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Living English Serie

Watch Living English and get to know the characters

of our drama 'Sisters and Brothers' as you learn and
revise your basic English skills. The 42-part series
looks at the English language used in everyday
situations such as checking into a hotel or describing

Anne walks out with the other passengers...

Anne: Excuse me...

Sarah: Anne Lee?
Anne: Yes. Hello
Sarah: I’m Sarah Taylor. I’m your new local buyer.
Pleased to meet you.
(they shake hands)
Anne: It’s very kind of you to meet me.
Sarah: Oh. Sorry. This is my husband, Mark.
Mark: Good morning. How are you?
Anne: Very well thankyou.
Mark: How was your flight?
Anne: Actually, I’m a bit tired. It was a very long flight.
Sarah: Let’s get your bags.
The three watch as the bags go around. Anne points.
Anne: That’s mine there! The red one.
Mark: It’s heavy!
Anne: Sorry.
Sarah: Don’t worry. Mark’s strong – aren’t you dear?
Mark: No worries.
Sarah: Come on. Let’s go to the hotel.
They leave the airport.

Study Notes
1. Greetings
There are many different ways of meeting people.
The most common word is: Hello.
This can be used in any situation.
A more informal word is: Hi!
Only use hi for friends or informal situations.
Sarah: Anne Lee?
Anne: Yes. Hello

We also use: How are you? or How are you going?

And you can say:

 Good morning (before 12 midday)

 Good afternoon (12-6pm)
 Good day (anytime)
 Good evening (after 6pm)
Mark: Good morning. How are you?

A reply to hello can be hello.

For example:
Hello Peta.
Hello Trevor.
A reply to hi can be hi.
For example:
Hi Peta.
Hi Trevor.
A reply to Good morning can be Good morning.
For example:
Good morning Peta.
Good morning Trevor.
A reply to How are you? can be Good thanks.
For example:
How are you?
Good thanks.
Another reply to this is fine thanks.
For example:
How are you?
Fine thanks.
or informally Not bad
How are you?
Not bad.
and more formally Very well thank you.
How are you?
Very well thank you.
2. Introductions
If the person you meet doesn’t know your name, you say
Hello, I’m......... (your name).
Good morning. My name is......... (your name).
If you are introducing someone, you can say:
This is Sue Smith.
I’d like you to meet Sue Smith.
Often we give more information when introducing
This is my office manager, Sue Smith.
Or This is my brother, Phillip Taylor.
A common reply is:
Pleased to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Sarah: I’m Sarah Taylor. I’m your new local buyer.
Pleased to meet you.

(they shake hands)

Anne: It’s very kind of you to meet me.
Sarah: Oh. Sorry. This is my husband, Mark.

3. Simple Sentences
English is made up of sentences.
A sentence always starts with a capital letter, and ends
with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

Here is a simple sentence:

I’m Sarah Taylor.
This is made up of three parts:
The subject I.
The verb am.
The object Sarah Taylor.
Look at this sentence: She likes wine.
The subject is she.
The verb is likes.
The object is wine.
The subject of a sentence is the person or thing that
performs the action.
In the sentence Lions eat meat. the subject is lions.
The object of a sentence is the person or thing that is
affected by the action.
In the sentence Lions eat meat. ’the object is meat.
4. Personal Pronouns
Personal Pronouns are words which stand for people.
Subject pronouns are the subjects of sentences.
They are:

 I
 he
 she
 it
 you
 we
 they

Subject pronouns usually go before verbs.

For example:
I like frogs.
Possessive adjectives go before nouns to show who or
what owns something.
For example:
This is my hat.
That is your hat.
Possessive adjectives are:

 my
 his
 her
 its
 your
 our
 their

Sarah: This is my husband, Mark.

Possessive pronouns can be used instead of the noun:

For example: This is my hat.
This is mine.
That is your hat.
That is yours.
Possessive pronouns are:

 mine
 his
 hers
 yours
 ours
 theirs

Anne: That’s mine there! The red one.

5. This and That

This can be used to refer to objects or people right
next to the speaker.
For example:
This is my wife, Mary.
This is my watch.
Sarah: This is my husband, Mark.

That is used to refer to objects or people further away.

For example:
That is the man you want to speak to, over there.
That is the post office, across the road.
Anne: That’s mine there! The red one.

6. Adjectives
Adjectives describe things or people.
Words such as light, heavy and strong are adjectives.
They usually go before nouns, or after verbs.
For example:
Anne’s bag is heavy.
It’s a heavy bag.
The hat is red.
It’s a red hat.

Anne: Thank you very much for picking me up.
Sarah: You’re very welcome. Will you be alright here?
Anne: Thanks. I’ll be fine. And thankyou Mark, for
helping with my heavy bags.
Mark: Don’t mention it.
Sarah: Alright then. Nice to meet you finally. I’ll ring
you tomorrow.
Anne: Nice to meet you too.
Sarah: Goodbye.
Clerk: Good morning. Would you like to check in?
Anne: Yes please.
Clerk: And your name?
Anne: Anne Lee.
Clerk: Ah yes. Could you just fill this out please? How
long will you be staying?
Anne: Two weeks.
Clerk: Are you here on business?
Anne: Mainly business.
Clerk: Will you need a hire car?
Anne: No thankyou.
Clerk: And will you need a map of the city?
Anne: Maybe later.
Clerk: Will you want a newspaper in the morning?
Anne: No thankyou.
Clerk: OK. And how will you be paying Ms Lee?
Anne: Credit card.
Clerk: Thankyou. Here’s your key. It’s room 309. Enjoy
your stay Ms Lee.
Anne: Thankyou. I hope I will.

Study Notes
1. Saying thankyou
The most common way of thanking someone is to say:
This is said as one word.
To add emphasis we can say:
Thankyou very much.
Thankyou so much.
A more informal word is: Thanks
Some polite replies to thank you are:
Thank you
Don’t mention it.
You’re welcome.
Some more casual or informal replies
to thankyou or thanks are:
That’s okay
Thankyou very much
That’s fine
No worries.
Anne: Thank you very much for picking me up
Sarah: You’re very welcome. Will you be alright here?
Anne: Thanks. I’ll be fine. And thankyou Mark, for
helping with my heavy bags.
Mark: Don’t mention it.
2. Saying goodbye
When we leave someone we usually say:
Or more informally:
When leaving a friend or someone we will see again we
might say:
See you later
or just
Sarah: Goodbye.
3. The future tense
The future tense is used to talk about what will happen
in the future, after the present.
The word will is used to show that we are talking about
the future.
Will is put before the verb.
Here are three sentences:
Simple Present Tense:
I go to the city. (I go there every day)
Present Continuous Tense:
I am going to the city. (I am going there now)
Future Tense:
I will go to the city. (at some later time)
Notice how the word will comes before the verb go.
To make this into a question, change the order of the
subject I and will.
Will I go to the city?
Clerk: Will you need a hire car?
Clerk: Will you want a newspaper in the morning?
In speech, the word will is often contracted.
I will becomes I’ll.
I’ll go to the city.
He will becomes he’ll.
He’ll get into trouble.
We will becomes we’ll
We’ll go out tonight
You will becomes you’ll.
You’ll go to the city.
They will becomes they’ll.
They’ll lose all their money.
But in questions, will is pronounced fully.
Will you go to the city?
Sarah: Will you be alright here?
Anne: Thanks. I’ll be fine.
4. Paying
When buying something, the clerk, or sales assistant
may ask:
How will you be paying?
How would you like to pay for that?
You can say in reply:
How will you be paying?
I’d like to pay by credit card.
How will you be paying?
By Eftpos.
How will you be paying?
By cheque.
How will you be paying?
In cash.
Clerk: And how will you be paying Ms Lee?
Anne: Credit card.
5. Formal titles
When we speak to someone formally, especially when we
first meet them, we usually use their formal title.
This is done by saying:
Mister (written Mr) for men.
Missus (written Mrs) for married women.
Miss for unmarried women.
Or Ms for women where you don’t know if they are
May women in Western countries prefer to be called
Ms, and it is a good idea to use this term if not sure.
We say the person’s title, followed by their family
name. In English this is also called their surname. The
surname is also sometimes called the person’s last name,
because it is written last.
So Brenton Whittle’s formal title is:
Mr Whittle.
Michelle Crowden’s formal title is either:
Mrs Crowden (if she is married)
Miss Crowden (if she isn’t married)
Ms Crowden (in either case).
When you know someone better, or in an informal
situation, you would use their first name. In Western
countries, this is also often called their Christian name.

So Brenton Whittle’s first name, or Christian name,

is Brenton.

John: Hello, Barbour’s Private Investigation. John
Barbour speaking.
Anne: Hello. Can you find missing people?
John: Sometimes we can. Have you lost somebody?
Ann: Yes.
John: Perhaps you’d like to tell me about it?
Ann: Can I make an appointment please?
John: When would you like to come in?
Anne: Is tomorrow okay?
John: Let’s see… Yes, I can see you at ten o’clock. Will
that suit you?
Anne: Okay, thank you. (consults business card)
23 Mitchell Street – is that right?
John: That’s right. Second floor.
Anne: Okay. See you then. Goodbye.
John: Goodbye.
He puts down the phone and celebrates.
In her hotel room, Anne puts the phone down, and rings
Clerk: Hello?
Anne: Hello. Reception? What time is it please?
Clerk: It’s five o’clock.
Anne: And what time do you serve dinner?
Clerk: The restaurant opens in an hour, and dinner is
served between six and nine pm.
Anne: And breakfast?
Clerk: Breakfast is served between seven and nine
thirty am ma’am.
Anne: Thankyou.
Clerk: You’re welcome.
Anne puts the phone down, then notices the photo by
her bed and picks it up again. There is a tear in her eye.

Study Notes
1. Making an appointment
Anne: Can I make an appointment please?
John: When would you like to come in?
When we say a specific time, we use at.
For example:
I’ll see you at ten o’clock.
I’ll see you at half-past four.
John: Let’s see… Yes, I can see you at ten o’clock.
2. Can
Can means 'able to'.
I can see you = I am able to see you.
To ask a question using can, change the order
of I and can
Statement and Question
I can see you
Can I see you?
He can see you
Can he see you?
We can see you
Can we see you?
They can see you
Can they see you?
Anne: Can you find missing people?
John: Sometimes we can.
3. Will and 'LL
As we’ve seen before, the word will is used to show that
we are talking about the future.
For example:
I will see you tomorrow.
Usually, in conversation, we shorten this to:
I’ll see you tomorrow.
The other contractions are:

he will/he’ll
she will/she’ll
it will/it’ll
you will/you’ll
we will/we’ll
they will/they’ll

4. The time
For exact hours we say o' clock.
4:00 = It’s four o’clock.
10:00 = It’s ten o’clock.
We can also just say:
It’s ten.
Often we add a.m.(for any time after twelve midnight to
twelve midday.)
or p.m. (for any time after twelve midday to twelve
It’s ten a.m.
It’s ten p.m.
For half-way between the hours, we use half-past.
4:30 = It’s half-past four.
or we can just say:
It’s four-thirty (p.m. or a.m.).
For quarter hours we say a quarter past or a quarter
4:15 = It’s a quarter past four.
4:45 = It’s a quarter to five.
Or we can just say:
It’s four fifteen.
It’s four forty-five.
For any time we can say a number of minutes past an
hour up to half-past, or a number of minutes to an hour
after half-past.
4:10 = It’s ten past four
4:25 = It’s twenty-five past four.
4:35 = It’s twenty-five to five.
4:50 = It’s ten to five.
Or we can just say:
It’s four ten; four twenty-five; four thirty-five; or
four fifty.
5. Prepositions with time
The prepositions used with time are:
in; at; on; for; from; until
at = a particular time.
I’ll see you at ten o’clock.
John: Let’s see… Yes, I can see you at ten o’clock.
in= a period of time in the future.
I’ll see you in an hour.
I’ll see you in a week.
Clerk: The restaurant opens in an hour, and dinner is
served between six and nine pm.
on = a day or date
I’ll see you on Wednesday.
I saw you on the 30th of June.
for = a period of time an action takes place.
I’ll see you for an hour.
I’ve been sick for a week.
from = the time an action starts.
until = the time an action finishes.
They worked from 9a.m. until 5 p.m.
We can also use between to describe time.
They were working between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Anne: Excuse me.
Woman: Yes?
Anne: Could you tell me how to get to Mitchell Street?
Woman: Yes. You’re going the wrong way. You need to go
straight along here, past the silver balls, turn left, and
it’s the second on the right, opposite the Town Hall.
Anne: Thankyou very much.
Woman: You’re welcome.
Anne follows the directions. She approaches a
Anne: Excuse me.
Shopkeeper: Yes?
Anne: I’m looking for number 23. Barbour’s Private
Shopkeeper: Over there. Next to the trees.
Anne: Oh. Thankyou.
Shopkeeper: Good luck. You’ll need it.
Anne enters the building and goes up the stairs. She
knocks at the door.
John: Come in!
Anne enters and looks around.
John: (to Anne) Sorry.
(to phone) Yes, any time…yes usual rates. Must go now.
Right. Goodbye. Julia. Bye.
He hangs up and leaps to shake Anne's hand.
Anne: Mr Barbour?
John: Private investigator. You must be Ms Lee. Please
sit down.
She does so, hesitantly.
John: Now - what can I do for you Ms Lee?
She puts the photo of David on his desk.
Anne: Could you find him for me?

Study Notes
1. Asking Directions
First, to get the attention of a person:
Excuse me.
To ask for directions:
Could you tell me how to get to ……. ?
I’m looking for ……. Can you help me?
Anne: Excuse me.
Woman: Yes?
Anne: Could you tell me how to get to Mitchell
Anne: Excuse me.
Shopkeeper: Yes?
Anne: I’m looking for number 23.
Street names and addresses don’t have the in front of
For example:
Could you tell me how to get to Smith Street.
I’m looking for 23 Mitchell Street. Can you help me?
A particular location can have the in front of it.
For example:
Could you tell me how to get to the police station?
I’m looking for the airport. Can you help me?
Woman: You need to go straight along here,
past the silver balls, turn left, and it’s the second on the
right, opposite the Town Hall.
2. Present Continuous Tense
The present continuous tense describes actions that are
happening in the present, and continuing into the
We use the verb ‘to be’ (am, is, are) and
the 'ing' ending of the action verb.
For example:
I am running.
He, she or it is running.
You are running.
We are running.
They are running.
We often use contractions in speech.
For example:
I’m running.
He’s running.
You’re running.
We’re running.
They’re running.
Woman: Yes. You’re going the wrong way.
Anne: I’m looking for number 23
3. Visiting
When someone knocks at the door.
Come in!
Anne enters the building and goes up the stairs. She
knocks at the door.
John: Come in!
Greeting someone you are expecting..
You must be ……. .
John: You must be Ms Lee.
Asking someone to sit down.
Please sit down.
Won’t you sit down?
John: You must be Ms Lee. Please sit down.
Offering to do something for someone (professionally).
What can I do for you?
John: Now - what can I do for you Ms Lee?
4. Directions
Look at the map below.

Anne: Can you help me?
John: Well I’ll try. Now tell me about your brother Ms
Lee. How old is he?
Anne: He’s twenty-three.
John: Well that would make him your younger brother.
What’s his name?
Anne: David.
John: And what does he do?
Anne: He’s a student. Or – he was a student. I don’t
know where he is.
John: (looks at the photo) Hmmm. How tall is he?
Anne: About a hundred and seventy-five centimetres.
John: Hmmm. And does he speak English?
Anne: Yes. He speaks English and Chinese. Mr Barbour –
can you find him?
John: I’ll certainly try. Now, tell me a little about
yourself Miss Lee. Where are you from?
Anne: I come from Singapore. I’m Singaporean.
John: Right, and how old are you?
Anne: I’m twenty-five.
John: What do you do?
Anne: I import wine. I’m a businesswoman. I work in my
family’s business.
John: And are you married?
Anne: No, I’m single.
John: you have a boyfriend?
Anne: Pardon?
John: Oh sorry. We private detectives are a naturally
curious bunch. Ms Lee, perhaps you’d better tell the
whole story.
Anne: It all started two years ago...
Study Notes
1. About nationality
There are different words for countries and
For example:
I’m from Australia.(country)
I’m Australian.(nationality)
I come from Indonesia.(country)
I’m Indonesian.(nationality)
In English, many nationality names are made by adding
the ending ‘n’ to the country name.
Korea / Korean
Indonesia / Indonesian
Malaysia / Malaysian
John: Where are you from?

Anne: I come from Singapore. I’m Singaporean.

Sometimes we add ‘ese’ to the country name.
Vietnam / Vietnamese
Japan / Japanese
But there area exceptions:
England / English
Thailand / Thai
Check in a good dictionary for correct country and
nationality names.
2. About age
When asked our age, usually we just say a number.
How old are you?
I’m twenty-one.
We can also ask:
What is your age?
And also answer:
I’m twenty-one years
Or: I’m twenty-one years old.
Or: I’m twenty-one years of age.
Or: My age is twenty-one..
John: Now tell me about your brother Ms Lee. How old is
Anne: He’s twenty-three.
John: Right, and how old are you?
Anne: I’m twenty-five.
3. The numbers
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
6 six
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
21 twenty one
22 twenty two
(and so on)
30 thirty
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 one hundred
After ‘one hundred’ we add and.
126 = one hundred and twenty-six.
4. About occupation
To ask about someone’s job we would ask:
What do you do?
We would answer:
I'm a teacher.
John: What do you do?
Anne: I import wine. I’m a businesswoman. I work in my
family’s business.
We say do before and after you
For example:
What do you do?
We say do before and after I , we and they.
What do I do?
What do we do?
What do they do?
But for he or she we use does before and do after when
asking about jobs.
For example:
What does he do?
What does she do?
John: And what does he do?

Anne: He’s a student.

5. Other questions about a person
Questions about actions people do, which can be
answered with yes or no often start with do or does.
For example:
Does he speak English?
Yes he does.
Does he speak English?
No he doesn’t.
John: Hmmm. And does he speak English?
Anne: Yes. He speaks English and Chinese.
Do you play football?
Yes I do.
Do you play football?
No I don’t.
Other questions start with are or is.
Are you married?
Yes I am.
Are you married?
No, I’m not.
John: And are you married?
Anne: No, I’m single.
Is he a student?
Yes he is.
Is he a student?
No he isn’t
John: Hmmm. How tall is he?
Anne: About a hundred and seventy-five centimetres.
Anne continues her conversation with the private

Anne: My brother, David, worked in the family business
too. But he didn’t like it. He wanted to try something
John: So what happened?
Anne: My parents agreed. They let him come to
Australia to study.
John: Where did he go?
Anne: He came here, to Adelaide. He studied computer
science. We thought he was happy.
John: And then what happened?
Anne: I don’t know. He wrote every week, and then the
letters stopped.
John: Do you know where he lived?
Anne: He stayed with an Australian family. He was a
boarder. Here’s the address.
She passes John a piece of paper.
John: Did you phone them?
Anne: Yes, of course. He left there a year ago. They
don’t know where he went.
John: Does he have a mobile phone?
Anne: I don’t know. He did, but he doesn’t answer it now.
John: Don’t worry Ms Lee. I’ll find your brother. I’m on
the case.
He shakes her hand and she leaves. John looks at the
photo. Now he looks worried.

