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CSE 203G: Introduction to C

Lecture – 4

Course Teacher: Dr. Md Sadek Ferdous

Assistant Professor, CSE, SUST
• Signed and unsigned numbers
• C data types
• C constants
• C escape sequence
• C keywords
• C input and output
Signed and Unsigned numbers
• Every computer programmer must understand Signed and Unsigned Numbers
and its significance
• Positive numbers are represented as unsigned numbers
• So we don’t need to use +ve sign in front of them
• However, when it comes to negative numbers we use –ve sign
• This shows that number is negative and different from positive unsigned value
• This is why it’s represented as signed numbers
• Decimal numbers are to easy interpret as positive or negative:
• (+)10, -245 and so on….
• For binary it is a bit tricky
Signed and Unsigned numbers
• How to represent a signed number in binary?
• We need to know MSB (Most Significant Bit) and LSB (Least Significant
• (MSB)10110010(LSB)
• We use the MSB to imply if a binary number is positive or negative
• That is why MSB is called a sign bit
• If the sign bit is 0, the number is positive, and if the sign bit is 1, the
number is negative
• We use the two’s complement method to represent a signed number
Signed and Unsigned numbers
• Let’s assume a 4 bit number:
• (6)10 = (0110)2
• (-6)10 = ?
• At first represent 6 in binary: 0110
• Make it one’s complement: 1001
• Add one to LSB: 1
1010 -> (-6)10
Signed and Unsigned numbers
• What are the numbers you can represent in 4 bits unsigned/signed
• For unsigned, it is: 0 – 15 (0000 - 1111)
• For signed, it is: -8 to + 7
• -2(n-1) to +(2(n-1) – 1)
• A byte (8 bits)
• Unsigned: 0 - 255
• Signed: -128 to +127
C variables contd…
• If you remember
• Declaring a C variable is allocating a memory space for the variable
• But, how much space?
• It will depend on the variable type
• Every type has a specific space allocated in the memory
• How much space will you require?
• It will depend on the data your variable will deal with
• If it deals with large data, it will require to deal with a large memory
C variables contd…
• Let’s Assume, you need to deal with two numbers: 7 and 700
• It is not important what you will do with these numbers
• Now, you would like to use two variables for these two numbers
• Let’s assume, these two variables are: a and b
• How much space each of these variable need to occupy?
• Enough space so that you can accommodate these two number in these
• How many bits for a? (Hint. How many bits required to represent a’s
C variables contd…
• Let’s Assume, you need to deal with two numbers: 7 and 700
• It is not important what you will do with these numbers
• Now, you would like to use two variables for these two numbers
• Let’s assume, these two variables are: a and b
• How much space each of these variable need to occupy?
• Enough space so that you can accommodate these two number in these
• How many bits for a? (Hint. How many bits required to represent a’s
• Ans: a -> at least 3 bits
C variables contd…
• Let’s Assume, you need to deal with two numbers: 7 and 700
• It is not important what you will do with these numbers
• Now, you would like to use two variables for these two numbers
• Let’s assume, these two variables are: a and b
• How much space each of these variable need to occupy?
• Enough space so that you can accommodate these two number in this variables
• How many bits for a? (Hint. How many bits required to represent a’s
• Ans: a -> at least 3 bits
• How many bits for b? Will b having 8 bits be sufficient?
C variables contd…
• Let’s Assume, you need to deal with two numbers: 7 and 700
• It is not important what you will do with these numbers
• Now, you would like to use two variables for these two numbers
• Let’s assume, these two variables are: a and b
• How much space each of these variable need to occupy?
• Enough space so that you can accommodate these two number in this variables
• How many bits for a? (Hint. How many bits required to represent a’
• Ans: a -> at least 3 bits
• How many bits for b? Will b having 8 bits be sufficient?
• Ans: b -> at least 9 bits
C data types: revisited
• Four common data types in C
• int - can store integers (usually 4 bytes)
• float - can store single-precision floating point numbers (usually 4 bytes)
• double - can store double-precision floating point numbers (usually 8 bytes)
• char - can store a character (1 byte)
C data types: revisited
C data types: revisited
C constants
• Variables whose values can be initialised during declaration,
but cannot be changed after that
• Declared by putting the const keyword in front of the
• Storage allocated just like any variable
• Used for variables whose values need not be changed
• Prevents accidental change of the value
C constants
void main() {
const int LIMIT = 10;
int n;
scanf(“%d”, &n); Incorrect: Limit changed
if (n > LIMIT)
void main() {
printf(“Out of limit”); const int Limit = 10;
} int n;
scanf(“%d”, &n);
Limit = Limit + n;
printf(“New limit is %d”, Limit);
C constants
• Integer constants
• Consists of a sequence of digits, with possibly a plus or a minus sign
before it
• Embedded spaces, commas and non-digit characters are not permitted
between digits
• Floating point constants
• Two different notations:
• Decimal notation: 25.0, 0.0034, .84, -2.234
• Exponential (scientific) notation
3.45e23, 0.123e-12, 123e2 e means “10 to the power of”
• Character constants
• Contains a single character enclosed within a pair of single quote marks.
• Examples :: ‘2’, ‘+’, ‘Z’
C escape sequences
• Certain nonprinting characters can be expressed in terms of escape
• An escape sequence always begins with a backward slash and is followed
by one or more special characters
• For example, a line feed (LF), which is referred to as a newline in C, can be
represented as \n
• Newline means the next line
• Such escape sequences always represent single characters, even though
they are written in terms of two or more characters
• Examples:
• '\n', '\t', '\b', '\\', '\'' and so on
C escape
32 sequences C FUNDAMENTALS [CHA

_Character Escape Seauence ASCII Value

bell (alert) \a 007
backspace \b 008
horizontal tab \t 009
vertical tab \v 01 1
newline (line feed) \n 010
form feed \f 012
carriage return \r 013
quotation mark (") \ I' 034
apostrophe (') \ I 039
question mark (?) \? 063
backslash 0) \\ 092
null \O 000
C keywords
• Used by the C language, cannot be used as variable names
• Examples:
• int, float, char, double, main, if else, for, while. do, struct, union, typedef,
enum, void, return, signed, unsigned, case, break, sizeof,….
f u t u r e - v a l u e are appropriate symbolic names. However, v or f v would probably be too brief, since the intended
representation of these identifiers is not clear. On the other hand, the identifier f u t ure-value-of-an-investment
would be unsatisfactory because it is too long and cumbersome.

