penalty for crimes, Public roads, water crisis and The
West Philippine Sea these are one of the highlights in his SONA. He also said that, "I
have identified the enemy who dumped us into this quagmire we are in. I have met the
enemy face-to-face and sadly, the enemy is “us.” We are our own tormentors ---
addressing the Filipino people --- we are our own demons; we are as rapacious
predators preying on the helpless, the weak and the voiceless. We find corruption
everywhere in government". In my opinion death penalty is one of the smartest moves
because if he approve or if he implement death penalty it will reduce the crimes. The
people will afraid to do such sins or crimes. Although we may not have the rights to kill
because god is the one who will decide or judge, there are people who agree and
disagree in this case but most people agree because it will give justice and they think
that the only way to solve crimes is through the reinstatement of the death penalty. This
way, plunderers and criminals who committed heinous crimes shall be punishable by
death. And about the West Philippine Sea I agree to what the President said that the
West Philippine Sea is ours. It is our land and it is rightfully ours. Though I agree that
peaceful talk should be employed, I also believe that we should manifest power and
authority over our land. If not, our silence may be seen as an act of acceptance. It is our
land and we should do all it takes to protect it against anyone. And I also agree that the
enemy is us because we Filipino is the one who destroying our country. We Filipino is
the one who destroy our own land. By doing crimes and corrupting money that
supposed to be for our country. The reason is that many of us, worry about our own
personal interest the selfishness. However, the drugs will not be crushed unless we
continue to eliminate corruption that allows this social monster to survive. We Filipino
have not learned our lesson. We cannot distinguish the real from the fake and the truth
from a lie. We should assert ourselves and stand up for what is right, do something
about it, and not just dwell and rant. We Filipinos is relying on the government. The
government may make the laws, but you make the decisions about your life. It is
everyone’s duty to live under the laws set forth by the government, but we all have free
will to make decisions about how to live our lives. We should not rely to the government
to make our country prosper because we are also responsible why our country is a
mess. We are becoming dependent to our government and end up to do whatever the
government demands. We always blame the government why our country is a mess
and not progressive when in fact it is also our fault because we are not doing anything
to make our country better. It is up to us to make a different, to make our country better.
Before we blame the government we should ask ourselves “What’s the best that we
have done for our country?”.

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