ANCIENTS - Scenarios

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ANCIENTS - Scenarios

Thutmose III, King of Egypt, is crushing the revolt of Syrian city states.
Map: F (Direction 1 is North)
Special Rules:
 A draw is a rebel victory.
Side 1: Egyptians (2 LDR, 6 LI, 3 LA, 3 CH) Color: Red Panic: 14
 Direction 1: x2 (C11), x2 (C11), 4B4 (C8), 2A0 (C11), 1A3 (A8), 2-3 (B9), 2-3 (C9), 1A3 (E10), 2-3 (F11), 4B4
(G10), 2-3 (G11), 4B4 (J9), 2-3 (K8), 2-3 (L8), 1A3 (M7).
Side 2: Coalition of Syrians under the prince of Kadesh (2 LDR, 3 LI, 3 MM, 2 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 10
 Direction 4: x2 (K5), 4B4 (K5), 2-3 (J6), 2B3 (I6), 2B3 (F8).
 Direction 5: 2-3 (E7), 2-3 (E6), 2B3 (D6), 4B4 (C5), x2 (C5), 2A0 (G5).

Egyptian army under the Pharaoh Ramses II is ambushed by the Hittites.
Map: A (Direction 1 is north)
Special Rules:
 Egyptians start with 1 victory point.
Side 1: Mutawallis, king of the Hittites (1 LDR, 6 LI, 2 MM, 5 CH) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 1: 2-3 (I11), 2-3 (J11), 2-3 (J12), 2B3 (K12), 4B4 (K11), 4B4 (K10), 4B4 (L12), 4B4 (L11), x2 (L11),
2B3 (M12), 4B4 (M11), 2A0 (M10), 2-3 (N12), 2-3 (N11), 2-3 (O11).
Side 2: Ramses II, Pharaoh of Egypt (1 LDR, 5 LI, 4 MM, 4 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 2: 2-3 (I9), 2B3 (J9), 4B4 (K8), 2A0 (P9), 2-3 (P8), 2B3 (Q8), 4B4 (Q9), x2 (Q9).
 Turn 4: Ptah (enter at any of hexes A9-A11). 1 4B4, 1 2-3, 1 2B3.
 Turn 6: Sutekh (enter at any of hexes A9-A11). 1 4B4, 1 2-3, 1 2B3. Recruits (enter at any of hexes R9-R11) 1

Assyrian King Tukulti-Ninurta I invades the Narri lands controlled by the Hittites. The Assyrian victory shake the Hittite
empire to it's foundation.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None. Both sides have camp 2A0.
Side 1: Assyrians (1 LDR, 5 PH reduced, 4 HI, 4 HA, 3 LI, 2 MM, 4 CH, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 37
 Deploy within 3 hexes of the South map edge.
Side 2: Hittites (1 LDR, 5 PH reduced, 2 HI, 3 LI, 2 LA, 3 MM, 4 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 27
 Deploy within 3 hexes of the North map edge.

DJAHY, 1178 BC
Major land battle between the Egypt of pharaoh Ramesses III and the Sea Peoples who intend to invade and conquer
Map: F
Special Rules:
 None. Both sides have camp 2A0.
 North is in direction 1.
Side 1: Sea Peoples (1 LDR, 2 HI, 8 LI) Color: Red Panic: 12
 Deploy within 3 hexes of the North map edge: x2, 2x 4-2, 8x 2-3.
Side 2: Egyptians (1 LDR, 3 LI, 2 LA, 2 MM, 2 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 10
 Deploy within 3 hexes of the South map edge: x2, 3x 2-3, 2x 1A3, 2x 2B3, 2x 4B4.


Pharaoh Shoshenk surprises the camp of raiding Bedouins.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 At end of Turn 1, any undisrupted Bedouin 2-3 can roll to see if it mounts. A roll of 1-3 turns a 2-3 into a 2-6.
Side 1: Egyptians (1 LDR, 2 HI, 4 MM, 2 CH, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 14
 Enter Turn 1 from any map edge: 2 4-2, 2 4B4, 4 2B3, 2 2-6, x2.
Side 2: Bedouins (1 LDR, 12 LI) Color: Red Panic: 12
 Camp (2A0) deploys in J7. 12 2-3, x2 set up within two hexes of camp.

Assyrian invasion of Syria.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 For the Assyrians to claim a victory, they must win by at least 2 points.
 The Arab 2-6 is actually a camel corps. It may be considered doubled vs. cavalry.
 Both sides set-up within 4 hexes of their camp.
Side 1: Shalmanesar, Emperor of Assyria (2 LDR, 5 HI, 4 HA, 5 LI, 5 MM, 4 LC, 4 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 38
 Any Direction: 2A0 (O9); within 4 hexes of the camp: 2 x2, 4 4B4, 4 2-6, 5 4-2, 5 2-3, 4 3A2, 5 2B3.
Side 2: Benhadad, King of Damascus (2 LDR, 3 HI, 9 LI, 3 MM, 1 LA, 2 LC, 1 CM, 2 CH) Color: Red Panic: 26
 Direction 4: 2A0 (N1); within 4 hexes of the camp: (Damascus)- 2 x2, 1 4B4, 1 2-6, 2 4-2, 6 2-3, 2 2B3;
(Hamath)- 1 4B4, 1 2-6, 1 4-2, 3 2-3, 1 2B3; (Israel)- 1 1A3; (Arabs)- 1 2-6.

As part of his campaign to conquer Judah, King Sennacherib of Assyria besieges and assaults the town of Lachish.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 Ignore stream and printed village.
 Hill hexes are the walled town of Lachish. Citizen units occupying town hexes are doubled on defense.
 Defenders set up first within the town. Next, the Assyrian player places an unused marker adjacent to any
town hex to represent his siege ramp/tower. Marker cannot be moved once placed. Assyrian units occupying
the siege ramp/tower are doubled on attack in addition to the normal doubling effect of leaders.
Assyrian units are then placed as desired at least two hexes away from Lachish.
 Lachish forces do not panic. The Assyrians must eliminate all of the defenders to win. The Lachish defenders
win (strictly a moral type victory) by having at least one unit still alive at scenario end.
Side 1: Assyrians (2 LDR, 6 HI, 4 HA) Color: Red Panic: 18
 6 4-2, 4 3A2, 2 x2.
Side 2: Citizens of Lachish (1 LDR, 4 LI, 4 MM) Color: Yellow Panic: NA
 4 2-3, 4 2B3, x2.

ULAI River, 652 BC

To protect vital trade caravans of metals and horses from Iran and eastern Anatolia, the Assyrians take the offensive
against the Elamites, allies of the Babylonians. The Assyrian victory helped bring down the Elamite civilization.
Map: A
Special Rules:
 None. Ignore all woods, the stream, the village, bridge and ford.
Side 1: Assyrians (2 LDR, 2 HI, 6 HA, 2 LI, 2 HC, 6 CH) Color: Red Panic: 31
 Deploy within 3 hexes of C9.
Side 2: Elamites (1 LDR, 6 LA, 6 MM, 2 LC*, 4 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 19
 Deploy within 3 hexes of K8. LC* have B missile capability.

SUSA, 647 BC
Assyrian King Ashurbanipal I seeks to destroy the city of Susa in punishment for Elamite attacks on Mesopatamian
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None. Both sides have camp 2A0.
Side 1: Assyrians (1 LDR, 5 PH reduced, 2 HI, 3 HA, 3 LI, 2 MM, 5 CH, 3 LC) Color: Red Panic: 34
 Deploy within 3 hexes of the East map edge: x2, 5 3-1, 2 4-2, 3 3A2, 3 2-3, 2 2B3, 5 4B4, 3 2-6.
Side 2: Elamites (1 LDR, 5 PH reduced, 4 HI, 1 HA, 4 LI, 1 LA, 2 MM, 4 CH, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 33
 Deploy within 3 hexes of the West map edge: x2, 5 3-1, 4 4-2, 1 3A2, 4 2-3, 1 1A3, 2 2B3, 4 4B4, 1 2-6

Second MEGIDDO, 609 BC

"Necho, King of Egypt, came up to fight...and Josiah went out against him...and came to fight in the valley of
Megiddo." Second Chronicles Ch. 35.
Map: F (Direction 1 is North)
Special Rules:
 None
Side 1: Egyptians (2 LDR, 3 HI, 3 LI, 1 MM, 2 LA, 4 CH) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Enter on first turn in hex row R south of stream: 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, 2B3, 4B4, 4B4, 4B4,
4B4, x2, x2.
Side 2: Judean (2 LDR, 2 HI, 3 LI, 1 MM, 2 LA, 2 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 14
 Set up within three hexes of M10: 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, 2B3, 4B4, 4B4, x2, x2.

The Babylonians under King Nebuchadrezzar II defend the vital Euphrates River city of Carchemish against the
Egyptian forces of King Necho.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
 SP = PX* reduced
Side 1: Babylonians under Nebuchadrezzar II (1 LDR, 4 PX reduced, 8 HA, 4 HC, 8 CH) Color: Red Panic: 42
 8 CH, 8 HA, 4 SP, 4 HC, x2 deploy in the P and Q hex rows.
Side 2: Egyptians under Necho (1 LDR, 8 PX reduced, 4 HA, 4 LI, 4 MM, 4 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 34
 8 SP, 4 CH, 4 HA, 4 LI, 4 MM, x2 deploy in the J and K hex rows.

