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Module Name Requirements Details


1 Project Module Task Management

Sub Project/Milestone/Sub Task Management/Check List
Project Budget, Resource and Timeline Management
Project Bill Management
Project Doc Management (Create and Attached)
Gantt Chart
Integrated with:
Dashboard, Procurement, Billing, Inventory, Accounts, Requistion, EHRM, CRM, APP Interface,
Alarm and Notification, Dashboard, Reporting and KPI
Projected Budget/Timeline vs Actual
2 Service Module Incident Management
Customer Informationa and Communication Database
RMA Module
Service Bill Management
Service Budger, Resoiurce and Timeline Management
Known Error Database
Service Doc Management (Create and Attached)
Service Catalogue Management
Service Agreement Management
Daily/Weekly/Monthly Service Status
Projected Service Budget/Timeline vs Actual
Integrated with:
Call Center, Task Management, Dashboard, Procurement, Billing, Inventory, Accounts, Requistion,
EHRM, APP Interface, Alarm and Notification, Dashboard, Reporting and KPI
3 Admin Panel User Group Management
User Database
Create User Login ID and Password
Assign Permissions to Users
User login records
4 Financial Accounting Module Chart of Accounts
Opening Balance
Journey Voucher Balance
Received Vouchers Entry
Payment Vouchers Entry
Contra Vouchers Entry
Credit/Debit Note
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
Accounts Consolidation
Project Accounting
Multiple Currency Options
REPORTS:Daly/Monthly/Yearly Ledgers
Trail Balance
Cash & Bank Book
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
Statement of Cash Flows
Ratio Analysis
Receipts & Payments
Budget Variance Report
Supplier Ledger
Customer ledger
Aging Schedule
5 Procurement Management Details suppliers database
Purchase Requisitions
Requisition Approval
Purchase Order processing
Record Payment terms of PO
Product Purchase Entry
Service Purchase Entry
Purchase Returns
REPORTS: Suppliers wise purchase report
Item wise purchase report
Date wise purchase report
Purchase order status report
Service purchase report
6 Merchandising (Sales) Details Buyer database
Buyer order entry
Time and Action plan creation
Production budget
Quotation sheets generation
Sales invoice generation
Invoice print (3 Copy)
Order tracking
Money Receipt (2 Copy)
Coalition with the Project Management module
Dash board should show and all the upcoming projects, Sector wise, with its detailed information.
All the projects divided into prospects, qualified, committed, closed.
Under each employee its full details with attendance, project in charge, target for the year,
achieved target etc.
REPORTS: Customer wise sales report
Item wise sales report
Daily sales report
Date wise sales report
Sales Person wise sales report
Pending bill Report
7 Inventory Management Store Requisition
Store Receive
Transfer Order
Reorder Level
Stock Status
REPORTS: Item wise stock report
Transfer order report
Receivable item report
8 Production Management Production Process Planning
Daily Production Tracking
Production summary generation
Production In-Hand status
REPORTS: Daily production report
Order In-Hand report
9a Payroll Management Organization Department Setup
Employee Grade Setup
Salary Head Setup
Salary Formula Management
Employee Category Setup
Employee Designation Setup
Leave Type Setup
Employee Wise Yearly Leave Setup
Organization Time Slab Head Setup
Employee Time Slab Management
Employee Increment Management
Employee Allowance/ Deduction Management
Employee Overtime Management
Monthly Employee Salary Process
REPORTS: Employee salary report
Employee leave report
Department report
Employee category report
9b HR Attendance
Employee Management
Auto adjustment of late and Absent to the salary sheet.
Meeting Management
Recruitment Management
Leave Management
PF and Loan Management
Policy Management
Notice Management
Roster Management
KPI Management
Mobile APPs for Attendence, Task Update (Attendance check in for project technicians form
outside office through GPS check in. )
Auto letter format generation option by only giving input of date name and employee id.
Company Organogram Management
Daily/Monthly/Weekly/Yearly Person, Departmenet/Team wise Late, Early, Leave Report
10 Requisition Admin
REPORTS: Requisition Status Report, Monthly Item wise Reporting,
Supplier Feedback (Put - Yes)
Supported Not Supported Note from Suppliers (Solution Provider 's Development Timeline)

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