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Multiple choice.

1. The old man slept so _________ that we couldn't wake him up.
A. lazy B. tired C. well D. good
2. In _____ East, you can see the longest river in ______ USA, _____ Mississippi River.
A. the ; /; / B. a; the; / C. the; the; the D. /; /; the
3. Anne Briggs, a(n) ________, has spent many years ________ plants.
A. expert; to study B. botanist; studying
C. presenter; studying D. astronomer; to study
4. —My father is driving me to the dinosaur park.
—I ’d love to. But I have to look after my sick grandma.
A. Let’s meet at the school gate. B. Why don’t we come?
C. What are you going to do later? D. Would you like to go with me?
5. How beautifully the girl sings! I have never heard ________ voice.
A. a better B. a good C. the higher D. the highest
6. Once again the coach told the students ________ sit down immediately after running for
about half an hour.
A. don’t B. never C. didn’t D. not to
7. —Do the students in your class study hard?
—Some of them do; _________ just don't care.
A. another B. the others C. some other D. any other
8. —How often do you play squash? —________.
A. In two days B. After two days C. Every two days D. Two days ago.
9. Man didn't know what heat is ________ the early years of the 19th century.
A. if B. when C. until D. as
10. Of the following places in America, which is different from the other three?
A. Detroit B. Arizona C. D enver D. Chicago
11. As we know, the biggest rainforests are in Africa, South East Asia and _______.
A. South America B. Europe C. Australia D. North America
12. What do teachers in Lee’s school do in ‘home class’?
A. They check that everybody is there. B. They make things with wood and metal.
C. They have hot meals. D. They play in the school band.
13. These pictures will show you ________.
A. what does our village look like B. what our village looks like
C. how does our village look like D. how our village looks like
14. —Who ___________ that piano? —My sister, when she ___________ time.
A. plays; is having B. played; is having C. is playing; had D. plays; has

Find out one of the underlined parts which is incorrect.

1. Swimming is one of the aerobic sport which make your heart stronger and improve your
blood circulation.
2. It's very important for you to remember that you must bring the equipment you need with you
and must not eat and drink in the school buildings.
3. As the time of the Civil War, Chinese people lived a hard life. Tens of thousands of people
had to leave their homes.
4. Sally said that her most faithful friend is still alive.
5. They gave a medal for the boy because of his bravery.

Fill in the blanks with the proper prepositions and adverbs.

1. Jimmy has decided to leave for Australia. No one can stop him ________ going away.
2. —Mr. Hu, can you tell us how to learn math well?
—Sure. But remember nothing can be learned ________ hard work.
3. The trees catch the rain water ________ their leaves and it runs down the outside of the trees
to the ground.
4. Look! I've got two tickets ________ the flower show in the Xuan Wu Lake Park. Would you
like to come with me?
5. —Why are most children under too much pressure (压力)?
—Because their parents always compare them ________ others.
6. Many types of animals, such as bees, antelopes, zebras and so on, live ____ big groups.
7. The moonlight goes ________ the window and makes the room bright.
8. We should do whatever we can in order to protect the animals ________ danger.
9. ________ a rope, Jason climbed down the rocks to look for the car pieces.
10. Jim, together with a group of hikers, went all the way ________ to the top of the mountain.

Multiple choice CCBDA DBCCB AABD

IV. Find out one of the underlined parts which is incorrect. 41-45 BDACC
Fill in the blanks with the proper prepositions and adverbs.
1. from 2. without 3. in 4. for 5. with 6. in 7. through 8. in 9. With 10. Up

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