Solar Eclipse.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Use free deployment. At the start of every game turn beginning with turn 4, roll a die. A 1-2 means the eclipse
has taken place and the game ends immediately.
Side 1: Medes (1 LDR, 6 LI, 2 MM, 2 LA, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 11
 Free deployment: 6 x 2-3, 2 x 2B3, 2 x 1A3, 2 x 2-6, 2A0, x2.
Side 2: Lydians (1 LDR, 5 LI, 4 MM, 3 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 Free deployment: 5 x 2-3, 4 x 2B3, 3 x 2-6, 2A0, x2.

Showdown between the Medes and the Persians. The result was the annexation of Media into the rising Persian
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None. SP spears are reduced PX.
Side 1: Persia Cyrus and Harpagus (2 LDR, 8 HA, 3 LI, 6 HC, 3 LC) Color: Red Panic: 30
 Direction 5: LC (D12), HC (E11), HC (F11), HC (G10), HA (H10), HA (I9), HA (J9), LI (K9), HA (K8), LI (L9),
HA, x2 (L8), LI (M8), HA (M7), HA (N7), HA (O6), HC (P6), x2, HC (Q5), LC (Q6), HC (R5), LC (R6).

Side 2: Medes Astyages (1 LDR, 7 PX reduced, 3 LA, 6 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 Direction 3: HC (B8), HC (C7), HC (D7), SP (E6), SP (F6), SP (G5), x2, SP (H5), LA (H6), SP (I4), LA (I5), SP
(J4), LA (J5), SP (K3), HC (L3), HC (M2), HC (N2).

Persian invasion of Lydia.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 ZOC rule should not be used.
Side 1: Croesus, King of Lydia (2 LDR, 5 HI, 10 LI, 5 MM, 10 LC) Color: Red Panic: 35
 Direction 4: 2-6 (A3), 2-6 (B3), 2-6 (B4), 2-6 (C3), 2-6 (C4), 2-3 (E4), 4-2 (E5), 2-3 (F5), 4-2 (F6), 2-3 (G4), 4-2
(G5), 2-3 (H5), 2B3 (H6), 2-3 (I4), 2B3 (I5), 2A0 (J3), 2-3 (J5), 2B3 (J6), x2 (J6), x2 (J6), 2-3 (K4), 2B3 (K5), 2-
3 (L5), 2B3 (L6), 2-3 (M4), 4-2 (M5), 2-3 (N5), 4-2 (N6), 2-6 (P4), 2-6 (P5), 2-6 (Q3), 2-6 (Q4), 2-6 (R4).
Side 2: Cyrus, King of Persia (3 LDR, 5 HI, 3 HA, 2 LA, 2 HC, 8 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 Direction 1: 2-6 (C11), x2 (D11), 2-6 (D11), 2-6 (D12), 4-5 (E10), 2-6 (E11), 3A2 (I9), 3A2 (J9), x2 (J9), 3A2
(K9), 4-5 (O10), 2-6 (O11), 2-6 (P11), x2 (P11), 2-6 (P12), 2-6 (Q11), 4-2 (J11), 2A0 (J12). Direction 6: 4-2
(H10), 4-2 (H11), 1A3 (H12). Direction 2: 4-2 (L10), 4-2 (L11), 1A3 (L12).

Persian conquest of Egypt by the son of Cyrus the Great.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None
Side 1: Persians (Cambyses II) (1 LDR, 4 HA, 1 LI, 2 HC, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 12
 Direction 4: 4-5 (B5), x2, 4-5 (C5), 3A2 (D5), 3A2 (E5), 3A2 (F5), 3A2 (G5), 2-3 (H5), 2-6 (I5).
Side 2: Egyptians (Psamtik III) (1 LDR, 2 PX, 1 HA, 1 LI, 1 MM, 1 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 Direction 1: 2B3 (C8), 2-3 (D8), 6-1 (E8), 6-1 (F8), 3A2 (G8) x2, 4-5 (H8).


The Romans attempt to throw off the Etruscan yoke.
Map: H
Special Rules:
 None
Side 1: Romans (2 LDR, 2 HI, 3 LI, 1 MM, 1 HC) Color: Red Panic: 10
 Direction 5: 2B3 (L6), 2-3 (M5), 2-3 (N5), 2-3 (O4), 4-2 (P4), 4-2 (Q3), 4-5 (R3), x2, x2 as desired.
Side 2: Etruscans (1 LDR, 2 HI, 3 LI, 2 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 Direction 3: 2-3 (P2), 2-3 (O2), 2-3 (N3), 4-2 (M3), 4-2 (L4), 4-5 (K4), 4-5 (J5), x2 as desired.

Athenian desperate attempt to defend from Persian invasion.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 A draw is considered a Persian victory.
Side 1: Callimachus, war Archon of Athens (2 LDR, 6 HI) Color: Red Panic: 12
 Direction 2: x2 (L4), x2 (L9), 2A0 (I6), HI (L3), HI (L4), HI (L5), HI (L8), HI (L9), HI (L10).
Side 2: Datis, general of Persia (2 LDR, 5 LI, 5 MM, 5 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 15
 Direction 5: x2 (R4), x2 (R4), 2A0 (R4), LC (O2), MM (O3), MM (O4), MM (O5), MM (O6), MM (O7), LC (O8),
LC (P2), LI (P3), LI (P4), LI (P5), LI (P6), LI (P7), LC (P8), LC (Q4).

United Greek forces against Persian invasion Army.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 None
Side 1: Mardonius, general of Persian (1 LDR, 3 PX, 4 LI, 5 MM, 5 LC) Color: Red Panic: 23
 Northern group (6 units) Direction 5; the rest Direction 6: x2 (K9), LC (K9), LC (L9), MM (M8), MM (N8), MM
(O7), MM (P7), LC (M9), LI (N9), LI (O8), LI (P8), LI (Q7), LC (P1), LC (P2), PX (P3), PX (P4), PX (P5), MM
(Q3), 2A0 (N10).
Side 2: Pausanias, commander of Greek allied Armies (2 LDR, 5 PX, 6 MM) Color: Yellow Panic: 21
 Direction 3: x2 (H4), x2 (H4), 2A0 (H4), MM (G5), MM (I4), MM (I6), MM (J6), PX (K5), PX (L5), PX (L4), PX
(L3), PX (L2), MM (M1), MM (L1).

A rebel Libyan prince, Inaros, takes on the Persian satrap Achamenes on the west bank of the Nile with the assistance
of an Athenian contingent.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Inaros starts with 1 VP.
Side 1: Persians (Achamenes, satrap of Egypt) (1 LDR, 8 HA, 2 LI, 4 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 Direction 1: deploy within three hexes of camp 8x 3A2, 2x 2-3, 4x 4-5, 2x 2-6, x2. Camp sets up in O9.
Side 2: Lybians (Inaros, Lybian prince) (1 LDR, 3 PX, 8 LI, 5 MM, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 24
 Direction 4: deploy within three hexes of camp 3x 6-1, 8x 2-3, 5x 2B3, 2x 2-6, x2. Camp sets up in N2.

The Athenian hoplites (including a guy named Socrates) do battle with the Thebans.
Map: D
Special Rules: None
Side 1: Athens (1 LDR, 5 PX, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Direction 2: 6-1 (G2), 6-1 (G3), 6-1 (G4), 6-1 (G5), x2 (G5), 6-1 (G6), 2-6 (G7), 2A0 (E5).
Side 2: Thebes (1 LDR, 5 PX, 3 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 Direction 5: 2-6 (I1), 2-6 (I2), 6-1 (I3), x2 (I3), 6-1 (I4), 6-1 (I5), 6-1 (I6), 2-6 (I7), 6-1 (J4), 2A0 (K5).

Major battle of the Peloponnesian War.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Spartiates: Two Spartan PX units 6-1* are elite Spartiates. In combat, when attacking only, these units get on
CRT with a DR 5 the same result as if it DR 6. (If attacking 1:2 and 1:1 DR 5 has DD result, 2:1 DR 5 has DE
result and no effect at 3:1 attack odds).
Side 1: Sparta, Tegea (Agis) (1 LDR, 4 PX, 4 MM, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 6: 2-6 (L3), 2B3 (L4), 2B3 (L5), 6-1* (L6), 6-1* (L7), x2 (L7), 6-1 (L8), 6-1 (L9), 2B3 (L10), 2B3 (L11),
2-6 (L12), 2A0 (O6).
Side 2: Argos, Athens, Mantinea (1 LDR, 5 PX, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 19
 Direction 3: 2-6 (I2), 2B3 (I3), 6-1 (I4), 6-1 (I5), 6-1 (I6), 6-1 (I7), 6-1 (I8), x2 (I8), 2B3 (I9), 2-6 (I10), 2A0 (F7).

