Psicology and Language 1 y 2 Bim

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1. Gardner and Lambert describe two types of motivation, which are:

a. Intrinsec and extrovertial motivation.
b. Instrumental and integrative motivation.
c. Internal and external motivation.

2. Motivation has been defined in terms of ….

a. Learner´s communicative needs and their attitudes towards the second language community.
b. Learner´s beliefs and their instructional preferences.
c. Learner´s personality characteristics and their willingness to communicate.

3. Which is the best definition of integrative motivation?

a. Learning for personal growth.
b. Learning for practical goals.
c. Learning for communicative competence.

4. Which of the following is the best definition for integrative motivation?

a. Language learning for personal growth and cultural enrichment.
b. Language learners first focus on practice for immediate speech or practical goals.
c. Language learners first focurs at the beginning and ending of a sentence.

5. The fact that a student feels anxious at oral presentations in front of the second language class but not when working
in oral tasks with classmates in groups, shows that anxiety is ..
a. Surely, a natural reaction of people with high self-esteem.
b. Likely to be dynamic and dependent on specific situations and circumstances.
c. A social dynamic factor.

6. What can be inferred as an assumption of people who feel that it is better to begin learning a second or foreign
language at an early age?
a. It is always desirable for the learner to achieve native-like competence.
b. It is possible to learn a second language at an older age.
c. Adults have some advantages over children when learning a second or foreign language.

7. According to researchers there appears to be a link between IQ and ...

a. Metalinguistic knowledge.
b. Grammatical rules rote memorization.
c. Vocabulary awarness.

8. One of the difficulties of researching learner characteristics is ...

a. That the variables (i.e. characteristics) are hard to measure.
b. That the learner is not willing to learn.
c. That the learner is exposed to language in informal setting.

9. Early intensive exposure to a second language may produce ...

a. Lost or incomplete development of the child´s first language.
b. A fully bilingual child.
c. A fully sequential bilingual child.
10. Which of the following is likely to result in a willingness to learn and keep learning a new language?
a. A learner’s need to use a language in a wide range of social and/or professional situations.
b. A learner’s desire to have travel abroad and use the new language.
c. A learner´s receive only a few hours of instruction.

11. Which of the following is true about personality studies?

a. Personality variables have an important influence on succes in language learning.
b. Personality variables measure communicative ability and metalinguistic knowledge.
c. Personality variables may be a major factor only in the acquisition of conversational skills, not in the acquisition of
literacy or academic skills.

12. There is ample evidence that positive motivation is associated with a …..
a. Willingness to keep learning.
b. Learner´s attitudes toward second language.
c. Learner´s self-steem, empathy, dominance and talkativeness.

13. In which type of classroom can we predict that a student with a high level of intelligence, as measured on IQ test,
would be succesful?
a. A classroom which focuses on reading, grammar vocabulary and metalinguistic aspects of foreign language learning.

b. A classroom which focuses on communication skills and oral production.

c. A classroomm which focuses on listening skills.

14. Which are some differences between most child and adult second language learners in comparison to native
speaker s?
a. Children become highly successful communicators even though there are some differences in word choice and
b. Children usually achieve native-like communicative abilities.
c. Adults usually achieve native-like communicative abilities.

15. Vygotsky conceive Language as …

a. A internalized speech, and speech emerged in social interaction.
b. A complex system that humans developed while evolved.
c. A specific innate system to discover the rules.

16. Which of the following is a definition for the term "Sequential bilingualism"?
a. The learning of two or more languages at the same time.
b. The learning of two or more languages, one after the other.
c. The maintenance of the home language while the second language is being learned.

17. By the age of two, most children …..

a. Use irregular plurals.
b. Distinguish temporal adverbs.
c. Begin to combine words into simple sentences.

18. Piaget conceived Language as ..

a. Essentially internalized speech, and speech emerged in social interaction.
b. Symbol system that could be used to express knowledge acquired through interaction with physical world.
c. A complex system that humans developed while evolved.

19. Which of the following best describes the concept of metalinguistic awareness?
a. The ability to read and write a language at a young age.
b. The ability to understand and produce language.
c. The ability to reflect on the structure and meaning of language.
20. As children learn their first language in the first 3 years there are predictable patterns in the emergence and
development of many features of the language they are learning. Which of the following best describes the determining
factor for the acquisition of these features?
a. Developmental stages of the child which allows them to understand concepts such as time and therefore use
language related to these concepts.
b. Mastery of linguistic elements children need to use in order to describe concepts they already have in their mind.
c. Learning to read gives a major boost to this aspect of language development.

21. Which of the following is one of the main focuses of the interactionist/developmental perspective in regards to first
language acquistion?
a. Concern with the process of language acquisition.
b. Concern with the final state of language acquisition.
c. Concern with the initial stage of language acquisition.

22. Despite young children have little control over the sounds they produce
a. They can discriminate between the one language and another
b. They cannot hear any sound at all
c. They can hear differences between the sounds of human languages

23. Even though children have little control over the sound they make in the early weeks of life, they are able to …
a. Hear the cooing and gurgling sounds.
b. Hear very subtle differences between the sound of human languages.
c. Understand quite a few frequently repeated words.

24. Which of the following is true about the interactionist/developmental perspective in regards to first language
a. The believe strongly in the language acquisition device (brain structures devoted to language acquisition).
b. They believe in a language acquisition device but do not think it is as important as the innatists do.
c. They do not believe in a language acquisition device and believe language learning is the same as learning other
skills and abilities.

25. Which best describes the idea of a “critical period” in first language acquisition?
a. A time in the life of a person in which they become critical of their society.
b. A time in the life of a person in which they are meant to learn how to acquire a specific skill or ability.
c. A time in the life of a person or animal in which they get critically ill and require care.

26. Which is the best explanation of the concept of the “logical problem of language acquisition”?
a. Children know more language than they hear in their environment.
b. Children can not distinguish between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences.
c. Children are only exposed to correct language structures.

27. Modified interaction is the key for making language comprehensible, according to ...
a. The noticing hypothesis.
b. The Interaction hypothesis.
c. The information processing.

