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Appreciating, nurturing and
stretching your awareness

Index of Become Organically

Organikins Savvy in Life
Actor p2 Hunter p9 The Organikins are part of the Organic ScoreCard.
Advisor p26 Innkeeper p36 The OSC is a tool that helps you to discover your
unique life strategy.
Apprentice p18 Inventor p7
In this booklet we go beyond appreciating the core gifts of the
Believer p31 Joker p12 Organic Scorecard. We also unpack the Organikins by giving
Bookworm p19 Life giver p3 more detailed descriptions of the attributes, enabling you
to explore specific awareness in more depth.
Bricklayer p22 Master p30
In our Organic ScoreCards we all have unexplored territory. You
Captain p11 Mayor p20 will see this where the graph shows less energy. If you want
to open these “awareness windows”, this booklet provides
Caretakers p15 Mediator p23 suggestions of how to stretch in these new directions in an
Copyright: organic-growth way. Practical exercises and meditations will
2018 TransMind - Chess player p17 Organiser p24 nudge you to move in this new direction. Different slogans for Diarist p16 Provider p37 each Organikin also add reminders to stay aware on this new
Concept and product path.
development: Doubter p6 Revolutionary p8
ClariAct - While on this way, we need to nurture new fragile awarenesses
Design and layout: Dreamer p28 Seller p13
into maturity. 
Out of the Blue Creative
Communication Solutions - Dweller p34 Tailor p25 A new Organikin will not only expand your awareness, but will
Concept Art: Elder p35 Teacher p14 also help you to grow holistically in an authentic direction.
Illustrations and graphics People who have been on this journey say: 
by Nico Simpson - Explorer p5 Treasure seeker p4
Farmer p21 Winemaker p33 “It wasn’t such hard work to go out and learn new habits and
Printing and binding:
Print on Demand, behaviours and stuff; it was like something has shifted.”
5 Koets Road, Grandma p27 Wizard p29
Parow Industria 7493 - “Without a doubt it changed my perspective and helped me Guru p32 Wrecker p10 start my journey on creating a new identity of who I am.”
2 Actor Life giver 3
Attributes Attributes
Actors have abundant Nurturing Nurturing Life givers are powerful

Life giver
inspiring energy that Stand in front of the mirror and say out loud Describe your ideal self on paper – and driven, mobile
attracts attention. what you admire and appreciate about yourself. your physique, your strength and intellect, your and able to reinvent
Their enthusiasm memories and your descent. themselves.
Make a list of those people who see you as you
can bring things into are and describe how you behave when you are Everything that turns you into your ideal self. They are needed for
movement. with each of them. growth and enthusiasm.
Make a list of all the outstanding qualities of your
They take centre stage to parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and They have a ‘Lust for life’
refocus other’s attention. Slogans and are life-creating.
look for the common thread in these qualities
Actors are very Stand up for yourself! – because you also have these outstanding Life givers are full of
extroverted; they are There’s no business like show business! qualities in you. passion and conviction.
not shy. They can be clear It is better to be hated for who you are than to They are agile and they
about what they want. Slogans
be loved for what you are not. can facilitate great
They know in a good way Enjoy life! changes, even in terms of
how to draw attention
You need to make the best of life and that is
something no one else can do for you. I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I themselves.
to themselves and how make mistakes. I am out of control and at times They can take on great
to prevent others from Stretch difficult to handle. But if you can’t handle me at risks without thinking
stealing their limelight. my worst, then you sure as hell do not deserve
Healthy Actors use extroversion not as behaviour about it for too long. They
They do this by acting or but as a choice. me at my best. are tirelessly moving
just by not acting. Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re forward.
Practice total congruence with whom you feel
you are inside. Align yourself with what (you braver than you believe, and stronger than you
think) others want, but only on the basis of who seem, and smarter than you think.
you really are. Consciously and constantly be in Stretch
tune with yourself. Do not let your emotions run
away with you. Count to 10 before starting anything. Think
about every action you undertake.
Meditation Become aware of the moment when your
I am loved for who I am. emotions take over your thought processes and
then take one step back.
Be consistent in this, in every situation and at
every moment, until it makes you mad, or until
you ingrain it as a habit to step on your own
What I was born with is beautiful.
Find your life plot; you already have a
superb cast.
4 Treasure seeker Explorer 5
Attributes Attributes
Treasure seekers are always Nurturing Nurturing Explorers are agile, quick
Treasure seeker

looking for the treasure Create a (long) list of events that have played Your life is filled with moments, experiences and to make connections
that they know they have. a defining role in your life and that you have events are coming towards us all the time. You and therefore ready for
They are looking every­ shaped you into who you have become. can embrace this or you can be scared of this. anything.
where and nowhere, and Describe the impact of each of these events. Think about everything that comes to mind, The pleasure they get
find themselves over and Consider also that your interpretations of these how nice the opposite movement might be. from all the uncertainties
over again. They are consequences are coming from your mind coming their way turns
looking inside and (I am looking forward to the movie tonight or I
and that the reality could also be the opposite. am looking forward to staying home.) them into excellent
outside them­selves and Explore that further. change and development
reinvent them­selves over Slogans agents. Come what
and over again. Slogans may – their eagerness is
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
They are driven by the All wisdom starts with self-knowledge! contagious.
addictive magic of great
The pessimist complains about the wind; the
The unexamined life is not worth living. optimist expects the change; the realist adjusts Explorers know that life
happiness or the final wis­ consists of challenges, if
dom about who they are.
My Creator will not look me over for medals, the sails.
degrees or diplomas but for scars. only you can see them.
They know that their
This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we
I’m not young enough to know everything. but know what to do with it. They have a fantastic agile
self-image is based on energy, directly moving
assumptions and they are The past has no power over the present Experience is the useless baggage that knows with opportunities and
constantly seeking self- moment. how to torpedo every improvement with certain possibilities.
knowledge and deeper Everybody is talking about the good old days. authority.
They can and want to
insight. They are not afraid But remember, these days will be the good old Stretch switch quickly, explore
to confront themselves. days for our children.
See life as a candy store with yourself having new horizons and use
They work hard at self- See yourself as part of the history. Know that enough pocket money to buy anything you everything at hand.
realisation, even if it hurts, you are one of the giants on which future
seems illogical or causes want. Know that everything that is going to
generations will build. happen now or later will be joyful, instructive
a relapse.
Stretch and wonderful. Whatever life has in store for you
will be good and instructive – even if you did
See yourself as the end result of an ideal process not see it coming or did not choose it.
of becoming, with all the perfect ingredients in
the perfect amounts and perfectly balanced. Meditation
The past is a picture in your head of what might I find life at the edge of my comfort zone.
have been. But know that you yourself have
coloured in your memory to be as happy or as
painful as you (un-) consciously thought was
necessary to keep going. These colours may
deepen or fade; it’s your choice!
All my limits are self-imposed
I do not believe everything I think.
6 Doubter Inventor 7
Attributes Attributes
Doubters know that life Nurturing Nurturing Inventors are an