Cyrus the Younger’s Orientals and Greek mercenaries against the Persians under his brother Artaxerxes.
Map: F (North is equivalent to between Directions 2 and 3)
Special Rules:
 Ignore the village hex.
 The Persians set up first anywhere, as desired in hex rows M-R.
 The Greek rebels set up after seeing the Persians army.
 Any units without a setup hex may be deployed anywhere in hex rows C-I.
 The Greek phalanx must remain adjacent to each other, and may not voluntarily move more than two hexes
from the stream.
 The Greek mixed missiles may not voluntarily move more than four hexes from any phalanx.
 The Greek camp may not voluntarily move more than two hexes from any phalanx.
 One Greek general must remain with the phalanx or the mixed missile while the other is alive.
Side 1: Greeks (Cyrus) (2 LDR, 3 PX, 4 MM, 1 HC, 2 LC, 1 CH) Color: Red Panic: 18
 4-5 (D4), 4B4, 2B3 (H7), 2B3 (H6), 2B3 (G5), 2B3 (F5), 2-6, 2-6, 6*1 (G6), 6*1 (G7), 6*1 (F8), 2A0 (F7), x2
(G7), x2 (D4).
Side 2: Persians (Artaxerxes) (1 LDR, 6 LI, 6 MM, 6 LC, 3 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 4B4, 4B4, 4B4, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, x2.

ALLIA River, 390 BC

Vae Victis! The Gauls under Brennus face a hastily arrayed force of Roman hoplites north of Rome.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 Gauls may use barbarian charge.
Side 1: Gauls (2 LDR, 12 LI, 4 LC) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Direction 4: 2-6 (E6), 2-6 (E5), 2-3 (F6), 2-3 (F5), 2-3 (G5), 2-3 (G4), 2-3 (H4), 2-3 (H5), 2-3 (I4), x2 (I4), x2
(I4), 2-3 (I3), 2-3 (J4), 2-3 (J3), 2-3 (K3), 2-3 (K2), 2-6 (L3), 2-6 (L2), 2A0 (H2). LI=WB
Side 2: Romans (1 LDR, 3 PX, 2 MM, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 Direction 1: 2B3 (G8), 6-1 (H8), 6-1 (I7), x2 (I7), 6-1 (J7), 2B3 (K6), 2-6 (L6), 2A0 (J9).

Professor of Tactics.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Epaminondas (Thebes) (2 LDR, 3 PX, 2 MM, 3 LC) Color: Red Panic: 14
 Direction 5: MM (H5), MM (I5), PX (J6), 2A0 (K4), PX (K5), PX (K6), x2 (K6), x2 (K6), LC (L7), LC (M7), LC
Side 2: Cleombrotus (Sparta) (2 LDR, 5 PX, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 19
 Direction 2: 2A0 (E7), MM (D5), PX (E5), PX (F6), PX (G6), x2 (G6), x2 (G6), PX (H7), PX (I7), MM (J8), LC
(K8), LC (L9).

Theban general Pelopidas is sent to help Tessalians against the tyrant of Pherae, Alexander.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Pelopidas (Thebes, Thessaly) (2 LDR, 2 PX, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 10
 Direction 5: LC (J6), MM (J7), PX (K7), x2 (K7), x2 (K7), PX (L8), MM (M8), LC (N9), 2A0 (M6).
Side 2: Alexander (Pherae) (1 LDR, 3 PX, 2 MM, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 Direction 2: 2A0 (E11), LC (D10), MM (E10), PX (F11), PX (G11), x2 (G11), PX (H12), MM (I12).

Epaminondas does it again.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Epaminondas (Thebes) (2 LDR, 5 PX, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 19
 Direction 3: x2 (N7), PX (N7), LC (N6), MM (O5), x2 (M7), PX (M7), PX (M6), PX (L7), PX (K7), LC (J8), 2A0
(J6), MM (I8).
Side 2: Agesilaeus (Sparta) (2 LDR, 4 PX, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 6 all units, 2 units farthest to the left face direction 1: MM (J10), LC (K10), PX (L10), PX (M9), PX
(N9), 2A0 (N10), PX (O8), x2 (O8), x2 (O8), LC (P8), MM (P7).


Philip of Macedon vs. the Phocians and their Allies.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Philip (Macedon) (2 LDR, 3 PX, 3 HI, 1 MM, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 1: 2-6 (J8), 4-5 (K8), 4-2 (L8), 4-2 (M7), 4-2 (N8), 6-1, x2, x2 (O7), 6-1 (P7), 6-1 (Q7), 2B3 (R7), 2A0
Side 2: Onomarchos (Phocians) (1 LDR, 6 HI, 1 MM, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 14
 Direction 4: 2-6 (K4), 4-2 (L4), 4-2 (M4), 4-2 (N4), 4-2, x2 (O3), 4-2 (P4), 4-2 (Q3), 2B3 (R4), 2A0 (N2).

End of classical Greece.
Map: A
Special Rules:
 ZOC rule should not be used.
Side 1: Philip, King of Macedonia (3 LDR, 4 PX, 3 MM, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 5: MM (G2), MM (G3), PX (G4), x2 (G4), PX (G5), PX (G6), PX (H7), HC (I8), x2 (I8), x2 (I8), LC (I9),
MM (I10), 2A0 (J7).
Side 2: Theagenes, Greeks (2 LDR, 5 PX, 3 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 20
 Direction 3: 2A0 (C6), MM (E2), PX (E3), PX (E4), MM (E5), PX (E6), MM (E7), PX (E8), PX (E9), LC (E10),
LC (E11), x2 (E8), x2 (E6).

Alexanders’ first clash with Persia.
Map: A
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Alexander of Macedonia (3 LDR, 6 PX, 1 MM, 2 LA, 3 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 29
 Direction 2: HC (B3), LC (B4), MM (C4), PX (D5), PX (E5), PX (F6), 2A0 (F7), PX (G6), PX (H7), PX (I7), LC
(J8), HC (J9), HC (K8), x2 (K8), x2 (K8), x2 (K8), LA (L9), LA (M9).
Side 2: Persians (1 LDR, 2 PX, 2 MM, 9 HC, 6 LC) Color: Red Panic: 32
 Direction 5: LC (E1), LC (F2), LC (G2), HC (H3), HC (I3), HC (J4), HC (K4), HC (K5), HC (L5), HC (L6), HC
(M5), HC (M6), x2 (M6), LC (N6), LC (O5), LC (O6), MM (L1), PX (M1), PX (N2), 2A0 (O1), MM (O2).

Challenging the Empire.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 ZOC rule should not be used.
Side 1: Alexander, King of Macedonia (3 LDR, 4 PX, 4 MM, 1 LA, 2 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 22
 Direction 4: MM (F6), MM (G6), LC (I6), x2 (I6), x2 (I6), HC (J7), MM (K6), LA (L6), PX (M5), 2A0 (M3), PX
(N5), PX (O4), x2 (O4), PX (P4), MM (Q4), HC (R4).
Side 2: Darius, Emperor of Persia (1 LDR, 4 PX, 10 LI, 5 MM, 3 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 35
 Direction 1: MM (E7), MM (F8), HC (I8), LC (J9), MM (K8), MM (L8), PX (M7), PX (N7), PX (O6), HC (O7), x2
(O7), PX (P6), MM (Q6), HC (R6), LC (R7), LI (M10), LI (M11), LI (N10), LI (N11), LI (O9), LI (O10), 2A0
(O11), LI (P9), LI (P10), LI (Q8), LI (Q9).

With Alexander busy conquering Persia, his governor in Greece, Antipater, faces a Spartan led rebel army.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Phalanxes cannot enter hill hexes.
Side 1: Rebel Greeks (Agis of Sparta) (1 LDR, 3 PX, 1 MM, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 11
 Direction 5: 2-6 (J4), 6-1 (J5), 6-1 (J6), x2 (J6) 6-1 (K4), 2B3 (K5).
Side 2: Macedonians (Antipater) (1 LDR, 5 PX, 1 MM, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 19
 Direction 2: 2-6 (E4), 6-1 (E5), 6-1 (E6), 2B3 (E7), 6-1 (F5), 6-1 (F6), 6-1 (F7), x2 (F7), 4-5 (F8).


Battle for the mastery of Asia.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 ZOC rule should not be used.
Side 1: Alexander, King of Macedonia (3 LDR, 5 PX, 4 MM, 1 LA, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 26
 Direction 6: x2 (M3), x2 (M3), x2 (M3), HC (M3), LA (N3), LC (O2); Direction 4: HC (N9), LC (O9); Direction 5:
MM (M4), PX (M5), PX (M6), PX (M7), MM (M8), MM (O4), PX (O5), PX (O6), MM (O7), 2A0 (P6).
Side 2: Darius, Emperor of Persia (1 LDR, 1 HI, 10 LI, 1 MM, 9 HC, 9 LC, 1 CH, 1 EL) Color: Red Panic: 45
 Direction 2: 2A0 (F7), LI (G2), LI (G3), LI (G4), LI (G5), LI (G6), LI (G7), LI (G8), LI (G9), LI (G10), LI (G11), LC
(H1), HC (H5), HC (H6), HI (H7), x2 (H7), HC (H8), HC (H9), LC (I1), LC (I2), LC (I3), HC (I4), HC (I5), MM
(I6), HC (I7), HC (I8), LC (I9), HC (I10), LC (I11), LC (I12), CH (J6), EL (J7), LC (J10), LC (J11).

Alexander's Greeks first encounter with the Scythian horse archers. Alexander found a ford and massed his cavalry
there to defend his infantry as they crossed the river.
Map: A (North is equivalent to Direction 5)
Special Rules:
 The Greeks set up first, anywhere in the hills south of the stream.
 Then the Scythians may set up anywhere north of the stream.
 No Greek unit may cross the stream at K6 until a mixed missile has crossed and survived.
 The Scythians win if they can kill either general or all of the Greek cavalry or the Greek camp.
 The Scythian horse archers are light cavalry units with a ‘B’ class missile ability.
Side 1: Greeks (Alexander) (2 LDR, 2 HI, 4 MM, 3 HC) Color: Red Panic: 14
 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 4-2, 4-2, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 2A0, x2, x2.
Side 2: Scythians (1 LDR, 8 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 8
 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, x2.