Study Notes
1. The past tense
The simple past tense is used to talk about events in
the past that are finished.
For example:
I worked in a restaurant last year.
(but I don’t work there now)
I did work in a restaurant last year.
(and I don't work there anymore)
To talk about things that have not happened in the past
we use did not or didn't.
For example:
I didn't work in a restaurant last year.
Anne: My brother, David, worked in the family business
too. But he didn’t like it.
2. Regular verbs
Regular verbs form the past tense by adding ed to the
basic form of the verb.
For example: work is the basic form
Adding 'ed' gives us: worked
The ending does not change with different pronouns.
I worked; he worked, we worked, you worked, they work
There are three ways of pronouncing the ed ending.
We use the ed pronunciation after the
consonants t and d.
t arrest / arrested You should arrest him. / He
was arrested.
d load / loaded
I’ll load the shopping in the car. / I loaded the shopping
in the car.
Anne: He wanted to try something different.
We use the t pronunciation after the
sounds s, p, k, f and sh
s mess/ messed.
He messed her hair.
p sip/ sipped.
She sipped her drink.
k pick/ picked
He picked his nose.
f laugh/ laughed
They laughed at my jokes.
sh fish/ fished
He fished in a boat.
Anne: My brother, David, worked in the family business
Anne: I don’t know. He wrote every week, and then the
letters stopped.
We use the d pronunciation after the consonant
sounds b, g, l, z, v, m, n, j, th and ng
b mob/ mobbed
He was mobbed by fans.
g beg/ begged
I begged for mercy.
l fill/ filled
I filled the tank.
z quiz/ quizzed
The police quizzed him for hours.
v love/ loved
I loved the movie.
m hum/ hummed
We hummed the tune.
n thin/ thinned
I thinned out the weeds.
j judge/ judged
He judged her harshly.
th smooth/ smoothed
She smoothed her dress.
ng clang/ clanged
The bell clanged loudly
John: So what happened?
John: Do you know where he lived?
ed is also pronounced d when the word ends with a vowel
I fry / fried
I fried an egg.
A stay / stayed
I stayed all day.
Anne: My parents agreed.
Anne: He stayed with an Australian family.
3. Spelling verbs ending in Y
Some verbs which end in y change the y to an i before
adding ed.

hurry marry study worry

hurried married studied worried

Verbs which end in ay or oy don’t change the y to an i.

stay delay annoy enjoy

stayed delayed annoyed enjoyed

4. Irregular verbs
Many verbs are 'irregular'. They form their past tense
in different ways. We just have to learn these. Look at
the verb to be.


Notice that this verb to be changes depending on

whether the subject is singular or plural.

I am happy.
I was happy.

He is happy.
He was happy.

You are happy.

You were happy.

We are happy.
We were happy.

They are happy.

They were happy.
Other irregular verbs just have past tense forms that
don't end with ed. Here are some examples from today's
The past tense of leave is left.
For example:
I leave tomorrow.
I left yesterday.
Anne: He left there a year ago.
The past tense of go is went.
For example:
I go to university.
I went to university.
Anne: They don’t know where he went.
The past tense of write is wrote.
For example:
I write these examples.
I wrote you an email.
Anne: He wrote every week, and then the letters
The past tense of come is came.
For example:
I want you to come to the meeting.
I came to the meeting.
Anne: He came here, to Adelaide.
The past tense of think is thought.
For example:
I think English is easy.
I thought English was easy.
Anne: We thought he was happy.
The past tense of let is let.
For example:
I will let the cat in.
I let the cat in last night.
Anne: They let him come to Australia to study.
5. Questions in the past tense
There are several ways of asking questions in the past
tense. To ask about past actions we use the past tense
of the verb 'to do' – did.
Questions starting with did are asking whether an
action was performed or not. The answer is
usually 'yes' or 'no'.
We use did followed by a pronoun or subject, and then
the verb or action being asked about.
Notice that the verb used after did is not in the past
tense. The word did forms the past tense for the
question and the answer.
Did you feed the cat?
Yes I did feed the cat.
You can also answer this question by just saying yes,
or yes I did.
For example:
Did you feed the cat?
Did you feed the cat?
Yes I did.
You answer no with the negative form of did - didn't
For example:
Did you feed the cat?
No I didn’t.
Didn't is the contracted form of did not. We usually
use did not to add emphasis.
For example:
Did you steal the money?
I did not.
You can give answers to did questions about the past
with the past tense of the other verb used in the
For example:
Did he go to the bank?
Yes he went to the bank.
Did you feed the cat?
Yes I fed the cat
6. Questions using what and where
Questions starting with what and where are asking for
Where did you go?
I went to the supermarket.
What did you do?
I bought some eggs.
John: Where did he go?
Anne: He came here, to Adelaide.
Sarah invites Anne to meet her family.

Sarah and Anne taste a sample of wine.
Anne: Mmm. It’s very smooth. Good flavour too.
Sarah: It sells well in restaurants here. I think these’ll
sell well in Singapore.
Anne: The samples you sent me were very popular with
our staff. You seem to understand our tastes in
Sarah: Thankyou. It’s my job to know what my clients
Anne seems distracted. Sarah observes her for a
Sarah: So, are you enjoying the city?
Anne: (unconvincingly) It’s very nice.
Sarah: What are you going to do tomorrow?
Anne: I don’t know. I’ll probably stay in the hotel and
Sarah: Why don’t you come to lunch with us at home?
Anne: Oh thankyou, but you have your family.
Sarah: Yes, and they want to meet you. We’re going to
have roast chicken – traditional Aussie food.
Anne: Sounds good. Alright, I’ll come.
Sarah: Great.
Anne: What time?
Sarah: We eat at about one-o-clock. So about twelve-
thirty? I’ll show you the house.
Anne: Okay. Thankyou
Sarah: I’ll get my brother to pick you up.
Anne: No that’s okay. I’ll get a taxi.
Sarah: Alright then. That’s settled!

Study Notes
1. Going to
Going to is used for things you intend to do in the
future. It is always followed by a verb.
For example:
We’re going to drive to the beach.
I’m going to do the shopping later.
Sarah: What are you going to do tomorrow?

We can use going to to talk about things we will do soon,

or in a long time.
For example:
I’m going to work as a teacher when I finish my course.
Sarah: We’re going to have roast chicken

The phrase going to without a verb after it just means

travelling somewhere.
For example:
I’m going to work now.
They’re going to the supermarket.
2. Will
Another word we use to talk about actions in the future
is will.
We use will to talk about definite actions in the future.
For example:
I will see you tomorrow.
In this sentence, there is a definite arrangement to
meet tomorrow.
This is called future tense. The auxiliary will goes
between the subject and the verb.

 I (subject)
 will (auxiliary)
 see (verb)
 you (object)
 tomorrow

There is no change with singular or plural subject.

For example:
He will see you tomorrow.
They will see you tomorrow.
The teachers will have a meeting on Friday.
Will is often contracted to 'll.
For example:
I will - I’ll
I'll pay you tomorrow.
Sarah: I’ll show you the house.
Sarah: I’ll get my brother to pick you up.
Anne: No that’s okay. I’ll get a taxi.

For example:
he will - he’ll
He'll do it next week.
she will - she’ll
She'll ring you tomorrow.
it will - it’ll
It'll be alright.
you will- you’ll
You'll have to work late.
we will- we’ll
We'll have a party.
they will - they’ll
They'll win the game.
these will - these'll
These'll be suitable.
Sarah: It sells well in restaurants here. I
think these’ll sell well in Singapore.

For example:
that will - that'll
That'll be all.
3. Suggestions
Sarah: Why don’t you come to lunch with us at home?

For example:
Why don’t you catch a bus?
Why don’t you come with me?
4. Days
Today is the day it is now.
Tomorrow is the day after today. If today is April
6, tomorrow is April 7
Yesterday is the day before today. If today is April
6, yesterday is April 5
The days of the week are:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday are called weekdays. They are the
days most people work.
Saturday and Sunday together are called the weekend.
Notice that all of the days of the week have a capital
5. Prepositions of time

 on
 at
 in
 this
 next

When talking about the time or date:

For days we use on.
For example:
I’ll see you on Thursday.
For times we use at.
For example:
I’ll see you at 10 o’clock.
Sarah: We eat at about one-o-clock.

For months we use in

For example:
I’ll see you in November.
For times within a week, month or year we say this.
For example:
I’ll see you this week.(the week we are in now)
It must be finished this month.(the month we are in
We’ll do it this year.(the year we are in now)
For the time just beyond the present week, month or
year, we use next.
For example:
I’ll see you next week.(the week after the week we are
in now)
We’ll start planning that next month.(said in June to
refer to July)
We’ll do it next year.(said in 2003 to refer to 2004)
If we want to say how far in the future the appointment
is, we use in.
For example:
I’ll see you in ten minutes.
I’ll see you in two hours.
I’ll see you in a week.
I’ll see you in a month.
Anne goes to Sarah's house for lunch.

Taxi-driver: Here we are.
Anne: How much is that?
Taxi-driver: That’ll be seventeen-fifty thanks love.
She gives him twenty dollars
Anne: Keep the change.
Taxi-driver: Thankyou. Have a nice day.
Anne walks towards the house and knocks.
The door is opened by a little girl (Louise).
Anne: Hello. I’m Anne.
Louise turns and runs.
Louise: Mummy!
Sarah comes to the door.
Sarah: Come in Anne!
Anne: What a beautiful house!
Sarah: It’s been a lot of work, but we’re getting there.
This is the bathroom. This is my daughter’s bedroom.
And here’s the kitchen.
Louise is in the kitchen ‘helping’.
Sarah: Anne’s here. You’ve met my daughter Louise.
Anne: Hello Louise.
Louise: I’m helping.
Anne: Yes, I see…
Sarah: And my husband Mark.
Anne: Hello again.
Mark pretends to have a pain in the back.
Anne: Ooh! Sorry about my heavy bag.
Mark: Just kidding.
Sarah: But you haven’t met my little brother. This is
Steve: I was going to pick you up this morning. You
wouldn’t let me.
Anne: I’m sorry. I like to find my own way around.
Steve: No worries. Maybe another time.
Anne: Yes, maybe
Sarah: Come on. Let’s go outside.

Study Notes
1. Paying
To ask about what you have to pay:
For example:
How much is that?
What do I owe you?
Anne: How much is that?
If you are pointing to something or holding something,
For example:
How much is this?
The person will reply:
For example:
That is ten dollars.
That’s ten dollars.
That will be ten dollars.
That'll be ten dollars.
Taxi-driver: That’ll be seventeen-fifty thanks love.

We say the number of dollars and then the number of

For example:
That'll be five dollars and sixty cents.
We often say
That'll be five dollars sixty.
or sometimes just
That'll be five-sixty.
Taxi-driver: That’ll be seventeen-fifty thanks love.
The amount of money we pay is called the price.
For example:
The price of the ticket is twenty dollars.
The amount we pay to ride in a train, taxi or bus is called
the fare.
For example:
I need money for my bus fare.
If you give ten dollars for something that costs eight
dollars, the two dollars you are given back is the change.
For example:
Can I have two dollar coins in my change please.
In Australia, we don’t normally give a tip (or extra
money). But for waiters, or taxi-drivers, you can say:
Keep the change.
Anne: How much is that?
Taxi-driver: That’ll be seventeen-fifty thanks love.

She gives him twenty dollars

Anne: Keep the change.

2. Rooms
The rooms of a house are:

 Bedroom
 Dining room
 Kitchen
 Laundry
 Loungeroom, sittingroom or livingroom
 Bathroom
 Toilet

3. Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns show who owns or has something
I is the subject pronoun.
For example:
I own a car.
Me is the object pronoun.
For example:
The car belongs to me.
My is the possessive adjective.
For example:
It is my car.
Mine is the possessive pronoun.
For example:
The car is mine.
Sarah: This is my daughter’s bedroom.

He is the subject pronoun.

For example:
He owns a car.
Him is the object pronoun.
For example:
The car belongs to him.
His is the possessive pronoun and possessive adjective.
For example:
It is his car.
The car is his.
She is the subject pronoun.
For example:
She owns a car.
Her is the object pronoun.
For example:
The car belongs to her.
The possessive adjective is her.
For example:
It is her car.
The possessive pronoun is hers.
For example:
The car is hers.
It is the pronoun.
For example:
It has a tail.
The possessive form is its.
For example:
Its tail is long.
You is the pronoun.
For example:
You own a car.
The car belongs to you.
The possessive adjective is your.
For example:
It is your car.
The possessive pronoun is yours.
For example:
The car is yours.

We is the subject pronoun.

For example:
We own a car.
Us is the object pronoun.
For example:
The car belongs to us.
The possessive adjective is our.
For example:
It is our car.
The possessive pronoun is ours.
For example:
The car is ours.

They is the subject pronoun.

For example:
They own a car.
Them is the object pronoun.
For example:
The car belongs to them.
The possessive adjective is their.
For example:
It is their car.
The possessive pronoun is theirs.
For example:
The car is theirs.
Sometimes we emphasise a possessive form by
saying own after it.
For example:
He has his own room.
She has her own car.
I paid with my own money.
Anne: I like to find my own way around.
4. Relationships and family
Married man = husband.
Married woman = wife.
A husband and wife who have one child or
some children are called parents.
A male child is called a boy.
A boy is a son of his parents.
A female child is called a girl. A girl is a daughter of her
The male parent is the children’s father.
The female parent is the children’s mother.
They are both the children’s parents.
Children of the same parents can be
called sisters or brothers. Sisters are female, and
brothers are male.
The brothers and sisters of your parents are
your uncles and your aunts(or aunties).
The children of your uncles and aunts are your cousins.
The children of your brothers and sisters are
your nephews (boys) or nieces(girls).
The parents of your parents are
your grandparents. They are your grandfather and
your grandmother. Their parents are your great
You are your grandparents’ grandson or granddaughter.
Your relatives by marriage are your in-laws.
Your wife’s mother, or your husband’s mother, is
your mother-in-law.
Your wife’s father, or your husband’s father, is
your father-in-law.
Your wife’s brother, or your husband’s brother, is
your brother-in-law.
They have lunch and talk about differences.

Steve: So Anne, have you been to an Australian home
Anne: No, never. It's a beautiful home Sarah. So big!
The rooms are much bigger than at home. There's more
space here.
Steve: Do you live in a house?
Mark: No Steve – she lives in an igloo.
Anne: Actually, no. We live in an apartment. Most people
do. Singapore is much busier than Adelaide, and more
Steve: Yeah, and more exciting. It's so boring here.
Sarah: It's quieter. Some people like that.
Anne: I don't think it's boring.
Mark: Adelaide is a very beautiful city. It's a better
place to live than anywhere else I've been.
Sarah: But you haven't been anywhere. (to Anne) Mark
hates travelling. I love it.
Mark: I just don't see the point of it.
Anne: What about you Steve? Do you like to travel?
Steve: Yes. Yeah, I've been to Kula Lumpur, and to Bali.
Bali's great!
Louise: I've been to the zoo!
They laugh. Anne smiles
Anne: You're lucky. I haven't been to the zoo. I'd love
to go to the zoo.
Steve: I'll take you!
There are raised eyebrows at the table.

Study Notes
1. Comparing two things
Adjectives are words we use to describe things.
For example:
This is a small dog.
The adjective is small. It describes the dog.
When we are comparing two things we use a comparative
adjective. This is formed by adding er to the adjective.
For example:
This dog is smaller than that one.
Anne: It's a beautiful home Sarah. So big! The rooms
are much bigger than at home.
If an adjective ends in e, just add r.
large / larger
For example:
Your house is larger than mine.
Adjectives which end in a single consonant, double that
consonant before adding er.
big / bigger; thin / thinner; fat / fatter
Adjectives which end in y change the y to an i before
adding er.
busy / busier; lucky / luckier
For words with three or more syllables, and some words
with two syllables, add more before the adjective.
beautiful / more beautiful
For example:
She is more beautiful than her sister.
crowded / more crowded
For example:
Sydney is more crowded than Melbourne.
Anne: Singapore is much busier than Adelaide, and more
Steve: Yeah, and more exciting. It's so boring here.
Notice that we add the word than after the adjective
when comparing two things.
For example:
This book is more interesting than that one.
Anne: The rooms are much bigger than at home.
Two comparative adjectives are irregular. They are very
common words.
good / better
For example:
Your exam results this year are better than mine.
bad / worse
For example:
My results are worse than yours.
Mark: Adelaide is a very beautiful city. It's
a better place to live than anywhere else I've been.
2. Liking/not liking
We use like and love to describe things positively.
You can say that you like something or somebody.
For example:
I like dogs.
I like Josie.
To say this more strongly, we can add very
much or really.
For example:
I like dogs very much.
I really like Josie.
Or to say it even more strongly, we can use love.
For example:
I love dogs.
I love Josie very much.
We can also say that we like, or love doing things.
For example:
I like swimming.
I love going to the beach.
The opposite is not liking.
We say don't like.
For example:
I don't like John.
To make this less blunt, we can use very much.
For example:
I don't like John very much.
To make a very strong statement we use hate.
For example:
I hate dogs.
This is a very strong statement, and you need to be
careful when using the word hate in case you offend
You can also use don't like and hate with verbs.
For example:
I don't like travelling.
I hate running.
Sarah: Mark hates travelling. I love it.
3. Would like to
You can use the expression would like (or love) to to
talk about things you want to do.
For example:
I would like to go to Japan.
I would love to see an elephant.
Usually we say and write I'd for I would.
For example:
I'd love to go to Japan.
 I would
 he would

 she would

 we would

 you would

 they would

Anne: I'd love to go to the zoo.
The opposite is would not, which is shortened
to wouldn't.
For example:
I wouldn't like to have an accident.

Sarah: I’m sorry about my brother.
Anne: Not at all. You have a lovely family. Everyone
seems so happy.
Anne breaks down in tears. Sarah goes to her,
Sarah: Anne! What’s the matter?
Anne: There’s something I haven’t told you.
Sarah: What is it?
Anne: When I met your brother, I was thinking about
my brother, David. I haven’t seen him in two years.
Sarah: How come?
Anne: He’s missing. One reason I came to Australia is to
find him.
Sarah: I’m so sorry. Have you had any luck?
Anne: Not yet. I’ve hired a private investigator.
Sarah: Goodness! Do you think he’ll find him?
Anne: Perhaps. I don’t know. It’s been a long time since
David last called.
Sarah: What do you thinks happened to him? Have you
any idea?
Anne: I really don’t know. I can’t help thinking the
Sarah: I’m sure he’s alright. If something bad had
happened, you would have heard.
Anne: I guess so. I suppose you’re right.
But Anne doesn’t look convinced.