is uncertain by definition; Watch the movie “Cast Away” with Tom Hanks Everything is already known. Therefore, all truth inexhaustible source of
certainty is an illusion. and imagine yourself in that situation on the is also in you. inspiration and creativity.
The search for an inner island. Briefly describe how you would feel and Consider something that you would like to They are always busy with
life and inner stability what you would do. Consider how you would improve in your life and imagine that you ‘the other side’ of truth
means saying goodbye to feel when you get back home. already have the answers and solutions deep or current circumstances.
things that appear stable. Consider moments and things you could do to within yourself. Ponder your question and find They combine thousands
Openness to the situation get you in that space. the solution that will help you move forward. of things and turn these
in the here and now feels into something new.
liberating. Slogans Slogans The only real source of
All you know is that you In this moment, there’s plenty of time. The only true wisdom is in knowing that you knowledge is within you.
know nothing. Feel free In this moment, I am precisely as I should be. know nothing. So ultimately you can
to ask. Everything can and In this moment, there is infinite possibility. Any fool can know. The point is to understand. only build something you
should be questioned. It’s not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the yourself can see, feel and
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. know is true.
Doubters are discoverers questions much longer.
of the now, sceptic of You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody Stretch Inventors are full of their
anything that seems to be watching, If people do not understand what you say or do own wisdom, adding to
sure. Love like you’ll never be hurt, it is because of them and not you. others with new ideas and
Doubters are free spirits Sing like there’s nobody listening, unexpected twists.
Trust what you know and feel, and do not
who do not let themselves And live like it’s heaven on earth. expect others to necessarily agree with you.
be captured.
Stretch Those who understand you will automatically
They are constantly gather around you.
looking for new answers, Strat living like children.
which mean the questions If you can see yourself as just a budding child, Meditation
are being called up again. you may experience the magnificence of I notice what I seek.
yourself in the world with an insatiable appetite
to understand and learn and know and feel.
Eating life with a big spoon.
Know that, at this moment, you are in the right
place, at the right stage of your life. You are
exactly where you are meant to be.
In the beauty of the now I find my future.
8 Revolutionary Hunter 9
Attributes Attributes
Revolutionaries have an Nurturing Nurturing Hunters are alert and

eye for the obstacles that Look at the world and feel where more justice is Consider the following: If you are meant to be in looking for opportunities
people collectively have needed to help her. Feel where the logic of the this life, what is your purpose? to confirm and prove
to encounter. justice that you feel comes from and describe themselves. They want
One day when you are 80 years old, what would to stay in charge of
They feel like the Robin it as clearly as possible. Do research in your be the deepest passion you would like to have
Hoods of their world. environment to see where you could convert initiatives. They are
experienced? industrious self-starters.
They fight against what these insights into action and improvement.
Find out which people can help you and try to Look at your life as a road, with occasional forks Hunters see the
they regard as nonsense, where you have to choose a side. Know that it is
an injustice or something involve them in the solutions. possibilities that life
difficult to undo a wrong choice. Become aware offers.
unworkable ideas. Slogans of yourself in your environment.
Revolutionaries see They are not
If you love the tree, you love the roots of the tree. Be acutely aware of the direction that life is unquestioningly satisfied
where the world has to taking you. Consciously decide to make better
be changed before others If you love yourself, you love your ancestry and with what seems to be
the world you’re born from. decisions at the next fork in the road. Base your readily at hand. Instead,
can see this. They can decisions on what’s right for you, free from the
draw conclusions from There are only two lasting bequests we can they delve and search
influence of others. for improvement and
this, suggest changes and hope to give our children. One of these is roots,
improvements. They do the other, wings. Slogans sometimes even for the
this with vigour and focus, very purpose of life.
The roots of the word anarchy come from ‘an Hold on to dreams,
with insistent enthusiasm They have an almost
archis’, ‘no leaders’, which is not really about for if dreams die,
and passion. unquestionable faith in
the kind of chaos that most people imagine life is a broken-winged bird,
what life has to offer and
when the word anarchy is mentioned. Anarchy that cannot fly.
they radiate this, even
is, to the contrary, about taking personal When I despair, I remember that all through when life gets tough.
responsibility for yourself. history the way of truth and love has always won.
Storms make trees take deeper roots. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for
Culture: If you cannot reach something, stand on a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end,
the collected works of Shakespeare. they always fall. I always think of it – always.
Stretch Stretch
Recognise the shield on which you stand as the Experience the meaning of your life by
shield of your ancestors, the shield of the land on experiencing that you are part of a long chain
which your ancestors’ houses stood, the shield of giants on which future generations can
that is made of all their combined skills and life build. See your contribution to life and to the
lessons. happiness of others; in the big things and the
little things; in your work and family, but also in
Meditation the smile that you get back.
I bend things seen as straight lines.
I am here for a purpose.
10 Wrecker Captain 11
Attributes Attributes
Wreckers yearn to be Nurturing Nurturing Captains have the urge

