Syllabus Ap Fre 2019-2020

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Français AP 
Teacher  Mdm Walter  Year  2019-2020 
Room Number  E116  E-mail 
Website ​ 

The syllabus and school policies are subject to change, and any changes will be noted on my 

Thèmes​ (Vista Higher Learning) 
ISBN: ​978-68004-0272 ( 2016)  Price: Text $95.00, Workbook $45.00 
If a student does not return the textbook distributed to them, with the matching accession number, they will be charged a
fine equal to the replacement cost for that book.

Course Description: 
AP French Language and Culture is a college-level course intended for students in their fourth and 
fifth year of study of French. Every effort is being made to conduct the class exclusively in French. The 
three modes of communication (Interpersonal, Interpretive and Presentational) defined in the 
Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century are foundational to the AP French 
Language and Culture course. 
Students who enroll in this course should already have a good command of the grammar and 
considerable competence in listening, reading, speaking and writing. When communicating, 
students in the AP French Language and Culture course demonstrate an understanding of the 
culture(s), incorporate interdisciplinary topics (connections), make comparisons between the target 
language and the native languages in real-life settings. Students are expected to take the AP French 
Language and Culture exam at the end of this course. 

Required Materials: 

I. Binder or Notebook  
II. Package of Pens or Pencils  
III. Paper  
IV. Device (Surface or Personal Computer)  
[As well as project supplies as needed throughout the course of the year.] 

Expectations/Course Requirements: 
Conduct ​– All participants will conduct themselves in a ​respectful m
​ anner at all times. ​Many topics we 
discuss may elicit passionate opinions within you that may be vastly different from a peer’s, and that 
is okay. ​That is good! We all have had different life experiences, and they shape our perspectives on 
life. You might even find some of your views changing as we embark on more intense subjects. ​But it 
is absolutely ESSENTIAL that courtesy be displayed in every discourse and that you are able to 
maintain objective and respectful mindsets when discussing your viewpoints with your peers and 
teacher. ​ Additionally, It is expected that students arrive promptly ​and are seated​ when the bell 
rings. Students should be prepared for class and only pack up when indicated by the teacher. 
Failure to comply with these expectations can result in a written warning, detention, parental 
contact, or a Disciplinary Referral. Refer to the Code of Conduct for more details. 
Writing​ ​– In the interest of a fully immersive experience, students are expected to use their French skills 
for written assignments. This includes prewriting through the final draft (no first drafts/outlining in 
English!). Writing is an area where students are expected to push the limits of their French knowledge. 
Practicing pre-writing, advanced structures, interesting authentic phrases, and ​A-student ​vocabulary 
is essential to developing great writing skills. 
**Evidence of ANY use of online or other TRANSLATOR will result in an ​Honor Code Violation and grade 
of 0.​ If you have questions as to what constitutes ​evidence, ​please let me know. Or better, just don’t 
use translators. ​​ is the best go-to for single or phrasal terms, and discussion 
boards are featured for contextual reference. 
Research ​– It is expected that all students conduct research and citations in French (authentic 
Regarding Electronic Forums​ – When interacting with other students on-line all class expectations and 
rules apply and can be subject to the Fulton County Disciplinary Policy. 
Reading and Listening​ –​ ​The​ A ​ P French​ c
​ ourse uses ​authentic r​ esources for its reading and listening 
samples. These can be very ​challenging ​and require that the student actively participate with a 
great attitude! There will be many words and phrases you don’t know and you may be frustrated at 
times. Persist. Have a good attitude. Focus on the greater meaning. You will do fine.   
Homework ​– Homework is designed to practice essential language skills. Students are expected to 
give their all​ with any homework assignment no matter how extensive. Homework is expected to be 
done with attention to detail, neatness, and full completion. No or half credit is given for homework 
that is incomplete, sloppy, or not detail-oriented, per teacher’s discretion. 
Late Work​ – ​Late work, particularly homework, is generally not accepted. However there are some 
exceptions. Students who have Excused Absences (REL, SAC, EXC, TAG) will have the amount of 
time during which they were absent to make up the work if necessary.​ Homework grades on 
Supersite ( that are late will result in a grade of -10% per day late. 
National French Exam​ – Chattahoochee World Language Honors students are encouraged to take 
the National French Exam (usually in March). This is an optional national test that compares students’ 
French abilities and awards cash and certificate prizes for competency. There is usually a nominal fee 
of around $10. More information coming soon! 
Opportunities for extra help or study sessions: 
Mornings (except Wednesday) 7:45am-8:15am, or by appointment. Please notify me at least 48 hours 
in advance.  