28. Unlike the connectionism, the competition model…

a. Is based on the assumption of the existence of a neurological module (language device) is responsible for language
b. Is a model for both first and second language acquisition.
c. Is a psychological theory for language acquisition.

29. Which of the following explains the concept of Krahsen´s input hypothesis?
a. In order to be useful for language acquisition, the language a person hears must be understandable.
b. Second language unfolds in predictable patterns.
c. Metaphorical barrier that prevents language acquisition.
30. Which of the following three scientists is associated with Interactionism/Developmentalism?
a. Piaget and Vygotsky.
b. Chomsky.
c. Skinner.

31. Which of the following explains the concept of Krahsen´s acquisition-learning hypothesis?
a. Language occurs when input is comprehensible.
b. Language is acquired without conscious attention or learned through conscious attention.
c. Language becomes automatic.

32. Which of the following are advantages of young learners?

a. They are more willing to speak.
b. They are able to solve problems and discuss.
c. They are able to understand language structure.

33. Which of the following is true about processability theory?

a. It explains that first language influence does become more apparent as the learner learns more about the second
b. It explains that learners do not simply transfer features from their first language at early stages of acquisition.
c. It explains that learners have limited processing capacity and cannot pay attention to form and meaning at the same

34. Which of the following is true about the psychological theory of information procesing?
a. Language learners first focus on understanding words, then grammar structure.
b. Language learners first focus on practice for immediate speech or practical goals.
c. Language learners first focurs at the beginning and ending of a sentence.

35. Which of the following best describes Swain’s (1985) concept of “comprehensible output”?
a. Learners produce language understood by native speakers.
b. Learners push their limits of second language production by working to find a better way to communicate.
c. Learners can make a great deal of progress through exposure to input.

36. Investigations carried out about second language acquisition suggest that it is a "skill learning" process that
a. Declarative knowledge.
b. Procedural knowledge
c. Declarative and procedural knowledge

37. Language is at least partly learned in chunks, according to ……

a. Competition model.
b. Connectionism.
c. Interaction hypothesis.

38. The competition model is based on the hypothesis that...

a. Language Acquisition occurs with the necessity of learner´s focused attention.
b. Language Acquision occurs with no need of any innate brain module that is specifically for language.
c. Language Acquisition occurs with the transfer first language patterns.

39. During “transfer appropriate processing” information is best retreived .

a. When learner goes through similar situations to those in which it was acquired.
b. When the learner is focused on meaning in communicative activities only.
c. When the learner is concentrated on rules.

40. Which of the following is the best definition for Clarification Request as an example of modified interaction?
a. Native speaker asks a learner to repeat what was said in order to be able to understand him or her.
b. Native speaker repeats what is said to ensure learner has grasped meaning.
c. The native speaker repeats his or her sentence either partially or in its enriety.
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 En la calificación automática se utiliza la fórmula aciertos - (errores / n-1), en donde n es el número de

alternativas de cada pregunta, por lo tanto, le recomendamos piense bien la respuesta antes de
marcarla, si no está seguro, es preferible dejarla en blanco.
 No está permitido comunicarse entre compañeros ni consultar libros o apuntes.
 Verifique que la hoja de respuestas corresponda a la evaluación que está desarrollando.



Lea detenidamente cada una de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente el círculo que corresponda a la
alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas. Si la evaluación es dicotómica, use la alternativa (A) para verdadero y la
alternativa (B) para falso.

1. Which of the following describes what we mean by “learning styles”?

a. The way a person prefers to learn new information and skills.
b. The way a person dresses when coming to language class.
c. The way a person relates interpersonally with others.

2. Estroversion and Ihhibition are examples of ...

a. Methaphorical barriers.
b. Personality traits.
c. Motivation

3. The MLAT and the PLAB are examples of ...

a. Tests.
b. Memory tests.
c. Aptitude tests.

4. Which of the following is the best definition for integrative motivation?

a. Language learning for personal growth and cultural enrichment.
b. Language learners first focus on practice for immediate speech or practical goals.
c. Language learners first focurs at the beginning and ending of a sentence.

5. The fact that a student feels anxious at oral presentations in front of the second language class but not when working
in oral tasks with classmates in groups, shows that anxiety is ..
a. Surely, a natural reaction of people with high self-esteem.
b. Likely to be dynamic and dependent on specific situations and circumstances.
c. A social dynamic factor.

6. According to researchers there appears to be a link between IQ and ...

a. Metalinguistic knowledge.
b. Grammatical rules rote memorization.
c. Vocabulary awarness.

7. One of the difficulties of researching learner characteristics is ...

a. That the variables (i.e. characteristics) are hard to measure.
b. That the learner is not willing to learn.
c. That the learner is exposed to language in informal setting.

8. There is ample evidence that positive motivation is associated with a …..

a. Willingness to keep learning.
b. Learner´s attitudes toward second language.
c. Learner´s self-steem, empathy, dominance and talkativeness.

9. It is widely accepted that children are more successful language learners than adults. However the reasons for this
are less well understood. Which of the follow is may be a reason fewer adults achieve the same high level of second or
foreign language ability as children?
a. Adults have the same access to innate abilities as children.
b. Adults are not as willing to take risks and practice their new language.
c. Adults are often embarrased by their lack of mastery of the language.

10. Which of the following is likely to result in a willingness to learn and keep learning a new language?
a. A learner’s need to use a language in a wide range of social and/or professional situations.
b. A learner’s desire to have travel abroad and use the new language.
c. A learner´s receive only a few hours of instruction.

11. In which type of classroom can we predict that a student with a high level of intelligence, as measured on IQ test,
would be succesful?
a. A classroom which focuses on reading, grammar vocabulary and metalinguistic aspects of foreign language learning.

b. A classroom which focuses on communication skills and oral production.

c. A classroomm which focuses on listening skills.

12. In order to ensure the learner´s success in learning a second language, the sensitive teacher should ...
a. Take learner´s individual activities, tasks and material.
b. Create a learning environment suitable for success.
c. Use co-operative learning activities.