supported. Wreckers know small steps make a big The things you need to do together work best to take control and know
They feel this new order difference. Consider any small routine that could when people do what they are good at. Describe exactly what to do.
lies beyond chaos. make your life easier: a permanent storage place the people around you with whom you need Captains give direction.
for daily accessories, a regular route to work, to work. Describe each one’s strengths and They make underlying
If things do not work out
a fixed routine that feels good. Take time to weaknesses, and create a work scheme. Then, relationships clear so that
and if wreckers do not find
feel how well this routine would suits you and think of how you will explain this to them. others know how they
the help to do their ‘thing’,
gradually expand it to support your life even need to work together,
everything must change. Slogans
more. live together or take care
Wreckers push and Tell me and I forget. of one another.
pull on the regulated Slogans Teach me and I remember. They determine, arrange,
environment around Involve me and I learn.
To become a facilitative person means push and pull where they
them, seeking
changing how you think in order to change the The only thing that will redeem mankind think it fit to do so.
consequences you help to create or to drive. is cooperation. Captains provide direction
They take the
Create order in chaos whenever you encounter it. Human nature is complex. and guidance. They
responsibility to point
Create supporting frameworks and honour determine the pace and
out flaws in it, so that Even if we do have inclinations towards violence,
them. content of cooperation
they will eventually be we also have inclinations to empathy, to
and living together.
optimally supported in cooperation, to self-control.
Stretch They clearly see the
their work and being. Diplomacy is the mortal enemy of culture.
Imagine everything that you think you need in route they need to take
order to grow into your greatness as being already and they know how to
present – in you and in everything around you. persuade others to follow
Treat people the way you would like to be them. They do not allow
Consider that you already are everything and have treated. But this is easier said than done. From
everything. You only need to be who you are in themselves to be pushed
this perspective, be aware of the impact of this off their path by others.
the midst of all that is. Be aware of what you feel on the way you relate to others. That means
you need to sustain your life energy and to keep They decide quickly with
cooperate, co-create, listen and put yourself in whom they want to work
going in the direction that is right for you – name someone else’s shoes. Become your own devil’s
this and remember this. or play.
advocate. Try to imagine why others would
Meditation want to think or do differently. See the beauty of
it and thus the relativity of your own ideas and
I centre in myself in the midst of everything.
conceptual constructions.
I stop and step into the shoes of others.
12 Joker Seller 13
Attributes Attributes
Jokers always take the Nurturing Nurturing Sellers have a keen sense

initiative in the group, Look at the people you really like and those you How can you be sure that when you do things of knowing what others
involving everyone, fear or abhor the most. Recognise in them that for others, you know they like it or they think it is need and what they can
engaging them in what which is also in you. important? therefore deliver. They
they are doing. focus on the outcome of
Learn to accept that you are what you see Consider how you can obtain this certainty and the deal. They know how
They ensure that the ‘safe’ in others. try it out.
people do not ‘escape’ to apply their talents
Know that if you want to love yourself, you will optimally.
from the collective group. Slogans
have to love the others. So start with that. They are enablers of
Good at sensing who If you are not in over your head, how do you
Approach others with something that makes success. They spend
simply does not belong to know how tall you are?
them happy. Hide behind the jester card and the energy thinking about
the group. Do not gain the world and lose your soul;
invitation. opportunities and trying
Jokers take the initiative
Make them aware of you, without losing wisdom is better than silver or gold. to find new ways to come
when it comes to being A problem is often half-solved when it is
yourself. This will enable you to get used to the to a deal.
together. Jokers can clearly stated.
attention and interest of others. Sellers take responsibility
quickly assess people and
instantly know whether
“Creativity is easy. for matters that must be
Slogans Originality is difficult.
‘clicking’ is possible or completed.
A friend is someone who knows all about you Relevance is a bitch.”
not. They are therefore and still loves you. They focus on issues that
able to quickly gather an – Mark Rude are important to others in
enthusiastic group around Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light their work and life.
can do that. Stretch
themselves, if it is at all Sellers are not satisfied
possible. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Before you decide what others want or before
you think you know what others want, just ask with half measures, also
They are the engine Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. not from others, although
them. First ask the question and then decide
of being together, the There is nothing I would not do for those who whether you can satisfy the need. Make yourself it has less to do with the
driving force behind are really my friends. dependant on the needs of the other and not situation and more
sociability. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is your own needs (however well-intentioned!) with whom they are.
not my nature.
The worst loneliness is desperate for sincere
friendship. The route to real significance is through real
Stretch Relevance flows out of respect.
Know that everyone you encounter is an angel
for you!
Can you look at people in this way and
appreciate them for who they are?
Can you stop your judgement and pause after
your first impression?
Friends make good times better and hard times
Friends don’t let friends do silly things alone.
14 Teacher Caretakers 15
Attributes Attributes
Teachers maintain the Nurturing Nurturing Caretakers are

perfect balance between In order to be a Teacher, it is very important They are the bearers of care. comforting, reliable,
what they can do, who to suppress the first impulse to get attention. embracing and reassuring.
they are, and what people If they do not feel that way, they may start to They have an attitude of:
Teachers should think ahead instead of doing explore how they look in terms of their family
want to see of them. reflection afterwards. trust me, lean on me, rest
and ancestors. They may discover that they with me.’
They also know that this Preparing what you want to show and sharing have not changed during their lives. Their primal
is why people appreciate with others can become a habit! It means that qualities and character traits have stayed the They know they ‘are who
them. there is time to explore what people actually same. they are’ and know they
They know their strengths desire of you. Think about what others expect in ‘are trustworthy.’
If people tell you that you are exactly like your
and have very high terms of your skills and qualities. parents or siblings, in what ways are these Caretakers are a chip of
standards for themselves. people right (whether you like it or not)? the old block. They want
Slogans to resemble their parents
On the one hand they are Recognise those things within yourself and see
docile. On the other hand, What you’ve done, makes you who you are. how many of these qualities you can embrace. and grandparents. They
they are determined to Courtesy does not always awaken goodness, know themselves well
show the best of what fairness, compliance and gratitude. But at least Slogans and are proud of their
they have in themselves, it has the outer appearance of it. Also, it makes The expression of feelings is less focused on roots.
preferably without any your outward appearance look like your inner outward display as they are felt ever more They can be proud of
compromise. appearance. deeply. ‘rigid’ traits because that
is characteristic of their
Stretch Stretch heritage. They do not
Teachers firstly teach the lessons to themselves. Explore the idea that you, and also others, are see the need to change.
Somehow they are never good enough for unchangeable. They can get the same
themselves. For a Caretaker ‘eternal I’ brings peace, even advice for years without
They have a picture in mind based on their if the I is not so functional any more. That changing anything. So,
perception of what others might think or feeling of peace prevents growth, adaptation with a mix of pride and
find, which is almost always wrong. They do and connection with life. The big challenge is joyful resignation they
more than their best, even more than their therefore to let go of the I image as a status quo. accept who they are and
environment desires of them. They set the same they accept that they
requirements for their surroundings, in which Meditation cannot change the
they can then be the ‘real’ Teacher. When you love who you are, you have legacy of the
everything you need. generations
Meditation in them.
It is enough to be and show my best.
16 Diarist Chess player 17
Attributes Attributes
Diarists know themselves Nurturing Nurturing Chess-players build their

