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Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel

PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status

City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Name : ______________________________ Grade / Score : _______________
Grade & Section: ___________________ Strand / Track : _______________
Subject : ________________________ Date : _________________________
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below)
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:____________
Skills: Exercise / Drill Illustration Informal Theme
Activity Title: How did the universe come to be?
Learning Target: I can state the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the universe;

References: Conceptual Science and Beyond Earth and Life Science pp. 2-6

Authors: Rebecca C. Nueva Espana

The understanding of the origin, evolution, structure, and fate of the universe is called cosmology.

Many hypotheses had been tested to discuss the origin of the universe but the most accepted theory today is the
Big Bang Theory.

1. The Planck Era- The universe was very tiny–-smaller than atom—and assumed to be made of condensed energy
and 10-43 second old. The fundamental forces in nature that we know today—namely gravity, nuclear strong force,
nuclear weak force and electromagnetic force—were unified into what is called super force.
2. The Grand Unified Theory (GUT) Era- It is began when the super force split into two types of forces—gravity
and GUT force. The nuclear strong force started to freeze out from the GUT force, which was accompanied by a
release a huge amount of energy causing space evolution to grow up into the enormous size of our solar system.
This expansion of the universe is called inflation.
3. Electroweak Era- There were three forces operating in our universe during this era: gravity, strong, force and
electroweak force. The universe continued to expand and cool, electromagnetic and weak forces started to freeze
out from electroweak force finally separating. All the four fundamental forces in the universe were forever distinct.
4. Particle Era- Photons, a particle of light or other electromagnetic radiation, collided with another photon to form
matter and antimatter and vice versa. Ordinary particles started to form, these particles were electrons. neutrinos
and quarks. Near the end of the particle era, the temperature of the universe was low enough for the quarks to
combine in groups of three to form protons and neutrons.
5. Era of Nucleosynthesis- Heavier nuclei started to form by fusion of proton and neutron left over. The universe
contained 75% hydrogen and 25% helium with trace amounts of deuterium and tritium.
6. Era of Nuclei- The expanding universe consisted of plasma of hydrogen nuclei, helium nuclei, and free electrons.
The hydrogen and helium nuclei captured electrons and formed stable, neutral atoms. The formally trapped
photons in the electrons began to stream freely across the universe. These photons are known today as cosmic
microwave background. The first twenty five elements of the periodic table were created.
7. Era of atoms- The universe consisted of mixture of neutral atoms and plasma, which slowly gathered together to
form protogalactic clouds during the era of the atoms. The first generation of stars was formed within the clouds,
which transformed the clouds into galaxies. Heavier elements formed from bursting of stars called supernova.


1. What are the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the universe?
2. In what era the inflation of the universe began?
3. In what era the cosmic microwave background began to stream across the universe?
4. What is anti-matter? How were particles-antiparticle pairs created and destroyed in the universe?
5. How heavier elements formed?

Name : ______________________________ Grade / Score : _______________
Grade & Section: ___________________ Strand / Track : _______________
Subject : ________________________ Date : _________________________
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below)
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:____________
Skills: Exercise / Drill Illustration Informal Theme
Activity Title: The Nebular Hypotheses
Learning Target: I can describe the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the solar system.
References: Conceptual Science and Beyond Earth and Life Science p. 8
Authors: Rebecca C. Nueva Espana
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Just like the origin of the universe, there are many theories on how star systems began. The nebular
hypothesis, though it may not be used to explain the evolution of all the star systems, seems to be the most
accepted theory for the formation of the solar system. Nebular Hypothesis was developed by Immanuel Kant
(1724)-1804) and Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827) in the 18th century. It was the model used to explain the
formation and evolution of the solar system. It presupposes that around 4.6 billion years ago, a star system
was formed from a rotating gas cloud or nebula of extremely hot gas. When the gas cooled, the nebula begins
to shrink, and as it became smaller, it rotated faster, forming a dislike shape.

1. Who were developed Nebular hypotheses?
2. Explain the Nebular hypothesis?
3. How does self-gravity contracts a gas cloud?
4. Is there a chance that there could be another solar system in our universe? Explain your answer.

Name : ______________________________ Grade / Score : _______________
Grade & Section: ___________________ Strand / Track : _______________
Subject : ________________________ Date : _________________________
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below)
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:____________
Skills: Exercise / Drill Illustration Informal Theme
Activity Title: Earth: A Habitable Planet
Learning Target: I can recognize the uniqueness of the Earth being the only planet in the solar system with properties
necessary to support life.
I can explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries matter and energy
References: Conceptual Science and Beyond Earth and Life Science p. 10
Authors: Rebecca C. Nueva Espana

Scientists view the Earth as a system that is composed of different parts that are independent from one
another. These parts are known to be components of Earth but can be viewed as subsystems of the Earth.
The atmosphere comprises the air that we breathe. The present atmosphere is composed of 78%
nitrogen and 20% oxygen, the rest of other gases such as carbon dioxide, argon and water vapour. Carbon
dioxide is predominant because it was one of the gases escaping from the interior of the earth.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Biosphere pertains to every life form, which includes us humans. The Biosphere is where certain
organisms function to consume a different set of organisms to allow energy transfer from one group of
organisms to another and to allow certain materials to recycle.
The geosphere comprises the solid layer of Earth, that is, rocks and minerals that provide nutrients to
plants and animals.
The hydrosphere comprises the 70% of the Earth’s surface that is water.