13. Researchers have broken down aptitude into different parts. According to some studies which classroom situation
would most likely result in successful language learning?
a. Students with strong analytic skills but average memory placed in a communicative classroom.
b. Students with average analytic skills but good memory placed in a communicative classroom.
c. Students with average analytic skills but good memory placed in a classroom focusing on grammatical structures.

14. The pedagogical practices such as varying activities, tasks and materials as well as using cooperation rather than
competition are examples of:
a. Personality traits.
b. Motivation in the class.
c. Learner beliefs.

15. There are 3 perceptually based learning styles and two cognitive learning styles; which classroom situation would
most likely result in successful language learning for an aural field dependant learner?
a. A classroom which focuses on grammatical structures taught based on behaviorist theories.
b. A classroom which focuses on communicative functions taught based on cognitivist/developmental theories.
c. A classroom which focuses on grammatical structures taught based on innatist theories.

16. Which are some differences between most child and adult second language learners in comparison to native
speaker s?
a. Children become highly successful communicators even though there are some differences in word choice and
b. Children usually achieve native-like communicative abilities.
c. Adults usually achieve native-like communicative abilities.

17. Language stages or developmental sequence is somewhat related to which of the following?
a. Cognitive development.
b. Mastery of linguistic elements.
c. Cognitive development and mastery of linguistic elements.

18. Piaget conceived Language as ..

a. Essentially internalized speech, and speech emerged in social interaction.
b. Symbol system that could be used to express knowledge acquired through interaction with physical world.
c. A complex system that humans developed while evolved.
19. Vygotsky conceive Language as …
a. A internalized speech, and speech emerged in social interaction.
b. A complex system that humans developed while evolved.
c. A specific innate system to discover the rules.

20. One of the most impressive language development in the early school years is …..
a. The earliest vocalizations such us involuntary crying.
b. The astonishing growth of vocabulary.
c. The cooing and gurgling sounds

21. Even though children have little control over the sound they make in the early weeks of life, they are able to …
a. Hear the cooing and gurgling sounds.
b. Hear very subtle differences between the sound of human languages.
c. Understand quite a few frequently repeated words.

22. Which of the following are examples of positive reinforcement that proponents of the behaviorist perspective
believed were important for first language learning?
a. Practice.
b. Interaction.
c. Practice and interaction.

23. As children learn their first language in the first 3 years there are predictable patterns in the emergence and
development of many features of the language they are learning. Which of the following best describes the determining
factor for the acquisition of these features?
a. Developmental stages of the child which allows them to understand concepts such as time and therefore use
language related to these concepts.
b. Mastery of linguistic elements children need to use in order to describe concepts they already have in their mind.
c. Learning to read gives a major boost to this aspect of language development.

24. One of the most remarkable facts about first language acquisition is….
a. All children follow the same language acquisition sequence and timeline.
b. All children speak the same language until they are three.
c. All children, at the end of their first year can produce at least fifty words.

25. According to the innatist perspective, which of the following is assumed to be true about first language acquisition?
a. Learners’ imitation of others accounts for language acquisition.
b. Language learning occurs by continually repeating what is heard in the environment.
c. All languages is guided by the same universal principles.

26. Despite young children have little control over the sounds they produce
a. They can discriminate between the one language and another
b. They cannot hear any sound at all
c. They can hear differences between the sounds of human languages

27. In the behaviorist perspective which of the following plays an important part of first language learning?
a. Language available in the environment.
b. The inborn ability for language learning.
c. The biological programming of people to learn language.

28. Regarding to language learning theories, the main aspects of Behaviorism are:
a. Imitation, practice and reinforcement that form habits.
b. Linguistic patterns and grammar rules.
c. The child does not have to be taught.

29. Which of the following language acquisition perspectives had a strong influence on audiolingual teaching materials
and methods?
a. Behaviourim.
b. Innatism.
c. Cognativism /Developmentalism.

30. Which of the major language learning theories uses the computer as a metaphor for the mind?
a. Behaviourist perspective.
b. Psychological perspective.
c. Sociocultural perspective.

31. Which of the following explains the concept of Krashen´s affective filter?
a. Feelings, motives and needs that prevent learners from acquiring language even when comprehensible input is
b. An acquired system which allows a speaker to use language spontaneously.
c. The difference between learning and acquiring language.

32. Competition Model of Language Acquisition takes into account not only language form, but also...
a. Language meaning.
b. Language use.
c. Language use and language meaning.

33. Which of the following explains the concept of Krahsen´s acquisition-learning hypothesis?
a. Language occurs when input is comprehensible.
b. Language is acquired without conscious attention or learned through conscious attention.
c. Language becomes automatic.

34. Investigations carried out about second language acquisition suggest that it is a "skill learning" process that
a. Declarative knowledge.
b. Procedural knowledge
c. Declarative and procedural knowledge

35. According to Krashen’s Monitor Model second language acquisition occurs in predictable patterns is related to...
a. Monitor Hypothesis
b. Natural Order Hypothesis.
c. Input Hypothesis.

36. The competition model is based on the hypothesis that...

a. Language Acquisition occurs with the necessity of learner´s focused attention.
b. Language Acquision occurs with no need of any innate brain module that is specifically for language.
c. Language Acquisition occurs with the transfer first language patterns.

37. According to Connectionists, learners gradually construct their knowledge of language...

a. Through exposure to thousands of instances of linguistic features they hear.
b. Through memorization and simple generalization.
c. Through the neurological module.

38. Language is at least partly learned in chunks, according to ……

a. Competition model.
b. Connectionism.
c. Interaction hypothesis.

39. Comprehension checks, clarification questions, and self-repetitions are examples of ….

a. Comprehensive output.
b. Modified interaction.
c. Declarative knowledge.
40. During “transfer appropriate processing” information is best retreived .
a. When learner goes through similar situations to those in which it was acquired.
b. When the learner is focused on meaning in communicative activities only.
c. When the learner is concentrated on rules.