Study Notes
1. Apologising
When we think we have done something wrong we
apologise by saying sorry.
For example:
I’m sorry that we made so much noise last night.
We also use sorry to show sympathy.
For example:
I was sorry to hear that you lost your job.
Anne: He’s missing. One reason I came to Australia is to
find him.
Sarah: I’m so sorry. Have you had any luck?

To reply to someone who has said sorry, we say, Don’t

mention it, Not at all or That’s alright.
For example:
I’m sorry my son broke your window.
That’s alright. I’m sure it was an accident.
Sorry about the mess.
Don’t mention it.
I’m sorry about the trouble.
Not at all.
Sarah: I’m sorry about my brother.
Anne: Not at all. You have a lovely family.

2. Showcasing concern
Here are some of the phrases we use when we want to
find why someone is upset.
For example:
What’s the matter?
What’s wrong?
What’s the problem?
Sarah: Anne! What’s the matter?

3. Present perfect
We use the present perfect tense to describe an action
started in the past that is still true.
For example:
She has worked hard. (She has worked hard in the past
and works hard now)
I have lost my keys. (the keys were lost in the past and
are still lost)
Present perfect is made from the verb have and
the past participle of another verb.
We use have with plural nouns and has with singular
For example:
The frogs have started croaking.
The frog has started croaking.
This is how have is used with pronouns.

 I have
 she has
 he has
 it has
 we have
 they have
 you have

Usually we shorten them like this.

 I’ve
 she’s
 he’s
 it’s
 we’ve
 they’ve
 you’ve

Anne: I’ve hired a private investigator.

We also use the negative have not or haven't to talk
about something not being done in the past and still not
being done.
For example:
I have not met him.
I haven't met him.
Anne: There’s something I haven’t told you.

4. Past participle
The past participle of a verb is the one we use
with have / has and is / are.
It is usually the same as the regular past tense ending
with 'ed', such as worked ors tarted.
For example:
I have worked hard.
She has started work.
Sometimes irregular verbs have past participles that are
different to the past tense.
For example, the past tense of see is saw, but the past
participle is seen.
I see you. (present)
I saw you yesterday. (past)
I’ve seen you many times.(past participle making a
present perfect tense)
Anne: I haven’t seen him in two years.
5. Agreeing and disagreeing
Here are some phrases we use when we agree or
disagree with what someone has said.
Agree Strongly

 Definitely
 I’m sure


 I think so
 I guess so
 I suppose so

Not Sure

 maybe
 possibly
 perhaps


 definitely not
 I don’t think so

Sarah: I’m sure he’s alright. If something bad had

happened, you would have heard.
Anne: I guess so. I suppose you’re right.
Sarah: Goodness! Do you think he’ll find him?
Anne: Perhaps. I don’t know.

6. For, since, ago

These words are all used to talk about time.
For is used for a period of time that something goes on.
For example:
I’ve been working for hours.
I’ll do the job for a year.
I fed his dog for a week.
Since is a specific time in the past.
For example:
I haven’t seen you since Monday.
I’ve been working since 10 o’clock.
The pipe has been leaking since yesterday.
Anne: It’s been a long time since David last called.

Ago refers to a length of time before the present.

For example:
I saw you a week ago.
That happened a year ago.
It’s 10 o’clock. You were supposed to be here an
hour ago, at 9 o’clock.
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Sarah: Can I help you find your brother?
Anne: You’re very kind. But it’s not your problem.
Sarah: I want to help. What can I do?
Anne: Well, maybe you could get some copies made of
this photograph.
She shows Sarah the photograph of her brother.
Sarah: Sure. I’d love to. Anything.
She looks closely at the photograph.
Sarah: He’s very good looking. Such a nice smile. Is he
Anne: Fairly tall.
Sarah: He looks very fit. Does he play a lot of sport?
Anne: No, he used to.
Sarah: What does he do? Is he a student?
Anne: He’s not really academic. He’s clever, but he
prefers to do things with his hands.
Sarah: He sounds nice. I’m looking forward to meeting
Anne smiles at the encouragement.

Study Notes
1. Offering help
When we offer to help someone we say:
Can I help you...?
Can I help you wash the dishes?
Can I help you do the shopping?
Can I help you with anything?
It’s polite to not immediately accept an offer. When
someone asks if they can help, it’s polite to say:
You’re very kind.
No, there’s no need.
Can I help you wash the dishes?
No, there’s no need.
You then offer again by saying:
Can I help you wash the dishes?
No, there’s no need.
I want to help.
Sarah: Can I help you find your brother?
Anne: You’re very kind. But it’s not your problem.
Sarah: I want to help. What can I do?
2. Adjectives
Adjectives are used to describe people and things:
He’s tall and handsome.
It’s a red ball.
Adjectives are the words that tell you what colour
something is:
A red ball
A green ball
What size something is:
A big ball
A small ball
You use adjectives to express your opinion about
A beautiful ball
An ugly ball
And the type something is:
A plastic ball
A leather ball
Adjectives often go before the noun, or the thing they
A tall building
(adj) (noun)
A clever idea
(adj) (noun)
Adjectives don’t always come before the noun, or the
thing described.
They can also come after the noun and a verb, especially
the verb is/are.
For example:
The building is tall
(noun) (verb) (adj)
Your ideas are clever
(noun) (verb) (adj)
3. Describing people
When we are describing people or ourselves, we often
use a pronoun (I, he, she, we they), is/are/am and
then the adjective:
I am tall.
She is clever.
Usually we say and write:
I’m tall.
She’s clever.
Anne: He’s clever, but he prefers to do things with his
Other verbs used before adjectives and after pronouns
are look and sound:
You look wonderful.
You sound tired.
Sarah: He sounds nice.
When you are asking about someone, you change the
word order so the pronoun comes after is/are:
He is tall. (statement)
Is he tall? (question)
Sarah: He’s very good looking. Such a nice smile. Is he
When you are asking about someone, you change the
word order so the pronoun comes after is/are:
He is tall. (statement)
Is he tall? (question)
Sarah: He’s very good looking. Such a nice smile. Is he
We describe people’s complexions, or whether their skin
is dark or light:
She has a fair complexion.
She is fair.
Their hair:
She has blonde hair.
She’s blonde.
And eye colour:
She has blue eyes.
Her eyes are blue.
Their build:
He has a slim build.
He’s slim.
Their height:
He’s tall.
4. A bit, very, fairly, quite
We can modify the meaning of adjectives by using words
such as a bit, fairly, very and quite.
We can use the adjective hot to describe the
It’s hot.
We change or modify the meaning of hot like this:
It’s a bit hot.
It’s fairly hot.
It’s very hot.
Fairly hot means hot, but not very hot.
Another word we use to mean the same is quite:
It’s quite hot.
It’s fairly hot.
Sarah: Is he tall?
Anne: Fairly tall

Sarah: Come in Anne.
Anne: Good morning!
Sarah: Good morning. Are you feeling better today?
Anne: Yes thank you.
Sarah: What’s on the agenda?
Anne: I’m thinking about this trip to the wineries. I
want to meet your main suppliers and talk to them about
the market.
Sarah: Great. They’ve been dying to meet you. When do
you want to go?
Anne: As soon as possible. How about tomorrow?
Sarah: I can’t tomorrow. I’ve got some other
appointments. What about the day after tomorrow?
Anne: Yes, that’s good. It’s Monday today, so that will
be Wednesday. What date is that?
Sarah: The fifth of November.
Anne: Okay. What time shall we meet?
Sarah: I’ll pick you up at nine o-clock.
Anne: Good. How many wineries do you think we’ll be able
to see?
Sarah: I’m not sure, four or five. Definitely our biggest
suppliers, and maybe a few surprises.
Anne: I can’t wait. Will it take all day?
Sarah: Most of the day. I’ll start ringing now, and let
them know we have a very important client all the way
from Singapore.
Anne: Thankyou. I’m looking forward to it.
Sarah: Me too.

Study Notes
1. Making Arrangements
To make plans or arrangements we have to find out the
time that is best by asking:
When do you want to go?
When do you want to meet?
When asks about the time.
Want to asks about what the person you’re asking hopes
to do.
Often that person will reply:
When do you want to meet?
As soon as possible.
This means that they want to go very soon or in the next
few days.
To work out what day and time is best for both people
you need to make suggestions.
You can say:
When do you want to meet?
As soon as possible. What about tomorrow?
When do you want to meet?
As soon as possible. How about tomorrow?
Tomorrow is the day after today.
If today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday.
Sarah: When do you want to go?
Anne: As soon as possible. How about tomorrow?
2. Shall
We use the word shall when making suggestions about
the future.
For example:
What time shall we meet?
Anne: What time shall we meet?
We use the word shall in questions about what is going
to happen. It has the same meaning as will.
You could say:
What shall I wear to the party?
Where shall we go?
The word shall is only used with I and we.
For example:
What shall I wear to the party?
Where shall we go?
3. Original numbers
These sorts of numbers tell us the order of things in
Monday is the first day of the week.
Tuesday is the second.
Wednesday is the third.
Thursday is the fourth.
Friday is the fifth.
Saturday is the sixth.
Sunday is the seventh.
Sunday is also the last or final day of the week.
All of the adjectival numbers except for first, second
and third have a th on the end.
For example:
And so on.
Numbers with a v – five and twelve – change
their vs to fs and drop the e when adding th:
five/ fifth/ twelve/ twelfth.
Numbers such as twenty, thirty and forty change
their ys to is and add eth:
twenty /twentieth
thirty/ thirtieth
forty/ fortieth
And so on.
For numbers such as twenty-three and thirty-one we
say and write
twenty third
thirty first
We also write these numbers like this:
And so on.
Listen to the ordinal numbers.

twenty first
4. Dates
When we say a date, for example November 5, we
use the
For example:
the fifth of November.
and the ordinal number for the day
For example:
the fifth of November
and say of
For example:
the fifth of November
and then the month:
For example:
the fifth of November
Sarah: The fifth of November.
5. At, on & in
When we talk about the time, we use the
words in, on and at in different ways.
For exact times we use at.
For example:
I’ll see you at nine o’clock.
The meeting is at eleven o’clock.
For days and dates we use on.
For example:
I’ll see you on Friday.
Let’s meet on Monday.
Let's meet on the fifth of November.
We often use at and on like this:
I’ll see you at nine o’clock on Friday.
The meeting is at eleven o’clock on the fifth of
We use in to talk about the amount of time that will pass
before something happens.
For example:
I'll see you in a week's time.
Sarah: I’ll pick you up at nine o-clock.
6. Fractions
Fractions are numbers that are less than one.
A complete circle is a whole.
Half of a circle is one half of a circle or a circle that's
been divided into two parts ½ .
A quarter of a circle is one quarter of a circle or a
circle that's been divided into four parts ¼ .
An eighth of a circle is one eighth of a circle or a circle
that's been divided into eight parts 1/8.
Except for a half and a quarter the numbers are the
same as the numbers we use for dates and the order of
things, but we always say an or a or one before them:
an eighth / one eighth / 1/8
a sixteenth / one sixteenth / 1/16
a twentieth / one twentieth / 1/20
We say an eighth because eighth begins with a vowel
We will explain how to use an and a in episode 14.
Steve makes a date with Anne.

Steve is nervously fiddling with the phone. He starts
ringing, then puts it down, then rings again.
At the hotel, the Clerk answers the phone.
Clerk: Medina Hotel. Marie speaking. How may I help
Steve: Can I speak to Ms Anne Lee, please? I’m not sure
what room she’s in.
The Clerk puts the call through.
Clerk: I’ll put you through sir.
In her room, Anne is looking through some wine
catalogues. The phone rings.
Anne: Hello?
Steve: Hello. Anne? This is Steve Parker.
Anne: (puzzled) Steve Parker?
Steve: Steve... Sarah’s brother. We met...
Anne: (surprised, but pleased)
Oh, Steve! Hello Steve.
Steve: Hi. What are you doing?
Anne: Oh, working. I’m planning a trip to the wineries
later in the week.
Steve: Oh. When are you going?
Anne: Ah,Wednesday.
Steve: Oh, good. What are you doing tomorrow?
Anne: Nothing. Why?
Steve: Well I have the day off, and I was just
wondering... well I was just wondering whether you
wanted to go to a wildlife park... with me. You said you’d
like to go to the zoo.
Anne: That’s right, I did. Yes, thankyou Steve, I’d love
to go.
Steve: Alright! I’ll meet you in the foyer. Ten o’clock?
Anne: Okay, ten. I’ll see you then.
Steve: Great! Goodnight Anne.
Anne: Goodnight Steve.
She hangs up, pleased.

Study Notes
1. Telephone requests
To be able to speak to the person we want on the phone
we sometimes have to make a request.
For example:
Can I speak to the manager please?
Could I speak to the manager please?
May I speak to the manager please?
If you want to be less formal, you can say talk
to instead of speak to.
For example:
Can I talk to the manager please?
When making a request it’s best to say please.
For example:
Can I speak to the manager please?
We say can or could before I when making requests.
For example:
Can I speak to the manager please?
Could I speak to the manger please?
May is more formal.
For example:
May I speak to the manager please?
Steve: Can I speak to Ms Anne Lee, please?
2. Taking telephone calls
When taking phone calls for a business, it’s best to say
what the name of the business is, so the person knows if
they’ve got the right number.
Clerk: Medina Hotel. Marie speaking. How may I help
You then tell the person your name:
Clerk: Medina Hotel. Marie speaking. How may I help
And then ask if you can help:
Clerk: Medina Hotel. Marie speaking. How may I help
May is quite formal. You can also say can.
For example:
Medina hotel. Marie speaking. How can I help you?
3. Telephone numbers
We can use the words double and triple when telling
someone a phone number.
For example, this number –8366279 – is said like this:
Eight, three, double six, two, seven, nine.
When there are two numbers together (8366279) we
say double. In this case, double six.
When there are three numbers together we can
say triple 8377742.
Eight, three, triple seven, four, two.
4. Making a date
These are some common things we say when making a
We start by asking.
For example:
What are you doing tomorrow?
Steve: What are you doing tomorrow?
Of course, we can use any time.
For example:
What are you doing on the weekend?
What are you doing tonight?
If the person you are asking isn’t doing anything at that
time you can say:
I’d like to go to a movie with you.
I’d like you to come to dinner.
I was wondering whether you wanted to go to a movie.
I was wondering if you’d like to come to dinner.
Steve: Well I have the day off, and I was just
wondering… well I was just wondering whether you
wanted to go to a wildlife park… with me.
5. Present continuous
The -ing form of verbs is used for talking about things
happening now and for a short time into the future.
For example:
I’m writing my assignment today.
This tense is called the present continuous because it
refers to the present as something that continues or
keeps going.
For example:
He’s working hard.(he works hard now and will for a
short time in the future)
She’s driving fast. (she drives fast now and keeps
driving fast)
It’s raining outside. (rain is falling and will keep falling
for a while)
Steve: Hi. What are you doing?
Anne: Oh, working. I’m planning a trip to the wineries
later in the week.
All these (write, work, drive, rain) are action verbs.
They are things we do.
Only these sorts of verbs have present continuous
Some verbs, such as understand and know are not used
with the -ing form of the present continuous.
We say:
I understand you
not I’m understanding you. X
I know
I’m knowing. X

Anne and Steve are buying tickets. Steve pays for the
tickets and gives her one.
Steve: Two, please. And a bag of food.
Shop assistant: There are your tickets. Have a nice day
Anne: How much do I owe you?
Steve: That’s okay. It’s my treat.
Anne: Thankyou. I’ll buy lunch. Is there somewhere to
have lunch?
Steve: Of course. There’s a café just over there. What
do you want to do first?
Anne: I really want to hold a koala. Is there a koala
Steve: Yes! It’s the most popular animal! We might have
to queue though.
Anne: I don’t mind. What else is there? Are there some
Steve: Of course. There are lots.
Anne: And birds? I’ve heard Australian birds are
Steve: Don’t worry. You’ll get to see lots of birds.
Anne: What shall we do first?
Steve: Well, the kangaroos are just over there. And I
think the birds are next, and next…
Anne: …we’ll cuddle a koala!
Steve: Sure! And after that?
Anne: After that, I’ll buy you lunch.
Steve: It’s a deal!
They head off into the park.

Study Notes
1. The and a
We call the words a and the articles.
We use a and the before nouns.
For example:
Here is the car.
Here is a car.
We use them before adjectives and nouns.
For example:
Here is the blue car.
Here is a blue car.
We use the if there is more than one thing.
For example:
Look at the cars.
Steve: Well, the kangaroos are just over there.

We say the car if we know something about it.

For example:
Here is the car we saw before.
We use the for definite things. Some things are always
For example:
the Sydney Opera House
the Yangtze River
We use the when there is only one of something.
For example:
She is the boss.
We can only use a for singular things.
For example:
Here is a car.
Steve: Two, please. And a bag of food.

We use a for something that is not definite.

For example:
Here’s a car I haven’t seen before.
Anne: I really want to hold a koala. Is there a koala

We use a for one thing out of a number of things.

For example:
There’s a red car over there. (but there are other red
cars in the world)
Steve: There’s a café just over there.

We use a when saying general things about something.

For example:
He is a man
My cat is a Siamese.
2. A and an
We use an instead of a before words that start with a
vowel sound.
These are the short vowel sounds.
an apple
an egg
an igloo
an ostrich
an umbrella
These are the long vowel sounds.
an alien
an eagle
an island
an opal
U is a consonant sound.
a university
a European
And note:
an apple
a red apple
We pronounce a with a long vowel sound when we want to
emphasise something.
For example:
This is a fantastic website.
Pronouncing 'the'
We pronounce it 'thee' with words that start with a
vowel sound.
 a
the ant
 A

the apricots
 e

the eggs
 E

the eagle
 i

the issue
 I

the ice-cream
 O

the open door

 o

the otters
 u

the ugly truth

We pronounce it 'the' with words that start with a
consonant sound.
the university
the government
the police
the TV
the show
We sometimes use the ‘thee’ pronunciation for emphasis.
For example:
This is the best steak I’ve ever had.
3. Is there/are there
We say are or is before there in questions.
We use is there for asking about single things.
For example:
Is there an elephant?
Is there enough food?
Anne: Are there some kangaroos?

4. Sequence words
These are some words we use for the order in which we
do things.
We start with first.
And then we can use words such as
followed by
We finish with finally.
Here’s how to make a sandwich.
First, get two slices of bread and spread butter on
them. Then add a piece of lettuce, followed by a slice of
cheese. After that you close the sandwich. Finally, you
eat it.

