Narplatea ( ) :: F - Zoi I S (I) 0 (Id

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29.a. 1ya1s1 from constant area nozzle, A: 0.003 m2 with veiocity, f -ZOi*i s is tumed by Reg. No.

stationary vane to an angle, 0 :60'.

(i) Determine thi anchoring force required to hold the vane stationary. If the vane is
constantly moving with velocity 0 _ 10i m I s B.Tech. DEGREE EKAMINATION, MAY 2018
1s to 6m Semester
(iD Detemine the force components acting on the vane. Neglect both viscous and
gravitational effects for both the cases'
(oR) (For the candidates admitted during the academic year 2015 - 2016 on:wards)
b. Find the 4ischarge of water flow through a pipe 30 cm diameter piaced in an inclined position Note:
where a venturimeter is inserted, having a throat diameter of 15 cm. The difference of
Part - A should be answered in OMR sheet within first 45 minutes and OMR sheet shouid
betu,een the main and throat is measured by a liquid of specifrc gravlty 0.6 in an
inverted U-tube
handed over to hall invigilator at the end of 45il minute'
which gives a reading of 30 cm. The loss of head between the main and throat is 0.2 times the (iD Part - B and Paft - C should be answered in answer booklet'
kinetic head ofPiPe.
Max. Marks: 100
30. a. . u
, '.1/4
ona!_ 5
Time: Three Hours
Consider the velocity profile of boundary layer on
* JR", PART-A(20x1=20Marks)
Answ€r ALL Questions
Assume incompressible and laminar flow. Is the flow rotational or irrotational.
(oR) i. The pressure at the bottom oftank containing liquid doesn't depend on
b. 2D, incompressible, irrotational flow formed from super position of a doublet and a uniform flow' (A) Acceleration due to gravity (B) Area of bottom surfaces
Find icj Height of liquid column (D) Nature of liquid
(i) Stream fi.rnction ard velocity potential 1ake, what is the
(ii) Velocity field 2. If the pressure at the half depth of lake is equal to 213'd pressure at bottom of
(iii) StagnationPoints depth of iake?
(iv) Cylinder surlace (l') 10 m @) 60 m
(v) Surface pressure distribution (C) 20m @) 30m

31.a. A thin rectangular plate having a width'w'and aheight'H'is located so that it is normal to J. On mixing slat in water, the surface tension of water oii
moving stream of fluid. Assum-e that drag 'D' that the fluid exerts on the plate is function of 'W' (A) lncrease (B) Decrease
and .H-,, the fluid viscosity 'p', density 'p' and velocity 'V' of the fluid approaching the
plate. (D) Keep changing
(C) Remains same
Solve this with the aid of dimensional analysis.
4. A beaker containing a liquid is kept inside a big closedjar. Ifthe air inside thejar is continuously
(oR) pumped out, pressure in the liquids near the bottgm of iiquid wili
b. An oil of specific gravity 0.9 and viscosity 10 poise is flowing through a pipe of diameter 110 (A;
Ir'r"."ut" (B) Remains constant
mm. the velocity at the center is 2 rrls, find the (ci Decrease (D) First decrease and then increase
(i) Pressure gradient in the direction offlow
(iD Shear stress at PiPe wall 5. ln steady flow of fluid, total acceleration of any fluid particle,
(iiD Reynolds number (A) Can be zero @) Is never zero
(iv) Velocity at a distance of 30 mm from wall iCi Is always zero @) Is independent of coordinates

32. a. Derive Von-Karman momentum integral equations.

6. Pitot tube is used to measure
(A) VelocitY at stagnation Point (B) StagnationPressure
(oR) (C) Static pressure p) Dynamic presstrre
b. Experiments were conducted in a wind tunnel with the speed of i3.89 m/s on a flat
plate of size
Z m tong and 1 m wide. The coefficient of lift and drag are 0.75 and 0.15 respectively.
7. which of the following is correct relationship between hydraulic coefficients?
(i) Lift force (A) Cd =C"*Cu (B) C" = C,t * C,
(ii) Drag force (C) C,=C"*Ca (D) C4-C"*C,
(iiD Resultant force
(iv) Direction of resultant force
(v) Power exerted bY air on Plate. 8. Energy at stagnation point is as a result of conversion of
(A) pressuri to kinetic energy (B) Potential to kinetic energy
iCj Potential to pressure energy (D) Kinetic to pressure energ,v

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9. For a sphere of radius 15 cm moving with the velocity of 2 m/s through a liquid of specific gravity
0.9 and viscosity 0.8 poise. The Reynolds number will be PART-B(5x4:20Marks)
(A) 3000 Answer Al\lY FfVE Questions
(B) 3375
(c) 6000 (D) 6750 21 . If one cup of ice cream having a density of 1 005 kg/m3 is tuned into 3 cups of whipped cream.

Determine the specific gravity and specific weight of whipped cream.