To the end of the World.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Alexander (Macedonia) (3 LDR, 4 PX, 2 MM, 1 LA, 2 HC, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 19
 Direction 5: HC (F4), LC (F5), HC (G4), x2 (H4), x2 (H4), x2 (H4), LA (H5), MM (I5), PX (J6), PX (K6), 2A0
(L6), PX (L7), PX (M7), MM (N8).
Side 2: Porus, (India) (2 LDR, 4 LI, 5 LA, 2 LC, 2 CH, 2 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 Direction 2: LC (B7), CH (C6), LA (C7), LI (D8), LA (E8), LI (F9), 2A0 (F10), EL (G8), LA (G9), LI (H10), x2
(I9), x2 (I9), EL (I9), LA (I10), LI (J11), LA (K11), LC (L12), CH (M11).

Lamian War.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None. PX* are Spears Hoplites.
Side 1: Antipater and Craterus (Macedonia) (2 LDR, 3 PX, 3 PX* reduced, 4 MM, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic:
 Direction 4: LC (C7), HC (D8), MM (E7), MM (F7), x2 (G6), PX (G6), PX (H6), PX (I5), PX* (J5), PX* (K4), PX*
(L4), MM (M3), MM (N3), x2 (O2), HC (O2), LC (P2).
Side 2: Antiphilus, (Greeks) (1 LDR, 1 PX, 4 PX* reduced, 4 MM, 4 HC) Color: Red Panic: 21
 Direction 1: HC (D12), HC (E11), MM (F11), MM (G10), PX* (H10), PX* (I9), PX* (J9), PX* (K8), x2 (L8), PX
(L8), MM (M7), MM (N7), HC (O6), HC (P6).

Antigonus vs. Eumenes
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None. PX* are Spears Hoplites.
Side 1: Antigonus (Diadochi) (2 LDR, 2 PX, 3 PX* reduced, 4 MM, 2 HC, 3 LC, 2 EL) Color: Red Panic: 28
 Direction 6: 4-5 (E10), 2-6 (F10), 2B3 (G9), 2B3 (H9), 3-1* (I8), 3-1* (J8), 3-1* (K7), 2A0 (L10), 6-1 (L7), 6-1
(M6), 6-3 (M5), 2B3 (N6), 6-3 (N5), 2B3 (O5), 4-5, x2, x2 (P5), 2-6 (Q4), 2-6 (R4).
Side 2: Eumenes, (Diadochi) (2 LDR, 4 PX, 6 MM, 1 HC, 2 LC, 2 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 Direction 3: 4-5 (A8), 2B3 (B8), 2B3 (C7), 2B3 (D7), 6-1, x2, x2 (E6), 2A0 (E4), 6-1 (F6), 6-1 (G5), 6-1 (H5),
2B3 (I4), 2B3 (J4), 2B3 (K3), 6-3 (K4), 2-6 (L3), 6-3 (L4), 2-6 (M2).

Antigonus vs. Eumenes: The Final Clash
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None. PX* are Spears Hoplites.
Side 1: Antigonus (Diadochi) (2 LDR, 2 PX, 3 PX* reduced, 4 MM, 2 HC, 3 LC, 2 EL) Color: Red Panic: 28
 Direction 6: 2-6 (E10), 4-5 (F10), 2B3 (G9), 2B3 (H9), 3-1* (I8), 3-1* (J8), 3-1* (K7), 2A0 (M8), 6-1 (L7), 6-1
(M6), 2B3 (N6), 2B3 (O5), 6-3 (O4), 4-5, x2, x2 (P5), 6-3 (P4), 2-6 (Q4), 2-6 (R4).
Side 2: Eumenes, (Diadochi) (2 LDR, 4 PX, 4 MM, 2 HC, 2 LC, 2 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 Direction 3: 2-6 (C8), 4-5 (D8), 2B3 (E7), 2B3 (F7), 6-1, x2, x2 (G6), 2A0 (G4), 6-1 (H6), 6-1 (I5), 6-1 (J5), 2B3
(K4), 2B3 (L4), 4-5 (L3), 2-6 (L2), 6-3 (M3), 6-3 (M2).

Scythian succession war.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Satyros (Scythia) (2 LDR, 8 LI, 8 MM, 2 LA, 1 KT, 5 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 33
 Direction 1: HC (B8), MM (C7), LI (C8), MM (D8), LI (D9), MM (E7), LI (E8), MM (F8), LI (F9), LA (G8), HC
(H8), x2 (H8), LC (H9), KT (I7), HC (I8), 2A0 (I10), HC (J8), x2 (J8), LC (J9), LA (K8), MM (L8), LI (L9), MM
(M7), LI (M8), MM (N8), LI (N9), MM (07), LI (08), HC (P8).
Side 2: Eumelos (Scythia) (1 LDR, 12 LI, 5 MM, 5 HC, 10 LC) Color: Red Panic: 37
 Direction 4: LC (A4), HC (B5), LC (B4), MM (C4), LI (C3), LI (D5), LI (D4), LI (E4), LI (E3), MM (F5), LI (F4),
LC (G4), LC (G3), HC (H5), LC (H4), HC (I4), x2 (I4), MM (I3), 2A0 (I1), HC (J5), LC (J4), LC (K4), LC (K3),
MM (L5), LI (L4), LI (M4), LI (M3), LI (N5), LI (N4), MM (O4), LI (O3), HC (P5), LC (P4), LC (Q4).

Climax of the struggle between Alexander's successors.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Use of the elephant rule 13.11 is strongly recommended.
Side 1: Antigonus (2 LDR, 5 PX, 6 HC, 2 EL) Color: Red Panic: 33
 Direction 2: 4-5 (E3), 2A0 (E7), 4-5 (F4), 6-1 (G4), x2 (G5), 6-1 (G5), 6-1 (G6), 6-1 (G7), 6-1 (G8), 4-5 (G9),
4-5 (G10), 4-5 (G11), 4-5 (G12), x2 (G12), 6-3 (H6), 6-3 (H8).
Side 2: Seleucus (2 LDR, 5 PX, 3 MM, 6 LC, 3 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 33
 Direction 5: 2B3 (J3), 2B3 (J5), 2B3 (J7), 2-6 (K1), 6-1 (K2), 6-1 (K3), 6-1 (K4), 6-1 (K5), 6-1 (K6), 2-6 (K7),
2-6 (K8), 2-6 (K9), 2-6 (K10), x2 (K10), 2-6 (L1), 6-3 (M3), 6-3 (M4), 6-3 (M5), x2 (M3), 2A0 (O4).

Decisive battle for control over the Apennine peninsular.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Samnites/Gauls (2 LDR, 6 LI, 9 MM, 5 LC, 2 CH) Color: Red Panic: 25
 Deploy within 3 hexes of camp: 6 2-3 (may use barbarian charge), 9 2B3, 2 4B4, 5 2-6, 2 x2, 2A0 (O9).
Side 2: Romans (2 LDR, 10 HI, 10 MM, 5 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 35
 Deploy within 3 hexes of camp: 10 4-2, 10 2B3, 5 2-6, 2 x2, 2A0 (O3).

The last Diadochoi.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Use free deployment, 4 within Camp.
Side 1: Seleucus (Syria) (1 LDR, 4 PX, 4 MM, 3 HC, 2 LC, 1 CH, 3 EL) Color: Red Panic: 35
 4 x 6-1, 3 x 6-3, 1 x 4B4, 4 x 2B3, 3 x 4-5, 2 x 2-6's, x2, Camp in I3.
Side 2: Lysimachus, (Thrace) (1 LDR, 6 PX, 3 MM, 2 HC, 2 LC, 1 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 30
 6 x 6-1, 3 x 2B3, 2 x 4-5, 2 x 2-6, 1 x 6-3, x2, Camp in I10.

Pyrrhic victory.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Pyrrhus, King of Epirus (2 LDR, 4 PX, 1 LA, 1 HC, 1 LC, 1 EL) Color: Red Panic: 19
 Direction 1: EL (B11), LC (C9), PX (D9), PX (E8), x2 (E8), PX (F8), x2 (F8), PX (G7), LA (H7), 2A0 (G10), HC
Side 2: L. Laevinius, Consul of Rome (2 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 4: LC (B7), MM (D7), 2A0 (E3), HI (E5), HI (E6), x2 (E6), HI (F5), HI (F6), HI (G4), HI (G5), x2 (G5),
MM (H5), LC (J4).

Pyrrhus vs. Romans, round two.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Use the Elephant rule.
Side 1: Pyrrhus, King of Epirus (2 LDR, 4 PX, 5 HI, 2 MM, 1 HC, 3 LC, 1 EL) Color: Red Panic: 32
 Direction 1: LC (B9), LC (C9), MM (D9), HI (E9), HI (F9), HI (G9), x2, HI (H9), HI (I9), PX (J9), EL (K8), PX
(K9), x2, PX (L9), PX (M9), MM (N9), HC (O9), LC (P9), Camp (J12).
Side 2: Sulpicius and Decius, Consuls of Rome (2 LDR, 9 HI, 4 MM, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 26
 Direction 4: LC (A4), LC (B4), MM (C4), MM (D4), HI (E4), HI (F4), x2, HI (G4), HI (H4), HI (J4), x2, HI, (K4),
HI (L4), HI (M4), HI (N4), MM (O4), MM (P4), LC (Q4), LC (R4), Camp (I1).