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1. Which of the following are factors which contribute to vocabulary learning?

a. The learner doesn`t guess words in context.
b. The frequency with which the learner sees and understands a word.
c. The level of complexity of a word is not too high for the learner.

2. Words that look similar and have the same meaning in two languages are called ...
a. Synonyms.
b. Cognates.
c. Antonyms.

3. Which type of instruction seems to be the most effective for teaching the pragmatic aspects of language?
a. Explicit.
b. Implicit.
c. Structure based.

4. The theory that second language errors are caused by transfer from first language is called...
a. Acquisition –learning hypothesis.
b. Afective filter hypothesis.
c. Contrative Analysis Hypotheis.

5. While there has been a rejection of the CAH, there is still valuable information to be gained about second and foreign
language learning by comparing the first and target languages. What are some potentially important considerations?
a. Learners may avoid language structures which are very different from those found in their first language.
b. Learners do not seem to recognize that they can use features they know to be similar in their native language to help
them with their new language.
c. Learners always use features of their home language in their new language when they know they are similar.

6. The main objective of error analysis is to do which of the following?

a. Determine what learners may have memorized in contrast to what may be their current understanding of the new
b. Provide the theoretical foundations of new teaching materials.
c. Understand how learners process information of a language.

7. According the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH), which of the following was the cause of learner errors?
a. Students did not practice the correct forms enough to make them a habit.
b. Students tranferred knowledge of theri first language to their new language.
c. Students did not pay close enough attention to the language structures they were taught.

8. While contrary to most teachers’ believes, sometimes the INCREASE in learner errors is a sign of improving
language acquisition. Which of the following is the reason for this increase in errors?
a. Students are applying new rules to new situations, which leads to errors in previously memorized (but not
necessarily understood or internalized) forms.
b. Students are merely imitating, repeating the language they have been taught.
c. Students are using the language features in different orders.

9. Which of the following is a significant difference between Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis?
a. Error Analysis predicted errors that students would make and Contrastive Analysis explained errors students did
b. Contrastive Analysis predicted errors that students would make and Error Analysis explained errors students did
c. Contrastive Analysis predicted errors that students would make and Error Analysis both predicted and explained
erros students did make.

10. The error “ She is a lady beautiful ” made by a Spanish speaker who is learning English is an example of …..
a. Interference error.
b. Vocabulary error.
c. Grammar error.

11. In which stage of question development would a person who says the following likely to be? What are you doing
a. Stage 3. Fronting.
b. Stage 4. Inversion wh+copula.
c. Stage 5. Inversion wh+auxiliary.

12. The use of a regular –ed past tense ending on an irregular verb is evidence of…..
a. Errors similar to those made by young first language learners.
b. Errors that show lack of knowledge of third-person “s” ending.
c. Errors made by proficient learners.

13. A person who learns a second language entirely through social interaction is someone who is learning …
a. In a natural acquisition setting.
b. In a structure-based environment.
c. In a communicative based instructional environment.

14. Interaction between students and teachers often depends on the type of learning environment and teaching
philosophies found in the classroom. Which type of classroom most promotes genuine questions?
a. A classroom with a structure-based approach.
b. A classroom with a communicative approach.
c. A classroom with a instructional approach.

15. _______________ refers to explicit provision of the correct form.

a. Elicitation.
b. Explicit correction.
c. Clarification requests.

16. In what kind of settings, errors are rarely corrected?

a. Structure-based instructional settings.
b. Natural acquistion settings.
c. Communicative-structured settings.

17. A learner’s immediate response to corrective feedback is called …

a. Display answer.
b. Uptake.
c. Incorrect response.

18. Clarification requests, Elicitation and Repetition are some techniques that teachers use as…
a. Instructional approach.
b. Corrective feedback.
c. Observation schemes.

19. Which of the following is a classroom behavior not used in the COLT observation scheme?
a. Feedback on errors.
b. Genuine questions.
c. Syntax errors.

20. Which setting provide an environment where the language is taught to a group of second or foreign language
learners ?
a. Structure-based intructional settings.
b. Natural acquisition settings.
c. Communicative-structures settings.
21. What is the purpose of genuine questions asked by teachers?
a. To get information from students.
b. To allow students to demonstrate their language knowledge.
c. To allow students to practice language to their professional development.

22. Which is the distinction between natural and instructional settings?

a. Natural settings emphasize transmission of a language; instructional settings emphasize the message.
b. In natural settings learning takes place through free interaction with native language peers, instructional settings
learning takes place using guided student.
c. Natural settings learners feel free to speak or write the second language, instructional settings learners feel pressure
to speak or write the second language from the beginning.

23. In Communicative, content-based and task-based instructional settings, students’ success is measure in terms…..
a. Their ability to get things done in the second language.
b. Their accuracy in using certain grammatical features.
c. Their ability to write in the second language.

24. A teacher uses “Recasts” as corrective feedback in the classroom when he/she …
a. Restates the student´s statements without error.
b. Points out the student´s errors and explains them on the board.
c. Points out the student´s errors and explains them on the board.

25. The example below shows a classroom where Elicitation as corrective feedback is taking place during instructional
a. S: Sue Norton live in Cuenca / T: What is the different form for third person in Simple Present? / S: “s”
b. S: Sue Norton live in Cuenca / T: Excuse me, She………...??? / S: Lives
c. S: Sue Norton live in Cuenca T: Live? Lives. Sue Norton lives in Cuenca

26. Some studies have shown that the most frequent type of corrective feedback by teacher to students is recasting.
Which of the following dialogues demonstrates teacher recasting?
a. S: I go church Sunday. T: Oh, you go to church on Sundays.
b. S: I go church Sunday. T: Go church? Go to church.
c. S: I go church Sunday. T: You must use "to" after go.

27. Our text shows the findings from several types of classroom teaching proposals. Which is the characteristics of the
“Two for One” proposal?
a. It focuses on obliging learners to “negotiate for meaning”
b. It is a mixture of structural and comprehensive instruction.
c. It focuses on designing instruction to follow developmental stages.

28. Which proposal requieres a content-based instruction in order to learners acquire a second language?
a. Two for one.
b. Let´s talk.
c. Get it right in the end.

