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Computing at the Speed of Light

Article  in  Scientific American · December 2004

DOI: 10.1038/scientificamerican1104-80 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Wayt Gibbs
Intellectual Ventures


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Computing at the
of Light Emerging ways
to make photonic
connections to
electronic microchips
may dramatically
change the shape
of computers in the
decade ahead

By W. Wayt Gibbs ince about 1995, microprocessors have
been outrunning the other parts of
computer systems by ever increasing
margins. The latest processors churn
through instructions at up to 3.6 gigahertz
(GHz); some operations, such as arithmetic,
run at double that rate. But the wiring on the
motherboard that connects the processor to
its memory chips and other pieces of the sys-
tem plods along at 1 GHz or less. So the brain
of the machine spends as much as 75 percent
of its time idle, waiting for instructions and
data that are stuck in traffic.
“In the coming years, the imbalance be-
tween microprocessor performance and mem-
might communicate with the rest ory access will be driven to a crisis point,”
of the computer via light as well physicist Anthony F. J. Levi of the University

as electricity. Recently invented of Southern California argued in a detailed

devices such as microcavity lasers, analysis three years ago. He noted that the
silicon optical modulators and plastic material in printed circuit boards
translucent polymer pillars could be
combined to move bits seamlessly squelches high frequencies: for every 2-GHz
increase in electrical signal bandwidth, signal

from the electronic realm to the

photonic, and back again. strength falls 10-fold. As clock rates rise, so

w w w. s c ia m . c o m SCIENTIFIC A MERIC A N 81
do power consumption, heat production riphery of a computer system, on their to-chip communications,” says Mario
and electromagnetic interference. Those way to or from a CD or DVD, display Paniccia, head of Intel’s silicon photon-
are already three of the biggest headaches monitor, mouse, camera, stereo ampli- ics research group.
for system designers. And International fier or fiber-optic network. But the core If that happens, computers may look
Sematech, an industry consortium, fore- of most computers — the processor, the and operate very differently a decade
casts that processor-to-peripheral links main memory, and the motherboard that from now. Some changes will be of the
must accelerate by roughly 2 GHz every connects those to the various peripheral “faster, smaller” variety. Video cameras
two years just to keep the bottleneck devices — remains an all-electron show. and portable video players might plug
from tightening further. The reason for this is simple: opti- their fiber-optic cables into the photonic
“Our engineers think they will even- cal interconnections, though often many successors to USB ports. Some machines
tually be able to squeeze 20 GHz out of times faster than copper wires and trac- may have holographic disk drives that
wires as long as 20 inches,” says Michael es, tend to be 10 to 100 times more ex- can archive hundreds of gigabytes on one
Morse, a photonics researcher at Intel. pensive. For some applications, such as removable CD-size platter. For those
According to the Sematech roadmap, 20 switching thousands of telephone calls people fortunate enough to have a direct
GHz would be just sufficient for the 32- or shuttling billions of Internet packets, connection to the international fiber-
nanometer generation of microchips, capacity trumps cost. That is why long- optic telecommunications grid, an opti-
three steps down the road from the 90- distance communications in rich coun- cal network card may provide Internet
nanometer chips that arrived earlier this tries now travel primarily over optical access at more than a gigabit per second
year. Mark T. Bohr, director of process fiber. And it is why Cisco spent half a (Gbps) — about 1,000 times the speed of
architecture at Intel, reports that his billion dollars over the past four years today’s DSL and cable modems.
company is on track to bring that gen- to create an optical router, debuted this Other changes could be more dra-
eration to market by 2010. past May, whose 30 fiber-optic lines run matic. The maximum practical speed of
The stage thus appears set for pho- at 40 gigabits per second (Gbps) — in electronic connections falls off quickly
tonic connections, which exchange data principle, enough aggregate bandwidth as cable lengths increase. So memory
via laser light, to take over for copper to handle the Internet traffic of 1.6 mil- chips and graphics cards have to be close
wiring in the next decade. “I’m a big fan lion DSL-equipped households. For dis- to the processor that shovels informa-
of optical connections at the system lev- tances greater than 100 meters, nothing tion to them. “But once you have data
el,” says Patrick P. Gelsinger, Intel’s chief beats the switching speed of light. But in the optical realm, distance doesn’t
technical officer, although he remains over short links, such as those in office matter,” Paniccia observes. “A low-cost
unconvinced that they will take over the networks and inside computer cases, photonics technology is low cost both at
very high speed but short-distance hop copper still reigns king. one foot and at 1,000 miles.” Many of
from the processor to the memory bank. A change of regime now seems more the components of a computer that are
Exactly when the transition will occur, likely, however, because scientists have now crammed into a two-foot-high rect-
in which connections, and at what price, at last succeeded in making a wide range angular box could in principle be spread
depends in large measure on how the of photonic devices that could be manu- across a car, throughout a building or
photonic devices are made. factured by existing microchip factories all over a city, with data flowing among
Data already often move between and thus be cost-competitive. “We want them on pulses of light.
electronic and photonic forms at the pe- to drive optics all the way down to chip-
Opening the Bottleneck
Overview/Optical Computing c u r r e n t o p t i c a l c h i p s , of the
kind used as lasers in CD players and as
■ Computer engineers expect that within the next decade, the copper wiring photodetectors in telecommunications
that now connects components inside machines will reach the practical switches, are manufactured from III-V
limits of its bandwidth. semiconductors. These compounds pair
■ Until recently, connecting microchips with light meant using lasers and one or more elements from the third col-
detectors made from exotic semiconductors. Such devices are affordable umn of the periodic table (such as alu-
only for niche applications, such as high-speed telecommunications hubs. minum, gallium or indium) with an el-
But this year engineers unveiled new classes of photonic devices that could ement from the fi fth column (typically
be made in the same factories used to make low-cost microchips. phosphate, arsenic or antimony).
■ Researchers have also begun demonstrating novel schemes for guiding At first glance, III-V chips might seem
laser pulses to and from microprocessors and circuit boards. ideal for photonics. Electrons move faster
■ Because optical connections can run at very high bandwidth over both long in them than in silicon, so III-V proces-
and short distances, the addition of photonics could fundamentally change sors can operate at much higher frequen-
the shape of computers over the long term. cies. And they not only emit laser light
from cavities in their surface but also con-