ERYX, 277 BC
Pyrrhus and his Greek allies storm a Carthaginian-held fortress city.
Map: G (North is equivalent to Direction 1)
Special Rules:
 The island to the southeast is actually the city with the coastline as its walls.
 Units within the city adjacent to the walls are doubled in defense and attack, and may not retreat before or
advance after combat.
 The island to the southwest is treated as a hill.
 The Carthaginian cavalry may be set up anywhere in hex rows 10-12.
 The Greeks may then set up anywhere in hex rows 1-3.
 Carthaginian units may freely enter and leave the city by moving adjacent to the walls, and then next turn
moving to any adjacent hex on the other side of the walls, provided they are not in an enemy zone of control.
 The only way for the Greeks to cross the walls is by advancing after combat.
 The Greek light cavalry and heavy cavalry may not enter the city.
Side 1: Pyrrhus (Greeks) (2 LDR, 4 PX, 1 MM, 1 LA, 1 HC, 2 LC, 1 EL) Color: Red Panic: 20
 6*3, 2-6, 2-6, 6*1, 6*1, 6*1, 6*1, 1A3, 2B3, 4-5, x2, x2.
Side 2: Carthaginians (2 LDR, 4 HI, 4 LI, 4 MM, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 22
 4-5, 4-5, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 2-6, 2-6, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2A0, x2, x2.

Pyrrhus’ finale in Italy.
Map: A
Special Rules:
 Use free deployment, within 3 hexes of the Camp. Ignore the Stream. Romans set up first.
Side 1: Pyrrhus, King of Epirus (2 LDR, 4 PX, 1 LA, 1 HC, 1 LC, 1 EL) Color: Red Panic: 19
 Direction 4: 4 x 6-1, 1 x 1A3, 1 x 4-5, 1 x 2-6, 1 x 6-3, 2 x2, Camp in E2.
Side 2: Dentatus, Consul of Rome (2 LDR, 6 HI, 3 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 17
 Direction 1: 6 x 4-2, 3 x 2B3, 2 x 2-6, 2 x2, Camp in E11.

Terrible war beasts.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Antiochus I (Seleucids) (2 LDR, 4 HI, 1 LI, 2 MM, 2 HC, 2 LC, 3 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 26
 Direction 1: LC (D9), HC (E8), EL (G8), HI (H8), HI (I8), LI (I9), HI (J8), x2 (J8), x2 (J8), LI (J9), HI (K8), MM
(K9), 2A0 (J10), HI (L8), EL (M8), HC (O8), LC (P9).
Side 2: Galatians (Gauls) (1 LDR, 21 LI, 4 LC, 4 CH) Color: Red Panic: 33
 Direction 4: LC (D4), LC (E4), CH (G5), LI (G4), LI (G3), LI (G2), LI (H5), LI (H4), LI (H3), CH (I5), LI (I4), LI
(I3), LI (I2), LI (J5), x2 (J5), LI (J4), LI (J3), 2A0 (J2), CH (K5), LI (K4), LI (K3), LI (K2), LI (L5), LI (L4), LI (L3),
CH (M5), LI (M4), LI (M3), LI (M2), LC (O4), LC (P4).

ADYS, 256 BC
Roman attack on the hilltop camp of the Carthaginians.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 Ignore stream and town
 Carthaginians deploy first on hill, facing as desired. Romans deploy second anywhere but no closer than two
hexes from the hill
Side 1: Romans (Regulus) (1 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 16
 6x 4-2, 2x 2B3, 2x 2-6, 2A0, x2.
Side 2: Carthaginians (Hamilcar) (1 LDR, 1 HI, 3 LI, 1 HC, 1 LC, 1 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 4-2, 3x 2-3, 4-5, 2-6, 6-3, 2A0, x2.

Xanthippus (Carthage) vs. Regulus (Rome).
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None
Side 1: Carthaginians (1 LDR, 1 PX, 1 HI, 1 LI, 2 HC, 2 LC, 2 EL) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 3: 2A0 (D4), 4-5 (D7), 4-5 (E6), 4-2 (F6), x2 (F6), 6-1 (G5), 6-3 (G6), 2-3 (H5), 6-3 (H6), 2-6 (I4), 2-6
Side 2: Romans (1 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 6: 2-6 (G9), 2B3 (H9), 4-2 (I8), 4-2 (J9), 4-2 (J8), 4-2 (K8), 4-2 (K7), 4-2 (L8), x2 (L8), 2B3 (L7), 2-6
(M6), 2A0 (O10).

An invading Gallic army is caught between two converging Roman armies.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Gallic Light Infantry (2-3) are impetuous and use the barbarian charge rule.
 Gauls deploy in hex row letters K through R and numbers 5 through 7 in any direction.
 Roman Group 1 deploys on the hill (hex row letters K through P and numbers 10 and 11, facing Direction 1).
 Roman Group 2 deploys in hex row letters K through R and numbers 1 and 2, facing Direction 4.
Side 1: Gauls (2 LDR, 14 LI, 10 LC) Color: Red Panic: 24
 12x 2-3, 10x 2-6, x2, x2, 2A0. LI=WB
Side 2: Roman (2 LDR, 12 HI, 4 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 30
 Group 1: 6x 4-2, 2-6, 2x 2B3, x2.
 Group 2: 6x 4-2, 2-6, 2x 2B3, x2, 2A0.

Cavalry engagement between Hannibal and the Romans plus Gallic Irregulars.
Map: D (North is equivalent to between Directions 2 and 3)
Special Rules:
 The Romans win if they can destroy all of the Carthaginian heavy cavalry or if they can safely escort their
camp off the southern map edge (it has a movement rating of ‘2’) with at least two ordered units.
 No unit may exit the west map edge.
Side 1: Carthaginians (Hannibal) (2 LDR, 6 HC, 6 LC) Color: Red Panic: 18
 2-6 (L2), 2-6 (L3), 2-6 (L4), 2-6 (L9), 2-6 (L10), 2-6 (L11), 4-5 (N4), 4-5 (N5), 4-5 (N6), 4-5 (N7), 4-5 (N8), 4-5
(N9), x2 (L4), x2 (N8).
Side 2: Romans (1 LDR, 4 HI, 8 MM, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 22
 2-6 (D11), 2-6 (D12), 4-5 (B11), 4-5 (B12), 4-2 (C2), 4-2 (C3), 4-2 (C4), 4-2 (C5), 2B3 (D3), 2B3 (D4), 2B3
(D5), 2B3 (D6), 2B3 (D7), 2B3 (D8), 2B3 (D9), 2B3 (D10), 2A2 (D2), x2 (B11).

Hannibal in Italy.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Sempronius, Consul of Rome (1 LDR, 8 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 3: LC (D9), HI (F7), MM (F8), 2A0 (G5), HI (G6), HI (G7), HI (H6), HI (H7), x2 (H7), HI (I5), HI (I6), HI
(J6), MM (K5), LC (L4).
Side 2: Hannibal, General of Carthage (2 LDR, 4 HI, 2 LI, 2 MM, 2 HC, 3 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 Direction 6: HC (I11), x2 (I11), MM (J10), LC (J12), HI (K9), HI (L9), HI (M8), HI (N8), LI (N10), MM (O7), LI
(O9), 2A0 (O10), HC (Q6), LC (R6), x2 (R6).
 Turn 1: 1 LC enter on any map edge.

The largest ambush in history.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Hannibal must win by at least 2 points to win a victory.
Side 1: Hannibal (Carthage) (1 LDR, 2 HI, 2 LI, 2 MM, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 14
 Direction 2; Camp and 2 HI Direction 3; 2 MM Direction 4: HC (O5), LC (O6), LC (O7), LI (O8), HC (O9), LI
(P10), 2A0 (M2), HI (O2), x2 (O2), HI (P2), MM (Q1), MM (R1).
Side 2: Flaminius, Consul of Rome (1 LDR, 5 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 14
 Direction 1: LC (Q3), x2 (Q3), LC (Q4), MM (Q5), MM (Q6), HI (Q7), HI (Q8), HI (R9), HI R10), HI (R11), 2A0

Clash of the Epigones.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Antiochus III (Syria) (2 LDR, 3 PX, 3 HI, 3 LI, 2 MM, 1 LA, 3 LC, 2 EL) Color: Red Panic: 30
 Direction 6: LC (E11), LA (F10), MM (F11), EL (G9), LI (G10), LI (H10), HI (I9), HI (J9), PX (K8), PX (L8), 2A0
(L9), PX (M7), LI (N7), EL (O5), HI (O6), MM (P5), LC (P6), LC (Q5), x2 (Q6), x2 (Q6).
Side 2: Ptolemy IV, (Egypt) (2 LDR, 6 PX, 3 HI, 3 LI, 2 MM, 1 LC, 1 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 33
 Direction 3: LC (B9), x2 (C7), x2 (C7), LI (C8), HI (D8), HI (E7), MM (E8), PX (F7), 2A0 (G5), PX (G6), PX
(H6), PX (I5), PX (J5), PX (K4), LI (L4), HI (M3), EL (M4), LI (N3), MM (N4).