Page 2 
Grading Scale: 
90-100 A  80-89 B 70-79 C  0-69 F 

Grading Rules/Policies for Course: (Description of Tests/Quizzes/Homework/Labs):

Summative   40% 
Practice AP Exam assessments done in class 
(roughly 7-8 grades per semester), specifically: 
I. Mult. choice sections 1A (all print texts) or 1B 
(print and audio combined) 
II. E-mail replies (written) 
III. Persuasive essays (written) 
IV. Recorded interpersonal dialogues (oral) 
V. Cultural comparisons (oral) 

Formative  30% 
I. Vocabulary quizzes 
II. Cultural presentations  
IIII. Debates 
IV. Culture quizzes 

Progress Reporting  15% 

Homework (VHL, Google classroom posts, 
Readings) & Participation 

Final Exam  15% 

For Fall semester and Spring semester finals, 
students will take simulated Practice AP exams 
several weeks before the end of the semester to 
account for grading and feedback. These finals 
may ​be given after school hours in E120 and 
could ​last until about 7:00pm. Attendance will be 
Free response test elements for AP French are graded on a converted scale, and ​will reward growth by second 
semester.​ ​If you are still writing/speaking about the same 3 or lower level in April as you were in August, you are 
not showing growth. 
Fall Semester  Converted AP Grading Scale  Spring Semester   Converted AP Grading Scale 

5  98  5  100 

4  92  4  94 

3  83  3  83 

2  72  2  68 

1  65  1  60 


Page 3 
UNIT STRUCTURE - ​ ​In each unit, each of the following components will be addressed: 
I. Theme from AP French Exam ( and corresponding essential questions 
II. Vocabulary lists and grammar reinforcement inspired by readings and related topics 
III. Oral, written, & listening comprehension activities, such as discussions, debates, readings, 
videos, group presentations, practice free responses, journals, etc. 
IV. Written multiple choice and free response assessments mimicking actual AP-level assessment 
(2-3 major assessments/ unit) 

Thematic Units and Tentative Schedule​ 2019 - 2020 

Fall Spring 
Theme  Approximate Dates  Theme  Approximate Dates 

Families in Different  8/26/19 - 9/27/19  How Science and  1/6/20 - 2/7/20 

Societies  Technology Affect Our 

The Influence of  9/30/19 - 11/1/19  Factors That Affect the  2/10/20 - 3/12/20 
Language and Culture  Quality of Life 
on Identity 

Influences of Beauty  11/4/19 - 12/6/19  Environmental,  3/16/20 - 4/24/20 

and Art  Political, and Societal 
For information regarding the Fulton County Recovery Policy, Damaged Book Policy, Internet Usage Policy, 
plagiarism, and Chattahoochee Disciplinary Procedures please see the Fulton County Student Code of 

Cell Phone Policy  

Given the ever-increasing prevalence and distraction of cell phones, students will not be allowed cell 
phone use during class unless necessary and specified for an assignment. Each student will have an 
assigned pocket in a numbered pocket chart, where they will place their cell phones at the 
beginning of each class period. This is how I will take attendance. If a student refuses to place his or 
her phone in the pocket chart, he or she will receive a referral for insubordination. Students will pick 
up their phones at the end of each class period. 


Page 4 
Media Guidelines/ Mature Themes Disclaimer 
Preparation for the AP French Language and Culture Exam requires the use of ​authentic resources​. By 
definition, authentic resources are examples of French taken from the real world that are ​made by a ​ nd ​made 
for​ French-speakers. Examples of authentic resources are podcasts, YouTube videos, blogs, newspapers, films, 
television shows, commercials, and songs. As such, some of the authentic resources that will be examined in 
this course will have mature themes.   
Please circle or highlight any of the activities below in which you or your student is ​NOT ​comfortable 
participating (mature themes descriptions for films available ​on​) : 
● Films​: Au Revoir Les Enfants, Cyrano de Bergerac, La Belle et la Bête, Aladin, Le Roi Lion, Les Choristes, 
Chocolat, Le Roi Soleil, Mon Meilleur Ami, Molière, Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis, Le diner de cons, 
Bienvenue a Marly-Gomont 

Mild profanity in blogs, videos, podcasts, and/or short films from the textbook​.  

___________________________________________ _______________________________________ 
Student/Date Parent/Date 
Food Permission 
As part of the study of language and culture, we try to incorporate some cultural food experiences.  
__________​ YES, my child may partake of food served in French class. 
Any known allergies? ​______________________________________________________  
__________​ NO, I would prefer that my child not partake of food served in French class. 
I acknowledge I have read and understood the syllabus. 
Parent’s Name: ______________________________________________________ 
Parent Signature  ______________________________________________________  
Parent’s Email & Phone ​ _____________________________________________________ 

Student’s Name ​______________________________________________________ 
Student’s Email ​______________________________________________________ 

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