Chess player
well and fill any gaps in “Educate yourself: Google it” is a common Consider how your life or the future of your ideas of the future and
this knowledge easily. phrase in the land of awareness. Let the organisation will look and describe it extensively. vision on their reading of
To do this they following questions help you to develop the the now.
Now imagine that you know afterwards that it
investigate, reflect Diarists in you: was not the right future. What is your Plan B? Mapping future
and listen to others. Where are you now and how did that happen? possibilities that are
Do the same exercise, and then imagine a Plan obvious to them.
They gather information Where do you see your strengths and pitfalls? C, D and E.
in order to solve the They can formulate
‘mystery of me.’ Who has written about that? Does it become easier with practice? Now you various scenarios,
Who can you consult about it? can apply this methodology to every situation compare various options
Diarists have their act that seems to have only one direction or
together when it comes Diarists have gained wisdom over many years and switch from one to
outcome. the other.
to their own background and they know the core of their being. Get
and the events in their started if you want this in your life too. Slogans Because the future
lives that made them Chess is not for anxious souls. is no more than the
who they are.
Slogans extrapolation of trends
Development is also about unlearning. If there is no alternative, then there is also from the past, chess
Diarists know a lot about no problem.
it, have read about it If I do not know why I do the things I do, I can’t players know what could
and have been advised be happy. Variety’s the very spice of life. That gives it all its happen.
about it. They can also tell
flavour. Chess players are
We are the artisans of our own lives; the quality
others a lot about how of our lives depends on how good our tools are Stretch visionaries who scan the
to deal with their own and our ability to use them. various options of what
The chess player actually has two ideal
stumbling blocks in life, might happen. Chess
Stretch challenges: Firstly, life carries on regardless
especially if these look players can tell you about
and all variations you can think of are just bad
like their own. They are, Collected experience is useless knowledge in a the how and what of the
thoughts that drain your energy and make you
in other words, experts changing world. fog of the future. They
worry. Or, secondly, whatever you think up, life
through experience. Living in the NOW also means that the NOW is know from “the most
comes as it comes. Your path and your directions
different from the EVER. likely” to “the possible.”
are fixed. So surrender and relax.
In case of unexpected
Whatever you have read or understood, it can at events, chess players
best only be partially about who and where you Meditation
quickly switch to a new
are now. We live life forward. We understand life
set of possibilities.
Open yourself up to experience. backward.
Chess players are a
Be curious about what is different and new. Worry is a misuse of our imagination.
reliable and
See the pictures in your head that are chiseled rewarding source
in stone of those ultimate truths of history that of information
may have been your reality for a moment. for people who want
to make plans and
Meditation want to exclude
Don’t look back. You’re not going that way. uncertainties.
18 Apprentice Bookworm 19
Attributes Attributes
Apprentices know Nurturing Nurturing For Bookworms truth is

peaceful rest can only be When doubt starts to taste ‘pleasant’ and feels Knowing becomes ‘true’ when it is printed. something you can look
attained by practicing it like ‘being on the way to’, then the Doubter If you do not know from where you know up, something that is
continuously. becomes an Apprentice. Then they become something, then shut up until you find the already ‘known’. Always
Peace of mind in the curious about what is to come. source. look for the recognisable
current situation, if source of an idea.
All knowing can at best be one step on the way Practice objectivity and screen everything you
properly guarded, to the top on the never-ending ladder of life. think you can add. They regard themselves
provides life long balance as the ones presenting
and stability in being. Slogans Slogans knowledge rather than
Being one’s own best Loneliness is a good place to visit, but a bad The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide the ones discovering
companion gives them a place to stay. sources. knowledge.
clear view on others It is not that I’m so smart. But I stay with the Bookworms are grateful
Stretch carriers of knowledge.
Apprentices are calm questions much longer.
and content. They know The voice of silence, the knowing that is not They just know things,
where they stand and Stretch recorded or cannot be cited but is experienced quote with ease and know
how they can handle ‘Resting rusts. Do not let the currents of life steer as knowing, this is the trickiest place for where they can increase
life. They also remain you in the wrong direction. Instead, stay calm Bookworms. Knowing that comes from the their knowledge. They
searching for it, but with during the journey, the obstacles and even the mature Self and that can be put into words are therefore a source
a sense of ‘one step every collisions. points to inner knowing. This is both unique and of information for their
day’. Apprentices help universal. This is often a strange concept for real friends and colleagues.
Then ‘rest’ becomes ‘acceptance’ and the Bookworms.
others through their Apprentices rise above themselves and their Bookworms know things
balance and stability. circumstances. When this happens the Self in Meditation and where you can get
They form anchor points them becomes the center of the world and they help.
I stand on the wisdom of many generations.
for their environment. embrace being together.
It is what it is.
Move on.
20 Mayor Farmer 21
Attributes Attributes
Mayors act as examples Nurturing Nurturing Farmers do what they