Epic victory.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Hannibal (Carthage) (3 LDR, 2 HI, 4 LI, 2 MM, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Direction 3: HC (H2), x2 (H2), HC (H3), HI (H4), x2 (H4), MM (H5), LI (H6), LI (H7), LI (G6), LI (G7), MM (F8),
HI (E8), x2 (E8), LC (D9), LC (C9), 2A0 (E5).
Side 2: Varro (Rome) (1 LDR, 12 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 Direction 6: LC (G12), HI (I10), HI (J9), HI (J10), MM (J11), HI (K10), HI (K9), HI (K8), x2 (K8), HI (K7), HI
(L6), HI (L7), HI (L8), HI (L9), LC (M3), MM (M6), HI (M7), 2A0 (N10).

Hannibal’s brother tries to make another Cannae.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Scipio brothers (Rome) (2 LDR, 10 HI, 4 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 26
 Direction 1: LC (D9), MM (F9), MM (F10), HI (G8), HI (G9), HI (H9), x2 (H9), HI (H10), HI (I8), HI (I9), HI (J9),
x2 (J9), HI (J10), HI (K8), HI (K9), MM (L9), MM (L10), LC (N9), 2A0 (I11).
Side 2: Hasdrubal (Carthage) (2 LDR, 4 HI, 5 LI, 2 MM, 2 HC, 2 EL) Color: Red Panic: 25
 Direction 4: HC (D4), EL (E4), HI (F4), MM (F3), HI (G4), LI (G3), LI (H4), LI (I4), LI (J4), HI (K4), LI (K3), HI
(L4), MM (L3), EL (M4), HC (N4), x2 (I4), x2 (I4), 2A0 (I2).

Nero combines two Roman Consular armies to take on Hasdrubal's advance force.
Map: B (North is equivalent to Direction 5)
Special Rules:
 Carthaginian 2-3 LI cannot move until any Roman unit is adjacent to them or until activated. They are
activated, if at the start of Carthaginian turn 3, activation DR is 1; turn 4 DR is 1-2; turn 5 DR is 1-3; turn 6 DR
is 1-4.
 Roman 4-2 HI enters map on any hex R08-R11 from the 3rd turn if DR is 1-3.
Side 1: Romans (Nero) (2 LDR, 9 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 22
 Direction 5: 2B3 (K5), 4-2 (L6), 4-2 (M5), 4-2 (M6), 4-2 (N6), 4-2 (N7), 4-2 (O6), 4-2 (O7), 4-2 (P7), 2B3 (P8),
2-6 (Q8), 2-6 (R8), 2A0 (O5), x2 (N7), x2 (N7).
Side 2: Carthaginians (Hasdrubal) (1 LDR, 3 HI, 6 LI, 5 MM, 1 HC, 2 LC, 1 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 Direction 2: 2-3 (G7), 2-3 (G8), 2-3 (H7), 2-3 (H8), 2-3 (H9) 2-3 (I8).
 Direction 1: 2B3 (J10), 4-2 (K10), 2A0 (K11), 4-2 (L10), x2 (L10), 2B3 (L11), 4-2 (M10), 6*3 (N10), 2B3 (N11),
2B3 (O10), 2B3 (P10), 4-5 (Q10), 2-6 (Q11), 2-6 (R11).


Scipio attacks last Carthaginian forces in Africa.
Map: D (North is equivalent to Direction 5)
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Romans (P. Scipio) (2 LDR, 8 HI, 2 MM, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 21
 Direction 5: 4-5 (F4), 2B3 (G4), 4-2 (H5), 4-2 (I4), 4-2 (I5), 4-2 (J5), 4-2 (J6), 4-2 (K5), 4-2 (K6), x2 (K6), 4-2
(L6), 2B3 (L7), 2A0 (L4), 2-6 (M7), x2 (M7).
Side 2: Carthaginians (Hasdrubal Gisgo) (1 LDR, 4 HI, 4 LI, 4 MM, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 19
 Direction 2: 2-6 (B6), 2-3 (B7), 2B3 (C6), 2-3 (C7), 2A0 (C9), 2B3 (D7), 4-2 (E7), 4-2 (E8), 4-2 (F8), 4-2 (G8),
2-3 (G9), x2 (G9), 2B3 (H9), 2-3 (H10), 2B3 (I9), 4-5 (J10).

ZAMA, 202 BC
Last hope.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Hannibal (Carthage) (1 LDR, 2 HI, 2 MM, 1 HC, 1 LC, 3 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 Direction 6: LC (I9), MM (J9), EL (K8), EL (L8), x2 (L8), EL (M7), HI (M9), MM (N7), HI (N9), HC (O6), 2A0
Side 2: Scipio Africanus (Rome) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 1 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 17
 Direction 3: LC (C7), LC (D7), 2A0 (E4), HI (E6), HI (F6), HI (G5), MM (G6), x2 (G6), HI (H5), HI (I4), MM (I5),
x2 (I5), HI (J4), HC (K3).

Ptolemaics vs. Seleucids again.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Use the Elephant rule
Side 1: Ptolemaics (1 LDR, 4 PX, 3 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 17
 Direction 5: 2A0 (R4), 2B3 (P10), 2-6 (P9), 2-6 (P8), 2B3 (P7), 6-1 (P6), x2 (P5), 6-1 (P5), 6-1 (P4), 6-1 (P3),
2B3 (P2).
Side 2: Seleucids (1 LDR, 4 PX, 2 MM, 2 LC, 1 EL) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 2: 6-3 (M8), 2-6 (L11), 2-6 (L10), 2B3 (L8), 6-1 (L7), 6-1 (L6), 6-1 (L5), x2 (L5), 6-1 (L4), 2B3 (L3),
2A0 (I7).

Phalanx vs. Legion over a hilly terrain.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Philip V, King of Macedonia (1 LDR, 4 PX, 1 LI, 2 MM, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 21
 Direction 5: HC (J5), LC (J6), MM (J7), LI (J8), MM (J9), LC (J10), HC (J11), PX (K6), PX (K7), 2A0 (M6), x2
(M7), PX (M8), PX (N8).
Side 2: Flamininus, Consul of Rome (2 LDR, 1 PX, 4 HI, 5 LI, 1 MM, 2 LC, 1 EL) Color: Red Panic: 22
 Direction 2: 2A0 (C8), HI (C10), HI (C11), x2 (D8), x2 (D8), EL (D10), PX (D11), LI (D12), HI (E7), HI (E8), LC
(F6), LI (F7), LI (F8), MM (F9), LI (F10), LI (F11), LC (F12).

End of Seleucides.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 Ignore village..
Side 1: Antiochus III, King of Syria (1 LDR, 6 PX, 4 LI, 2 MM, 1 HC, 4 LC, 1 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 33
 Leader and Cav Direction 2; the rest Direction 4: 2A0 (E1), MM (D6), MM (E5), PX (F5), PX (G4), LI (G3), LI
(H3), PX (H4), LI (I2), PX (I3), LI (J2), PX (J3), PX (K2), EL (L2), LC (A10), LC (A11), LC (A12), LC (B10), HC
(B11), x2 (B11), LC (B12).
Side 2: L.C. Scipio (Rome) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 1 LA, 5 LC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 5: LC (E10), LC (E9).
 Direction 1: LC (E7), LC (F7), LC (G6), HI (H6), HI (H7), 2A0 (H9), HI (I5), HI (I6), HI (J5), HI (J6), MM (K4), x2
(K4), MM (L4), x2 (L4).
 Direction 6: LA (O3).

The end of Phalanx.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 ZOC rule should not be used.
 Terrain Modifications: The stream actually represents “broken ground”, It costs 1 MP to enter and units
become disrupted. Ignore “stream” effects.
Side 1: Perseus (Macedonia) (2 LDR, 5 PX, 4 MM, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 25
 Direction 6: LC (G12), HC (H12), MM (I11), MM (J11), PX (K10), PX (L10), x2 (L10), x2 (L11), PX (M9), PX
(M10), MM (N9), PX (N10), 2A0 (N11), MM (O8), HC (P8), LC (Q7).
Side 2: Paulus (Rome) (2 LDR, 8 HI, 5 MM, 4 LC) Color: Red Panic: 25
 Direction 3: LC (D11), x2 (D11), LC (E10), HI (F9), 2A0 (G6), MM (G10), HI (H10), MM (I9), HI (J9), MM (K8),
HI (L8), MM (M7), HI (N7), MM (O6), LC (O4), LC (P4), x2 (P4), HI (H8), HI (J7), HI (L6).

Second PYDNA, 148 BC

Romans vs. Macedonians, one last time. Macedonian rebellion led by Andriscus.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None. PX* are reduced.
Side 1: Quintus Metellus (Rome) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 3 MM, 1 LA, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Deploy within three hexes from camp (I11), facing direction 1.
Side 2: Andriscus (Macedonia) (1 LDR, 7 SP, 1 LI, 3 MM, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 Deploy within three hexes from camp (J2), facing direction 4.

The Lusitani of Viriathus ambush a pursuing Roman force.
Map: C
Side 1: Lusitani/Viriathus (1 LDR, 1 HI, 7 LI, 2 HC) Color: Red Panic: 13
 4-5 (F1), x2, 4-2 (G1), 4-5 (H1), one 2-3 in each hex I3 through I9.
Side 2: Romans/Vetilius (1 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 15
 2B3 (G3), x2, 4-2 (G4), 4-2 (G5), 4-2 (G6), 4-2 (G7), 4-2 (G8), 4-2 (G9), 2B3 (G10), 2-6 (G11).

