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Answer 1.

Joe faces the decisions of what type of coffee do American’s prefer, what type of location is best
for a coffee shop and where is the best place in the United States to open a coffee shop.

Answer 2.

One of the research objectives that the outside researcher should provide are the findings for
the most favorite type of coffee that Americans prefer. Another key deliverable that should be
produced is where the best location for a coffee shop is.

Answer 3.

The coffee taste studies cited are relevant because it helps Joe to get additional details of
information about the coffee shop and get the overall study about the market, consumer
behavior and also the competitors. a) Firstly, based on the surveyed for 100 consumers in front
of the small organics shop, it show to use the behavior of coffee drinkers, the attributes of
popular coffee shops. It can be used as a research to provide something with their taste. b)
Secondly, by referring to the other studies made by an individual about the coffee taste
preferences from different locations. It is show to use about the consumer taste and perception
of them to the coffee shop in the area.

Answer 4.

The flaws in the two studies should Joe consider in trying to weight the merits of their results
are: I. The study on a sample of 100 people at an organic shop. It is not strong enough to use as
a major references because the interview he made is not for the real market he wants to enter
and the consumer answer from the consumer in the interview is too general, which is not the
hardly to analyst the target consumers. II. The study on the individual research opinion. It is
cannot be used as a references in determine the behaviour of the consumer taste because it is
not fair enough. The research is too depending on the person opinion only about the tasted of
coffee and it can create bias for the research.

Answer 5.

The marketing research process is a six-step process involving the definition of the problem
being studied upon, determining what approach to take, formulation of research design, field
work entailed, data preparation and analysis, and the generation of reports, how to present
these reports, and overall, how the task can be accomplished. In this case the definition of
problem is what market in united states hold the most promise for new coffee shop, approach
to the problem includes hypothesis, research questions like locations, taste and preferences,
etc. Formulation of research refers to how to collect the data for study in this case it is a
secondary data. Data collection is done using internet. Data analysis is most important for this
the data consistency is very important and then comes report generation.

Answer 6.

No, Americans consumers preference is not same across the United States. Everyone has there
own taste and preferences based on how do they like it, what is the price of the coffee and
locations of the coffee shops.

Answer 7.

It can be both, it depend on Joe what he want form the research he have to go through the
marketing process in which he have to determine the problem first and what he is looking for in
the research and then he have to decide that is it work if he go with secondary data as it is easily
available and the cost is low but it may vary in consistency and may not serve the purpose of the
research in this case he have to choose the primary data collection it may be costly but it can
serve the best results.

Answer 8.

If a consultant come to joe for this job the three key deliverables would be the location for
coffee shop that will be best to open a new shop, What are the factor that affecting the coffee
market and what are the consumer taste on what basis they prefer any coffee, how cost of the
coffee affect its demand.

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