for others when it comes Mayors are the ‘Primus inter Pares’ (first among Farmers have their own (Kairos) experience do. They feel responsible
to complying with codes equals) among their peers. To become a Mayor, of time and the rhythms of day and night, of for their surroundings.
of conduct and (cultural) it is crucial to recognise and acknowledge those seasons and years. So try to distinguish between They are relied upon
standards. equals and to serve as an example for their the constraints of clock time (Chronos) and for sustainability and
They find compliance very behaviour and thinking. your inner pendulum. See where those two are stewardship. They are
normal. separate and try to hold on to your inner rhythm. anchor points in their
In addition, acceptance from the others is environment.
They are decent and absolutely necessary. That brings you peace and in a way elevates you
thorough. above the delusion of someone else’s day. Know Farmers keep on
Every urge for individuality or deviant behaviour that guilt ruins centeredness. Every day, at your ploughing. They do what
Mayors are people who is a no-no. own pace, take one step in the direction of being needs to be done because
are ‘timeless’ in a sense.
Slogans centred. they are who they are.
They are decent, honest
They see themselves
and trustworthy, and When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Slogans as extensions of their
they have a great sense Just do it, you’re crazy enough. It requires outward courage to die. It requires intentions, often based
of community. They know
Everyone knows how it should be done, but not inner courage to live. on the underpinning of an
how life should (or must)
everyone sticks to it! “I do what I do because I am who I am because I age-old tradition.
go to not disrupt the
order of things. They have come from where I come!” Farmers plough on ...
a kind of eternal value It has been historically determined that I am in Farmers know where they
Mayors stretch themselves by discovering stand and should stand, in
that seems to rise above this place. I want to make the most of that.
themselves in their own way. This discovery the deep knowledge that
themselves. It is as if they
cannot be borrowed at the expense of their own Stretch the world is going the way
can rise above the various
being. In other words, the challenge here is to To know that not understanding why you it is, that times are as they
parties and still serve
search for the inner foundation, the grounding of are where you are and who you are can be are and will always come
everyone and everything.
one’s own being. “Which images and standards more reassuring than the familiarity of eternal again. In a way, Farmers
are really mine?” repetition. It is therefore a real challenge for are unperturbed;
Here too, the True Inner Norm corresponds with Farmers to recognise the constraints of their inwardly
the True Cosmic Norm. patterns so that they can let go of what keeps grateful for
them trapped. life, because it
Meditation is as it should
Choose now what your future self will be Meditation be and they
grateful for. Find yourself and be that. have their
place in it. Their
families see
their unwavering
stability, even
when the Farmers
experience things
22 Bricklayer Mediator 23
Attributes Attributes
Bricklayers seek Nurturing Nurturing Mediators like to make

order through timing, Do the same thing for 30 consecutive days People need support, something to hold on to. appointments and to
regularity, resources and and you acquire a new rhythm. To become a For many people, continuous streams of new stick to them. For them,
right insight. Bricklayer you need a base discipline that you insights or work methods, however valuable, certainty and clarity are
They build to make things follow for at least a certain period of time so that are too much to handle. Therefore, add breaks more important than
that are obvious and the regularity can become your new reality. in between. Do not change anything for a emotion and agility. They
factual the norm. while and call the status ‘appointment’ or are the reliable core of the
Find something, think of something that can help group. They ensure that
They do this to help others you in your daily activities. For example, put your ‘arrangement’. You will see people become
increasingly calm and productive! everyone knows where
and themselves rise to keys in a fixed place, or prepare for each week by they stand in terms of one
their potential. discussing it in detail. Start doing this and keep it Slogans another and in terms of
Bricklayers create peace up. If you succeed with one thing, then expand to them.
the next one. Stack stone upon stone. Break down The truth is in the middle.
and order in the world
what appears to be broken and start again. A good deal is better than always being Mediators are anchors in
around us – from literally
unsettled. their environment. They
tidying up to figuratively
Slogans know how to create a
serving as a refuge in The best truth is the broadest truth. sense of community and
the maelstrom of life. Do something before it becomes a problem.
Trust in God, but lock up your bike. how to get people to work
They create this basis for Create order before the chaos occurs. together. They are very
them­selves as well as
The only thing that will redeem mankind is
Becoming a facilitative person means changing cooperation. objective and they cannot
for others to be able to how you think so you can change the outcomes
Human nature is complex. Even if we are be fooled by emotion and
work and live well and you are helping to create.
inclined towards violence, we are also inclined tension. ‘Appointments
effectively. They recreate
Whoever describes the chaos puts things in order. towards empathy, cooperation and self-control. are agreements’, ‘This
and organise, allowing
is how we do the things
them to offer insight and Stretch Stretch here’ and ‘What is good
under­s tanding. They
Let go of doing. Surrender to what is and what is An appointment is nothing more than a joint for one is good for the
know this and consider
happening is the ideal challenge for Bricklayers. refuge in the stream of life. other’ are statements
themselves as in­
They need to learn to sit on their hands while they often used by Mediators.
dispensable for the A perspective-bound safe space to create peace
see (or think) that there is still a lot to be done. Their reassuring
people around in working and living together.
This means accepting that enough has been done behaviour is
them. They are If you can become aware of this, you will be
to make progress possible, that there is enough gratefully
aware of the able to discover the human vulnerability behind
stability to continue building and that even more embraced by
peace that it. And with that, let go of the appointment
foundation can make the building sag. others.
this knowing and let things happen. The hindsight-focused
brings, also to appointment thus becomes an instant
themselves. observation. And that may vary in the moment!
Order leads to habit.
Empathy is seeing with the eyes of the other,
listening with the ears of the other,
and feeling with the heart of the other.
24 Organiser Tailor 25
Attributes Attributes
Organisers simply know Nurturing Nurturing Tailors listen well to

how to establish the Organisers are relationship builders. They Tailors have the ability to see and follow the what others want and
social environment that take into account what people like or dislike, beaten road. They are there­fore looking for they do their utmost to
makes everyone feel at and they do this without forcing themselves. proven concepts and following the flow of deliver this as precisely as
ease. Stability and understanding are keywords they things. They do not force any­thing. They do possible.
They meticulously ensure make their own. what has apparently always worked and will They work along familiar
that everything is in always work. If you want to check, start by lines and concepts.
order, and they make sure Slogans checking the others first before looking at what They focus to optimize
that there is something Everyone has his own quirks! you can or want to do. their chances of success for
for everyone. Do not make friends easily, but always stay loyal They only change if it is objectively better or others and themselves.
They are always there for once a friendship has been formed. cheaper for reach the end result. Tailors know what people
friends and colleagues. actually want, even before
Stretch Slogans
Emotionally quiet and people them­selves know
friendly, they are in many It is almost a contradiction in terms for the We do not go for the hype but for quality! what they want. Tailors
cases the stable pivot Organisers to believe that people can enjoy Losing sight of the goal is the most common are the diesel engines
around which a company themselves while they are doing nothing. This is form of stupidity. in a work environ­ment.
revolve. They are where difficult for them to understand. For Organisers, They are unwavering as
this calls for self-confidence and courage. The Too many people have the wrong idea of
they need to be. They what happiness is. Happiness is not achieved they continue along the
do the things that are challenge is therefore to surrender and observe, right path. They will not
letting go instead of stepping in for others. It is by being complacent but by staying loyal to a
expected of them. Their worthwhile goal. be thrown off balance by
reliability in relationships about not being judgemental when things turn every­day happenings or
turns them into valuable out differently than expected (or hoped for). A statistician confidently waded through a hindrances. Instead, they
friends, colleagues and Organisers must let go of judging others, and in river that was one meter deep on average. He continue along the right
even opponents. particular of judging themselves. drowned. path.
Meditation Stretch They work along familiar
We treat others the way we really feel inside. Learning that focused intent can have more lines and concepts.
impact than targeted effort is a challenging They focus to optimize
concept for Tailors. Not knowing, not asking and their chances of success on
not doing feel like lethargy and a lack of trust. all sides.
And that is the problem: Following consensus, They move
following the flow of things without forcing steadily and
them or assuming that they are feasible. almost
Meditation unconquerable,
they continue
Never change a winning team! on the right track.
26 Advisor Grandma 27
Attributes Attributes
Advisors embody invi- Nurturing Nurturing Grandmothers focus on