Anne: Look at this big grey one
Steve: He’s massive. He has very, very strong arms and
Anne: And a big strong tail.
Steve: Yeah. And ears. Very big ears.
Anne: His fur looks very soft.
Steve: It feels soft on my hand.
Anne: It’s got beautiful big brown eyes.
They walk around.
Anne: Oh, look at that little black and white one.
Steve: Oh yeah. I think that’s a willy wagtail. They’re
very fast and they move around a lot.
Anne: It’s cute. It’s got such a long tail. Oh, look at that
Steve: Oh, that’s a kingfisher.
Anne: Oh, we have them in Singapore.
Steve: Really?
Anne: Hmm. Look at its beautiful blue back.
Steve: Very colourful, isn’t it? There’s lots in Australia.
Big ones and small ones. We have a very big one called a
kookaburra. It has a very interesting laugh.
Anne cuddles a koala.
Anne: He’s so soft and cuddly.
Steve: Yeah, like me!
Steve: They’ve actually also got really sharp claws. See?
Anne: He’s so cute! Can I take him home?
Steve: I don’t think they’d be very happy about that.
Anne has a moment of sadness.
Steve: Oh, look at that one. What’s the matter?
Anne: Nothing… I’m just feeling a bit homesick.
Steve: Come on, let’s go and get something to eat.

Study Notes
1. Describing things
We describe things with words called adjectives.
For example:
a small frog
a green frog
We often use more than one adjective at a time.
For example:
a small green frog
Anne: And a big strong tail.
We use adjectives that describe size before colour.
For example:
a small green frog
a small green frog
If the thing has more than one colour, we use and
For example:
a small green and red frog
If we want to say what type something is, we say it
after size and colour.
For example:
a small green and red toy frog
If we want to say what type something is, we say it
after size and colour.
For example:
a small green and red toy frog
When we describe a quality, we usually say it first.
For example:
a happy green and red toy frog
Anne: It’s got beautiful big brown eyes.
2. Very, so and such
We use very with adjectives to mean 'more
than' or 'extremely'.
For example:
very big
You can say very twice to mean 'much more than'.
For example:
very, very big
Steve: He has very, very strong arms and legs.
Notice that we use a comma when writing very twice.
For example:
very, very big
Very can be used before or after the things it is
For example:
You have very beautiful eyes.
Your eyes are very beautiful.
Steve: Yeah. And ears. Very big ears.
Anne: His fur looks very soft.
Steve: I think that’s a willy wagtail. They’re very fast
and they move around a lot
Steve: Very colourful, isn’t it? There’s lots in Australia.
Big ones and small ones. We have a very big one called a
kookaburra. It has a very interesting laugh.
'So & such'
You can use so instead of very to mean the same thing.
For example:
Your eyes are so beautiful.
Anne: He’s so soft and cuddly.
Anne: He’s so cute!
But we use so only after the things being described.
For example:
Your eyes are so beautiful.
We don’t say:
You have so beautiful eyes. XX
We use such before the things being described and say:
You have such beautiful eyes.
Anne: It’s cute. It’s got such a long tail.
If you use such to describe a single thing, you use a.
For example:
You have such a beautiful smile.
Anne: It’s cute. It’s got such a long tail.
For things that can’t be counted we just use such.
For example:
It’s such lovely weather.
3. One, some and any
We use the word one instead of naming the thing we are
talking about if it’s clear what we are talking about.
For example:
There’s a black and white bird.
There’s a black and white one.
Anne: Oh, look at that little black and white one.
If there are more than one we use ones.
For example:
I like black and white birds.
I like black and white ones.
Steve: Very colourful, isn’t it? There’s lots in Australia.
Big ones and small ones.
We only use one and ones with things that can be
For things that can’t be counted, such as milk, we
use some or any.
For example:
Do we have milk?
Yes, we have some.
Do we have milk?
No, we don’t have any.

Anne and Steve are at the counter getting some food.
The assistant is waiting for their order.
Assistant: What would you like?
Steve: Anne?
Anne: Ummm…I’ll have a cheese and salad sandwich and
a cappuccino thanks.
Steve: Do you have wine?
Assistant: No sir. We don’t serve alcohol. We have
coffee, tea, soft drinks and juices.
Steve: Okay. I’d like a… orange juice and a pie with
chips. Do you have sauce?
Assistant: Just help yourself. And I’ll bring the food
when it’s ready.
Steve: Thankyou.
They eat their lunch at an outside table.
Anne: Is that good?
Steve: It’s delicious. You should try one. It’s real Aussie
Anne: Maybe one day. I don’t eat a lot of meat.
Steve: How’s your coffee?
Anne: It’s very good. Don’t you drink coffee?
Steve: Sometimes. I prefer tea. Or juice. So, was the
koala the best?
Anne: Oh, definitely. The kangaroos were interesting
too. I’ve never seen real ones before. And the birds are
wonderful. I think I liked the birds the most. They’re so
colourful, and so many different kinds. What about you?
What did you like best?
Steve: Just being here.
He gives her a longing look.

Study Notes
1. Ordering food
Here are some ways to ask for food at a café.
For example:
I’ll have a sandwich thanks.
Anne: Ummm…I’ll have a cheese and salad sandwich and
a cappuccino thanks.
You can say please instead of thanks.
For example:
I’ll have a sandwich please.
or can I have instead of I'll have.
For example:
Can I have a sandwich thanks.
or could I have
For example:
Could I have a sandwich thanks.
You can also say I'd like...
Steve: I’d like a… orange juice and a pie with chips.
Here are some questions you might ask.
For example:
Do you have salt?
Have you got salt?
Steve: Do you have sauce?
The person serving might say
For example:
Help yourself.
This means that things such as sauce, salt and sugar are
on the counter and you can use as much as you want.
Assistant: Just help yourself.
2. Meals
In the story Steve and Anne were having lunch.
Lunch is the meal we have in the middle of the day.
Breakfast is the first meal of the day.
The meal at the end of the day is called dinner.
Dinner is the main meal.
3. Have and has
We use have with you, we, they and I.
For example:
you have coffee
we have coffee
they have coffee
I have coffee
Steve: Do you have wine?
We use has with he, she and it.
For example:
he has coffee
she has coffee
it has coffee
We also use has with names and singular nouns.
For example:
Anne has coffee
The cat has fleas.
We use have with plural nouns.
For example:
The cats have fleas.
The past tense form is had.
For example:
The cats had fleas last month.
We use had with all nouns and pronouns.
The cat had fleas
I had coffee
he had coffee
she had coffee
Anne had coffee
we had coffee
you had coffee
it had coffee
they all had coffee yesterday
4. Preferences
We use the word prefer to say that you like something
more than something else.
For example:
I prefer tea to coffee.
This means that I like tea more than coffee.
Another way of saying this would be:
I like tea more than coffee.
I like tea better than coffee.
Anne: Don’t you drink coffee?
Steve: Sometimes. I prefer tea.
Anne and Steve talk about their different lives.

Steve: Tell me about your life in Singapore. What do you
do every day?
Anne: Well, I work in my father’s business, importing
wines. I live with my family.
Steve: How do you get to work? Do you catch a bus?
Anne: Usually. Sometimes I go with my father in his car.
What about you? What do you do?
Steve: I’m a builder. I build houses.
Anne: And how do you get to work?
Steve: I drive. I have to use my car for work. I never go
by bus.
Anne: Do you enjoy it? Your work?
Steve: Mostly. It’s not easy, being a builder. But it’s
outside. I prefer to work outside.
Anne: I never work outside. Occasionally I travel though
– like now.
Steve: And what do you do on the weekend?
Anne: Sometimes I go shopping. Sometimes I go out.
Steve: Where do you go? Nightclubs?
Anne: Not really. Occasionally.
Steve: Who do you go with?
Anne: A bunch of friends.
Steve: Boy friend?
Anne: Not at the moment.
Steve cheers up.

Study Notes
1. Talking about what you do
To find out what job or work people do, we ask:
What do you do?
You can say what you are:
I’m a student.
or what you do?
I study at the university.
Here are some more answers:
I’m a builder.
I build houses.
Anne: What do you do?
Steve: I’m a builder. I build houses.
We sometimes add er to words to say what we are:
I bake bread.
I’m a baker.
I manage a hotel.
I’m a hotel manager.
You can say the place where you work:
I work in a bank.
I work at a bank.
So if you asked your English teacher:
What do you do?
He could say:
I work at a school.
I work in a school.
I teach English.
I’m a teacher
You can say that you work for a business.
I work for the bank.
I work for a restaurant.
2. Getting to work
Here are some ways to answer the question
How do you get to work?
I catch a bus.
I take a bus.
I go by bus
I drive to work.
I go by car
I walk to work.
I go on foot.
Anne: And how do you get to work?
Steve: I drive. I have to use my car for work. I never go
by bus.
For most types of transport we say by:
I go by car
I go by train
I go by bus
But we say
I go on foot
3. How often?
Here are some words we use to tell people how often or
how frequently we do things.
How often do you go to the cinema?
Steve: Where do you go? Nightclubs?
Anne: Not really. Occasionally.
How often do you exercise?
How often do you watch TV?
Steve: And what do you do on the weekend?
Anne: Sometimes I go shopping.
How often do you go fishing?
Anne: I never work outside.
How often do you study?
4. Possessive apostrophe
We add s to nouns to make them plural.
one lion
two lions
But sometimes we add s for a single thing that owns
Anne: Well, I work in my father’s business, importing
That lion’s teeth are yellow.
The teeth belong to one lion. We use an apostrophe when
adding s to show possession.
That lion’s teeth are yellow.
If we are talking about more than one lion owning
something we put the apostrophe after the s.
Those lions’ teeth are yellow.
Anne returns to the hotel, to find a message.

Anne and Steve return to the hotel courtyard.
Steve: Did you have a good day?
Anne: Very much. Thankyou for taking me. How about
Steve: Of course.
Anne: Not too boring? You must have been there a
hundred times.
Steve: Not since I was a kid. It was great.
Anne: Hmmm. Do you like Chinese food?
Steve: I love Chinese food.
Anne: I’m going to cook a Chinese meal for you and your
Steve: Really! That’ll be great. When?
Anne: Friday?\Steve: Fantastic. I’ll see you then.
Anne: Yes, bye.
Steve: Bye.
Steve goes, pleased with his day. Anne goes to collect
her key from the Clerk, who doesn’t notice her. She
Anne: Excuse me.
Clerk: I’m sorry Ms Lee. I didn’t see you.
Anne: Could I have my key please?
Clerk: Certainly. Here you are. Oh, and there’s a
message for you.
Anne opens the message and reads it. It’s from John the
private investigator.
John's Note
Dear Ms Lee
Please call my office. I have some news for you.
John Barbour
Private Investigator.

Study Notes
1. Letter writing
Formal letters to people you haven’t met begin with Dear
Dear .........
Please consider me for an interview.
I have excellent qualifications.
It always has a capital letter
Dear .........
Please consider me for an interview.
I have excellent qualifications.
If you don’t know the name of the person you are writing
to, write Sir or Madam
Dear Sir or Madam
Please consider me for an interview.
I have excellent qualifications.
Remember to use capital letters.
Dear Sir or Madam
Please consider me for an interview.
I have excellent qualifications.
Use the formal title of the person you are writing to.
Dear Mr Whittle
Please consider me for an interview.
I have excellent qualifications.
When you finish the letter you write Yours
sincerely and your name, like this:
Dear Mr Whittle
Please consider me for an interview.
I have excellent qualifications.
Yours sincerely,
Anne Lee
It is the custom to write Yours faithfully if you don’t
know who you are writing to.
Dear Sir or Madam
Please consider me for an interview.
I have excellent qualifications.
Yours faithfully,
Anne Lee
2. Excuse me, sorry and pardon
We say excuse me to get someone’s attention:
Excuse me, do you know what time it is?
Excuse me, can we have the bill?
Anne: Excuse me.
Clerk: I’m sorry Ms Lee. I didn’t see you.
We also say excuse me to apologise
For example:
Oh, excuse me. I spilled your drink.
Here are some other ways we apologise for little things.
For example:
Oh, pardon me. I spilled your drink.
Oh, sorry. I spilled your drink.

We reply like this:

Oh, sorry. I spilled your drink.
For example:
That’s alright.
Oh, sorry. I spilled your drink
That’s okay.
We also use pardon and sorry if we haven’t heard what
someone has said and want them to say it again.
Listen to the difference.
If you don’t know the person very well use the more
I beg your pardon?
3. Going to/gunna
We say going to tell people what we will do in the future.
For example:
I’m going to study next year.
People say this quickly so it sounds like gunna:
For example:
I’m gunna study next year.
Anne: I’m going to cook a Chinese meal for you and your
4. Kids and teenagers
A very common slang term for children is kids.
For example:
The kids go to bed at eight o’clock.
Anne: You must have been there a hundred times.
Steve: Not since I was a kid. It was great.
Babies who have just learnt to walk are called toddlers.
For example:
Things get more difficult with toddlers.
Older children from thirteen years old to nineteen years
old are called teenagers.
For example:
Teenagers are very demanding.
John tells Anne of his progress in finding her

Anne: Have you found my brother?
John: Not yet. No. Not quite.
John: But I have found something.
Anne: What is it?
John: I went to the University. You said he was a
student. I spoke to his professor, the head of the
course he studied.
Anne: And what did he say? Does he know what
John: Well, no. Not exactly. He didn’t know where your
brother went. But he told me David had left the
university. He stopped going to lectures.
Anne: When did he stop?
John: Oh, about a year ago. He didn’t tell anyone. But he
left a letter with the Professor.
Anne: A letter! Have you got it? Where is it?
John: The professor has it. He wouldn’t give it to me
because it was addressed to you. He left… ah, his card.
Anne: I’ll go and see him. Thankyou.
John: I found out something else.
Anne: Yes?
John: Your brother had a girlfriend.
Anne: Really! He didn’t tell me. Who is she?
John: Well, I don’t know yet, but I’m sure I can find
her. We’re closing in Ms Lee. Fear not.
Anne: Thankyou.

Study Notes
1. Past tense
The past tense is used to talk about events in the past
that have finished.
We add ed to verbs to show this.
For example:
I study at the university. (present)
I studied at the university. (past)
This means I do not study at the university any more.
John: He stopped going to lectures.
Here are some more examples.
I work in a bank. (present)
I worked in a bank. (past)
He walks to the shops.(present)
He walked to the shops. (past)
2. Pronouncing -ed
The ed on the end of verbs is usually a short sound
pronounced d or t.
But when ed is added to words with a d or t sound on the
end we pronounce it ed
For example:
I’ll pot the plants. (present)
I potted the plants. (past)
For example:
I’ll load the shopping in the car. (present)
I loaded the shopping in the car. (past)
Ed is pronounced t when the word ends with these
consonant sounds.
s mess / messed (mest)
For example:
He messed her hair.
p sip / sipped (sipt)
For example:
She sipped her drink.
John: He stopped going to lectures.
k pick / picked (pikt)
For example:
He picked his nose.
f laugh / laughed (laft)
For example:
They laughed at my jokes.
sh fish / fished (fisht)
For example:
He fished in a boat.
Ed is pronounced d when the word ends with these
consonant sounds.
b mob / mobbed (mobd)
For example:
He was mobbed by fans.
g beg / begged (begd)
For example:
I begged for mercy.
l fill / filled (fild)
For example:
I filled the tank.
z quiz / quizzed (quizd)
For example:
The police quizzed him for hours.
v love/ loved (lovd)
For example:
I loved the movie.
m hum / hummed (humd)
For example:
We hummed the tune.
n thin / thinned (thind)
For example:
I thinned out the weeds.
Anne: Does he know what happened?
j judge/ judged (jujd)
For example:
He judged her harshly.
th smooth / smoothed (smoothd)
For example:
She smoothed her dress.
ng clang / clanged (clangd)
For example:
The bell clanged loudly.
Ed is also pronounced d when the word ends with a vowel
I fry / fried
For example:
I fried an egg.
John: I spoke to his professor, the head of the course
he studied.
3. Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs do not have ed added to form the past
For example, the past tense of teach is taught.
I teach English. (present)
I taught English. (past)
The past tense of find is found:
John: I found out something else.
The past tense of tell is told:
John: But he told me David had left the university.
Two important verbs have very different past tenses.
The past tense of go is went.
I go to school. (present)
I went to school. (past)
John: I went to the University.
The past tense of is is was or were.
He is late.
He was late.
They were late.
4. Past tense with did and didn't
Another way of talking about the past is using the
words did and didn’t.
Did is the irregular past tense of do.
I do lots of things. (present)
I did lots of things. (past)
Did is a type of verb that’s used with other verbs.
What did he say?
The word did is used to ask about the past with the
verb say.
But we don’t use the past tense of say with did.
We don’t say:
What did he said? X
We say
What did he say?
Anne: And what did he say?
The negative, or opposite of did is did not
We usually say and write did not as didn’t
I didn’t say anything. (past)
John: He didn’t tell anyone.
So there are two main ways of forming the past tense.
One changes the verb.
I tell you. (present)
I told you. (past)
John: But he told me David had left the university.
The other uses did or didn't with the verb.
I did tell you. (past)
Anne: Really! He didn’t tell me.
Remember that we mostly use did like this in questions.
When did he stop going to classes? (past)
Anne: When did he stop?
And change the verb in answers and statements.
He stopped going to classes because he was bored.
John: He stopped going to lectures.
5. Contractions
Contractions are two words that are said together very
did not becomes didn’t
When we write these words we put them together and
use an apostrophe where there is a missing sound.
did not
We always shorten not to n’t, but sometimes we change
the way we say the first word.
do not
John: Well, I don’t know yet...
will not
Here are the other contractions used in today’s drama.
would not
John: He wouldn’t give it to me because it was
addressed to you.
I will
Anne: I’ll go and see him.
I am
John: Well, I don’t know yet, but I’m sure I can find
we are
John: We’re closing in Ms Lee.
Anne catches a bus to the University.

Anne walks to the bus stop. An elderly lady waiting for
the bus watches her walk up. Anne sits next to her.
Elderly lady: Hello dear. How are you?
Anne: Very well thankyou.
Elderly lady: Are you sure? Is anything wrong?
Anne: No, I’m fine.
Elderly lady: I watched you walking. You walk sadly. I’m
old. I walk slowly. But you walk sadly.
Anne: Well I do have a problem.
Elderly lady: Not too serious I hope?
Anne: I don’t know. I hope not.
Elderly lady: Worrying doesn’t help, my dear. Think
positively. It helps. Do something, take action. You’ll be
Anne: I hope so. Thankyou.
Elderly lady: Where are you from dear?
Anne: Singapore.
Elderly lady: You speak English very well.
Anne: Thankyou. Sometimes when people speak very
quickly I can’t understand.
Elderly lady: Don’t worry. I speak slowly.
A bus is coming. The elderly lady squints at it.
Elderly lady: And I see badly these days. What number
bus is that, dear?
Anne: It’s one ninety.
Elderly lady: At last. It was nice talking to you.
Anne: You too.

Study Notes
1. Advice and sympathy
If someone looks sad and you want to show concern or
sympathy, first ask them how they are.
For example:
Are you alright?
They might reply.
For example:
I’m fine.
I’m alright.
I’m OK.