29. Whichproposal requires comprehensible input?

a. Two for one.
b. Just listen … and read.
c. Teach what is teachable.

30. The authors believe which of the following statement is true?

a. The best way to learn new vocabulary is through reading.
b. The best way to learn new vocabulary is through guidance and instruction.
c. The best way to learn new vocabulary is to watch movies with subtitles.
31. In which proposal instruction is designed to follow developmental stages?
a. Get it right in the end.
b. Teach what is teachable.
c. Just listen .. and read.

32. Content-based instruction in a second language is a characteristic of which proposal?

a. Teach what is teachable.
b. Two for one.
c. Get it right from the begining.

33. Which of the following is a characteristic of the "Get it right in the end" proposal?
a. A mixture of structural and comprehensive instruction.
b. Learners listen to books while reading along at the same time.
c. Learners repeats grammar structures.

34. "Teach what is teachable” believes that ..

a. Instruction should be designed following developmental stages.
b. Instruction should be content-based.
c. Instruction focuses on grammar drills.

35. Identify the example corresponding to the six proposals for classroom teaching.
Second grade class at Riverdale Elementary is receiving German instruction during World Language Class. Mrs.
Schmidt has arranged the class in groups of five students, all groups are taking turns going through learning centers
where she has placed different items as decorations, those items show four different sports: soccer, voleyball,
basketball and field hockey. She even got a couple of shirts signed by famous soccer and basketball german players.
There are also children illustrated sports books and also magazines showing articles related to sports. The lesson for
today is Sports in Germany and Mrs. Schmidt has prepared a lesson that includes a CD (in German language) and a
worksheet with a short dialogue and some questions the students are to answer based on the information on the audio.
a. Just listen ... and read.
b. Two for one.
c. Let´s talk,

36. Identify the example corresponding to the six proposals for classroom teaching type.
Ms. Myrtle´s class has a population of 25 students, from which 20 are female and 5 male students. The students are
immigrants and are learning the language at the same time. They are at different language levels and Ms. Myrtle has
implemented several strategies in the classroom, along with differentiated instruction according to the student´s
different needs. The big challenge for her here is teaching her students content subject matters along with the language
(English as a Second Language)
a. Two for one.
b. Teach what is teachable.
c. Just listen ... and read

37. Identify the example corresponding to the six proposals for classroom teaching.
According to James in Mr. Hutnik`s eight grade World Languages (French) class, this is a “boring class” Taking a look
of his instruction we notice that he uses lots of tapes and cd´s with recordings or native French people talking to each
other. The main instructional approach for Mr. Hutnik is, “listen and repeat” modality along with a large amount of
grammar translation. Students show their aversion for that particular class.
a. Let´s talk.
b. Get it right from the begining.
c. Get it right in the end.

38. Identify the example corresponding to the six proposals for classroom teaching.
Ms. Barber in ESL class is trying to teach her students the present perfect tense. For that purpose, she gave the
students a quiz in order to find out at what extent they have mastered the present and past simple and also about their
knowledge of verbs in the past participle. This conversation takes place at Ms. Barber class:

S1 Did you have see the sundown on the ocean?

T Have you seen the sundown on the ocean?
S1 Have you see the sundown on the ocean?
a. Get it right from the begining.
b. Teach what is teachable.
c. Two for one.

39. Pedro is an immigrant to the US from Peru. He attends third grade at P.B.Ridge Elementary. He receives classes in
the content subjects in English, when he is facing vocabulary problems he receives assistance from the ESL teacher.
What type of instructional approach is he receiving?
a. Teach what is teachable.
b. Two for one.
c. Get it right from the beginning.
40. Identify the example corresponding to the six proposals for classroom teaching.
In ESL Level 4 Class, Mr. Aarons invited some students of English Level 6 to talk about celebrities. Mr. Aaron´s
students were surveyed in order to find out about the student´s favorite character. During the presentations, the
students were told to feel free to ask questions and they even had some time for them to use their skills in the second
language to ask each other before coming up with the questions for the presenters. The presenters prepare some of
the quotes from the celebrities for students have the opportunity to interpret them.
This dialogue takes place there:

Presenter: Jack Nicholson´s quote "There is only one life and you´ve got to live it!"
Student: There is only one life......I know! What else?
Presenter: Well.... you`ve got to live it!... What do you think about it?
a. Two for one.
b. Get it right in the end.
c. Let´s talk.

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1. Which of the following are factors which contribute to vocabulary learning?

a. The learner doesn`t guess words in context.
b. The frequency with which the learner sees and understands a word.
c. The level of complexity of a word is not too high for the learner.

2. Words that look similar and have the same meaning in two languages are called ...
a. Synonyms.
b. Cognates.
c. Antonyms.

3. Which type of instruction seems to be the most effective for teaching the pragmatic aspects of language?
a. Explicit.
b. Implicit.
c. Structure based.

4. The theory that second language errors are caused by transfer from first language is called...
a. Acquisition –learning hypothesis.
b. Afective filter hypothesis.
c. Contrative Analysis Hypotheis.

5. While there has been a rejection of the CAH, there is still valuable information to be gained about second and foreign
language learning by comparing the first and target languages. What are some potentially important considerations?
a. Learners may avoid language structures which are very different from those found in their first language.
b. Learners do not seem to recognize that they can use features they know to be similar in their native language to help
them with their new language.
c. Learners always use features of their home language in their new language when they know they are similar.

6. The main objective of error analysis is to do which of the following?

a. Determine what learners may have memorized in contrast to what may be their current understanding of the new
b. Provide the theoretical foundations of new teaching materials.
c. Understand how learners process information of a language.

7. According the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (CAH), which of the following was the cause of learner errors?
a. Students did not practice the correct forms enough to make them a habit.
b. Students tranferred knowledge of theri first language to their new language.
c. Students did not pay close enough attention to the language structures they were taught.