tation. They show their Advisors are people who show themselves in a Finding the Grandmother is one of our most being there for all that
most endearing smiles way that is recognisable but without being too important journeys of discovery. Learning to is needed, content and
and quickly put people at obvious. It is a matter of smiling, keeping your receive unconditional love and acceptance the source of rest for
ease with their kindness. mouth shut and counting up to 10. Silent presence opens up the ability to give from what you everyone.
They want to be perceived is more important than drawing attention. have received. This is about silently embracing I can be there for others
as inviting and open. They try to understand what is important for cosmic kindness and unity. from a fulfilled Self.’
Their friendliness and others and then show that aspect of themselves. This journey of discovery involves embracing They love , give safety
ability to listen make They do not make excessive demands on yourself for who you are. and embrace from their
everyone feel welcome. themselves or on others. It is about accepting the beautiful value of abundance.
Advisors are inviting, Letting go, breathing, and counting to 10, your own roots and the blessings you have Grandmothers radiate
friendly, open and trusting your system and paying attention to received from your mother, and from the an inner confidence.
receiving. Advisors know what others want from you – this makes you an family around you. They have an
how to make you feel Advisor for others. unwavering belief in
welcome. They want you to Slogans life and its possibilities.
know that you can always Slogans It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life Grandmothers radiate
ask them for help and Everyone is always welcome! My door is always and I’m feeling GOOD. safety and reassurance
that they are always there open! I am always there in any case. Live through consciousness, not through emotion from their hearts. For
for you. That is why they them, nothing is too much
are well loved. And why
Distinguish yourself from the crowd through Stretch trouble. There is no need
people feel safe with them.
your soul. But resemble the crowd through your to impress. They personify
outer appearance. The challenge for Grandmothers is to stay present
They ask the right amidst the daily inconveniences and uncertainties. inner strength turned into
questions and give the
Silence teaches us about the course of our lives; It is about keeping on trusting even when painful self-confidence.
right answers. They know
speaking teaches us sooner. memories or events surface and require more of
how to put people at ease Stretch you than you think you can handle.
without interfering too
The ideal challenge for consultants is to stay Meditation
much. They are present
true to themselves. What they show to the Be odd in the most wondrous ways.
without being
outside world must be aligned with what they
feel inside. They need to share the not-so-good
They rarely go
times and emotions with their environment,
knowing that people will not think less of them
and always
and dislike them.
visible. Meditation
Sometimes it is not a plan that saves us. Instead,
it is breathing, trusting and letting go.
28 Dreamer Wizard 29
Attributes Attributes
Dreamers gratefully Nurturing Nurturing Wizards’ strong presence

accept what life has given The path of trust that is underpinned by The Wizard arises when you no longer need allows them to be normal,
them – not only the pluses reliability gives future Dreamers the science to work on your vision, when you free up your regardless of what is
and minuses, but also the and understanding that makes their lives thinking about this, and when you find more coming their way.
lessons. recognisable and mindful. guidance from divine intuition than from the They do not need to wait
It makes them happy to It is about letting go of understanding, at the limitations of contemplation and the ticking off of for anything or anticipate
know why they are who very moment that understanding provides a possibilities. Peace of mind about this will grow in anything.
they are. firm grip of the past, but before it weighs down practice, and become stronger. Then comes the They trust they are
The ‘lesser’ traits in the present. moment when the logic of what is seen no longer everything they should be
them­selves no longer matters, without affecting its credibility. and they do what they can
This will allow you to feel and experience the
bother them. science of the discovering nature of your life and may do.
Dreamers have a picture of as joyful. Come what may, Wizards
There are no crossroads on the spiritual journey.
the history that has turned see themselves get out of
Slogans There is no wrong way. There is only one path
them into the fantastic every situation with great
that, without the intervention of reason, will
beings they have become. All puzzle pieces from my life are now coming gradually unfold in the perfect way and at the
calmness and confidence.
They look around and see together! right time. When this happens you will know
They effortlessly sense
that everything is good! If my Creator wanted to make me a more and move along, without
that you never have to doubt or be afraid again.
Apparently, they received beautiful person, she would have done so. being too concerned or
the right ingredients at the Stretch finding this extraordinary.
right time in their lives, Stretch If you do not know where you are going, you Wizards seem to know
enabling them to learn Situations can force Dreamers into action because what is coming their way.
could easily end up somewhere else. This piece
everything about being their own experience seems insufficient. This can This allows them to be
of wisdom begs the question: How difficult
happy and full of love. That turn Dreamers’ self-assurance into dissociation well prepared.
will it be to end up somewhere else? This is the
is why they can love them- and abstraction. When this happens, Dreamers touchstone for the Wizard. If the path leaves the
selves and also love others. run the risk of smiling apathetically without being paradigm, escapes from the known world, how
able to move. much trust would you still have in your own
actions? How calmly can you continue to let go?
Every heart carries a story. Meditation
Live out of your imagination instead of your Magic is something you make.
memory. Les Brown
30 Master Believer 31
Attributes Attributes
Masters are naturally Nurturing Nurturing Believers trust and then