You can then say:

Are you sure?
Listen again:
Are you alright?
I’m fine.
Are you sure? Is anything wrong?
Well, I do have a problem.
Elderly lady: Hello dear. How are you?
Anne: Very well thankyou.
Elderly lady: Are you sure? Is anything wrong?
Anne: No, I’m fine.
Elderly lady: I watched you walking. You walk sadly. I’m
old. I walk slowly. But you walk sadly.
Anne: Well I do have a problem.
Once you know what the problem is, you can offer
For example:
Do something. Take action. Think positively.
When giving advice you can also say you should.
For example:
You should do something.
You should take action.
You should think positively.
Elderly Lady: Worrying doesn’t help, my dear. Think
positively. It helps. Do something, take action. You’ll be
2. Saying how you feel
Here are some ways to reply when someone asks how you
are or how you feel.
For example:
How are you?
I feel good
I’m good.
I feel fine.
I’m fine.
Very well, thanks
Anne: Very well thankyou.
If you don’t feel well, you can say:
Not so well.
Not too good.
3. Hope not
We say not after hope instead of saying don’t (do not)
before it.
For example:
I hope not.
I don’t hope. X
To form the negative of most verbs we say don’t before
For example:
I don’t understand
I don’t know
I don’t say
I don’t think
I hope not
Anne: I hope not.
4. Adverbs
Words that tell us how we do something are called
Often they have a ly on the end.
For example:
walk quickly
speak slowly
Elderly lady: You walk sadly. I’m old. I walk slowly.
The ly is often added to adjectives
For example:
She is loud.
She speaks loudly.
He is quiet.
He speaks quietly.
Anne: Sometimes when people speak very quickly I can’t
Elderly lady: Don’t worry. I speak slowly.
Not all adverbs have this ly sound.
For example:
You speak English well.
She runs fast.
Elderly lady: You speak English very well.
Adverbs say how, when and where things happen.
They live separately.
I’ll finish this soon.
He walked downstairs.
We use them to say how good or bad you are at doing
You can say that you are very good at something like
I speak English very well.
I speak English well.
not quite so good:
I speak English quite well.
I speak English fairly well.
not good:
I speak English badly.
I speak English poorly.
not good at all:
I speak English very badly.
I speak English very poorly.
Anne talks to the bus driver.

Anne: Does this bus go the University?
Bus driver: Yes miss.
Anne: How much is that?
Bus driver: Single or day trip?
Anne: Sorry?
Bus driver: Are you coming back today?
Anne: Yes.
Bus driver: How long will you be at the university?
Anne: I’m not sure. An hour perhaps.
Bus driver: A single will do. You can use the same ticket
to come back. That’s three dollars, please.
Anne: How far is it?
Bus driver: Not far. About four kilometres from here.
Anne: How many stops is it?
Bus driver: About ten.
Anne: Thankyou
She moves in and sits down.
The bus stops outside the university.
Bus driver: University! This is your stop miss.
Anne: Oh, thankyou. Where do I catch the bus to go
Bus driver: Just across the street. Over there.
Anne: How often do the buses come?
Bus driver: Every twenty minutes. You won’t have to
wait long. It’s 10.30, the next one’s at 10.40, and then
Anne: Thanks. Goodbye.
Bus driver: Have a good day.

Study Notes
1. Catching buses and trains
To find out if a bus or train is going where you want (the
beach) you can ask:
Does this bus go to the beach?
Anne: Does this bus go the University?
If you are asking at a station or a bus stop for the bus
or train you want, you say:
Which bus goes to the beach?
On the bus or train:
Does this bus go to the beach?
At the station or bus stop.
Which bus goes to the beach?
You will be asked what type of ticket you want.
Single, return or daytrip?
Bus driver: Single or day trip?
A single is a one-way ticket. It only takes you to where
you are going. It doesn’t take you back again.
A return ticket takes you to where you want to go and
back again to where you started.
Some single tickets can be used for a period of time, so
you can ask:
How long does the ticket last?
Two hours.
Bus driver: Single or day trip
Anne: Sorry?
Bus driver: Are you coming back today?
Anne: Yes
Bus driver: How long will you be at the university?
Anne: I’m not sure. An hour perhaps.
Bus driver: A single will do. You can use the same ticket
to come back.
A daytrip is a ticket you can use all day and go to a
number of places.
To find out what stop or station you need, you ask:
Where do I get off?
2. How questions
Her are some common questions using how.
For example:
How long will you be?
This means how much time you will spend doing
For example:
How long will you be?
About an hour.
Bus driver: How long will you be at the university?
Anne: I’m not sure. An hour perhaps.
How long can also ask about the length of something.
For example:
How long is this rope?
Three metres.
How long is this box?
It’s eighty centimetres long.
Its length is eighty centimetres.
How long is this box?
It’s eighty centimetres long.
Its length is eighty centimetres.
How wide is this box?
It’s forty centimetres wide.
Its length is forty centimetres.
How high is this box?
It’s twenty centimetres high.
Its height is twenty centimetres.
We don’t ask how high or how long a person is. Instead
we say:
How tall are you?
What is your height?
You can use how in front of any adjective that can be
measured or compared with other things.
For example:
How thick are your walls?
How hot is it today?
How interesting is that book?
How sweet is that apple?
Another how question is how often?, which asks about
the amount of times we do things.
Anne sees the Professor.

Anne reads a sign 'Adelaide University' She enters the
university grounds.
She walks down a corridor and sees a sign on a door
'Professor Graham Cornish' She knocks on the door.

Graham: I’m sorry to hear your brother’s gone missing,

Miss Lee.
Anne: We’re all so worried. I’ve come to Adelaide to look
for him. How long did he study here?
Graham: I’m not sure, er, two semesters.
Anne: Did he get good grades?
Graham: I’m afraid not. I don’t think computer science
was the right direction for him.
Anne: The investigator, Mr Barbour said you have a
letter, from David.
Graham: Ah, of course. It’s addressed to you. I told him
I’d only give it to you in person.
David: Dear Anne, Please don’t look for me. I need to be
by myself. I can’t study any more. Tell mum and dad to
forget about me and take care of themselves. You too.
Look after yourself. I’m sorry. Love, your brother David.
Anne puts the letter down. Tears fill her eyes.
Graham holds out a box of tissues.
Graham: Here

Study Notes
1. Letter writing
When we write to someone we know, we usually begin by
and then the name of the person you are writing to:
Dear Anne
You don’t need to use their formal title.
We finish the letter with:
Dear Anne
I’m having a good time.
and your name
Dear Anne
I’m having a good time.
Love, David
But only use Love if you are close to the person you’re
writing to.
You can just write your name if you’re not sure.
Dear Anne
I’m having a good time.
2. Personal pronouns
Personal pronouns are words such as I, you, and they.
You use them to refer to yourself.
For example:
I am reading this.
Or to the person you’re talking to.
I hope you understand this.
Personal pronouns also refer to people and things we
know or have just named.
For example:
Elvis Presley is dead. He died in 1979.
I, me, we and us are used for the first person:
We use them to talk about ourselves.
I enjoy learning English.
Listen carefully to me.
We want to help you.
Listen carefully to us.
David: Dear Anne, Please don’t look for me. I need to be
by myself. I can’t study any more.
The pronoun for the second person is you.
It’s used to talk directly to other people.
For example:
You should listen carefully.
Anne: The investigator, Mr Barbour said you have a
letter, from David.
Graham: Ah, of course. It’s addressed to you. I told him
I’d only give it to you in person.
He, she, they, him, her and them are third
person pronouns we use for talking about other people.
For example:
He is clever.
She is smart.
They work hard.
I like him.
I believe her.
I don’t trust them.
Anne: I’ve come to Adelaide to look for him. How long
did he study here?
3. Subject and object pronouns
Sentences usually have a subject and an object.
The subject usually comes first.
For example:
He came to look for him.
He is the subject of that sentence.
The subject of a sentence is the person or thing that
does something, or performs the action.
He came to look for…..
The object of a sentence is the person or thing that is
affected by the action.
He came to look for him.
Most pronouns have two forms - one we use as the
subject of a sentence and the other we use as the
He is the subjective form and him is the objective form.
For example:
He helped him.
She is the subjective form.
For example:
She washed the dishes.
And her is its objective form
For example:
I helped her.
We is the subjective form
For example:
We bought a car.
And us is its objective form
For example:
It cost us a lot of money.
They is the subjective form.
For example:
They are noisy.
Its objective form is them.
For example:
I must tell them to be quiet.
I is the subjective form.
For example:
I take photos.
Me is its objective form.
For example:
That’s a photo of me.
4. Reflective pronouns
Reflexive pronouns are the self’ words such
as yourself and myself.
We use reflexive pronouns when the subject of the
sentence is the same as the object of the sentence.
We say:
I like myself.
and not
I like me. X
You is both the subject and object of this sentence:
You like yourself.
Here are some more examples.
My brother hurt himself.
Sarah drove herself home.
The cat licks itself.
When we’re talking about more than one person of thing,
we use these plural forms.
They enjoyed themselves.
We enjoyed ourselves.
David: Tell mum and dad to forget about me and take
care of themselves.
The Professor advises Anne on what to do next.

Graham: Here
Anne: I don’t know what to do.
Graham: I think you should go to the police.
Anne: But he says I shouldn’t look for him.
Graham: Yes, well he might have felt that way then. But
a year’s a long time. If I were you, I’d report your
brother missing.
Anne: Should I tell my parents about the letter?
Graham: Your poor parents, they must be so worried. I
think you should tell them what you know.
Anne: What if I can’t find him?
Graham: Have faith. I’m sure you will. You know your
brother. You’ll find him.
Graham: I’ll show you out.
He shows her outside.
Graham: Well, good luck Ms Lee.
Anne: I don’t know what else to do.
Graham: Why don’t you advertise in the newspaper? Put
a photograph of your brother there. Somebody might
recognise him.
Anne: Good, I hadn’t thought of that.
Graham: My advice is, never give up.
Anne: Thankyou for your help.
She shakes his hand and walks away.
Graham: When you find your brother – say hello to him
for me.
Anne: I will.

Study Notes
1. Giving advice and making suggestions
Often we make a suggestion by asking a question like
Why don’t you move the bin to the rubbish instead of
carrying the rubbish to the bin?
We can accept this sort of advice by saying:
Why don’t you use the internet to find out?
Good. I hadn’t thought of that.
Graham: Why don’t you advertise in the newspaper? Put
a photograph of your brother there.
Somebody might recognise him.
Anne: Good, I hadn’t thought of that.
Another way of giving advice is to first say If I were
Listen to the audio and repeat.
If I were you…
Then you give the advice
If I were you I would stop smoking.
Graham: If I were you, I’d report your brother missing.
When making suggestions or telling someone what to do,
it’s polite to say I think
For example:
I think you should go to the police.
An informal way of saying this is
For example:
I reckon you should go to the police.
When giving advice we usually say should or ought to.
For example:
I think you should go to the police.
I think you ought to go to the police.
Graham: I think you should go to the police.
The opposite of should is should not or shouldn’t.
For example:
You shouldn’t smoke.
Anne: But he says I shouldn’t look for him.
To ask for advice, you say should first.
For example:
Should I buy that car?
Anne: Should I tell my parents about the letter?
2. Have to, must and should have
When there is only one choice we say have to or must.
For example:
You have to water the plant or it will die.
You must water the plant or it will die.
For things that are not necessary we say should.
For example:
You should fertilise plants to make them grow well.
We say should have for things we think would have been
good to do in the past.
For example:
I should have turned the oven off!
We use it to express regret.
For example:
I should have studied more.
I should have stopped smoking years ago.
3. Would and will
We use will for things we intend to do or are going to do.
For example:
I will go on holiday next week.
Would is a form of will that we use for things we wish or
imagine were going to happen.
For example:
I wish it would stop raining.
It would be good to be very rich.
Would is used in polite requests such as:
I would like a drink.
To make someone feel better about what is going to
happen, we use the more definite will.
For example:
I’m sure everything will be all right.
Graham: When you find your brother – say hello to him
for me.
Anne: I will.
Anne and Sarah are tasting wines.

The Winemaker, Tim, is explaining the different

Tim: These are our whites. Why don’t you try the
Chardonnay first? It’s our best-selling wine.
Sarah: Lovely.
Anne: Good fruit. Perhaps a little immature.
Tim: Yes, it’s made from some of our youngest vines. It’s
our most popular white at the moment. Try this Riesling.
Anne: Hmmm.
Sarah: It’s very pale isn’t it?
Tim: A lot of our customers are finding it very
Anne: It’s a bit too dry for our market. I think we’ll
leave that one. But I like the Chardonnay. I think we can
sell that.
Tim: Excellent.
Sarah: Let’s try the reds.
Tim: Our reds are as good as any you’ll find around here.
Anne: What have we got here?
Tim: This is our cabernet sauvignon. It’s very popular.
Anne: Mmmm. A bit too much fruit at this stage. I
understand it wasn’t a good year for cabernet in this
Tim: You know your wines, Miss Lee.
Anne: I try to be prepared. What’s your best red?
Tim: This one. Our shiraz, and we think it’s world class.
Sarah: It’s a lovely colour, deepest red.
Anne: What vintage is this?
Tim: It’s three years old now. It’ll drink well for years
yet, but you can drink
it right now too.
Anne: And what’s the price?
Tim: Well, it’s our most expensive wine at fifty dollars
Anne: I’ll think about it. It’s certainly got potential, but
there are a lot of wines around in this class these days.
You’ve got a lot of competition Tim!
Tim: That’s for sure. But we can work out a special price
for you, if you’re interested.
Anne: I’m definitely interested. This is very good. Sarah
knows our requirements and pricing position, I’m sure
you can work out something with her.
Tim: I’m sure we can.

Study Notes
1. Giving opinions
It is polite to say perhaps when giving an opinion or
making suggestions.
Listen to the difference.
For example:
It’s time to go.
Perhaps it’s time to go.
You’re wrong about that.
Perhaps you’re wrong about that.
Anne: Good fruit. Perhaps a little immature.
When we give an opinion and want people to agree we
say isn’t it?
For example:
It’s hot, isn’t it?
It’s funny, isn’t it?
Sarah: It’s very pale isn’t it?
Be careful. You only use isn’t it when the subject is it.
Instead of saying isn’t it with other subjects we say:
He’s funny isn’t he?
You’re late, aren’t you?
They run fast, don’t they?
Isn’t it is short for 'is it not?' which is the same as
saying 'don’t you think?'.
For example:
This is a good movie, isn’t it?
This is a good movie, don’t you think?
We often say I think when we are giving our opinion.
For example:
I think the food here is excellent.
I think it’s a boring movie.
Anne: I think we’ll leave that one.
For example:
But I like the Chardonnay.
I think we can sell that.
2. Using The Word Too
Another word we often use when giving opinions is too.
For example:
It’s too cold.
We use it for saying that something is more than we
For example:
The train is too crowded.
This tea is too sweet.
We often use too after much (much too) to mean 'even
more than'.
For example:
The train is much too crowded.
This tea is much too sweet.
Anne: It’s a bit too dry for our market.
We use too before much (too much) to talk about
amounts that can’t be counted.
For example:
This tea has too much sugar in it.
There’s too much noise.
Anne: A bit too much fruit at this stage
For things that can be counted we use many.
For example:
There are too many people on the train.
Notice that it’s spelled with two os - too
It has more than one o.
We also use too spelled like this to mean 'as well'
For example:
It has another meaning too.
I want to come too.
Tim: It’ll drink well for years yet, but you can drink it
right now too.
The number 2 is spelled two
All other uses of to are spelled to.
For example:
We’d like you to try the quiz.
3. Superlatives
We use adjectives in a different way to compare more
than two things.
When we compare two things we add 'er' or say 'more'
before the adjective.
For example:
This is big.
This is bigger.
A cow is big
An elephant is bigger
A whale is the biggest of all animals
One way to compare more than two things is to add 'est'
to the adjective.
For example:
This is a big animal.
This is a bigger animal
This is the biggest animal.
Anne: It's a lovely colour, deepest red
Tim: Yes, it's made from some of our youngest vines
Words that have one main sound or syllable have
the est ending.
For example:
small (one syllable)
When a word has more than two main sounds or
syllables, we don’t add an est sound to form the
Beautiful has three syllables.
The superlative of beautiful is the most beautiful.
For example:
She is the most beautiful woman in the class.
Tim: Well, it's our most expensive wine at fifty dollars
Tim: It's our most popular white at the moment.
There are two common superlatives that are different.
The superlative of good is best.
For example:
This is the best wine.
The superlative of bad is worst.
For example:
This is the worst wine.
Anne: What's your best red?
Notice that we usually use the before superlatives.
For example:
This is the biggest animal.
She is the most beautiful woman in the class.
Or we use a possessive (your, our, their, its, my,
someone’s or something’s)
For example:
That is your biggest problem.
Sam’s largest pet is his dog.
Anne: What's your best red
Tim: Yes, it's made from some of our youngest vines.
Tim: Well, it's our most expensive wine at fifty dollars
Tim: It's our most popular white at the moment
4. As good as
We use the expression as good as to say that things are
the same as each other or that they are equally good.
For example:
My house is as good as yours.
(my house is equal to yours)
Tim: Our reds are as good as any you’ll find around
We use as before and after adjectives to say that
things are the same.
For example:
I’m as big as he is.
She’s as smart as you are.

Anne waits at the counter of the fish shop.

Attendant: Who’s next please?

Anne: Could I have some prawns please?
Attendant: Fresh, frozen or cooked?
Anne: Frozen please.
Attendant: How much do you need?
Anne: About five hundred grams please.
He weighs and wraps the prawns.
Attendant: That’ll be ten dollars thankyou.
Anne: Thankyou
Attendant 2: Can I help you?
Anne: Some of these leeks.
Attendant 2: How many love?
Anne: Three.
Attendant 2: Something else?
Anne: Some ginger.
Attendant 2: Right there love.
Anne: Oh, right. Just this piece please.
Attendant 2: Okay.
Anne: Do you have any bean sprouts?
Attendant 2: Yes we do. How much would you like?
Anne: About a hundred grams.
Attendant 2: Will that be all?
Anne: Yes thanks.
Attendant 2: That’ll be four dollars thanks.
Anne: Thankyou.
Through the crowd Anne sees a young man who looks
familiar. Could it be David, her long-lost brother?