Computers today already use optical devices at a few spots now in labs or near release will probably make their way to the
around the periphery of the machine. But photonic components core of machines within the next decade.
NOW: Microprocessors operate at three gigahertz (GHz) or more but often NOW: Fiber-optic networks run at speeds up to 10
idle while waiting for data to arrive from RAM running at just 0.4 GHz. Gbps, but most machines use lower-cost Ethernet
Newer processors can retrieve data from memory over multiple wires, at connections of just 0.1 Gbps
aggregate rates up to 51 gigabits per second (Gbps)
IN PROTOTYPE: Silicon-optical modulators built
IN PROTOTYPE: Photonic connections between memory and processor at Intel could lead to affordable optical networks
operating at 1.25 GHz per waveguide that run at 2.5 to 10 Gbps
IN LABS: New methods for fabricating thousands of polymer
pillars onto processors, allowing both high-speed electrical
and optical connections to a motherboard
Blu-ray or
HD-DVD drive

Disk drive

network cable

memory (RAM)

card COMING IN 2006: InPhase
Technologies claims that its
first holographic drive will
archive up to 200 gigabytes
(GB) of information on a CD-
Motherboard size disk and retrieve it
at 0.16 Gbps


NOW: Bundles of wires

Wireless keyboard and Holographic
connect disk drives, optical mouse disk drive
network cards and other
components at up
to 40 Gbps, at 2.5 Gbps NOW: DVD drives write
per wire and rewrite up to 8.5 GB of
information on dual-layer
IN PROTOTYPE: In July disks and read it back at up
optical backplanes to 0.13 Gbps
that make light-wave Video camera
connections through IN PRODUCTION: Blu-ray
plastic channels on and HD-DVD recorders store
circuit boards were up to 50 GB on a disk and
demonstrated running transfer data at 0.04 Gbps,
at 8 Gbps per waveguide anticipated to rise to
0.32 Gbps
NOW: USB 2.0 connects a mouse, video camera and

other gadgets to the computer at about 0.48 Gbps,

over distances as long as five meters
IN PRODUCTION: High-priced fiber-optic connectors
manufactured by Xanoptix transfer data at up to
245 Gbps, over distances up to 500 meters