comfortable in Again, practice makes perfect, or at least The Believer’s inner voice surfaces when ‘must receive all that they need.
themselves and are at Masters want to be a true Masters. know’, ‘don’t want to know’ and ‘knowing that They really believe
peace. we know’ quietly vanishes. Believers, once in the power of
What they have ‘mastered’ or in what they want
They are no longer to show their real skill, can only be achieved speaking, can no longer be ignored. letting go.
focussing on themselves. by much practice in silence, contemplation The difference between ‘reliability’ (searchable, Believers know what
Masters are connected and meditation. Detachment or the absence explicable, measurable, identifiable) and ‘trust’ need to be known at the
to life and they are filled of others assists in this process. Independence (blind, unprecedented, supported by fantasy right time they need to
with love for everything. also requires a context in which to make and imagination) is highlighted, and demands know it and they are open
this possible. Mastering something calls for surrender and letting go. to receive this knowledge.
Masters have an auton- awareness and the ability to seek.
omy that distinguishes It seems that Believers
them from other people. Slogans dictate from the work of
All the innate knowledge that cannot be others, but with a unique­
They are anchored and Solitude is a silent storm that breaks off all our demonstrated in the external world is called ness and obvious­ness
calm, radiating inner dead branches. imagination. that speak of their own
power. They are enough You can only be yourself when you are on your
in them­selves and can Talent is developed in solitude while character is deeper wisdom. Believers
own. If you do not like solitude you will also not developed in the flow of life. have access to their inner
therefore be there for like freedom because you are only free when
others with­out feeling Believing and knowing are two parallel tracks source of knowing, which
you are alone. is aligned with the eternal
threatened, exposed or that will never meet, except for the child.
judged. They seem un­ If you leave troubled water in peace, it will source of knowing – even
become clear on its own. Those who know do not speak; those who speak when the things they
perturbed by the turmoil do not know.
of life. It seems as if the In this moment, there’s plenty of time. know seem separate from
turmoil of life only makes In this moment, I am precisely as I should be. In Stretch their know­ledge and
them stronger. They are this moment, there is infinite possibility. experience of the worldly
Much of what we think is ‘knowing’. ‘Knowledge’
examples for many but reality. Through their
Dance like there’s nobody watching, or ‘experience’ is actually the articulation and
they are unlike most know­ledge, Believers
love like you’ll never be hurt, explanation of our fears and ignorance. In other
others. They do not serve more than
sing like there’s nobody listening words, we appease our unrest with a (temporary)
let society, material their own affairs.
and live like it’s heaven on earth. logical flow of words. When Believers are
wealth, greed or speaking, images come to the fore that indicate
competition Stretch true knowledge, no appeasing reaction to fear,
influence who Masters are the most challenged when there but abstraction built on love. Nothing is strange
they are. is no connection with others. The balance to anyone; Believers will be tested to see if their
between being alone and living in the world knowing is consistent. They must stand firm
is precarious. This is where the meaning of life without bowing to the small - although life-like -
surfaces. Another major challenge is confronting fears of everyday life.
strong emotions when with others. When
Masters are confronted with anger and deep Meditation
frustration, they can come across as arrogant What you notice depends on what you seek.
and threatening to others, without really being
that way. This requires patience and love.
Accept. It is what it is.
32 Guru Winemaker 33
Attributes Attributes
Gurus are examples for Nurturing Nurturing Wine makers have peace

every­one of how to live Eternal truth comes from all people. It thus is One of the more difficult paths in life is letting of mind in the dimension
life through the way they above people, and it is elusive and yet true. go of the ego, letting go of the here and now, of givenness, free from
create space to think and letting go of ideas about the past or future. Then the here and now.
play. That means that your truth can only be a
fragment of the ultimate Truth (if it is that). the BEING remains, a silent and unconditional The givenness of life is
Their natural attraction love for yourself. Becoming a Winemaker is often translated into a
makes people follow How you think people should interact with therefore like falling blindfolded and blissfully natural sense of long-
them on their way. each other is therefore relative. Surrender to the into the Great Nothingness. It is about letting go term reassurance.
comfortable feeling that everyone who is sincere of everything, of everyone, of time and space, of
The way Gurus create is right. Their being in life
space in which to think desire and fear. It can be that simple to become sometimes feels like
and play is examples of Do not tinker with that. a Winemaker. destiny.
how to live life. They get Slogans Winemakers are the
people to follow them personification of
on their way. They find
Culture is what remains when you forget One does not have to understand the world; one
everything that you have been taught. self-confidence and
it quite natural to attract simply has to find one’s place in it.
inner peace. They have
people. Stretch Being free of wishes leads to inner peace. the ability to remain
Gurus stand for (aspects Gurus are easily put on a pedestal by people. If wealth and honour make you arrogant, it is calm and collected on
of) eternal truth. Gurus This podium of worship can make Gurus believe asking for misfortune. You should withdraw a fundamental level
are examples of trust in that their version of the eternal truth comes from when you have completed something. That is of being, even amidst
human society. They show themselves. The ego then emerges and shatters the Way. turmoil. Their stability
you how to act in line with the essence of the Guru as a universal and ego- All beings under the heavens have their origin in has an irresistible yet
your own inner being and less being. When this happens, Gurus become being; the being has its origin in the non-being. incomprehensible kind
how to get closer to your charlatans who dance to what they think others of logic. Although it does
authentic self. They are want from them. Stretch not seem to flow from
the obvious examples of It is easier to be a Winemaker if you are alone them, they are saturated
‘practice what you preach’ Meditation with a plate of food in front of you and a glass of with it. They radiate
and they serve you as Work to become, not to prove. wine in your hand, than amidst anxious people ease and natural flow,
they serve and dramatic events. which they themselves
everyone: sometimes find
In tough situations, it is a huge challenge to stay
without difficult to
with yourself and with others.
attachment understand.
and without Withdrawal on the cloud of inner peace the
expectations. easiest way out. When a Winemaker can remain
a true Winemaker in these situations, he has
passed the most difficult exam!
Eat, move, speak and act like you love yourself.
34 Dweller Elder 35
Attributes Attributes
Dwellers can enjoy Nurturing Nurturing Elders have a natural