Study Notes
1. Shopping
When shopping, the attendant often asks
Can I help you?
You can now ask for what you want.
Attendant 2: Can I help you?
Anne: Some of these leeks.
The attendant also might say
Who’s next, please?
If it’s your turn to be served, you can now ask for what
you want.
It’s polite to say
Could I have......
Can I have......
Attendant: Who’s next please?
Anne: Could I have some prawns please?
If you are buying a number of things, the attendant will
Is that all?
Will that be all?
Something else?
This means you can ask for more things:
Attendant 2: Will that be all?
Anne: Yes thanks.
Attendant 2: Something else?
Anne: Some ginger.
We say no if we want more when asked Will that be
For example:
Will that be all?
No, I’ll have some apples as well.
You reply yes or just say what you want for more when
asked Something else?
For example:
Something else?
Yes, some apples.
You reply like this when you don’t want more:
For example:
Will that be all?
Yes thanks.
Something else?
No, that’s enough.
To pay, you say:
How much is that, please?
The attendant will reply or just tell you
That’ll be five dollars thankyou.
or just
That’ll be five dollars thanks.
That’ll be means “the price is..”, or “could you please
give me…”
Attendant: That’ll be ten dollars thankyou.
Attendant 2: That’ll be four dollars thanks.
2. Some and any
We use some for amounts that are not definite or exact.
For example:
I want some sleep.
I want some ham please.
Anne: Could I have some prawns please?
Attendant: Can I help you?
Anne: Some of these leeks.
Attendant 2: Something else?
Anne: Some ginger.
You can use some and any in questions about amounts:
For example:
Do you have some milk?
Do you have any milk?
Anne: Do you have any bean sprouts?
For positive replies use some:
For example:
Do you have any milk?
Yes we have some.
Positive statements also use some.
For example:
I want some dinner.
We use any for negative replies
Do you have some milk?
No, we don’t have any.
or for negative statements
You’re not getting any dinner.
3. How much and how many
We ask how much? for things we measure and weigh.
For example:
How much sugar do you want?
One kilogram.
How much of this cloth do we need?
Two metres.
How much time does it take?
An hour.
Attendant 2: How much would you like?
Anne: About a hundred grams.
Attendant: How much do you need?
Anne: About five hundred grams please.
You ask how many? when you want the number of things.
For example:
How many presenters are there on Living English?
How many bananas do you want?
Anne: Some of these leeks
Attendant 2: How many love?
Anne: Three.
4. A few, many and a dozen
We say a few for a small number of things.
For example:
I need a few minutes to get dressed.
I only want a few apples.
We use few for things that can be counted.
For example:
There’s only a few clouds in the sky.
We use many to mean a lot.
For example:
There are many matches in a box.
There are many fish in the sea.
We say a dozen to mean twelve (12).
Eggs are sold as a dozen (12) or a half a dozen (6).
For example:
Can I have a dozen eggs please?
Anne meets Steve unexpectedly.

Anne is trying to keep sight of the young man as she
finishes buying her groceries. The young man turns away
and she starts after him, but it is too hard to get
through the crowd. She bumps into someone.

Anne: Sorry.
Anne: Steve!
Steve: Fancy running into you here! Where are you off
to in such a hurry?
Anne: Oh, Nowhere… I, I thought I saw someone I know.
Steve: Oh. Where?
Anne: Oh, it’s okay. He’s gone now. I must’ve made a
Steve: You got time for a coffee?
Anne: Yeah, okay
Steve: Yeah
Steve: How about here?
Anne: Fine.
Steve: So what are you doing at the market?
Anne: I’m cooking at your house on Friday, remember?
Steve: Of course, Friday. That’ll be great.
Anne: What about you? Do you come here often?
Steve laughs
Anne: What’s funny?
Steve: When someone says, “Do you come here often”,
it’s what we call a pick-up line. You know when someone’s
Anne: I know what a pick-up line is.
Steve: Sorry. I come here every week to buy fruit. I
like fresh fruit for work. What are we having for
Anne: You’ll find out on Friday.
Waiter: What would you like?
Steve: Cappuccino.
Waiter: Yep
Steve: And a tea please
Waiter: Tea. No worries.
Steve: Do you want me to take your shopping home? I
can put it in the fridge for you.
Anne: No, that’s okay, I have a fridge in my room at the
Anne: The person you saw. Who did you think it was?
Anne: It’s a long story. Maybe I’ll tell you later.
Steve: On Friday.
Anne: Maybe

Study Notes
1. Chance encounters
Listen again to how Steve and Anne meet:
Anne: Sorry.
Anne: Steve!
Steve: Fancy running into you here! Where are you off
to in such a hurry?
Steve says “Fancy running into you here”.
To 'run into' someone means to meet them by chance.
Remember that run has the irregular past tense ran.
For example:
I ran into an old friend yesterday.
Where are you off to? means the same as 'where are
you going?'
For example:
Where are you off to today?
I’m going to the shopping mall.
2. I thought..
I’m going to the shopping mall.
For example:
I thought you had the keys.
I thought I phoned you yesterday.
Anne: Oh, Nowhere… I, I thought I saw someone I know
3. More suggestions
One way of suggesting to someone that you do
something is to say Have you got time for…
For example:
Have you got time for a walk?
Have you got time to...?
Have you got time to talk?
Steve says this in a short and informal way without the
word have:
Steve: You got time for a coffee?
Another way of making a suggestion is to say how about
How about? means ‘what do you think about?’ or ‘is this
For example:
How about going to the movies?
How about a cup of coffee?
Steve: How about here?
4. Places with at and in
We use at when we’re talking about a place such as an
address, a type of business, or a place outside.
For example:
I’ll be at work today.
I saw him at the hospital yesterday.
I’ll meet you at school.
I saw her at the bus stop.
She lives at 23 Mitchell Street.
Steve: So what are you doing at the market?
Anne: I’m cooking at your house on Friday, remember?
In can only refer to something that is enclosed or has an
inside and an outside.
For example:
I’m in the room.
I live in Australia.
I cook in the kitchen.
Steve: Do you want me to take your shopping home? I
can put it in the fridge for you
Anne: No, that’s okay, I have a fridge in my room at the
NOTE: At can mean inside or outside. In can only mean
For example:
I work at the hospital.
He is in the hospital having an operation.
5. Prepositions of place
These words are called prepositions of place.
We use them to say where something is.
For example:
The apple is in the box
The apple is on the box
We can also say
The apple is on top of the box.
The box is under the apple.
When the apple is not touching the box we say:
The apple is above the box.
The apple is over the box.
The box is beneath the apple.
The box is below the apple.
The apple is beside the box.
The box is beside the apple.
We use into and onto for actions:
He’s putting the apple into the box.
He’s putting the apple onto the box.
Anne sees John and describes her brother's

Anne is sitting in John's office.

Anne: I thought I saw David at the market. But I didn’t

get a very good look and I lost him in the crowd.
John: When was this?
Anne: Just yesterday.
John: How long since you’ve seen him?
Anne: Nearly two years.
John: Are you sure you’d recognise him now?
Anne: Of course! He’s my brother.
John: It’s just, I’m thinking he might have changed his
appearance – if he didn’t want to be found.
Anne: Mr Barbour, I would recognise my brother.
Believe me.
John: Of course. I’m sorry. Maybe you did see him at
the market. It’s just you’ve been thinking about him a
lot. The mind plays tricks, you know.
Anne: I suppose so. Maybe it wasn’t him. I don’t know.
John: Is there anything that would positively identify
him? Jewellery, a scar, anything?
Anne: His watch. My father gave it to him. He always
wears it.
John: Can you describe it?
Anne: It’s an old fashioned watch. An Omega. It was our
John: What’s the band made of?
Anne: Silver. And the watch has an inscription. It says
‘To my son Norman’
John: Norman?
Anne: That’s our father’s name. Grandfather gave it to
John: Aha! (writes) Norman.
Anne: In Chinese.
John: In Chinese.
Anne: He might have a neckband. I gave it to him as a
going-away present.
John: What’s it like?
Anne: It’s made of tortoise-shell. It’s a disc with a
design, like this.
She draws a ‘yin-yang’ design on a piece of paper.
John: Ah, Yin Yang.
Anne: That’s right. You know it. The band is made of
leather. He said he’d always wear it.
John: Yes, well it’s not much, but it’s something I
suppose. I’ll call you next week with some news.
Anne: I hope so.

Study Notes
1. Possibilities
You say:
It will rain today
if you are certain or sure it will rain.
If you are not certain you say:
It might rain today.
Perhaps it will rain today.
Maybe it will rain today.
Anne: He might have a neckband.
2. Possibility in the past
When we use might to talk about the past we always use
it with have
For example:
I might have thrown the cup in the bin.
This means that you are not sure if you have thrown the
cup in the bin.
Notice that we use might have with the past participle
of the verb throw.
For example:
I might have thrown the cup in the bin.
The past participle is the form of the verb used with
forms of have.
For example:
I have thrown it out.
She has seen your work.
Most of the time the past participle is the same as the
past tense.
For example:
You might have studied this before.
John: It’s just, I’m thinking he might have changed his
appearance – if he didn’t want to be found.
The other words we use for possibilities in the past
(maybe and perhaps) are used with the simple past
For example:
Perhaps I threw the cup in the bin.
Maybe I threw the cup in the bin.
Perhaps I did throw the cup in the bin.
Maybe I did throw the cup in the bin.
John: Maybe you did see him at the market.
John could have said:
Maybe you saw him at the market.
Perhaps you saw him at the market.
might have seen him at the market.
3. Talking about materials
The wallet is made of leather
It’s a leather wallet.
The cup is made of china.
It’s a china cup.
The spoon is made of metal.
It’s a metal spoon.
The t-shirt is made of cotton.
It’s a cotton t-shirt.
The vase is made of glass.
It’s a glass vase.
The frames are made of tortoise-shell.
They’re tortoise-shell frames.
The spoon is made of wood.
It’s a wooden spoon.
Something that is transparent is clear, or can be seen
The vase is transparent.
Something that is opaque can’t be seen through.
All the other objects are opaque.
Something that is pliable is easily bent.
The leather wallet is pliable.
Anne goes to the doctor.

Anne enters the waiting room and approaches the
Anne: Excuse me. I have an appointment to see Doctor
Chang at 2.30.
Receptionist: And your name?
Anne: Lee. Anne Lee.
Receptionist: Ms Lee. Yes, please take a seat. Doctor
will see you soon.
Anne: Thankyou.
She takes a seat and leafs through magazines.
Receptionist: Ms Lee? Doctor will see you now.
Anne: Thankyou.
Anne enters the surgery.
Doctor Chang: So Ms Lee. How can I help you?
Anne: I’ve been getting some very bad headaches lately.
And I feel tense.
Doctor Chang: When do you get them?
Anne: Usually at night, but sometimes in the morning
Doctor Chang: And have you been taking anything for
Anne: No.
Doctor Chang: You look tense. Are you working too
Anne: Not really. I’m over here from Singapore buying
Doctor Chang: But something’s worrying you. Am I
Anne: Yes, I’m worried about my brother. He’s been
missing for two years.
Doctor Chang: No wonder you’ve been getting
headaches. Just let me give you a check up to make sure
it’s nothing else.
Doctor Chang: Your blood pressure is a little high, but
your heart is fine. I’m sure it’s the
worry about your brother that’s causing the headaches.
Anne: What can I do?
Doctor Chang: Try to relax and get some rest. Do you
prefer Western or Chinese medicine?
Anne: I prefer Chinese medicine.
Doctor Chang: Here are some tablets. Take two, three
times a day. And try not to worry about your brother.
I’m sure you’ll find him soon.
Anne: Thankyou. I hope so.

Study Notes
1. Seeing the doctor
Anne tells the receptionist which doctor she has come
to see, and the time of the appointment.
Anne: Excuse me. I have an appointment to see Doctor
Chang at 2.30.
The receptionist asks for Anne’s name. Instead of saying
‘What is your name please?’ she just says, ‘And your
Receptionist: And your name
Anne: Lee. Anne Lee.
Listen to what the receptionist says next.
Receptionist: Ms Lee. Yes, please take a seat.
She means that Anne can sit down to wait.
She then says:
Receptionist: Doctor will see you soon.
She means Anne won’t have to wait long.
Listen to what she says when the doctor is ready to see
Receptionist: Ms Lee? Doctor will see you now.
Listen to what Anne tells the Doctor.
Anne: I’ve been getting some very bad headaches lately.
And I feel tense.
Pains in the head are called headaches.
We can also talk about a stomach ache, which is a pain in
the stomach.
For example:
Eating unripe fruit gives me a stomach ache.
A toothache is a pain in a tooth.
For example:
You get toothaches if you don’t look after your teeth.
We call these things that we feel symptoms.
They are the signs that we are sick.
For example:
A runny nose and fever are symptoms of the flu.
A diagnosis is the Doctor’s opinion about what is wrong.
For example:
Her diagnosis is that you have the flu.
2. Present perfect continuous tense
Anne says:
Anne: I’ve been getting some very bad headaches lately.
Let’s look at the phrase have been getting.
If Anne has a headache now, she would say:
I have a headache
If she had a headache yesterday, she would say:
I had a headache.
But for an action that started in the past, and is still
going on she says
I have been getting headaches.
The action is continuous, or still happening, and we call
this tense the present perfect continuous.
It combines have or has with been and the ing form of
the verb.
For example:
I have been smoking for years.
He has been smoking for years.
Here is another example from today’s episode:
Anne: Yes, I’m worried about my brother. He’s been
missing for two years.
This is short for he has been missing. He went missing
in the past and he is still missing.
Notice that we use the word for to talk about a length
of time.
For example:
I’ve been waiting for an hour.
She’s been studying for three years.
Anne: Yes, I’m worried about my brother. He’s been
missing for two years.
We use the word since when we are talking about a
specific time in the past:
For example:
They have been driving since six in the morning.
We have been flying since yesterday.
To ask questions using the present perfect continuous,
we say the pronoun (we, you,they, I, he she, it)
after have or has.
For example:
Have you been working all day?
Has she been working all day?
Doctor Chang: And have you been taking anything for
3. Preference
The Doctor uses the word prefer to ask which sort of
medicine Anne likes best.
Doctor Chang: Do you prefer Western or Chinese
In her answer, Anne says which one she likes more.
Anne: I prefer Chinese medicine.
In questions about what a person likes we use the
word or.
For example:
Do you prefer staying home or travelling?
When we say which thing we like out of two things we
use the word to.
For example:
I prefer staying home to travelling.
Another way of saying which of two things you like uses
the words would, rather and than.
For example:
I would rather stay home than travel.
We can shorten this to:
I’d rather stay home than travel.
Notice that we don’t use the ing form when
using would, rather and than.
For example:
I would rather stay home than travel.
Sarah shows Anne her kitchen.

Anne has her shopping in a bag. She puts it on the bench
while Sarah shows her around the kitchen.

Sarah: Are you feeling better now?

Anne: Yes, the Doctor said I should relax.
Sarah: Why don’t you sit down? Let me cook.
Anne: No. I enjoy cooking. It is relaxing for me.
Sarah: Okay then. Well, let me help. What do you need?
Anne: I need a sharp knife.
Sarah: The knives are in this drawer.
Anne: And a wok. Do you have one?
Sarah: Yes of course. It’s in this cupboard.
Anne: And do you have a …. Hmmm. I don’t know what it’s
called. A kind of saucepan with holes in it.
Sarah: A colander. It’s in here too. It’s behind the
Anne: And I’ll need a bowl.
Sarah: Large or small?
Anne: Big enough to hold these prawns.
Sarah: Oh, yum, prawns. I love prawns. How about this
She holds up a very big bowl.
Anne: No, that’s too big. I don’t need one as big as that.
Sarah: This one?
Anne: That’s perfect. Okay, I’m ready!

Study Notes
1. Some useful phrases
Sarah asks Anne:
Sarah: Are you feeling better now?
Sarah is showing her concern because she knows Anne
was not feeling well.
Anne says she is feeling better and tells Sarah what the
Doctor told her to do:
Anne: Yes, the Doctor said I should relax.
You can say:
The doctor said I should take some medicine.
The doctor said I should do some exercise.
The doctor said I should get some sleep.
2. Next to, behind and in front of
The cup is next to the bowl.
The bowl is next to the cup.
The plate is behind the bowl.
The bowl is in front of the plate.
3. Attributes
Here are some ways to describe kitchen objects.
For example:
It’s made of metal.
It has a wooden handle.
It’s sharp.
It’s a knife.
It’s soft.
You can squeeze it.
It’s a sponge.
It’s round.
It’s hard.
It’s breakable.
It’s a plate
4. Enough
The box is big enough to fit this ball.
The ball is small enough to fit in the box.
The box is not big enough for this ball.
Anne: And I’ll need a bowl.
Sarah: Large or small?
Anne: Big enough to hold these prawns.
We can also use the word enough to say that we don’t
need any more
For example:
I’ve done enough study today.
Words spelled with ough are pronounced in different
For example:
I bought a new shirt today.
Though I don’t think it fits.
You’ve got a nasty cough.
Don’t go through a red light.
That’s enough for today.
Anne cooks a meal.

Sarah: What are we having?
Anne: Singapore noodles with prawns. It’s a very famous
dish. You can buy it at street stalls everywhere. I hope
you like it.
Sarah: I’m sure we will. So, what do we do first?
Anne: First we have to peel the prawns.
Sarah: Okay. I’ll do that. Now what?
Anne: Now we’ll fry the prawns. The oil must be very
hot. It doesn’t take very long. While I’m doing that, you
can chop the leeks. Chop them very fine.
She fries the prawns, while Sarah chops the leeks.
Sarah: Like this?
Anne: Yes. Sort of…
Later… She has taken the prawns out of the wok…
Sarah: Now what?
Anne: Next we add the spices, and some ginger, and the
Sarah: Okay, and now?
Anne: Now the leeks are soft, we put in some bean
sprouts, and then the prawns, and the noodles.
Sarah: All in together? Is that all?
Anne: Almost. Lastly we add some of this special sauce.
I didn’t think I’d be able to find this here. Your market’s
very good. That’s it. We’re almost ready. I hope your
family’s hungry.

Study Notes
1. Instructions / explaining what to do
For the thing we start with we say first.
For example:
First, we have to peel the prawns.
Anne: First we have to peel the prawns.
You can then ask
For example:
What do we do now?
What’s next?
Now what?
Sarah: Now what?
You can reply
Next, we’ll fry the prawns.
Now we’ll fry the prawns.
Anne: Now we’ll fry the prawns.
For doing things at the same time as something else we
say while.
For example:
While I’m doing that, you can chop the leeks.
Anne: While I’m doing that, you can chop the leeks.
Another way of asking what’s next is:
For example:
Okay, and now?
Sarah: Okay, and now?
If you think the task is finished you can ask:
For example:
Is that all you need to do?
Is that all?
Sarah: Is that all?
For the final or last thing we say finally or lastly:
Finally we add some of this special sauce.
Lastly we add some of this special sauce.
Anne: Lastly we add some of this special sauce.
2. Passive Voice
We use the passive voice when the thing that causes the
action is not important.
The active voice is:
For example:
We add some of this special sauce.
The passive voice is:
Some special sauce is added.
Notice that the subject changes.
In the example in the active voice the subject is we and
the object is special sauce :
For example:
We add some of this special sauce.
In the passive voice the person or thing doing the action
is not important, so the object becomes the subject.
For example:
Some special sauce is added.
The passive voice just says what happens to the subject
and not what the subject does.
For example:
Some special sauce is added.
We do this by using a passive verb such as is added.
Here is another example.
We add the spices. (active)
The spices are added. (passive)
Notice that the active verb add changes to a form of
the verb to be and the kind of past tense called a past
The spices are added.
Here is another example.
We show films in a cinema. (active)
A cinema is where films are shown. (passive)
We can use the active or the passive in questions.
How do you pronounce this word? (active)
How is this word pronounced? (passive)
3. Recipes
Passive Voice
First, one teaspoon of coffee is put in the shaker.
Active Voice
He puts a teaspoon of coffee in the shaker.
Passive Voice
One teaspoon of sugar is then added.
Active Voice
He then adds a teaspoon of sugar.
Passive Voice
Next, a little hot water is added.
Active Voice
Next he adds a little hot water.
Passive Voice
A scoop of ice-cream is then added
Active Voice
The he adds a scoop of ice-cream.
Passive Voice
Milk is poured in.
Active Voice
He pours in milk.
Passive Voice
The lid is put on...
Active Voice
He puts on the lid...
Passive Voice
and the contents are shaken
Active Voice
...and shakes the contents.
The family praise Anne for her meal.