w w w. s c ia m . c o m SCIENTIFIC A MERIC A N 83
vert incoming flashes to electrical signals
at blistering speeds. For that reason, pho-
tonics researchers have turned first to III- Photonic microchips will likely find their first uses in special-purpose computers
Vs to build optical integrated circuits. that must quickly process huge amounts of data, such as those used in
Using indium phosphide, for exam- medical imaging. An MRI scanner, for example, might one day use new kinds
ple, a group led by Daniel Blumenthal of microscopic lasers (below left) and silicon modulators (below center)
and Larry Coldren at the University of to send its images over an optical fiber to a computer. New kinds of
California at Santa Barbara last year con- connectors are being developed to bring such vast amounts of data
structed a “photon copier.” The device directly to the central processor ( far right). Such super-speedy
accepts photonic bits at one wavelength, interconnections should make it easier for doctors to
regenerates them if they have faded, and consult with distant colleagues.
uses a tunable laser to translate them to
a different wavelength without ever con-
verting the information into electronic
form. Such a device would be very handy
in a future photonic computer.
But in comparison with silicon, III-V
semiconductors are finicky and recalci-
trant materials to manufacture, and that
makes them expensive. A microchip that
costs $5 to make from silicon, using the
standard complementary metal oxide
semiconductor (CMOS) process, would
cost about $500 to fabricate from indium
phosphide. And with the performance of
silicon continually improving, “compet-
ing against mainstream CMOS is like ly-
ing on a railroad track,” bemoans Ra-
vindra A. Athale, who manages photon-
ics programs at the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency. “Sooner or
later the train runs you over.”
If photonics is ever to fi nd its way PRODUCING LIGHT
onto $100 motherboards, it must hop
aboard that train. So in recent years,
much of the research in optical comput-
ing has focused on finding CMOS-com-
patible ways to integrate electronic and
photonic devices. This strategy has be-
gun to pay off.
“We are at a stage in the field now
that was unthinkable two years ago,”
says Salvatore Coffa, who directs the
Fiber to
silicon photonics laboratory at STMi- modulator
croelectronics in Catania, Sicily. “We
are talking about going to market soon Optical fiber from
diode pump laser Light jumps into the ring from an
with the fi rst silicon-based device with ultrathin optical fiber (yellow) that
optical functions.” Microlasers built by Kerry J. Vahala of the passes nearby. Light of a particular
California Institute of Technology can be frequency resonates within the ring
constructed by the thousands on standard (arrows) and stimulates it to emit a
All Aboard the CMOS Express silicon microchips. The tiny rings can laser beam on a different fiber (red).
at l e a st t h r e e ways exist to make purify light pumped in from an inexpensive In a working microchip, the ring lasers
photonic components passengers on the diode laser and change its color to match would probably be made on the rims
the standard wavelength used by other of holes, with connecting fibers
CMOS train, and each has been making photonic components. embedded in the chip surface.
impressive progress. The most conserva-
tive approach, called hybrid integration,


Minuscule pillars made of
translucent plastic could
connect microprocessors
to the circuit boards on
which they rest. Thousands
of such pillars, developed
by James D. Meindl’s group
at the Georgia Institute
of Technology, would be
attached to the bottom of
the processor.

The pillars would fit into

corresponding sockets
on the surface of the
circuit board.


Capacitor Electrical wire



B R YA N C H R I S T I E D E S I G N ; M U H A N N A D S . B A K I R A N D J A M E S D . M E I N D L ( p o l y m e r p i l l a r s)


Copper wire Translucent
Polymer polymer pillar
Phase-shifted waveguide
Circuit board

An optical modulator, such as one made last

year by Mario Paniccia and his co-workers at
Intel, takes digital bits in electrical form and
encodes them onto a light beam. First the beam
is split into two arms (top). Digital signals arrive Both electronic and photonic signals could pass through pillars,
at a capacitor on one or both of the arms. The carrying data to and from the microprocessor. Standard electrical
signal alters the phase of light passing near connections would be made from wires to metal-coated pillars.
each capacitor. When the arms recombine, the Light pulses would flow through polymer waveguides, be turned
phase-shifted light beams interfere, creating by plastic diffraction gratings or metallic mirrors, and be detected
pulses in the outgoing beam (bottom). by silicon photodiodes.