8. While contrary to most teachers’ believes, sometimes the INCREASE in learner errors is a sign of improving
language acquisition. Which of the following is the reason for this increase in errors?
a. Students are applying new rules to new situations, which leads to errors in previously memorized (but not
necessarily understood or internalized) forms.
b. Students are merely imitating, repeating the language they have been taught.
c. Students are using the language features in different orders.

9. Which of the following is a significant difference between Contrastive Analysis and Error Analysis?
a. Error Analysis predicted errors that students would make and Contrastive Analysis explained errors students did
b. Contrastive Analysis predicted errors that students would make and Error Analysis explained errors students did
c. Contrastive Analysis predicted errors that students would make and Error Analysis both predicted and explained
erros students did make.

10. The error “ She is a lady beautiful ” made by a Spanish speaker who is learning English is an example of …..
a. Interference error.
b. Vocabulary error.
c. Grammar error.

11. In which stage of question development would a person who says the following likely to be? What are you doing
a. Stage 3. Fronting.
b. Stage 4. Inversion wh+copula.
c. Stage 5. Inversion wh+auxiliary.

12. The use of a regular –ed past tense ending on an irregular verb is evidence of…..
a. Errors similar to those made by young first language learners.
b. Errors that show lack of knowledge of third-person “s” ending.
c. Errors made by proficient learners.

13. A person who learns a second language entirely through social interaction is someone who is learning …
a. In a natural acquisition setting.
b. In a structure-based environment.
c. In a communicative based instructional environment.

14. Interaction between students and teachers often depends on the type of learning environment and teaching
philosophies found in the classroom. Which type of classroom most promotes genuine questions?
a. A classroom with a structure-based approach.
b. A classroom with a communicative approach.
c. A classroom with a instructional approach.

15. _______________ refers to explicit provision of the correct form.

a. Elicitation.
b. Explicit correction.
c. Clarification requests.

16. In what kind of settings, errors are rarely corrected?

a. Structure-based instructional settings.
b. Natural acquistion settings.
c. Communicative-structured settings.

17. A learner’s immediate response to corrective feedback is called …

a. Display answer.
b. Uptake.
c. Incorrect response.

18. Clarification requests, Elicitation and Repetition are some techniques that teachers use as…
a. Instructional approach.
b. Corrective feedback.
c. Observation schemes.
19. Which of the following is a classroom behavior not used in the COLT observation scheme?
a. Feedback on errors.
b. Genuine questions.
c. Syntax errors.

20. Which setting provide an environment where the language is taught to a group of second or foreign language
learners ?
a. Structure-based intructional settings.
b. Natural acquisition settings.
c. Communicative-structures settings.

21. What is the purpose of genuine questions asked by teachers?

a. To get information from students.
b. To allow students to demonstrate their language knowledge.
c. To allow students to practice language to their professional development.

22. Which is the distinction between natural and instructional settings?

a. Natural settings emphasize transmission of a language; instructional settings emphasize the message.
b. In natural settings learning takes place through free interaction with native language peers, instructional settings
learning takes place using guided student.
c. Natural settings learners feel free to speak or write the second language, instructional settings learners feel pressure
to speak or write the second language from the beginning.

23. In Communicative, content-based and task-based instructional settings, students’ success is measure in terms…..
a. Their ability to get things done in the second language.
b. Their accuracy in using certain grammatical features.
c. Their ability to write in the second language.

24. A teacher uses “Recasts” as corrective feedback in the classroom when he/she …
a. Restates the student´s statements without error.
b. Points out the student´s errors and explains them on the board.
c. Points out the student´s errors and explains them on the board.

25. The example below shows a classroom where Elicitation as corrective feedback is taking place during instructional
a. S: Sue Norton live in Cuenca / T: What is the different form for third person in Simple Present? / S: “s”
b. S: Sue Norton live in Cuenca / T: Excuse me, She………...??? / S: Lives
c. S: Sue Norton live in Cuenca T: Live? Lives. Sue Norton lives in Cuenca

26. Some studies have shown that the most frequent type of corrective feedback by teacher to students is recasting.
Which of the following dialogues demonstrates teacher recasting?
a. S: I go church Sunday. T: Oh, you go to church on Sundays.
b. S: I go church Sunday. T: Go church? Go to church.
c. S: I go church Sunday. T: You must use "to" after go.

27. Our text shows the findings from several types of classroom teaching proposals. Which is the characteristics of the
“Two for One” proposal?
a. It focuses on obliging learners to “negotiate for meaning”
b. It is a mixture of structural and comprehensive instruction.
c. It focuses on designing instruction to follow developmental stages.

28. Which proposal requieres a content-based instruction in order to learners acquire a second language?
a. Two for one.
b. Let´s talk.
c. Get it right in the end.
29. Whichproposal requires comprehensible input?
a. Two for one.
b. Just listen … and read.
c. Teach what is teachable.

30. The authors believe which of the following statement is true?

a. The best way to learn new vocabulary is through reading.
b. The best way to learn new vocabulary is through guidance and instruction.
c. The best way to learn new vocabulary is to watch movies with subtitles.

31. In which proposal instruction is designed to follow developmental stages?

a. Get it right in the end.
b. Teach what is teachable.
c. Just listen .. and read.

32. Content-based instruction in a second language is a characteristic of which proposal?

a. Teach what is teachable.
b. Two for one.
c. Get it right from the begining.

33. Which of the following is a characteristic of the "Get it right in the end" proposal?
a. A mixture of structural and comprehensive instruction.
b. Learners listen to books while reading along at the same time.
c. Learners repeats grammar structures.

34. "Teach what is teachable” believes that ..

a. Instruction should be designed following developmental stages.
b. Instruction should be content-based.
c. Instruction focuses on grammar drills.