Sarah, her husband Mark, daughter Louise and brother
Steve are there. They are finishing their meal.

Sarah: That was delicious Anne.

Anne: I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Mark: Yes, it was very tasty.
Anne: If you went to Singapore you could have it every
Sarah: There you are, Mark, the advantages of travel.
Steve: I thought it was absolutely superb.
Anne: Thankyou, Steve. What did you think Louise?
Louise: Too hot!
Anne: I’m sorry. That’s how we eat in Singapore.
Steve: Do you want to play darts?
Anne: What’s that?
Steve: Come on, I’ll show you.
Louise: Can I play too?
Sarah: No Louise. Let Anne relax. She cooked dinner, so
we’ll clean up.
In the games room, Steve shows Anne how to play darts.
Steve: You have to hold it like this. Gently, like this.
Look where you want the dart to go, and throw it, but
not too hard.
Anne throws her dart.
Steve: That’s pretty good for a beginner.
Anne smiles, but her mind is somewhere else.
Steve: Anne, you seem sad again. What’s the matter?
Anne: There’s something I haven’t told you...

Study Notes
1. Praising a meal
If we like what we have eaten we can say:
That was nice.
That was very tasty.
That was delicious.
Sarah: That was delicious Anne.
Anne: I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Mark: Yes, it was very tasty.
If you think it was more than delicious you can say:
That was absolutely superb.
Steve: I thought it was absolutely superb.
It’s not polite to say you don’t like a meal if you are a
But in a restaurant you can say to the people you are
That was awful.
That wasn’t very nice.
2. To and too
We use too to mean as well.
Louise: Can I play too?
Or to mean more than
Anne: Thankyou, Steve. What did you think Louise
Louise: Too hot!
3. So
Sometimes we use so to mean because.
Listen to these sentences:
We won’t go out because it’s raining.
It’s raining, so we won’t go out.
I’ve got to go because it’s late
It’s late, so I’ve got to go.
I’ll buy this coat because I like it.
I like this coat, so I’ll buy it.
Sarah: Let Anne relax. She cooked dinner, so we’ll clean
4. Instructions
When giving instructions to someone, we say you
must or you have to.
Look at the instructions for playing ‘Pick up sticks’.

You have to hold the sticks firmly in your hand.

You have to let them fall.
You have to pick up as many sticks as you can.
You must be very careful.
You must not move any of the other sticks.
Steve: You have to hold it like this.
Giving commands or instructions is always to the second
person, or you. But we can leave out the word you.
So the instructions for pick up sticks can just be:
Hold the sticks firmly in your hand.
Let them fall.
Pick them up without moving the others.
Steve: Gently, like this. Look where you want the dart to
go, and throw it, but not too hard.
Written instructions often leave other words out,
especially a and the.
Electric kettle
1. Fill with desired amount of water.
= put the amount of water you need into the kettle
2.Do not fill past maximum water level mark.
= don’t put too much water in
3. Plug kettle into power outlet.
= Plug the kettle into a power outlet
4. Turn power on.
= Turn the power on
5. Turn switch on kettle to ‘on’.
= Turn the switch on the kettle to ‘on’
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David tells Anne what he knows.

Steve is looking at the photo.
Steve: This is your brother?
Anne: Yes
Steve: I know this man!
Anne: You know him!
Steve: I’m sure it’s him. This is the man who works at
the stall where I buy fruit.
Anne: I knew it! I knew it was him! We must go there
Steve: Hold on! Hold on! It’s ten o’clock at night. The
Market’s closed. Let me have another look. How long
since you’ve seen him?
Anne: Two years.
Steve: It’s him. I’m sure it’s him.
Sarah comes into the room.
Sarah: What’s going on?
Anne: Steve says he knows my brother.
Sarah: What!
Steve: Well I think so…
Anne: He says David’s working at the Market.
Steve: That’s right.
Anne: My brother sells fruit for a living!
Sarah: Steve, are you sure?
Steve: Yes. Anne thinks she saw him.
Sarah: Well the Market’s are open tomorrow. Let’s find
Anne: I can’t believe it. David, working at the Market.

Study Notes
1. Reported speech
We use says when we are talking about the singular
third person.
Michelle says she doesn’t eat meat.
Anne: Steve says he knows my brother.
The first person is I or we.
We use say with the first person.
For example:
I say that meat is good for you.
We say that you should eat healthy foods.
We also use say with the second person, you.
For example:
You say that English is difficult.
The third person is anyone or anything else.
We use says with the third person.
For example:
She says that she’s sick.
He says that he can’t do it.
The doctor says to get some rest.
Anne: He says David’s working at the Market.
We don’t just use say or says to mean talking.
We use it to mean writing too.
For example:
The newspaper says that there was a terrible accident.
It says that the train leaves soon.
But when the third person is plural, we use say:
The newspapers say that there was a terrible accident.
They say that things are getting better.
The doctors say that smoking is bad for you.
If we ask a question we use say.
What does the newspaper say?
What does she say?
What does it say?
What do you say?
What did I say?
What did we say?
The past tense of say is said.
We use said with the first, third and second person.
For example:
I said it would be easy.
He said that he was tired.
You said that you would help.
The newspapers said that the war was over.
We use thinks or think in the same way as says or say
For example:
I think I understand.
She thinks meat is bad for you.
Anne: My brother sells fruit for a living!
Sarah: Steve, are you sure?
Steve: Yes. Anne thinks she saw him
2. Who or that
We mostly use who when we are talking about people and
always that if we’re talking about things.
For example:
I don’t like cars that are noisy.
I don’t like people who are noisy.
I like children who laugh.
You can say:
I don’t like people that are noisy.
I like children that laugh.
But with things we always use that.
For example:
I don’t like cars that are noisy.
I like houses that are old.
Steve: This is the man who works at the stall where I
buy fruit.
3. Complex sentences
Words such as who, that and where are used to make
complex sentences.
They link information like this.
This is the house.
I live there.
We can link these sentences with the word where.
This is the man who owns the house where I live.
Steve: This is the man who works at the stall where I
buy fruit.
4. At, as, for and in
We mostly say that we work at a specific place.
For example:
David works at the market.
I work at the local TV station.
Anne: I can’t believe it. David, working at the Market.
We mostly use in for the general type of work we do.
For example:
I work in the media.
Anne works in the wine industry.
David works in retail.
We say for to mean the organisation you are helping
with your work.
For example:
He works for a bank.
I work for the government.
Anne works for an export business.
We use as to say what you job title is.
For example:
I work as a writer.
David works as a greengrocer.
Anne works as a wine importer.
Anne, Steve and Sarah look for David at the Market

Steve leads them to the fruit and veg stall where Anne
thinks she saw David.

Anne: He’s not here.

Steve: Give me the photo. I’ll ask.
Anne gives him the photo and Steve goes up to the fruit
Steve: Excuse me!
Fruit seller: Yes mate.
Steve: We’re looking for this man. He works here,
doesn’t he?
Fruit seller: Who wants to know?
Steve: This is his sister. She’s been looking for him.
Fruit seller: Don’t know anything about a sister. He
never mentioned a sister.
Anne: But it is him, isn’t it? Please say it’s him!
Fruit seller: Yeah, well this does look like our Davo.
Reckon it’s him, love.
Anne: Oh thankyou, thankyou! It’s David!
Steve: I knew it!
Turns to fruit seller
Steve: So where is he?
Fruit seller: Look I dunno, mate. He rang yesterday.
Said he wanted a couple of days off. I said okay – he’s
usually pretty good.
Anne: Do you know where he lives?
Fruit seller: Hang on love, I’ll just get me book.
Sarah: We’ll go there straight away.
Later, they are driving.
Steve: Straight ahead?
Sarah: Yes, no, left at the next lights.
Anne: How far is it?
Sarah: Not far. Keep going along this road until you get
to a roundabout.
A police motorbike catches up with them and turns on
its siren.
Steve: Uh oh.
Sarah: What’s that?
Steve: It’s the cops.

Study Notes
1. Directions
The main directions are:
north south east west
Where left and right are depends on which way you are
For you, the cup is to the left of the plate and the shell
is to the right.
On maps the top of the page is always north.
South is always on the bottom of the page.
West in to the left.
And east is to the right.
Let’s listen to the directions given in the drama.
Steve: Straight ahead?
He’s asking if he should just go straight and not turn.
Listen to Sarah:
Sarah: Yes, no, left at the next lights.
She wants to give the directions quickly, so she doesn’t
say turn.
The next lights means the next set of traffic lights.
Now listen to how she tells Steve to continue in the
same direction:
Sarah: Keep going along this road until you get to a
She says keep going.
Remember that when we give instruction or orders, we
don’t say you.
Sarah doesn’t say ‘you keep going’, she just says ‘keep
Listen again:
Sarah: Keep going along this road until you get to a
Until you get to a roundabout.
Until means ‘up to when’ or ‘up to the time that’.
When they get to the roundabout they will have to turn.
2. Present perfect continuous
We use the present perfect continuous tense for things
done in the past and which we continue to do now.
For example:
I have been writing these examples for quite a while.
We hope you have been watching Living English.
We use have or has with been and the ing from of a
verb to form this tense.
For example:
I have been dancing for hours.
He has been driving all day.
Steve: This is his sister. She’s been looking for him.
3. Present Perfect
The tense we use for things that are not continuous
actions, but started in the past and continue to be true
is the present perfect.
For example:
I have lost my keys.
(the keys are still lost)
She has burnt her hand.
(her hand is still burnt)
We use have or has with a past participle to form the
present perfect.
For example:
I have found my keys.
We say this when we the keys are recently found.
If they were found a longer time ago we say:
I found my keys.
Just after we finish eating we say:
I have eaten my dinner.
If we finished eating dinner for a longer time we say:
I ate my dinner.
Sarah, Anne and Steve get pulled over for speeding.

A policeman is following them on a motorbike.

Anne: What’s that?

Steve: It’s the cops!
They pull over, and the policeman approaches.
Policeman: Can I see your licence please?
Steve: Here you are. I’m sorry officer, what’s the
Policeman: I’m afraid you were travelling at seventy
kilometres per hour in a sixty kilometre zone. Also, I see
you have a passenger in the back seat who was not
wearing a seat belt. Do you know that you must wear a
seat belt when you’re travelling in a vehicle, ma’am?
Sarah: I’m sorry. I forgot. You see officer, my friend
here has been looking for her brother who she hasn’t
seen for two years, and we’ve just discovered the
Steve: We were driving there when you pulled us over.
Policeman: Yes, well, you hear a lot of stories in this job.
I haven’t heard that one before.
Sarah: But it’s true!
Anne: I’m really sorry. It’s all my fault. I was only
thinking about my brother, and now you’re in trouble.
Steve: It’s okay Anne. It was my fault we were going too
Policeman: Look, just stick to the speed limit, okay?
Steve: Thankyou officer. Thankyou so much.
Policeman: But that’s no excuse for not wearing a
seatbelt. Right now be off with you. I hope they find
your brother, ma’am.
Steve: Thanks officer.

Study Notes
1. Past Continuous
Steve was travelling too fast.
Was travelling is a verb tense called past continuous. It
describes a continuous action in the past.
Policeman: I’m afraid you were travelling at seventy
kilometres per hour in a sixty kilometre zone.
Travelling is a continuous action, one that goes on for a
And it is a past action, because Steve is not travelling
now. He has stopped.
Listen for another continuous action that has stopped.
Policeman: Also, I see you have a passenger in the back
seat who was not wearing a seat belt.
We form the past continuous with was or were and
the ing form of the verb.
For example:
They were driving too fast.
I was working too hard.
It was raining.
Steve: We were driving there when you pulled us over.
We form the negative of the past continuous by
saying not between was or were and the ing verb.
For example:
They were not driving too fast.
I was not working too hard.
It was not raining.
Policeman: Also, I see you have a passenger in the back
seat who was not wearing a seat belt.
2. While, who and when
While, who and when are used to make complex
While means 'during the time’.
It’s used to link two ideas together.
For example:
You are on a bus.
You must have a ticket.
You must have a ticket while you are on a bus.
You are in a restaurant.
You mustn’t smoke.
You mustn’t smoke while you are in a restaurant.
When connects two actions which happened at the same
For example:
We were driving there.
You pulled us over.
We were driving there when you pulled us over.
Steve: We were driving there when you pulled us over.
We were speeding.
You stopped us.
We were speeding when you stopped us.
Policeman: Do you know that you must wear a seat
belt when you’re travelling in a vehicle, ma’am?
We also link ideas with who.
For example:
My friend has been looking for her brother.
She hasn’t seen him for two years.
My friend has been looking for her brother who she
hasn’t seen for two years.
Sarah: You see officer, my friend here has been looking
for her brother who she hasn’t seen for two years
3. Using tenses
Listen to this long sentence from Sarah.
Sarah: I’m sorry. I forgot. You see officer, my friend
here has been looking for her brother who she hasn’t
seen for two years, and we’ve just discovered the
The present perfect continuous tense ‘My friend
here has been looking for her brother’ tells us that
Anne was looking in the past, and is still looking now.
Sarah: You see officer, my friend here has been looking
for her brother...
‘She hasn’t seen him’ shows that in all that time, Anne
did not see her brother, and she still hasn’t seen him
Sarah: You see officer, my friend here has been looking
for her brother who she hasn’t seen for two years.
’We’ve just discovered his address.’ is the present
perfect tense. They discovered his address just a little
while ago at the market.
Sarah: You see officer, my friend here has been looking
for her brother who she hasn’t seen for two years, and
we’ve just discovered the address.
They arrive at David's house.
Sarah: Where did you say it was?
Steve: This is it. Barker Street. We’re looking for
number 57.
The car pulls up outside the house.
Anne: What am I gunna say to him?
Sarah: It’ll be fine. He’s your brother.
Steve: So. Who’s going to knock?
Anne: I guess I will. I’m so nervous.
Sarah: Don’t worry. We’ll be here.
Anne walks up to the front door and knocks. A woman
(Rose) comes to the front door.
Rose: Hello.
Anne: Hello. I wonder… er, I’m sorry to bother you. I’m
looking for…it’s very hard to explain.
Rose: Perhaps my partner can help you. David!
Anne is shocked. David comes to the door and recognises
his sister.
David: Anne!
Anne: David!
David: It’s so good to see you. I’m so ashamed. I’ve been
so selfish.
Anne: I’m so glad you’re alright. I’ve been so worried.
ROSE is looking confused and a little worried.
David: Rose – this is my sister Anne.
Rose: Your sister!
David: Anne – this is my er… girlfriend, Rose..
Rose: You’d better come in.

Study Notes
1. Introductions
David had to introduce his sister to his partner.
First he introduces his sister to Rose.
David: Rose – this is my sister Anne.
Then he introduces Rose to Anne.
David: Anne – this is my er... girlfriend, Rose...
When you introduce someone, you say something about
them - whether they are your sister or your boss, or
whatever seems to be important.
Jim - this is our receptionist, Sue.
2. Asking for help
To ask for help we say:
Hello. I wonder if you could help me
Hello. I’m sorry to bother you.
Anne: Hello. I wonder… er, I’m sorry to bother you. I’m
looking for…it’s very hard to explain.
3. I have been
We say I have been or I’ve been to talk about something
that has happened for a period of time.
For exanmple:
I have been studying English for a year.
I’ve been driving since I was sixteen.
Listen to Anne and David talk about their feelings in the
period of time when they were apart.
David: It’s so good to see you. I’m so ashamed. I’ve
been so selfish.
Anne: I’m so glad you’re alright. I’ve been so worried.
4. Feelings and emotions
She is angry.
She feels anger.
She is happy.
She is showing her happiness.
She is anxious.
You can see her anxiety.
She looks worried.
She is sad.
Her face shows her sadness.
5. You'd better
A common way of saying 'the best thing to do is...'
is you’d better.
For example:
You’d better finish that essay.
You’d better feed the cat.
Rose: You’d better come in
Anne meets her brother's family.

Rose: You’d better come in.
Rose: You didn’t tell me you had a sister.
(Turning to the others)
David hasn’t told me very much about his family.
David: I’m so sorry. Anne, I feel very bad about not
contacting you.
Anne: I just can’t believe it. I was looking for you,
thinking that something terrible must have happened
and here you are playing house!
David: There’s someone you should meet.
He takes Anne to a corner of the room where there is a
crib with a cover over it. He folds back the cover. There
is a baby there.
David: This is our son, Sam. Sam, meet your Aunt Anne.
Anne: David! My little brother – a father! He’s beautiful!
David, why didn’t you tell me about Rose. Why didn’t you
tell me you were a father?
Rose: I think I would like to know that too.
Anne: I would have come and helped you.
David: It’s hard to explain.
Anne: I have some friends outside who helped me find
you. I think you need to tell us all what happened.
Rose: I’ll go and get them.
David picks Sam up out of his crib, and passes him to
Anne: I’m an aunt!
Rose comes in with the others.
Anne: Sarah, Steve. This is my brother David and his
partner, Rose. And this is my nephew Sam.
Sarah: He’s gorgeous!
David: (to Steve)
I know you. You…
Steve: …shop at your stall. Yeah.
David: Green apples. He always wants green apples.
Steve: That’s right. You have a good memory David.
Rose: I think you’d better all sit down.

Study Notes
1. Introductions
This time Anne introduces two groups of people instead
of just two people:
Anne: Sarah, Steve. This is my brother David and his
partner, Rose. And this is my nephew Sam.
2. Relative pronouns
A relative pronoun is a word that’s used instead of the
noun being talked about.
Who, which, that, what and when are common relative
We use who for people.
Anne is the character who has found her brother.
Sarah is the character who is Mark’s wife.
Anne: I have some friends outside who helped me find
We use which or that when talking about things.
for example:
I have a car which is blue.
I have a car that is blue.
If we’re talking about time we say when.
For example;
This is the time when the bus arrives.
And if we’re talking about a place we use where.
For example:
This is the place where the accident happened.
What can be used to mean ‘the things that’.
For example:
I mean what I say.
Anne: I think you need to tell us all what happened.
3. Relatives
Baby Sam is Anne’s nephew.
Anne: And this is my nephew Sam.
Anne is Sam’s aunt.
Anne: I’m an aunt!
If Anne had a child, David would be its uncle.
If it were a girl it would be David’s niece.
If Anne had a child, it would be Sam’s cousin.
We use cousin for male and female.
These sorts of relatives are called your extended
Your immediate family is
your mother, father, sisters and brothers.
Rose is Sam’s mother.
David is Sam’s father.
Sam is Rose and David’s son.
Sam doesn’t have any brothers or sisters yet.
Rose and David don’t have a daughter. (girl)
Rose: You didn’t tell me you had a sister
David tells his story.