w w w. s c ia m . c o m SCIENTIFIC A MERIC A N 85
is closest to commercial success, as it has with silicon nanocrystals, the researchers
already produced chips for the telecom-
munications industry.
constructed silicon chips that glow green
or blue in response to a small voltage.
Hybrid devices cram logic-bearing Because the luminescence is inco- Over the long term, high-speed photonic
silicon microchips into a small package herent, these are light-emitting diodes connections may obviate the need to pack all
that also houses III-V chips, which per- (LEDs), not lasers. “But they are as ef- the components of a computing system into
form all of the optical duties. A CMOS ficient as gallium arsenide LEDs,” Coffa a single box. “With an electrical signal, it is a
plant would have to be significantly reports. And because they are CMOS- totally different physical phenomenon to go
modified before managers could let compatible, he adds, “we can incor- four meters than it is to go four inches,” notes
gallium arsenide or indium phosphide porate them directly into our existing Ravindra A. Athale of the Defense Advanced
anywhere near their multibillion-dollar electronic parts.” By next year, STMi- Research Projects Agency. “But once you
equipment, because those compounds croelectronics plans to introduce silicon- launch into the optical domain, there is no
can contaminate a silicon production based optocouplers that allow comput- significant difference between four inches
line. But the two halves of a hybrid de- ers to control high-voltage machinery. and four meters” — or even 400 meters. So
vice can be manufactured in separate The silicon LEDs might also serve as optically connected pieces could be widely
factories and then assembled later. a light source for a CMOS-compatible scattered and still function as a seamless
Xanoptix, a small start-up in Mer- laser demonstrated earlier this year by machine.
rimack, N.H., has used this technique Kerry J. Vahala and his co-workers at In a car, for example, multiple processors,
to mate gallium arsenide lasers to silicon the California Institute of Technology. memory banks and disk drives could be
control chips. The result is a thumb-size Vahala and others have been experi- embedded within the body and linked by fiber
optical connector that looks similar to a menting with microscopic disks of sili- optics. “I understand that Daimler Chrysler is
USB plug. But whereas USB cables top con dioxide perched on silicon pillars. already planning to have laser-based, gigabit
out at less than 0.5 Gbps, Xanoptix says By smoothing the edges of each disk optical links inside their 2005-model S-class
its photonic jack can pump up to 245 and carefully controlling its diameter, Mercedes cars,” Athale reports.
Gbps through a pencil-width bundle of Vahala turned it into the optical equiva- In principle, each worker in a future office
72 optical fibers. lent of a whispering gallery. Light pass- could use a computer assembled by making
The hybrid approach faces a long- ing through a nearby optical fiber leaks photonic connections among parts spread
term problem, however— the faster mi- into the disk and circles its edge over and
croprocessors become, the hotter they over, building in intensity by a factor of a
run. The hottest spots on some chips al- million or more [see illustration on page “There are about 100 modulators on
ready rise above 80 Celsius, the tempera- 84] before it is emitted as laser light. this,” Paniccia says, as he picks up a sili-
ture at which III-V lasers start to burn Incoherent sources such as LEDs con chip the size of a postage stamp. We
out. So hybrid optoelectronic chips may could feed light to the disks, or they are in Optics Lab 1A at Intel’s research
fi nd a niche in slower external connec- could be used to purify laser light coming center in Santa Clara. “And here’s one
tors and peripheral devices, rather than in from outside the chip, regenerate it as in action,” he continues, motioning to a
at the center of the computer. it fades and tune it to a new wavelength. workstation at the far end of the room.
Intel has ordered its scientists to stick “Instead of etching disks, we could cre- The computer is playing a high-defi ni-
to CMOS, in the hope that it might one ate holes. The laser would then form on tion DVD of Terminator 3. As it pro-
day build entire photonic systems right the interior rim of the void,” Vahala says. cesses the video stream, the machine
into microprocessors or motherboard That would make it easier to connect the sends a copy of each bit down an Ether-
chips using its existing factories. To devices to waveguides and other photon- net cable and into a tiny circuit board
make this so-called monolithic integra- ic components on the surface. “These containing a single modulator.
tion work, engineers have been tricking ‘microcavity’ lasers could be sources of Although it is powered by a laser, the
silicon and the few other elements that carrier signals for information launched device works on the same principle as
are CMOS-friendly into emitting, ma- from the chip,” he suggests. AM radio [see illustration on preceding
nipulating and detecting light. For that to work, engineers will need page]. It splits the microscopic laser beam
That first step is a doozy: “We think a way to transfer information from elec- into two arms. A CMOS capacitor under
we can do everything in silicon— except tronic to optical form. Until this year, each arm— electrically connected to the
the laser,” Paniccia says. Silicon by itself that was hard to do in silicon, which Ethernet cable— stores and releases stat-

lacks the quantum-mechanical where- offered only a slow and unsteady lever ic electricity. “When those regions are
withal to make light. Coffa’s group at for manipulating light. But in February, highly charged, electrons interact with
STMicroelectronics has discovered a way Paniccia’s team unveiled a way to use the light,” Paniccia explains, shifting the
around part of that problem, however. By silicon to modulate a laser beam — to relative position of the light waves. As the
infusing small amounts of cerium or er- fl icker it in step with a digital signal— two halves rejoin, the peaks and troughs
bium into a layer of silicon dioxide laced 50 times faster. in their waves interfere, causing the out-