35. Identify the example corresponding to the six proposals for classroom teaching.
Second grade class at Riverdale Elementary is receiving German instruction during World Language Class. Mrs.
Schmidt has arranged the class in groups of five students, all groups are taking turns going through learning centers
where she has placed different items as decorations, those items show four different sports: soccer, voleyball,
basketball and field hockey. She even got a couple of shirts signed by famous soccer and basketball german players.
There are also children illustrated sports books and also magazines showing articles related to sports. The lesson for
today is Sports in Germany and Mrs. Schmidt has prepared a lesson that includes a CD (in German language) and a
worksheet with a short dialogue and some questions the students are to answer based on the information on the audio.
a. Just listen ... and read.
b. Two for one.
c. Let´s talk,

36. Identify the example corresponding to the six proposals for classroom teaching type.
Ms. Myrtle´s class has a population of 25 students, from which 20 are female and 5 male students. The students are
immigrants and are learning the language at the same time. They are at different language levels and Ms. Myrtle has
implemented several strategies in the classroom, along with differentiated instruction according to the student´s
different needs. The big challenge for her here is teaching her students content subject matters along with the language
(English as a Second Language)
a. Two for one.
b. Teach what is teachable.
c. Just listen ... and read

37. Identify the example corresponding to the six proposals for classroom teaching.
According to James in Mr. Hutnik`s eight grade World Languages (French) class, this is a “boring class” Taking a look
of his instruction we notice that he uses lots of tapes and cd´s with recordings or native French people talking to each
other. The main instructional approach for Mr. Hutnik is, “listen and repeat” modality along with a large amount of
grammar translation. Students show their aversion for that particular class.
a. Let´s talk.
b. Get it right from the begining.
c. Get it right in the end.

38. Identify the example corresponding to the six proposals for classroom teaching.
Ms. Barber in ESL class is trying to teach her students the present perfect tense. For that purpose, she gave the
students a quiz in order to find out at what extent they have mastered the present and past simple and also about their
knowledge of verbs in the past participle. This conversation takes place at Ms. Barber class:

S1 Did you have see the sundown on the ocean?

T Have you seen the sundown on the ocean?
S1 Have you see the sundown on the ocean?
a. Get it right from the begining.
b. Teach what is teachable.
c. Two for one.

39. Pedro is an immigrant to the US from Peru. He attends third grade at P.B.Ridge Elementary. He receives classes in
the content subjects in English, when he is facing vocabulary problems he receives assistance from the ESL teacher.
What type of instructional approach is he receiving?
a. Teach what is teachable.
b. Two for one.
c. Get it right from the beginning.
40. Identify the example corresponding to the six proposals for classroom teaching.
In ESL Level 4 Class, Mr. Aarons invited some students of English Level 6 to talk about celebrities. Mr. Aaron´s
students were surveyed in order to find out about the student´s favorite character. During the presentations, the
students were told to feel free to ask questions and they even had some time for them to use their skills in the second
language to ask each other before coming up with the questions for the presenters. The presenters prepare some of
the quotes from the celebrities for students have the opportunity to interpret them.
This dialogue takes place there:

Presenter: Jack Nicholson´s quote "There is only one life and you´ve got to live it!"
Student: There is only one life......I know! What else?
Presenter: Well.... you`ve got to live it!... What do you think about it?
a. Two for one.
b. Get it right in the end.
c. Let´s talk.

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 En la calificación automática se utiliza la fórmula aciertos - (errores / n-1), en donde n es el número de

alternativas de cada pregunta, por lo tanto, le recomendamos piense bien la respuesta antes de
marcarla, si no está seguro, es preferible dejarla en blanco.
 No está permitido comunicarse entre compañeros ni consultar libros o apuntes.
 Verifique que la hoja de respuestas corresponda a la evaluación que está desarrollando.



Lea detenidamente cada una de las siguientes preguntas y rellene completamente el círculo que corresponda a la
alternativa correcta en la hoja de respuestas. Si la evaluación es dicotómica, use la alternativa (A) para verdadero y la
alternativa (B) para falso.

1. Which of the following is the best definiton for instrumental motivation?

a. Language learning for personal growth and cultural enrichment.
b. Language learning for immediate or practical goals.
c. Language learning for use.

2. Estroversion and Ihhibition are examples of ...

a. Methaphorical barriers.
b. Personality traits.
c. Motivation
3. Motivation has been defined in terms of ….
a. Learner´s communicative needs and their attitudes towards the second language community.
b. Learner´s beliefs and their instructional preferences.
c. Learner´s personality characteristics and their willingness to communicate.

4. Which of the following relates to the concept of aptitude?

a. How well a person learns languages when placed in a communicative classroom situation.
b. How well a person learns languages when placed in a grammar classroom situation.
c. How quickly and easily a person can learn a second or foreign language.

5. According to researchers there appears to be a link between IQ and ...

a. Metalinguistic knowledge.
b. Grammatical rules rote memorization.
c. Vocabulary awarness.

6. One of the difficulties of researching learner characteristics is ...

a. That the variables (i.e. characteristics) are hard to measure.
b. That the learner is not willing to learn.
c. That the learner is exposed to language in informal setting.

7. What is the risk of early immersion in a second language environment?

a. Children may have problems with reading and writing.
b. Children may lose some or all of their first language abilities.
c. Children may affect their motivation and willingness.

8. Which of the following is likely to result in a willingness to learn and keep learning a new language?
a. A learner’s need to use a language in a wide range of social and/or professional situations.
b. A learner’s desire to have travel abroad and use the new language.
c. A learner´s receive only a few hours of instruction.

9. According to experts age of acquisition of a second language is a very important factor in limiting the development
of ...
a. The grammatical skills of a second language.
b. The native-like mastery of a second language.
c. The second language morphology and syntax.

10. The fact that a student feels anxious at oral presentations in front of the second language class but not when
working in oral tasks with classmates in groups, shows that anxiety is ..
a. Surely, a natural reaction of people with high self-esteem.
b. Likely to be dynamic and dependent on specific situations and circumstances.
c. A social dynamic factor.

11. There is ample evidence that positive motivation is associated with a …..
a. Willingness to keep learning.
b. Learner´s attitudes toward second language.
c. Learner´s self-steem, empathy, dominance and talkativeness.

12. What can be inferred as an assumption of people who feel that it is better to begin learning a second or foreign
language at an early age?
a. It is always desirable for the learner to achieve native-like competence.
b. It is possible to learn a second language at an older age.
c. Adults have some advantages over children when learning a second or foreign language.