Anne: What happened? Why did you stop writing?
David: I started my course at University. It was very
difficult. Computer science isn’t for me.
Anne: Did you fail your exams?
David: Yes. I let everyone down. I just wanted to die.
Dad must be so angry.
Anne: He’s just worried about you, David.
David: I didn’t know what to do. I was so confused. I
had to find a job. I couldn’t use father’s money any
more. So, I applied for a job at the Markets. Phil was
very kind. He agreed to give me a job if I could get a
working visa.
Anne: How did you?
David: I went home and applied for it.
Anne: You mean you went back to Singapore?
David: Yes. I was too ashamed to see anyone. I’m such a
Rose takes David’s hand.
Rose: I don’t think you’re a failure.
David: Anyway, I returned here, and I started work. I
met Rose, we moved in together, and, well, then Sam
came along.
Steve: It’s an amazing story.
Sarah: I think it’s wonderful.
David: Mum and dad won’t think it’s that wonderful.
Anne: They’ll be so relieved you’re safe. We didn’t know
what to think, David.

Study Notes
1. Past tenses
We use did or didn’t if we are talking about the past.
For example:
I did know. (positive)
I didn’t know.(negative)
Anne: We didn’t know what to think, David.
We use did with the basic form of a verb called an
Know is the infinitive.
For example:
I did know.
These are some ways of forming past tenses with the
verb know:
For example:
I did know.
I didn’t know.
I knew.
For an action that has not happened, we always
use didn’t or did not and the infinitive.
For example:
I didn’t know.
I didn’t understand.
I didn’t care.
David: I didn’t know what to do.
Another way that we use to form past tenses is to use
the past tense of one verb followed by the infinitive.
Listen to these examples:
David: He agreed to give me a job if I could get a
working visa.
He agreed to give – the past tense agreed is followed
by the infinitive to give.
David: I was too ashamed to see anyone.
The past tense was, is followed by the infinitive to see.
Listen to how these sentences are changed to talk about
the past:
I know what to do. (present)
I knew what to do. (past)
I want to study overseas. (present)
I wanted to study overseas. (past)
2. Have
We use the word have and its past tense had in a
number of ways.
They form perfect tenses with other verbs such as the
present perfect have done for things that have just
For example:
I have done a good job.
Have is also used as an ordinary verb.
It can mean ‘need’
For example:
I have to study.
If you lose your job, you have to find another.
If Michelle loses her job, she has to find another.
The past tense is had.
For example:
They have to find another job.(present)
They had to find another job. (past)
Notice that the past tense had is followed by the
infinitive to find and not the past tense ‘found’.
For example:
They had to find another job.
David: I had to find a job.
3. Success and failure
Success and failure are nouns:
For example:
I’m a success.
I’m a failure.
David: I’m such a failure.
The verbs are succeed and fail.
For example:
I hope you succeed with your studies.
If you work hard you won’t fail.
Anne: Did you fail your exams?
The past tenses are succeeded and failed.
For example:
They succeeded in business.
He failed his exams.
They discuss what David should do.

Anne: They’ll be so relieved you’re safe. We didn’t know
what to think, David.
David: Can’t I just disappear? You can pretend I don’t
Anne: You should have told me. I could have helped.
Didn’t you realise we’d come and look for you?
David: I just couldn’t face Dad.
Anne: You could have told your sister.
David: I ought to have told you Anne. I should have
trusted you. I’m so sorry.
Anne: He’s so beautiful David. You can’t keep him from
Mum and Dad.
Rose: They’re your flesh and blood, David. They’re Sam’s
grandparents. Don’t you think they’ll want to see him?
Don’t you think I want to meet your parents?
Anne: Rose is right David. Mum and Dad so much want to
be grandparents.
David: But not like this!
Steve: Your secret’s out now.
Sarah: Steve!
Anne: It’s alright Sarah. Steve’s right. I think David
knows what he has to do.
David: What do you suggest?
David: Hello Mum. It’s me, David. Yeah, I’m Okay, I’m
alright. Anne found me. Yeah, I’m working. Look, I’m so
sorry that I didn’t call you. Can you forgive me? Yeah
okay, alright. I love you too. Yeah, Alright. Mum’s crying.
She’s gone to get Dad. He’s going to be so angry. Hello

Study Notes
1. Can't I..?
We say can’t before words such as I, we and you when
making suggestions.
For example:
Can’t we just catch a taxi.
Can’t you just ask for directions.
David: Can’t I just disappear?
You can also use couldn’t instead of can’t.
For example:
Couldn’t we just catch a taxi.
Couldn’t you just ask for directions.
Couldn’t I just disappear.
2. Should have, could have and ought to
We use these phrases for things not done in the past.
Should have is used to talk about things it would have
been better to do in the past.
For example:
I should have worn a jacket. (Now I’m cold.)
You should have left earlier. (Now you’re late.)
They should have asked me to come. (Now I’m sad.)
Anne: You should have told me.
Should have can be contracted to should’ve.
For example:
I should’ve worn a jacket.
The negative is shouldn’t.
For example:
I should’ve worn a jacket.
The negative is shouldn’t.
For example:
I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry.
Another way of talking about things not done in the past
is ought to.
We use it in the similar way to should have.
For example:
I ought to have worn a jacket.
You ought to have left earlier.
We use it to talk about things it would have been right
to do.
For example:
You ought to give that money back. You stole it.
David: I ought to have told you Anne. I should have
trusted you.
We use could have for things that were possible to do in
the past.
For example:
I could have written my essay last night, but I decided
not to.
Anne: You should have told me. I could have helped.
We use could to talk about things in the future that are
possible to do.
For example:
I could write my essay tomorrow.
We use can to talk about things you are able to do.
For example:
I can run fast.
Or to give permission to someone.
For example:
You can leave now.
David uses the negative couldn’t.
David: I just couldn’t face Dad.
3. Persuading
We use can’t to mean it would be wrong to.
For example:
You can’t read a book in a meeting.
You can’t drive fast in the city.
Anne: He’s so beautiful David. You can’t keep him from
Mum and Dad.
The expression Don’t you think..? is another way of
persuading someone to your point of view.
For example:
Don’t you think that David should marry Rose?
Rose: They’re your flesh and blood, David. They’re
Sam’s grandparents. Don’t you think they’ll want to see
him? Don’t you think I want to meet your parents?
David talks to his father.

David: Hello Dad? It’s me, David.
Norman: Do you realise how worried we’ve been?
David: (V.O.) Yes, I…
Norman: You’re our son! How could you do this to us?
David: I’m sorry for causing you so much worry dad. I
thought you would be angry. That’s why I didn’t tell you
I couldn’t study any more.
Norman: Of course I’m angry. Your mother has been
sick with worry. But you didn’t have to disappear. What
have you been doing all this time?
David: I’ve been working. I work at the market. I’m
going to be a partner in the business soon. And
Dad…there’s something else. I’m with someone. And we
have a baby boy (silence) Dad…? Are you still there?
Norman: Did you say you were married?
David: Not exactly. I have a partner. Her name is Rose.
And we have a son. Your grandson. Dad?
Norman: I’m here David. There’s too much to think
about. I want you to come home.
David: But I…
Norman: No buts. You need to come home. Bring her.
Bring Rose and our grandson. Your mother and I love
you, and we want to see you. We want to meet your

Study Notes
1. How could you?
We use the phrase 'Do you realise...' to show that we
are annoyed or angry.
For example:
Do you realise how late you are?
Do you realise what the time is?
Norman: Do you realise how worried we’ve been?
This phrase can also be used to make people aware of
For example:
Do you realise that you’ve left your car lights on?
We use 'How could you...' to say that we are upset.
For example:
How could you do something so stupid?
How could you be so careless?
Norman: You’re our son! How could you do this to us?
2. Apologising
The word we use to apologise is sorry.
Here are some ways that sorry is used.
For example:
I’m sorry for being so late.
I’m sorry for making so much noise.
David: I’m sorry for causing you so much worry dad.
Another way of saying sorry, is to say 'I’m sorry to do
For example:
I’m sorry to interrupt.
I’m sorry to take so long.
3. I thought you would
We say 'I thought you would...' to talk about what you
thought people wanted or were likely to do or feel.
For example:
I thought you would like this film.
I thought you would be interested in this job.
David: I’m sorry for causing you so much worry dad. I
thought you would be angry.
You can also use the negative:
For example:
I thought you wouldn’t like this film.
4. Need and want
We use want to express desire.
For example:
I want to learn English.
I want to have a cup of coffee.
We say 'I want you to' if you are telling someone to do
For example:
I want you to sit down.
Norman: I want you to come home.
We use need to mean something we must do or want
For example:
I need to eat.
I need to learn English for my new job.
Norman: You need to come home.
5. Partner
A partner is a part owner of a business.
David: I’ve been working. I work at the market. I’m going
to be a partner in the business soon.
Partner can also mean a husband, wife or the person you
live with.
David: I have a partner. Her name is Rose. And we have
a son.
David reports his conversation to the others.

David: Goodbye. I’ll see you soon. Yeah, I promise. I love
you too.
Sarah: Well? What did they say?
David: My mother said she was glad that I’m okay. She
said she was happy to hear my voice. She told me that
she’s been very worried.
Anne: What about dad? What did he say?
David: He said he was very angry, but that he forgives
me, and he told me that he loves me.
Anne: Of course he loves you. He’s your father!
Rose: Did he say anything else?
David: Yes, he asked me to go home. He said they want
to see us.
Rose: All of us?
David: Yes. They want to meet you. And Sam. They
asked us to go to Singapore.
Rose: But we can’t afford it.
David: He’s sending us tickets.
Anne: Of course he is. He loves you, David. We all do.
And now there is Rose and Sam too.
Rose: I’d love to meet your parents David. And Sam
wants to meet his grandparents. They’re our family
David: I’m so sorry.
Rose: It’s okay. It’s all out now. We’ll go as soon as
Anne: You can come with me.
Steve: What about me? Can I come too?
Sarah: You’re not family, Steve.

Study Notes
1. What did..?
When we ask questions about the past we use what
did and the present tense of the verb.
For example:
What did you find?
What did she win?
What did they do?
Anne: What did he say
2. Reported speech
Reported speech is telling other people what someone
has said.
David: My mother said she was glad that I’m okay. She
said she was happy to hear my voice. She told me that
she’s been very worried.
We use the past tense of say, said.
David: My mother said she was glad that I’m okay.
Or the past tense of tell, told.
David: She told me that she’s been very worried.
We usually report the rest of what a person has said
using the past tense.
David: She said she was happy to hear my voice.
Now listen to some reported speech and then what was
actually said.
David: He said he was very angry, but that he forgives
me, and he told me that he loves me..
The reported speech is 'he said he was very angry'.
This is what he actually said:
Norman: Of course I’m angry.
The reported speech is 'he told me that he loves me'.
This is what he actually said:
Norman: Of course I’m angry.
(*episode 39)
Listen again to some reported speech.
Rose: Did he say anything else
David: Yes, he asked me to go home. He said they want
to see us.
The reported speech is 'he asked me to go home'.
This is what he actually said:
Norman: I want you to come home.
(*episode 39)
You can use other words besides said and told when
reporting speech.
For example:
He ordered me to go home.
He begged me to go home.
He asked me to go home.
David: They asked us to go to Singapore.
3. As soon as possible
As soon as possible means as soon as you can or very
Rose: We’ll go as soon as possible.
Here are some other words that mean soon.
For example:
I’ll do that in a minute.
I’ll do that in a little while.
4. Infliction/stress
In English, usually one word in a sentence is said with
more emphasis, or stress than the others.
Listen for the word that is stressed in this example.
Anne: You can come with me.
It’s me. - Listen again:
Anne: You can come with me
Changing the word that is stressed can change the
meaning of a sentence.
For example:
You can come with me.
When you say it like this, it means the person you are
talking to can come, but others can’t. It is also more like
an order.
Listen again:
You can come with me.
You can stress can if someone has suggested that they
can’t come.
For example:
I don’t know if I can come.
You can come with me.
You can stress with to invite someone or point out that
you are not going by yourself.
For example:
You can come with me.
Here are some common expressions that rely on stress
for their meaning.
What are you doing?
We say this when someone is doing something annoying
or wrong.
If you don’t know exactly what someone is doing, or you
are curious, you say:
What are you doing?
We say this when someone is doing something annoying
or wrong.
If you don’t know exactly what someone is doing, or you
are curious, you say:
What are you doing?
If you are surprised that someone is doing something
you say:
What are you doing?
To tell someone that a place is worth visiting we say:
Thailand is beautiful. You must go.
But to tell someone to leave immediately we say:
You must go.
Anne and Sarah, and Steve and Anne discuss the

Sarah: Well, you found your brother, you’ve ordered
your wine, and tomorrow you’re going home.
Anne: Yes, Sarah, thank you for everything.
Sarah: But you’ll come back, won’t you?
Anne: Yes, if the wine sells well, I’ll be back soon. I feel
as if I have a second family here.
Sarah: I’d love to come and see you in Singapore.
Anne: Oh yes! I’ll show you around. And you must meet
my parents. That’d be great.
Sarah: Well, if our business goes well, I’ll be able to
afford it.
Anne: There’s no ‘ifs’ about it. You’re a very good agent.
I’m so happy you’re my buyer here.
Steve: If you like, I’ll come to Singapore with Sarah.
Anne: I’d like that very much. You can meet my parents
Steve: Do you think they’ll like me?
Anne: Of course they’ll like you. If I like you, they’ll like
Sarah: I think I’d better leave you two alone. Ring me if
you need help with packing.
Steve: I’ve only just met you. And now you’re leaving.
Anne: But I’ll come back. If you want me to.

Study Notes
1. Hopes For The Future
One way of expressing a hope about the future is to use
will and the question 'won’t you?'
Sarah: But you’ll come back, won’t you?
You’ll phone me, won’t you?
You’ll bring some food, won’t you?
We use this expression with other pronouns.
For example:
He’ll be alright, won’t he?
They’ll come back, won’t they?
I’ll win, won’t I?
To talk about things we really want to do we say 'I
would love to'.
For example:
I would love to win a million dollars.
We usually contract I would to I'd.
For example:
I'd love to win a million dollars.
Sarah: I'd love to come and see you in Singapore.
Sometimes we use you must to mean 'you should'
For example:
Thailand is beautiful. You must go.
Anne: Oh yes! I’ll show you around. And you must meet
my parents.
2. If
We use if to talk about possibility. This use of if is
called conditional.
For example:
If I blow air into the balloon, it will get bigger.
The thing that will cause the balloon to get bigger is
blowing into it.
For example:
If I prick the balloon with a pin, it will burst.
The thing or condition that will cause the balloon to
burst is being pricked with a pin
Anne: Yes, if the wine sells well, I’ll be back soon.
The wine selling well is the condition for Anne coming
Anne is not sure that the wine will sell well. If she was,
she would use when, not if
When the wine sells, I’ll come back.
Steve: If you like, I’ll come to Singapore with Sarah.
The condition for Steve coming to Singapore is Anne
liking it.
Anne: Of course they’ll like you. If I like you, they’ll like
The condition for Anne’s parents to like Steve is Anne
liking him.
Sarah: Ring me if you need help with packing.
The condition of Anne ringing Sarah is that she needs
help packing.
It doesn’t really matter which way round we say this.
You could say:
If you need help packing, ring me.
Anne: But I’ll come back. If you want me to.
The condition for Anne to come back is Steve wanting
her to.
Sarah: Well, if our business goes well, I’ll be able to
afford it.
The condition for Sarah to afford to go to Singapore is
the business going well.
To say that she feels certain that Sarah will visit
Singapore , Anne says:
Anne: There’s no ‘ifs’ about it.
Listen for a different use of if:
Anne: I feel as if I have a second family here.
Anne, David and his family fly home.

Anne: Well, I guess this is it. Sarah, thankyou so much
for all your help, and for your kindness.
Sarah: Please don’t mention it. And thankyou for
trusting me to be your business partner.
Anne: And my friend. I’ll be thinking of you all the time.
David: I want to thank you too Sarah, for being so kind
to my sister and looking after her so well. I’ll be thinking
of you too.
Sarah: Thankyou. It was great to meet you. And you too
Rose. I hope everything goes well in Singapore.
Rose: I’m looking forward to meeting David’s parents. I
hope they like me.
Sarah: I’m sure they will. I’ll be expecting a postcard
from you Anne, so you’d better send me one.
Steve: And I’ll be waiting for a postcard too.
Anne: I’ll be counting the days until you come to
Announcement: Attention please! This is the final call
for Singapore Airlines flight SQ452 direct to
Singapore. Could all passengers for this flight go
immediately to gate lounge 3.
Anne: Goodbye. See you soon.
Sarah: Goodbye.
Steve: I’ll see you soon.
Sarah: Goodbye ROSE. Good luck. And you too David.
Sarah/David/Sarah: Bye. Seeya. Bye.
John: Wait! I’ve found him. I’ve found your brother!
Steve: What. Another one?

Study Notes
1. Thank you for
You can thank people for things they give you, or show
For example:
Thankyou for the lovely meal.
Thankyou for the present.
Thankyou for listening.
Anne: Well, I guess this is it. Sarah, thankyou so
much for all your help, and for your kindness.
2. Future continuous
To talk about the future we use will. More
information: episode 2 - The Future Tense
To talk about actions that are continuing we use
the ing form of verbs. More information: episode 13 -
Present Continuous
We use will with a verb that has the ing ending to talk
about things in the future that will happen more than
once, or all of the time.
For example:
I will be studying all day tomorrow.
This is called the future continuous tense.
Anne: I’ll be thinking of you all the time.
She doesn’t say ‘I will think of you’. This means just one
Here are more examples of the future continuous.
Sarah: I’ll be expecting a postcard from you Anne, so
you’d better send me one.
Steve: And I’ll be waiting for a postcard too.
Anne: I’ll be counting the days until you come to
counting the days means waiting impatiently
3. Airport Terms
When you arrive at the airport with a ticket
you check in.
This means you go to the check in counter where your
bags are taken and you are given a boarding pass.
A boarding pass tell you which seat on the plane to sit
Other words for your bags and things you take with you
are luggage and baggage.
If you don’t have a ticket, you must first buy one at
the ticket counter
Your plane is called your flight.
Getting on the plane is called boarding the plane and the
place where you wait to get on the plane is called
the gate lounge or gate.
Listen for the terms in this announcement:
Announcement: Attention please! This is the final call
for Singapore Airlines flight SQ452 direct to
Singapore. Could all passengers for this flight go
immediately to gate lounge 3.
The final call is the last call.
Anne had better hurry!
4. Goodbye
If we’re going to see someone in a short time we
say see you later or seeyou.
For example:
See you tomorrow.
See you later.
For longer periods of time we use the more
formal goodbye.
For example:
Goodbye from Living English.
Anne: Goodbye. See you soon.
Sarah: Goodbye.
Steve: I’ll see you soon.
Sarah: Goodbye Rose. Good luck. And you too David.

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