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日 良 自 律 1 1 号 ― 1 1 ( 2 4 9 ) ―

The Ryodoraku method and the objective

possibility to differentiate neurosis from
somatic illness Kappers


Even though, in 1895, Durville managed to prove the "centres nerveux" , and
their relationship to internal organs by electrical stimulation of the scalp , the attempts
to explain the acupuncture mechanism were reduced to using electrical machines for
searching points, and stimulation for therapy. The phenomenon of the diagnosis of the
pulse and its origin could not be approached.
For thousands of years, the existence of the meridians has been known in the
Far East ; the discovery of a method of measuring them was reserved to the Japanese
Nakatani, who, unfortunately, deceased prematurely. He succeeded in it in 1950 at Kyoto
University when making electrical researches on the resistance of the skin.
In order to exclude the differences of humidity of the different skin areas,
Nakatani used an electrode, into which was tamped surgical cotton immersed in 30%
isopropyl alcohol.
Independent of hair follicles, and sweat glands, Nakatani found points at 21
volts and 200pA, which correspond to the points known in acupuncture.
He called these points "Ryodoten"=Electropermeable Points (EPP). When
reducing the tension to 12V, he met less points which were found to depend on a
pathological reflex of the autonomic nervous system, and which referred to pathological
alterations of the body. Nakatani supposed that this phenomenon depends on biochemical
reactions. The discovery of the endogene opiates approved this theory.
The corresponding points were called "Hanno Ryodoten"=Reactive Electro-
permeable Points (REPP).
By connecting the EPP they obtained the meridians we know, and which the
former director of the physiological institute of Kyoto Universitiy, Professor Sasagawa
calls "Ryodoraku"=highly electroconductive lines. Under this name, this measuring
method became world-famous.
Ryodoten=Electropermeable Point (EPP)
Hamm Ryodoten= Reactive Electropermeable Point (REPP)
Ryodoraku= Linked Line of the Ryodoten
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1. Ebonite cup
2. Searching Electrode (negative)
3. Indicator(200ƒÊA)

4. Variable resistor
5. Voltage Selecter


During the following period the resistance of the skin was measured on more
than 350 persons at different times of the day and in different seasons, and registered
in scales.
The measurements of the different Ryodoraku were started on the fingertips,
and the tips of the toes, and called Ryodoraku of the hand/foot.
The results have been registered in scales. As the measurement of all points
has turned out to be too complicated, a representative measuring point has been fixed
for each Ryodoraku ; these measuring points do not always coincide with the traditional
source points.

The Model Measuring Points

of the Ryodo- raku.

These scales served as basis for the calculation of the Ryodoraku

chart .
The measured values of each representative point are fixed in the scale . A 1. 4
cm-wide ruler is layed in between the highest and the lowest measured value , and shows
the patient's individual medium value, which means the state of his autonomic nervous
日良 自律11号―13(251)―

蜜 撃鬘ミ蹇 鷽88 囎
"葦 琶 羃鬟 鱒

S : standard value (average) in pA

Fig.1. Relationship among measured values on the six meridians

of the upper limb and the six meridians of the lower limb.

Fig.2. Theoretical design of nomogram scales for the Ryodo-raku

measurements (Ryodoraku chart) where a 14-cm wide ruler is used
to evaluate the physiological range at any level of S.
日 良 自 律11号―14(252)―


Covyriskt reserved by D. Y.:little Naketesi, Osaka, Japes,

mama In Japan

The values lying in the upper line point to an increased sympathicotonus, the
ones underneath to a higher vagotonus of the Ryodoraku.
Values above the upper line indicate the sedation of the concerning Ryodoraku,
the ones underneath its stimulation. This is done by the well-known, generally employed.
Chinese points, by electrical stimulation of the needles.
Besides, too high or too low values permit to conclude certain symptoms or
organ diseaeses, which either have been concealed by the patient or which have not
occurred to him.

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Very often, the patient is amazed to see that these measured values lead to the
diagnosis, and the therapy. However, you should always stick to the principle : "No
acupunture treatment without occidental diagnosis".
In any case, this procedure of measurement is a good base for the inherent
physical or herbal therapy.
Please, have a look at the following samples.
Since twenty years the patient suffered from right and left side alternating
temporal pain radiating to the scalp. They did not depend on brainwork. Within the
last weeks the attacks were combined with vomiting.
The sympathetic tonus was increased as it is to be shown on the Ryodoraku
After 7 treatments, general treatment of the autonomous system, local acu-
puncture, chiropractic method and homeopatic medication he was free from pain. The
Ryodoraku chart shows a middle range.


She suffered from headache since the age of 19. She also complained of cons-
tipation. A combined therapy, regulating the autonomous nervus system and local acu-
puncture similar to the former patient released her from pain. The constipation was
treated by a special Coli flora and autovaccine.
The next patient may show that pain and neurosis are different things. This
experience is frequently seen in pain clinics. A lot of patients are sent to psychiatrists
if they don't react on common medicaments.
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The 35 years old woman wanted to become free from smoking. For there was
no success when the Ryodoraku Chart was done after two trials. It showed general high
values especially at the feet Ryodoraku. The middle range was sympathicotonus. When

questioned she said that she had suffered from headaches since many years which handi-
capped her in her very responsible brain work. Therefore she had been treated by
psychiatrists for years. The therapy was a little difficult but after some time she lost
her headache, and when she went on holidays at the end of December, she was free


日良 自律11号

from headache and felt fine.

The Ryodoraku Chart shows a normal middle range , the hand Ryodoraku was
in the middle range but the sympathicotonus of the feet Ryodoraku had not changed .
The neurotic condition had stayed unchanged.
The importance of diagnosis may be shown on the last patient . She complained
of having to move her tongue incessantly. Therefore she was at different psychotherap-
eutists who gave her tranquilizers without
any success . She also complained of diarrhea
which hindered her to leave home before eleven o'clock in the morning.
Tongue and gum showed a thick grey film. Therefore she tried instinctively to
remove it with the tongue. She said that about thirty years before she had noticed a
lack of salivation. But the speculation that she suffered from a kind of SjOgren could
not be confirmed.
The microanalysis of the intestinal flora showed a very pathological condition.
With the supply of good intestinal flora the diarrhea disappeared within a few days, but
the film in the mouth did not. To find out the real cause was the merit of a gyneco-
logist. The culture of the films showed several kinds of fungus! They are treated in a
separate way.
The patint shows no neurosis at the Ryodoraku Chart. So it was important to
come to a diagnosis in any way. A sample that it is important to look for diagnosis.
The Ryodoraku method may be a good help.


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Ryoichi Gunji : Electric Acupuncture (Bunkodo Ltd. 1973, Tokyo)
Masayoshi Hyodo : Ryodoraku Treatment (Japan Ryodoraku Autonomic Nerve Society,
Osaka, Japan, 1975)
Yoshio Nakatani and Kumio Yamashita : Ryodoraku Acupuncture (Ryodoraku Research
Institute Ltd. Tokyo, Japan, 1977)
Masako Ono : Unique Features of Japanese Ryodoraku Therapy

(The Japanese Journal of Ryodoraku No. 2, 1982, Osaka, Japan)

Masako Ono : Physiological Basis and Efficacy of Acupuncture for Pain Therapy

(The Japanese Journal of Ryodoraku No. 2, 1984, Osaka, Japan)

Känig-Wancura : Praxis und Theorie der neuen chinesischen Akupunktur Band 2 Verlag
Wilhelm Maudrich Wien - Miinchen - Bern

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