13. There are 3 perceptually based learning styles and two cognitive learning styles; which classroom situation would
most likely result in successful language learning for an aural field dependant learner?
a. A classroom which focuses on grammatical structures taught based on behaviorist theories.
b. A classroom which focuses on communicative functions taught based on cognitivist/developmental theories.
c. A classroom which focuses on grammatical structures taught based on innatist theories.

14. The pedagogical practices such as varying activities, tasks and materials as well as using cooperation rather than
competition are examples of:
a. Personality traits.
b. Motivation in the class.
c. Learner beliefs.

15. At twelve months of age the majority of babies are able to understand
a. Many words repeated by people around them
b. A few frequently repeated words around them
c. No words but only sounds.

16. Which of the following is a definition for the term "Sequential bilingualism"?
a. The learning of two or more languages at the same time.
b. The learning of two or more languages, one after the other.
c. The maintenance of the home language while the second language is being learned.

17. Noam Chomsky´s Innatist perspective states that:

a. All human languages are innate and the same principle underlie all of them.
b. Language develops in the child in exactly the same way other biological functions develop.
c. Language develops primarily from social interaction.

18. Language stages or developmental sequence is somewhat related to which of the following?
a. Cognitive development.
b. Mastery of linguistic elements.
c. Cognitive development and mastery of linguistic elements.

19. Which of the following best describes the importance of interaction in the acquisition of language?
a. When a child does not understand, the adult may repeat or paraphrase to allow children to find out when their own
utterances are understood.
b. Impersonal sources of language such as television or radio alone are sufficient.
c. The innate abilities to access to the language.

20. Despite young children have little control over the sounds they produce
a. They can discriminate between the one language and another
b. They cannot hear any sound at all
c. They can hear differences between the sounds of human languages

21. In the behaviorist perspective which of the following plays an important part of first language learning?
a. Language available in the environment.
b. The inborn ability for language learning.
c. The biological programming of people to learn language.

22. Which of the following are examples of positive reinforcement that proponents of the behaviorist perspective
believed were important for first language learning?
a. Practice.
b. Interaction.
c. Practice and interaction.

23. Which of the following is true about the interactionist/developmental perspective in regards to first language
a. The believe strongly in the language acquisition device (brain structures devoted to language acquisition).
b. They believe in a language acquisition device but do not think it is as important as the innatists do.
c. They do not believe in a language acquisition device and believe language learning is the same as learning other
skills and abilities.

24. For the proponents of the interactionist / developmental perspective, which of the following is true about the role of
environment in first language acquisition?
a. It is very important.
b. It is somewhat important.
c. It is not important.

25. One of the most remarkable facts about first language acquisition is….
a. All children follow the same language acquisition sequence and timeline.
b. All children speak the same language until they are three.
c. All children, at the end of their first year can produce at least fifty words.

26. A child who was raised by deaf parents who did not teach him sign language; it was demostrated that a child can
not learn language from television because of a lack of which of the following?
a. Input.
b. Stimulus.
c. Interaction.

27. Modified interaction is the key for making language comprehensible, according to ...
a. The noticing hypothesis.
b. The Interaction hypothesis.
c. The information processing.

28. Which of the following language acquisition perspectives had a strong influence on audiolingual teaching materials
and methods?
a. Behaviourim.
b. Innatism.
c. Cognativism /Developmentalism.

29. Which of the following is the best definition for Interactionism?

a. A theory of language learning which suggests that all of the information to learn language is available from the
environment and that it is not different from other complex learning.
b. An exchange between learners which promotes language acquisition rather than only simplification.
c. A theory of language learning that suggests that all languages are part of the human genetic code and the same
universal principle are the foundation for all of them.

30. Which of the following explains the concept of Krashen´s affective filter?
a. Feelings, motives and needs that prevent learners from acquiring language even when comprehensible input is
b. An acquired system which allows a speaker to use language spontaneously.
c. The difference between learning and acquiring language.

31. Which of the following are advantages of older learners?

a. They are expected to speak inmediately
b. They are willing to speak.
c. They are able to solve problems and discuss.

32. Which of the following is true about the psychological theory of information procesing?
a. Language learners first focus on understanding words, then grammar structure.
b. Language learners first focus on practice for immediate speech or practical goals.
c. Language learners first focurs at the beginning and ending of a sentence.

33. According to Krashen’s Monitor Model, needs, attitudes and emotional episodes that put a learner unavailable for
language acquisition are related to..
a. Input Hypothesis.
b. Natural Order Hypothesis.
c. Affective filter Hypothesis.

34. The competition model is based on the hypothesis that...

a. Language Acquisition occurs with the necessity of learner´s focused attention.
b. Language Acquision occurs with no need of any innate brain module that is specifically for language.
c. Language Acquisition occurs with the transfer first language patterns.

35. Which of the following is the best definition for declarative knowledge?
a. What we know about a language. Metalinguistic ability.
b. Language learning for immediate or practical goals.
c. The modified or simplified language that some native speakers address to second language learners.

36. Which of the following is a description of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) for language learning?
a. A situation in which a learner is able to move to a higher level because of support from an interlocutor (speaker)?.
b. A metaphorical location on which learners co-construct knowledge in collaboration with an interlocutor (speaker).
c. An environment which provides understandable language that is slightly beyornd the learner´s current level.

37. Which of the following is true about processability theory?

a. It explains that first language influence does become more apparent as the learner learns more about the second
b. It explains that learners do not simply transfer features from their first language at early stages of acquisition.
c. It explains that learners have limited processing capacity and cannot pay attention to form and meaning at the same

38. Language is at least partly learned in chunks, according to ……

a. Competition model.
b. Connectionism.
c. Interaction hypothesis.

39. During “transfer appropriate processing” information is best retreived .

a. When learner goes through similar situations to those in which it was acquired.
b. When the learner is focused on meaning in communicative activities only.
c. When the learner is concentrated on rules.

40. Comprehension checks, clarification questions, and self-repetitions are examples of ….

a. Comprehensive output.
b. Modified interaction.
c. Declarative knowledge.

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