C keywords
There are certain reserved words, called keywords, that have standard, predefined meanings in C. These
keywords can be used only for their intended purpose; they cannot be used as programmer-defined identifiers.
The standard keywords are

auto extern sizeof

break floatn static
case for struct
char got0 switch
const if typedef
continue int union
default long unsigned

do register void
double return volatile
else short while
enum signed

Some compilers may also include some or all of the following keywords.
C variable declaration
A declaration associates a group of variables with a specific data type. All variables must be declared
they can appear in executable statements.
• A declaration
A declaration consistsassociates a group
of a data type, of by
followed variables withvariable
one or more a specific
names, data type
ending with a sem
All the permissible
variables mustdatabetypes are discussed
declared beforeinthey
36 2.3.) Each array
can appear in variable
executablemust be followe
pair of square brackets, containing a positive integer which specifies the size (i.e., the number of eleme
the array.
• A declaration consists of a data type, followed bydeclarations
These one or more could also have been writte
variable names, ending with a semicolon
EXAMPLE 2.21 A C program contains the following type declarations. i n t a ;
i n t b;
int a , b, c ; i n t c;
f l o a t r o o t l , root2; float rootl;
char f l a g , t e x t [ 8 0 ] ; f l o a t root2;
char f l a g ;
Thus, a, b and c are declared to be integer variables, r o o t l and r o o t 2 are t e x t [ 8 0 ] ;variables, f l a g is a ch
variable and t e x t is an 80-element, char-type array. Note the square brackets enclosing the size specification for t e
short i n t a , b, c;
char f l a g ;
long i n t r, s , t ;
char t e x t [ 8 0 ] ;
int P , 9;
C variable declaration
This form may be useful if each variable is to be accompanied its purpose.
by a comment
Some compilers explaining
will allocate less storage space toInth
however, items of the same type are usually combinedandinq.a single declaration.
Typical values are two bytes for each short inte
• A declaration associates a group of variable.variables Thewith a specific
maximum data
permissible type
values of a, b and c
Integer-type variables can be declared to bewhenshort integer
using for smaller
a compiler integer quantities, or lo
of this type.
• All variables must be declared before they canallocate
larger integer quantities. (Recall that some C compilers
appearless in executable
Similarly, some compilersstorage spaceadditional
will allocate to short
additional storage space to long integers.) Suchinteger
variables are declared
variables by writing
p and q. Typical valuess hare
o rtwo nta
t i words
• A declaration
or simply s h o r t and lconsists of a data type,
o n g , respectively. for followed by integer
each ordinary one orvariable.
more The maximum per
variable names, ending with a semicolon permissible values of p and q when using one of these co
EXAMPLE 2.22 The above
A C program contains the following type declarations could have been written as

short i n t a , b, c; short a, b y c ;
long i n t r, s , t ; long r, s , t ;
int P , 9; int P , 9;

to thesshort
Some compilers will allocate less storage spaceThus, h o r t integer r t i n t are, bequivalent,
and s h ovariables long
and c thanastoarethe int
and q. Typical values are two bytes for each short integer variable, and four bytes (one word) for each
Input: scanf function
• Performs input from keyboard
• It requires a format string and a list of variables into which the value
received from the keyboard will be stored
• format string = individual groups of characters (usually ‘%’ sign,
followed by a conversion character), with one character group for
each variable in the list
int a, b; Variable list (note the &
float c; before a variable name)

scanf(“%d %d %f”, &a, &b, &c);

Format string
Input: scanf function
• Commonly used conversion characters
c for char type variable
d for int type variable
f for float type variable
lf for double type variable
• Examples
scanf ("%d", &size) ;
scanf ("%c", &nextchar) ;
scanf ("%f", &length) ;
scanf (“%d%d”, &a, &b);
Reading a single character
• A single character can be read using scanf with %c
• It can also be read using the getchar() function
char c;
c = getchar();
• Program waits at the getchar() line until a character is typed,
and then reads it and stores it in c
Output: printf function
• Performs output to the standard output device (typically
defined to be the screen)
• It requires a format string in which we can specify:
• The text to be printed out
• Specifications on how to print the values
printf ("The number is %d\n", num);
• The format specification %d causes the value listed after the
format string to be embedded in the output as a decimal
number in place of %d
• Output will appear as: The number is 125
Output: printf function
• General syntax:
printf (format string, arg1, arg2, …, argn);
• format string refers to a string containing formatting information and data
types of the arguments to be output
• the arguments arg1, arg2, … represent list of variables/expressions whose
values are to be printed
• The conversion characters are the same as in scanf
Output: printf function
• Examples:
printf (“Average of %d and %d is %f”, a, b, avg);
printf (“Hello \nGood \nMorning \n”);
printf (“%3d %3d %5d”, a, b, a*b+2);
printf (“%7.2f %5.1f”, x, y);
• Many more options are available for both printf and scanf
• Read from the book
• Practice them in the lab
The lecture slides can be found in the following location!

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