Each subsystem may be independent from one another but are interconnected through a
biogeochemical cycle. An example of the biogeochemical cycle is the carbon cycle as shown in the picture.
1. How are the subsystems interrelated?
2. Why carbon dioxide is said to be predominant?
3. An illustration of the interactions of the Earth’s systems is the biogeochemical cycle
4. Scientist are now trying to explore the nearby planet Mars for its possibility to become our second home.
What are the things needed in order for a plane to support life?
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Name : ______________________________ Grade / Score : _______________
Grade & Section: ___________________ Strand / Track : _______________
Subject : ________________________ Date : _________________________
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below)
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:____________
Skills: Exercise / Drill Illustration Informal Theme
Activity Title: How did the solar system formed?
Learning Target: I can explain the current advancements and information on the solar system.

References: Conceptual Science and Beyond Earth and Life Science p. 7

Authors: Rebecca C. Nueva Espana

Recent advances in science and technology aided us explaining the origin of the Earth and other planets.
Information derived from optical telescopes, space probes, computer power, and better techniques for detecting planets
serves as considerable pieces of evidence in testing earlier theories. Some of these important pieces of information were:

1. Mass distribution- The mass of the system is not evenly distributed. Most of the mass is concentrated in the sun.
2. Angular momentum distribution- Similar to mass distribution, the angular momentum (tendency to rotate) is
concentrated more among the planets in comparison to the sun.
3. Shape and alignment of orbits- The planets move in nearly circular orbits that nearly align with the equator of the
sun in the same direction.
4. Chemical compositions- The planets and the sun have similar chemical compositions, although in varying
proportions. Planets in the solar system are subdivided into two groups: the small, heavy, and nonvolatile planets
(rocky planets); and the large, light, and volatile planets (jovian planets).

From these scientific data, various model had been created to explain the origin of the Earth, such as the random
capture model, the close-approach model, and the star formation model.
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan


1. Enumerate the different forces operating in our universe nowadays. Describe each one briefly.
2. Differentiate terrestrial planets from jovian planets?
3. How did the solar system come to be?

Name : ______________________________ Grade / Score : _______________
Grade & Section: ___________________ Strand / Track : _______________
Subject : ________________________ Date : _________________________
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below)
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:____________
Skills: Exercise / Drill Illustration Informal Theme
Activity Title: The Compositi
Learning Target: I can show the contributions of different people/personalities on the understanding of the universe, the
solar system and the Earth system.
References: Conceptual Science and Beyond Earth and Life Science p. 3
Authors: Rebecca C. Nueva Espana

For the ancient Greeks, however the cosmos has

always been in existence. Neither created nor perishable, the
cosmos for many Greek thinkers was timeless and infinite in
extent. From the Greek thinkers also came the idea of the
universe having a center.

Philolaus (470-385 B.C.)- was the first to propose that Earth

was not the center of the universe, but a central fire, around
which other celestial objects, such as the Sun, moon, and
other planets revolved uniformly.
Aristarchus (310-230 B.C.)- seconded Philolus, but said that
the central fire was actually the Sun. (Heliocentric model)

Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)- one of the greatest minds in the

Greek Classical Antiquity, he believed that the center of the
cosmos is Earth.
Claudius Ptolemy (100-170 A.D.)- a Greco-Egyptian
mathematician, geographer, astrologer, and astronomer,
popularized/furthered/elaborated the geocentric model,
wherein celestial bodies revolved around the Earth.
(Ptolemaic model)
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Albert Einstein (1919)- the universe was a finite and static closed four dimensional sphere. Einstein’s universe was
homogenous, where matter spread smoothly throughout space.
`Many hypotheses had been tested to discuss the origin of the universe but the most accepted theory today is the
Big Bang Theory. Cosmologists that support this theory claim that our universe is 13.7 billion years old.


1. Enumerate the different people/personalities who have contributions on the understanding of the universe, the
solar system, and the Earth system.
2. How old is the universe?
3. What is the most accepted theory of the origin of the universe?
4. Differentiate Heliocentric model of the universe from Geocentric model of the universe?

Name : ______________________________ Grade / Score : _______________
Grade & Section: ___________________ Strand / Track : _______________
Subject : ________________________ Date : _________________________
Type of Activity (Check or choose from below)
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:____________
Skills: Exercise / Drill Illustration Informal Theme
Activity Title: The Composition of the Earth
Learning Target: I can identify and differentiate the layers of the Earth.
References: Conceptual Science and Beyond Earth and Life Science p. 9
Authors: Rebecca C. Nueva Espana

Earth is like an egg wherein it has layers

Egg Yolk
Egg White

Layers of the Earth is composed of the following:
Crust is the layer what we actually saw it is commonly known as the ‘Biosphere’.
Mantle is composed of semi-solid rocks and hotter and denser than the crust. Some
elements that can be found on it are iron, magnesium and calcium.
Core is the center, composed of metallic elements such as an alloy iron and nickel, and
also composed of molten rocks. It is divided into two:
The Outer Core is the liquid layer, and;
The Inner Core which is the solid layer.


1.) Which layer do people exist?

2.) What is the difference between inner and outer core?
Colegio de San Gabriel Arcangel
PACUCOA Accredited – Level 1 Status
City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

3.) The inner core of the Earth is the hottest part of the Earth, why do you think it is
the solid part of the core of the Earth? Explain your answer.
4.) Label the layers of the Earth.

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