processor to the motherboard with a
OF COMPUTERS dense array of both optical and elec-
tronic connections. Light could then be
Navigation Entertainment pumped into the processor from small
computer system E-mail and cellular
communications system (and thus relatively affordable) III-V
Instrument Hard disks and
display panel CD/DVD drives chips, mounted a safe distance away so
they do not overheat.
computer James D. Meindl and Muhannad S.
Bakir of the Georgia Institute of Tech-
nology, working with Anthony V. Mulé
of Intel, have demonstrated several
polylithic schemes. One is called a sea
of leads: thousands of microscopic S -
shaped springs of metal are etched onto
the processor as a final step in its manu-
facture. Electrical signals pass through
Fiber-optic the metal springs; light signals shoot
network Microprocessor, through the holes in their centers and
memory and hit diffracting gratings that deflect the
graphics boards
pulses into waveguides buried within the
Traction-control sensors chip or motherboard.
throughout the building. Such a machine and actuators In a second scheme, the processor
could be temporarily “upgraded” at a for computer architecture are still largely rests on thousands of transparent plas-
keystroke to a faster processor or a larger speculative. “System architects tend not to tic pillars, which fit into circular plas-
memory bank, if a particular task demanded think along these lines because they know tic sockets on the circuit board [see il-
extra resources. that such a technology does not yet exist,” lustration on page 85]. Meindl’s group
The ramifications of photonic links Athale says. But it is on its way. has fabricated regular arrays of pillars
that are just five microns wide and 12
microns apart. The researchers have also
put beam to pulse in the same pattern as tion of germanium to the mix— which demonstrated how some of the cylinders
the bits in the video stream. chipmakers have begun doing anyway to and sockets could be coated with metal
Those pulses carry the data over a help speed up their processors— CMOS- to make electrical, rather than optical,
single fiber, thin as spider silk, that leaves compatible photodetectors have been connections.
the chip and connects to a photodetector built to convert the light pulses back into Bristling with tens of thousands of
attached to a second computer a few feet electronic bits. such minuscule pillars, a microproces-
away. The two computers show Arnold sor 10 or 15 years from now may throb
Schwarzenegger leaping from his car in The Best of Both Worlds with infrared flashes even as it hums with
perfect synchrony. a s a p ho t on ic m at e r i a l , silicon high-frequency electrons. Microchip
To date, the modulator has run at has come a long way in two years. But it factories may etch transistors and wires
rates up to 2.5 GHz. “But we can make has much farther yet to go if it is to han- in the spaces between lasers and wave-
it much smaller, and we are confident dle optical data at more than 20 GHz. guides. The long separation between
that we can scale it up to 10 GHz,” Pan- So it may be that a relatively new method laboratory photonics and consumer elec-
iccia asserts. “By combining all these el- of pulling photonics into the electron- tronics seems to be closing at last, and
ements in a single chip, we’ll be able to ics, known as polylithic integration, will our machines will be better for it.
make this,” he says, raising an Ethernet prove the most economical.
plug up to his eye: “little silicon-optical The general idea is to attach a CMOS W. Wayt Gibbs is senior writer.
devices you can plug in anywhere and
a $250 network interface card that re- MORE TO EXPLORE
places a $25,000 router.” A High-Speed Silicon Optical Modulator Based on a Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitor.
“Of course, if we’re going to trans- Mario Paniccia et al. in Nature, Vol. 427, pages 615–618; February 12, 2004.
mit at 10 GHz, we need to be able to Ultralow-Threshold Microcavity Raman Laser on a Microelectronic Chip. Kerry J. Vahala et al.
in Optics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 11, pages 1224–1226; June 1, 2004.
receive at that speed, too,” Morse points
Sea of Polymer Pillars Electrical and Optical Chip I/O Interconnections for Gigascale
out. Silicon is as transparent as glass at Integration. M. S. Bakir and J. D. Meindl in IEEE Transactions On Electron Devices, Vol. 51, No. 7,
the infrared wavelengths typically used pages 1069–1077; July 2004.
in photonic devices. But with the addi- Silicon Photonics. Edited by Lorenzo Pavesi and David J. Lockwood. Springer, 2004.

w w w. s c ia m . c o m SCIENTIFIC A MERIC A N 87
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