Name: - Rajinder Singh Roll No.: - 183020027 Title: - Too Little, Too Late

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Name: - Rajinder Singh

Roll No. : - 183020027

Title: - Too Little, Too Late
(Inspired by a song “Too Little, Too Late”)
Too Little,Too Late
Life was bit harsh on me and it is still .Like every engineer student no idea what
to do, got into some college for higher education. Days were passing as usual
same monotonous life , Lectures ,Quiz, Assignment , First day of my lecture I
noticed one guy he looked cute and but he was short. In Mtech, interaction with
batch mate was not much everybody was busy in themselves. Thankfully I had
my old friend. My roommate she was shy or you can say, not easy to make her
speak if she doesn't know you. So the day 16-Aug-2018 came, I met him .He was
sweet, cute more like a child. His sickness became the reason of our meet .After
that, whenever we used to see each other hi hello conversation started and then
we became friends. He never texted me in the first place because he thought he
might give me a wrong signal.
I used to love chatting with him, roaming around in campus late night, late night
canteen, all the things which I used to do made me so happy .I was never this
happy in my life. I prayed for our friendship, so after midsem we all friends
thought of going for trip .We all went to Manali my second trip I wasn't excited
because there was mixed feelings. It was my first trip with my new found good
friend. We enjoyed a lot trip was good we had fun I started to like him even
more .But then comes my nature, my possessiveness for people whom I loved.
Typical movie type. I don't like him talking to other girls .I used to get jealous
and then one day we were sitting in the group at canteen ,to tease a boy he
talked to Maya very much (our friend) ,giggling , high five all the stuff that can
make a boy jealous. I was not able to tolerate and I went away. It was the day I
thought there is no chance for us to be together so why am I reacting so much.
Vani and Ruhaan (our common friend) came after me, asked me what happen I
told them nothing, then after sometime everything was normal. We came back
to canteen and he was asking me what happened. I didn't reply. I came back to
my room, expecting him to message me and ask if whether I’m ok or not. He
didn't message and that make me sad more. Gradually he noticed the changed
in my behaviour. Whenever we used to sit in group, I don't talk to him properly.
I used to get angry daily, waiting for him to message me first, seeing if he is online
or not. If he is online then why he is not chatting with me. My life was just
revolving around one person and that was him. He get miffed by seeing me angry
all the time. One day, Saturday (mess off which we both didn't know), we both
decided to go alone and watch movie and enjoy some time alone so that he can
figure out to what has happened to me. Due to mess off, Plan got ditched. We
all people went out and had dinner
After few days, we met and I confessed my feeling and his reaction was ' a laugh'
that made me nervous and thought this was not the right time. But after
sometime, he told me he also feels the same way. He hugged me, I found a solace
in him. Next day, He got the job appointment letter, his joining was in 5days, so
he has to leave for his home, and that was the hardest goodbye of my life. He
made me feel what true happiness is. He came in my life as blessing and a part
of my life which I want to relive again anytime.

To be continued…………..

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