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ISSN 1069-3513, Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 547–553.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2007.

Original Russian Text © B.P. Pertsev, 2007, published in Fizika Zemli, 2007, No. 7, pp. 18–25.

Tidal Corrections to Gravity Measurements

B. P. Pertsev
Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Bol’shaya Gruzinskaya ul. 10, Moscow, 123995 Russia
Received November 10, 2006

Abstract—Methods taking into account the effect of tidal forces on gravity measurements are considered. Cor-
rections for the effect of tidal forces can exceed 250 µGal. Only the structure of the Earth and positions of tide-
generating celestial bodies are necessary for taking into account earth tides, while cotidal charts are additionally
required for the correct incorporation of the effect of ocean tides. This effect can reach a few tens of µGal near
shorelines. The modern accuracy of gravity measurements being 1–2 µGal, the ocean tide effect, together with
other less significant factors, should be considered for the correct interpretation of gravity data.
PACS numbers: 91.10.Tq
DOI: 10.1134/S1069351307070038

The results of gravity measurements at any point of R is the radius of the Earth, z is the geocentric zenith
the planet experience insignificant variations with time. distance of the celestial body, and Pn(z) is the main
These variations in gravity measurements can be secu- spherical function of order n.
lar, periodic, or quasi-periodic. The latter can be
caused, for example, by atmospheric pressure varia- This series converges rapidly due to the smallness of
tions and other meteorological factors. Periodic varia- R/r (even for the Moon). Therefore, in practice, only the
tions caused by the earth and ocean tides are most sig- harmonics of the second and third orders are generally
nificant. Note that the tidal gravity variations at some retained if the lunar effect is considered and the har-
points of the Earth’s surface can occasionally exceed monic of the second order alone is retained in the case
250 µGal. At present, the accuracy of gravity measure- of the solar effect. However, due to the improvement in
ments being 1–2 µGal, not only the effects of the earth the accuracy of measurements and the calculations of
and ocean tides but also those of meteorological phe- the tide-generating potential expansion, higher order
nomena should be taken into account. Because the tides harmonics and effects of other planets are also taken
in the Earth’s atmosphere are small, they do not have a into account. Using the summation theorem for spheri-
noticeable effect on gravity measurements, but oscilla- cal functions and formulas of spherical geometry, the
tions of the atmospheric pressure should be taken into first two terms in expansion (1) can be written in the
account [Pariiskii et al., 1982]. equatorial coordinate system as
The tide-generating forces are the differential grav- fM
itational forces produced by extraterrestrial sources dis- W = -------
turbing the Earth’s gravity field and deforming the
Earth. Other celestial bodies of the solar system are the
1 1
× R P 2 ( sin δ )P 2 ( sin ϕ ) + --- P 2 ( sin δ )P 2 ( sin ϕ ) cos t
2 1
sources of the tide-generating forces. With the modern
accuracy of measurements, only the effects of the Sun 3
and Moon are generally considered. Note that the effect
of the Moon is two times stronger than that of the Sun. 1 2
+ ------ P 2 ( sin δ )P 2 ( sin ϕ ) cos 2t
The effect on the Earth of only one disturbing body will 12
be considered due to the superposition principle.
The potential of the tide-generating forces produced fM 3
by a celestial body of a mass M can be written as fol- 4
- R P 3 ( sin δ )P 3 ( sin ϕ ) -
+ ------- (2)
lows: r
2 1 1
+ --- P 3 ( sin δ )P 3 ( sin ϕ ) cos t
fM 2 R R 1
- R P 2 ( z ) + ---P 3 ( z ) + -----P
W = ------- 2 4
( z ) + … , (1) 6
r r r
1 2
+ ------ P 3 ( sin δ )P 3 ( sin ϕ ) cos 2t
where f is the gravitational constant, r is the distance 2