Last of Greeks.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Hill/Ridge B2-H5 is crossable only for MM.
Side 1: Mummius (Rome) (1 LDR, 10 HI, 2 MM, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 26
 Direction 6: MM (G4), MM (H5), HI (F5), HI (G5), HI (F6), HI (G6), HI (E6), x2 (E6), HI (F7), 2A0 (G7), HI (E7),
HI (F8), HI (D8), HI (E8), LC (D6), LC (E9), LC (D10), LC (E10).
Side 2: Diaios (Achaea) (2 LDR, 4 PX, 2 MM, 1 HC) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Direction 3: MM (D3), PX (D4), PX (D5), PX (C5), PX (C6), x2 (C6), MM (B7), x2 (B7), HC (A8), 2A0 (A4).

MUTHUL River, 108 BC

Romans against Jugurtha.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Certain Numidian 2-6 (LC) units have missile ratings of B (2B6) when not disorganized.
 Romans win by panicking the Numidians or having at least six 4-2 Roman units located along the Muthul
River at the end of the game.
 Numidians win by panicking the Romans or preventing at least six 4-2 Roman units being located along the
Muthul River at the end of the game.
 Numidian 6*3 Elephant units are subject to Optional Rule 13.11.
 Hexes A12 through K12 are river hexes (the Muthul River) and are impassable.
 Hexes J1, J2, K1, K2, L1, L2, M1, P7, P8, Q8, Q9, R6, R7, R8 and R9 are hill hexes.
 Once a Roman HI unit reaches a hex adjacent to the Muthul River, two (2) 2A0 Roman camp units may be
placed by the Roman player adjacent to the Muthul River.
 The scenario lasts 15 game turns.
Side 1: Jugurtha (Numidians) (2 LDR, 13 LI, 11 MM, 5 LC, 3 EL) Color: Red Panic: 38
 6*3 (L3), 6*3 (M2), 6*3 (N2), 2B3 (K2), 2B3 (L2), 2B3 (M1), 2-3 (J2), 2-3 (K1), 2-3 (L1) and x2 are set up on
the board.
 On game turn two, five (5) 2-6s, five (5) 2B6s, two (2) 2-3s and x2 enter from any hex on the board at least
three hexes away from any Roman unit.
 On game turn 3, eight (8) 2-3s and three (3) 2B3s enter from any hex on the board at least three hexes away
from any Roman unit. Since the Muthul River hexes are impassable, entry from these hexes is prohibited.
Side 2: Metellus (Romans) (3 LDR, 10 HI, 2 MM, 2 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 27
 4-5 (O3), 4-5 (O5), 2-6 (P3), 2B3 (Q2), 2B3 (P5), 4-2 (O4), 4-2 (P4), 4-2 (Q3), 4-2 (R3), 4-2 (Q4), 4-2 (R4), 4-2
(O6), 4-2 (P6), 4-2 (Q5), 4-2 (R5), x2, x2, x2.

The army of Quintus Servilius Caepio is trapped against the Rhone River by a horde of Cimbri and Teutones.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 Cimbri/Teutones may use barbarian charge.
 Romans set up first anywhere within two hexes of camp, facing as desired. Cimbri/Teutones set up second, no
closer than two hexes from a Roman unit, facing as desired.
Side 1: Cimbri/Teutones (1 LDR, 18 LI) Color: Red Panic: 18
 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, x2. LI=WB
Side 2: Romans (1 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 2A0 (F11), 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2B3, 2B3, 2-6, 2-6, x2.


Marius' small professional Roman army attacked by a huge Teutonic barbarian force.
Map: C (North is equivalent to Direction 6)
Special Rules:
 The Romans win if they can escort their camp off the northwest map edge with at least two ordered units or if
they can destroy both Teutonic camps.
 The Roman camp has a movement value of ‘2.’
 Teutons are impetuous barbarians.
 LI may triple strength on any one turn. They choose which turn, but if not already used, this tripling ability must
be used during the turn command control is lost.
Side 1: Romans (Marius) (2 LDR, 8 HI, 4 MM, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 25
 4-2 (E1), 4-2 (G1), 4-2 (E2), 4-2 (G2), 4-2 (E3), 4-2 (G3), 4-2 (E4), 4-2 (G4), 2B3 (D3), 2B3 (D4), 2B3 (H3),
2B3 (H4), 2-6 (F5), 2-6 (F4), 2-6 (F2), 2-6 (F1), 2A2 (F3), x2 (F4), x2 (G4).
Side 2: Teutones (1 LDR, 30 LI, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 32
 2-6 (C10), 2-6 (D11), 2-3 (C2), 2-3 (C3), 2-3 (C4), 2-3 (C5), 2-3 (C6), 2-3 (C7), 2-3 (C8), 2-3 (C9), 2-3 (B4), 2-
3 (B53), 2-3 (B6), 2-3 (B8), 2-3 (B9), 2-3 (I3), 2-3 (I4), 2-3 (I5), 2-3 (I6), 2-3 (I7), 2-3 (I8), 2-3 (I9), 2-3 (I10), 2-3
(J5), 2-3 (J7), 2-3 (J8), 2-3 (J9), 2-3 (J10), 2-3 (K7), 2-3 (K8), 2-3 (K9), 2-3 (H11), 2A0 (B7), 2A0 (J6), x2.

Marius' legions in a punitive campaign against the barbarian hordes of the Cimbri.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 Cimbri are Impetuous Barbarians.
Side 1: Cimbri (1 LDR, 15 LI, 6 LC) Color: Red Panic: 21
 Direction 5: LI (H3), LI (H4), LI (H5), LI (H6), LI (H7), LI (H8), LI (H9), LI (H10), LI (I3), LI (I4), LI (I5), LI (I6), LI
(I8), LI (I9), LC (I1), LC (I11), LC (J1), LC (J2), LC (J11), LC (J12), 3A0 (J6), 1 x2. LI=WB
Side 2: Marius’ Romans (2 LDR, 8 HI, 2 MM, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 22
 Direction 2: MM (D3), HI (D4), HI (D5), HI (H6), HI (D7), HI (D8), HI (D9), MM (D10), HI (C6), HI (C7), LC
(C1), LC (C2), LC (C10), LC (C11), 3A0 (B7) 2 x2.

Roman Social War.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Romans under Gaius Cosconius. (1 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 1: LC (I10), MM (J11), HI (K10), HI (L10), HI (M9), HI (N9), x2 (N9), HI (O8), HI (P8), MM (Q8), LC
Side 2: Italians under Trebatius. (1 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Direction 4: LC (I8), MM (J9), HI (K8), HI (L8), x2 (L8), HI (M7), HI (N7), HI (O6), HI (P6), MM (Q6), LC (R6).

SILARUS River, 71 BC
Crassus attempts to crush the Spartacists slave revolt before Pompey arrives and steals victory.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 For each turn on and after Game Turn 3, roll 1D6. If a six is rolled, the following Roman units enter through
hexes K1 through N1: 4x 4-2, 2B3, 2-6, x2.
 Hexes I2, I3, J3, J4, K3, K4, K5, L3, L4, L5, M3, M4, M5, N4, N5, N6, O4, O5, O6, P5, P6, P7, Q5, Q6 and R6
are hill hexes.
 Hexes L12, M11, N11, O10, P10, Q8, Q9 and R8 are all River hexes and are impassible.
 The Romans win by panicking the Spartacists or capturing their camp. The Spartacists win if they are not
panicked by the end of the game presuming their camp has not been captured.
 The scenario lasts 10 game turns.
Side 1: Spartacists (Spartacus) (2 LDR, 8 HI, 4 MM, 4 LI, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 27
 Direction 5: 2-6 (H2), 2-6 (I1), 2B3 (I3), 2-3 (J4), 2B3 (K4), 2-3 (L5), 2B3 (M5), 2-3 (N6), 2B3 (O6), 2-3 (P7), 4-
2 (J3), 4-2 (K3), 4-2 (L4), 4-2 (M4), 4-2 (N5), 4-2 (O5), 4-2 (P6), 4-2 (Q6), 2A0 (Q5), x2, x2.
Side 2: Romans (Crassus) (2 LDR, 10 HI, 2 MM, 2 LA, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 27
 Direction 2: 4-5 (C4), 2-6 (D5), 4-2 (E5), 4-2 (F6), 4-2 (G6), 4-2 (H7), 4-2 (I7), 4-2 (J8), 4-2 (K8), 4-2 (L9), 4-2
(F7), 4-2 (J9), 2B3 (F5), 1A3 (H6), 1A3 (J7), 2B3 (L8), 2A0 (G9), x2, x2.

NICOPOLIS in Armenia, 66 BC
A rare night attack by Pompey's legions on the army of Mithridates VI.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Before play begins roll a die for each Pontine unit. A roll of 1-3 means the unit starts the scenario disrupted
(surprise and confusion stemming from the night attack).
Side 1: Pompey (Romans) (2 LDR, 10 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 23
 Direction 1: 2-6 (D9), 4-2 (E9), 4-2 (F9), 4-2 (G9), 2B3 (G8), 4-2 (H9), 2A0 (I12), x2 (I12), x2 (I12), 4-2 (I9),
2B3 (I8), 4-2 (J9), 4-2 (K9), 2B3 (K8), 4-2 (L9), 4-2 (M9), 2-6 (N9).
Side 2: Mithridates (Pontines) (2 LDR, 7 HI, 2 HC, 3 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 Direction 4: 4-5 (E5), 2A0 (F3), x2 (F3), x2 (F3), 4-2 (F5), 4-2 (G5), 4B4 (G6), 4-2 (H5), 4-2 (I5), 4B4 (I6), 4-2
(J5), 4-2 (K5), 4B4 (K6), 4-2 (L5), 4-5 (M5).