everything that their Imagine life is fixed. Imagine everything has Imagine that trust is really better than control. delegation power -
surroundings has to offer. been designed to serve you, allowing you to Imagine that you can look at people without everyone does what they
They can sit back and do make the most of yourself and your life. Can telling them what to do and without checking need to do but within a
what they were born to you look at things with these eyes? Can you what they have done. Imagine that you can larger context of doing
do! see support in everything, can you see that suppress your need to know. This will enable you things together.
They like the idea that everything is there to teach you the things to maintain the friendly distance of the Elder. They can and want to
they do not have to think you still have to learn? And that if you are This will also enable you to do your work without work without someone
about arranging their experiencing it differently, you can look at your others watching, weighing or judging. This watching over their
resources themselves. own experience instead of the setback you will enable you to fully trust yourself, your own shoulder.
Dwellers see the
have experienced? qualities and your own power of judgement. It is about giving people
possibilities and space and trusting them
Slogans Slogans
opportunities in to do the right thing.
Chaos is the word we have conceived for an The more laws there are, the more thieves
everything around them. Elders have the ability to
order that we do not understand. there are.
Everything seems to serve trust people in what they
“Breathe in, take what life hands you; hold it, Those who do not trust others will never win the do.
them and provide them
accept it; breathe out, let it go.” trust of others.
with the means to achieve They themselves also
success. – Susan Gable, A Hero to Keep exude trust. Hence, very
They sail through life with few people feel the need
Stretch The biggest challenge for Elders is holding the line
an almost unconscious to control Elders.
The moment that wish and reality start to with others, even when some people stop holding
ease, finding that life Similarly, Elders will not
separate, the Dweller’s self-image and his the line. It would be so much easier and more
always conspires to reprimand others. They
recognisable ego start to compete. When convenient to withdraw completely. It would
help them. Coincidence know that the optimal
Dwellers can see major setbacks as a blessing in be so much easier to do your ‘thing’ completely
does not exist, because development of people
disguise, they can overcome life’s challenges. separate from the others, and to see yourself
everything comes happens when they are
outside or perhaps even above the others.
‘natural’ to them. Meditation allowed to apply their
However, holding on to that connection with own strengths and
Every life is a gift others, continuing to trust them and continuing set their own goals.
Life is a journey not a destination to communicate with them in a ‘non-violent’ Elders can therefore
way is the best remedy against dissociation and delegate well and
creating an island. For Elders, this can also be the appreciate the value
toughest challenge. of others.
I give others the gift of space to be themselves
without the threat of me leaving them.
36 Innkeeper Provider 37
Attributes Attributes
Innkeepers are always Nurturing Nurturing Providers give themselves

willing to be there for Let go of ‘discovering things about others’. It To become a Provider, one needs to be aligned to others.
others, no matter who is not that difficult. Yet, this is one of the most with one’s inner knowing. Knowing what your They trust that ‘what
they are. They are very difficult lessons of life: to see others, observe strengths are and what others require from you comes from the heart’ will
trusting and kind, open them and accept them without reserve. In other can only happen when there are no emotions at always be welcome.
and welcoming, making words, do not find something about someone, play. No expectations, no solutions, no findings Meeting others are about
everyone feel at ease do not weep with others who found something. and no obligations. Simply being who you are fulfilment and not filling
immediately. Instead, accept what others are doing and who will enable you to connect with those who need a need.
Innkeepers ‘per definition’ they are in a non-judgemental way. you for your special gifts. You need to embrace Providers have an almost
have the ability to see those who come to you and also those who do
Slogans unnoticed presence and
the goodness in people. not come to you. they are effective in
With Innkeepers everyone Friendship gives eyes to distance and a voice to
Slogans achieving what is needed.
immediately feels at ease. silence. They often retreat into
This means that people Treat good people well. Also treat non-good Fame lies in the effort to reach a goal, not in the
the background, but
deeply know they are people well. This is how kindness is created. achievement of it.
their presence and
welcome; people are seen
To trust you need to know how to close your Many stubbornly follow the path they have love are always felt.
for who they are and not chosen. Very few stubbornly strive towards Providers take care of
eyes without being blind.
(only) for what they do. their goals. what people want, even
Innkeepers are hospitality Trust is courage and faith is strength.
The purpose of education is to replace a blank before they have voiced
personified. Innkeepers Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light mind with an open mind. their needs. Without
facilitate peace in the can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only demanding attention and
group and reduce tension.
A goal is a dream with a deadline.
love can do that. without effort, Providers
They ensure that people Act so that you seek humanity, whether in your unobtrusively add value
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it own person or in others, always as a goal, never
start talking to each other does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is to the people around
again. merely as a means. them.
not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps
no record of wrongs. Love does not delight Faith is taking the first step even when you do
in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always not see the whole staircase.
protects, always trusts, always hopes, always Stretch
Providers in the ‘wrong’ context (if this is even
Stretch possible) can come to the conclusion that
“Turn the other cheek” is the challenge that nobody needs them.
Innkeepers need to face to show their worth. To accept this situation and to see it as a
When Innkeepers are confronted with threats welcome break that needs to be embraced,
or unpleasant behaviour, their first impulse will Providers need to fully be themselves. They
be to guard or defend themselves against it. need to remain true to themselves without
Acknowledging others in their grief or anger hesitating and without moving in the direction
shows True Power. This requires mastery from that others are dictating.
such Innkeepers. Meditation
Meditation Lighthouses do not seek boats to save;
they just stand and shine.
Trust those who love your company when you
have nothing to offer.
38 Organikin Probe Developed by ClariAct in partnership
with Transmind International.
These questions assume that you have already identified and discussed your
Organikins from your OSC with an organic coach.
Hopefully you have gained new insight in and appreciation for your life strategy.

• The questions below are an invitation for further reflection on your Organikins.
• Since when is this Organikin part of your life?
Helping leaders, individuals and teams deal
• How did the Organikin become part of your life?
with organisational change and acquire
• If this Organikin was not part of your life, what would your life look like? (If you awarefulness and interpersonal skills to
think life would have been better or easier without this Organikin, try to validate deliver sustained high performance within
and affirm as much as possible and further explore this Organikin’s role in your complex environments as cross-functional,
life.) self-organising teams.
• If this Organikin could sit next to you, what would he or she say to you? What is +27 (0)83 782 1249 |
his or her wish for your life?
• If you could say something to the Organikin, what would it be? (While keeping
the good intent of the Organikin in mind, feel free to explore appreciations as
well as possible frustrations without blocking any thoughts.)  Concept art by Nico Simpson

Explore the many different Organikins and their relationship with each other:
• When does Organikin X clash with Organikin Y? (When do they compete?)
• When does Organikin X and Organikin Y work together well? Can you think of a Communicating complex messages
time this happened? through pictures
Graphic facilitation
Conclusion Real-time concept illustration
• What is the one theme that evolved through your reflection? Creative communication at conferences
• What did you discover about yourself that was helpful? Plotting customer journeys
Developing interactive training programs
Redesigning customer experiences
Key note speaking

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