10. Flow irr which cornpressibility of fluid depends on
(A) Reynold's number (B) Euler's number 22. Air flows steadiiy along a streamline from point (i) to point (2) with negligible viscous effects.
(C) Mach number (D) Weber's number The following conditions are measured at point (l): z1 : 2rn and pr = 0 kpa; at point (2);
11. An oil with viscosity p : h - l0 nt,Pz= 20 Pa and V: : 0. Derermine the velocity at point (l ).
0.4 Ns/m2 and density 900 kg/m3 flows in a pipe of diameter
0.02 m. What pressure drop per unit length is needed to produce a flow rate of 2*1 0-4 m3/sr
(A) 20.4 kPa 23. - --: A^ Av^j
(B)10.2 kpa Steady, incompressible flow in x-y plane with trz =;, -; I - 2 nf /s and coordinates
(C) 4.2kPa (D) s.25 kPa
are measured in meter. Find the time required for a particie to more fiom x : I m to x : 3 m.
12. Gasoiine with viscosiry 3.1x10*a Ns/m2 and density, 6g0 kgim3, flows in a pipe of 0.02 m
diameter check the nature of flow 24. Model tests are to performed to study the flow through a large check vaive, having a 0.61 m
(A) Flow is purely laminar (B) Flow is purely turbulent diameter inlet and carrying water at a flow rate of 0.85 m3/s. The working fluid in the model is
(C) Flow is transitional (D) Flow is partially turbulent water at same temperatllre at that in prolotype complete geometric similarities exist between
model and prototype and the model inlet diameter is 0.0762 m.
13. In case of an airfoil, the separation of flow occurs
(A) At extreme rear of body (B) At extreme front of body 25. Assume the drag 'D' acting on a spherical particle that fails very slowly through a viscous fluid is
(C) Midway between rear and front of (D) Anl,wherebetweenreaiandfrontofbody a function of particle diameter 'd'. 'Ihe particle velocity 'V' and the fluid viscosity .p,. Determine
body with the aid of dimensional analysis how drag depends on particle velocity.
14. In which ofthe following, the friction drag is generally larger than pressure drag?
(A) Circular disc held normal to flow (B) A sphere 26. Water flow over two flat piates with same laminar free stream velocity. Both plates have same
(C) A cylinder (D) An airfoit width, but plate number 2 is twice as Iong as plate number 1. What is the relationship behveen the

15. Separation offlow occurs when

drag force for these two plates. If Co for laminar flow on a flat plate ir g .

(A) Pressure intensity reaches minimum (B) Cross section ofchannel is reduced J*",
(C) The boundary layer comes to rest (D) Velocity gradient is maximum 27. Consider the velocity field on war.y wall
16. The boundary layer thickness at a distance of I m from leading edge of a flat plate, kept at zero
angle of incidence to flow direction is 0.1 cm, the velocity out;ide ihe boundary layer is 25
u *t *"'l
BtL t)
The boundary iayerthickness at a distance of4 m is
(A) 0.4 cm ,, 2rhlsm. zo*l -)tR,,tt
(B) 0.2 cm ^tL
u = -k a le ''",, "
- t)
(C) 0.1cm (D) 0.05 cm (assumes B.L is entirely laminar)
-l- |
Prove that flow is irrotational.
17. Line integral of tangential components of velocity taken around a closed curve is
(A) Discharge (B) Stream frurction PART-C(5x12=60Marks)
(C) Velocity potential (D) Circulation Answer ALL Questions

18. Vetocity fieldil = xl + yj gives stream Iine equation in the form of 28. a. A castor oil of specific graviff 0.94, at 60"C is filled between two concentric cylinders, where the
(A) Circle (B) Ellipse inner cylinders diameter is 7.62 cm ard height 15.24 cm and a clearance gap width of
(C) Rectangrrlar hyperbola (D) Parabola 2.54x10-3 cm. Determine the torque required to turn the inner cylinder at 250 rpm, if kinematic
viscosity ofoil is 115 centistoke.
19. For I < 0, rotatingcylinderproduces
(A) Lift in upward direction (B) Lift in downr,,,ard direction (oR)
(C) Zero lift. (D) Lift in inclined direcfion b. A U-tube manometer is used to measure of water in a pipeline, which is excess of atmospheric
pressure. The right iimb of the manometer contains mercury and is open to atmospherJ. The
20. In an ideal flow, velocity at the center of free vortex is
contact betr.veen water and mercury is in the Ieft limb. Determine the pressure of water in the main
(A) Zero @) Infinite line,if
(C) Finite (D) Equals velocify at finite radius (i) The difference in level of mercury in the limb of U-tube is 12 cm and free surface of
mercury is in level with center of main pipeline
(ii) The pressure of water in a pipeline is reduced to 9800 N/m2. Calculate the new
difference in level of mercury. Sketch the arr.angements in both
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