between the centers of the Earth and the celestial body, 60


1 3 where Ai is the amplitude of the ith wave depending on

+ --------- P 3 ( sin δ )P 3 ( sin ϕ ) cos 3t ,
360 the latitude ϕ and astronomical parameters, σi is the fre-
quency, t is time, and υi is the initial phase of this wave.
where δ and t are, respectively, the declination and the The representation of the tide-generating potential
hour angle of the celestial body and ϕ is the geocentric in the form of a series of simple sinusoidal waves with
latitude of an observation point. constant frequencies is distinguished not only by its
This representation of the tide-generating potential, clearness and convenience for calculations; this repre-
given by Laplace, clearly demonstrates that the tide sentation also demonstrates the dependence of the
contains long-term, diurnal, semidiurnal, and eight- Earth’s response on the tidal frequency. We should note
hour components deforming the Earth differently and that this series contains two waves, solar and lunar,
giving rise to different geophysical consequences. This which depend only on latitude and are time-indepen-
is clearly demonstrated by the harmonic of the second dent. These two components, which cannot be deter-
order in (2), where the potential is represented by zonal, mined from observations, produce an additional time-
tesseral, and sectorial spherical functions. Actually, the independent flattening of the Earth that disturbs its
first term in the brackets is independent of the hour gravity field. Assuming that the Earth’s response to per-
angle t and, consequently, varies slowly with time due manently applied forces is elastic, these two waves lead
to the variation in the declination δ of the celestial body. to time-independent corrections varying from –35 µGal
The deformation of the Earth by this component leads at the equator to +71 µGal at the poles. Because the
to a periodic variation in the Earth’s flattening and, con- Earth is not a perfectly elastic body, its deformations
sequently, to a variation in the polar moment of inertia will differ from elastic deformations caused by short-
and the velocity of the Earth’s rotation. The second period components of the tide-generating forces.
term, due to the presence of the multiplier cos t, deter- Honkasalo [1964] proposed that this time-independent
mines the diurnal type of tidal waves. The deformation term should be eliminated from tidal corrections and
described by the tesseral function is asymmetric with should be included in the gravity value. However, this
respect to the axis of the Earth’s rotation, leads to proposal was not generally acknowledged because
movements of the principal axes of inertia in the Earth’s “Honkasalo’s corrections” violated the condition of the
body, and causes nutational motions. Finally, the last Stokes theorem, according to which all gravitating
term determines the semidiurnal tide. The deformation masses must be inside the level surface studied. In our
described by the sectorial spherical function changes
neither the position of the polar axis of inertia nor the opinion, this difficulty can be overcome by dividing the
polar moment of inertia. time-independent component of the tide-generating
force into two parts, one of which depends on the direct
Darwin further elaborated the expansion of the tide- action of an outer source and the other of which is due
generating potential at the end of the 19th century, and to the Earth’s deformation by this force [Pertsev, 1984].
Doodson [1921] obtained a more detailed expansion of
the potential in simple sinusoidal waves with constant With a sufficient degree of accuracy, the Earth can
amplitudes and frequencies. The consistent table con- be considered as an elastic heterogeneous compressible
structed by Doodson contained 386 tidal waves. After- gravitating sphere, the inner structure of which depends
ward, such tables were improved and significantly only on the distance to its center. The dimensionless
extended by other researchers [Cartwright and Edden, parameters h, k, and l depending on the Earth’s struc-
1973; Qinwen, 1987; Tamura, 1987; Bullesfeld, 1985; ture and introduced into geophysics by Love and Shida
Hartmann and Wenzel, 1995; Roosbeek, 1966]. are sufficient for describing all tidal phenomena on the
Earth’s surface. Here, h and l characterize, respectively,
Presently, the tide-generating potential is generally radial and tangential displacements of points of the
represented in the form Earth’s surface and k characterizes the gravity field
changes due to deformations of the Earth by tidal
W = ∑ A ( ϕ ) cos ( σ t + υ ),
i i i forces. These radial and tangential displacements and

M2 O1 K1
Wave D, km
δ ∆ϕ δ ∆ϕ δ ∆ϕ
Talgar 2400 1.1602 –0.41 1.1607 0.06 1.1384 0.19
Obninsk 1000 1.1845 –2.14 1.1600 –0.90 1.1464 –0.92
Uccle 90 1.1837 2.74 1.1531 0.07 1.1399 0.26
Hamilton 40 1.2910 –5.10 1.2167 –1.86 1.1744 –0.69


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