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As humans, we are learning constantly from everything around us, including how to

behave, act, and think about things. Social constructionist thinking sees all meaning as
being socially constructed which can shift and change over time. A specific example is
the way that people with mental illness have been viewed across history. At one point,
society saw them as having unique powers, later; they were seen as needing to be
separated from society so as not to influence society. Today most agree that mental
illness is a biological condition, not the result of being possessed by evil spirits.

Throughout our lives we are influenced and taught by many. It can have an effect on
the way we view problems and events within public boundaries. One of the most
important and most effective influences children have in their lives comes from their
families. The family can have both a positive and a negative influence on their lives. To
understand my family, try to envision an ideal fifties sitcom family with a nineties
attitude. My family consists of two parents, two children and a dog and we all live in a
suburban home. My family projects the strongest influence upon me due to the relative
isolation of my life in a bland suburban community. There are two very good examples
of how my family has influenced me both in a positive and a negative way.

Throughout life we come across many people, some who influence us in negative ways,
and those who influence in good ways, often changing our complete outlook on life. For
me, it took the struggle of one of my best friends to open my eyes. I only wish it wasn't
too late to thank her.

Christopher V. Gerona

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