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Success Habits – Session 2 notes – Energy Management

Focus on how to manage your energy.

You have to have momentum but also moments of slowing down.

Ways to work at your optimal energy

1. Energy first. Don’t split your time but split your energy – to give your full energy and focus.
2. Negative energy – switch off – go inside like a turtle in an unhappy situation. Energy shift, not
time shift.
3. Exclusive / Essential focus – Your brain cannot be in two places at the same time. When
you’re working on projects that require attention and focus. Give exclusive focus when you
trying to build something big. Block out time and energy to give your al to something. Can’t
run from one energy to another. You can’t master your life in one day, master the day.
4. Recognise the race you need to run – you may need to reduce your pace so you don’t burn
out. Success Is about walking away from your door as far as you can. Life is a marathon and
not a sprint. Recognise what is big and will take time. Patience for the big things. Impatient
about the small things. This will help you manage your energy. Recognise the race you want
to run.
5. Going all in – Don’t try to be someone you’re not, personally or professionally. Don’t be a
professional pretzel. Don’t try to mould yourself into being what other people want, It is
draining. Don’t lose yourself by trying to be everything to everyone even if you adjust or
bend. When you have deep self-awareness you will never force yourself to be something
you’re not. Not getting distracted by what other people want you to be.
6. Your pace – your energy. Don’t try to be the energy of someone else. Energy means giving
your focus and energy and is unique and different to each and every person. Start to trust
your body, if it needs sleep then get sleep and then go out and gain everything else, people,
processes and meditation. This is how you retain energy and expand it.

Energy management – know what takes you up and what brings you down.

We shouldn’t put time limits on what we love as we end up spending so much time on what we don’t

One of the ways to grow energy is to feel like you’re learning and growing every day. Focus on

Ways to recharge/refuel energy:

- Schedule a refuel and recharge – going out for a healthy meal with friends, going to gym,
sport, a massage.
- Double the break you think you need.
- Enlist powerful positive people. Gravitate towards them. Do what they do.

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