Lucius Sergius Catilina's last stand.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 All turn 1 attacks by Catiline units add 1 to die roll (desperation and determination to fight to the death).
 Catiline units do not panic.
 Catiline Army wins by having any unit or leader alive at end of six turns. Senatorial Army wins by destroying all
Catiline units and killing/capturing leader.
Side 1: Catilines (Rebels) (1 LDR, 2 HI, 2 LI) Color: Red Panic: n/a
 Direction 1: 2-3 (M6), 2-3 (M7), 4-2, x2 (O7), 4-2 (P8).
Side 2: Senatorial Army of Gaius Antonius (1 LDR, 8 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 20
 Direction 4: 2-6 (L3), 2-6 (L4), 4-2 (M3), 4-2 (M4), 4-2 (N4), 4-2, x2 (N5), 4-2 (O4), 4-2 (O5), 4-2 (P5), 4-2
(P6), 2B3 (Q5), 2B3 (Q6).

Barbarian battle: Gauls vs. Germans.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 Both sides may use barbarian charge on any one turn.
Side 1: Gauls (1 LDR, 8 LI, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 2-6 (D2), 2-3 (D3), 2-3 (D4), 2-3 (D5), 2-3 (D6), 2-3 (D7), x2 (D7), 2-3 (D8), 2-3 (D9), 2-3 (D10), 4-5 (D11).
Side 2: Germans (1 LDR, 9 LI, 1 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 14
 4-5 (H1), 2-3 (H2), 2-3 (H3), 2-3 (H4), 2-3 (H5), 2-3 (H6), 2-3 (H7), x2 (H7), 2-3 (H8), 2-3 (H9), 2-3 (H10), 2-6
(H11), 2-6 (H12).

Caesar vs. Helvetii.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 Roman 4-2’s in Q4 through Q6 start disordered
 Helvetii may use barbarian charge once.
Side 1: Helvetii (1 LDR, 17 LI, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 19
 Direction 2: LI (E5), LI (F5), LI (F6), 2A0, x2 (F7), LI (K3), LI (K4), LI (K5), LI (K6), LI (K7), LI (K8), LI (K9), LC
(L2), LI (L3), LI (L4), LI (L5), LI (L6), LI (L7), LI (L8), LI (L9). LI=WB
Side 2: Caesar Rome (2 LDR, 8 HI, 1 MM, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
Direction 5: MM (O3), HI (O4), HI (P5), HI (P6), HI (P7), HI (P8), LC (P9), HI disordered (Q4), HI disor (Q5), HI disor (Q6),
2A0, x2, x2 (R5)

Battle by the Rhine.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 During any one attack phase, the barbarians may triple the attack strength of Light Infantry.
Side 1: Julius Caesar (Rome) (3 LDR, 10 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 Direction 3: 2A0 (D6), HI (E5), HI (E6), HI (E7), LC (E8), x2 (E8), MM (F5), x2 (F5), HI (F6), HI (F7), HI (F8).
 Direction 4: MM (I2), HI (J3), HI (K3), HI (L4), x2 (L4), HI (M4), LC (N5).
Side 2: Ariovistus, Chief of Sequani (Germans) (2 LDR, 3 HI, 8 LI, 3 LC) Color: Red Panic: 17
 Direction 1: LI (I5), LI (J6), HI (K6), HI (L7), HI (M7), LC (N8), 2A0 (L9), x2 (L9), x2 (L9).
 Direction 6: LI (I7), LI (I8), LI (I9), LC (I10), LI (J8), LI (J9), LI (J10), LC (J11). LI=WB

Caesar’s Legions are suddenly attacked by fierce Gauls.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 Barbarian infantry does not become disordered upon entering woods.
 During any one attack phase, the barbarians may triple the attack strength of all units.
 All Roman HI* begins disordered. The turn 6 reinforcements, however, enter the game at full strength.
 A tie is considered a barbarian marginal victory.
Side 1: Boduognatus, Chief of the Nervi (1 LDR, 30 LI) Color: Red Panic: 30
 Direction 4: LI (M1), LI (M2), LI (N2), LI (N3), LI (O2), LI (O3), x2 (O3), LI (P2), LI (P3), LI (Q1), LI (Q2).
 Direction 3: LI (G5), LI (H5), LI (H6), LI (I2), LI (I3), LI (I4), LI (I5), LI (J3), LI (J4), LI (J5), 2A0 (J6), LI (F12), LI
(G11), LI (G12), LI (H9), LI (H10), LI (H11), LI (H12), LI (I9), LI (I10), LI (I11). LI=WB
Side 2: Julius Caesar (Rome) (3 LDR, 16 HI, 8 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 37
 Direction 6: LC (L4), MM (L5), MM (L6), HI*(R5), HI*(Q5), MM (Q6), HI*(P6), 2A0 (P8), MM (P9), x2 (Q8), x2
(Q8), x2 (Q8), HI*(O6), HI*(O7), HI*(O8), HI*(O9), MM (O10), HI*(N10), HI*(N11), MM (N12), HI*(M10),
HI*(M11), HI*(M12). -all HI* start disordered
 Turn 6: Enter at any of hexes R6-R9. 4 HI, 2 MM, 1 LC.

Legions in the desert.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Romans set up anywhere on map D.
 Parthians enter from any map edge on turn 1. Parthian units may be witheld until later turns.
Side 1: Surena (Parthians) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 Turn 1: 2 x2, 1 HC, 9 LC.
Side 2: Crassus (Rome) Color: Red Panic: 18
 On Map: 1 x2, 4 LC, 6 HI, 2 MM, 1 2A0.

Caesar’s epic siege of Alesia and the defeat of the Gallic Revolt.
Map: Alesia
Special Rules:
 Extra camp units (2A0) will be needed for this scenario.
 The three Gallic leaders have special restrictions on placement throughout the game, two leaders must
always be placed with units of the Gallic relieving force and one leader (Vercingetorix) must always be placed
with the units starting in Alesia (i.e., the Gallic 4-2 units).
 Units in fortification hexes cannot be subject to flank attack except by an enemy unit within the fortifications.
 Units in fortification hexes receive the same defensive bonuses as village hexes provided the defending unit is
attacked through the fortified side of the hex (i.e., the heavy black line).
 All Gallic units must stop when entering a hex adjacent to the Roman fortifications and cannot move until the
next turn unless advancing as a result of successful combat (the Roman fortifications were surrounded by
“lilies” and “goads”).
 If any Gallic unit from the Gallic relieving force is able to move into the interior of the Roman fortifications and
survive there for a full turn, add +10 to the panic level of the Roman side. If such unit(s) are subsequently
eliminated, subtract -10 to the Roman panic level. This can continue again and again if necessary.
 Gallic relieving force units enter on game turn one through hexes A12-H12, A1-A7 or B1-D1 divided in such
numbers and manner as the Gallic side player desires.
 The Roman side wins automatically if the Vercingetorix leader is killed or if the Gallic side reaches its panic
level before the Roman side does. The Gallic side wins automatically if a Gallic 4-2 unit is able to move
outside the Roman fortifications or the Roman player reaches its panic level before the Gallic side does. The
game should continue until one side reaches automatic victory.
 The Barbarian charge rule is in effect and can be used three times during the game but ONLY by the Gallic
relieving force units.
 Attacks at odds of less than 1 to 2 are allowed and treated as attacks of 1 to 2.
Side 1: Romans (Caesar) (3 LDR, 11 HI, 2 MM, 2 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 36
 2A0 (F5), 2A0 (F8), 2A0 (H4), 2A0 (K3), 2A0 (N4), 2A0 (O6), 2A0 (N9), 2A0 (I9), 4-2 (G4), 4-2 (F6), 4-2 (F7),
4-2 (H9), 4-2 (G6), 4-2 (O7), 4-2 (O4) 4-2 (M3), 4-2 (L3), 4-2 (M9), 4-2 (J3), 2B3 (J10), 2B3 (O5), 4-5 (G5), 4-5
(G7), x2, x2, x2.
Side 2: Gauls (Vercingetorix) (3 LDR, 5 HI, 3 MM, 18 LI, 3 LA, 3 LC) Color: Red Panic: 46
 4-2 (J6), 4-2 (J7), 4-2 (K6), 4-2 (L6), 4-2 (L7), x2 (K6); Entering on game turn one in any of the entry hexes
identified in the Special Rules: eighteen 2-3s, three 2B3s, three 1A3s, three 2-6s and two x2s. LI=WB

Caesar vs. Pompey.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 All Pompey’s forces begin disordered.
Side 1: Caesar (2 LDR, 5 HI, 2 MM, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 13
 Direction 5: MM (M2), x2 (M2).
 Direction 4: LC (L3), MM (M3), HI (N3), HI (O3), 2A0 (P1), HI (P3), x2 (P3), HI (Q3), HI (R3).
Side 2: Pompey (2 LDR, 10 HI, 2 MM, 4 LC) Color: Red Panic: 26
 Direction 1: LC*(K6), LC*(K7), LC*(L7), LC*(L8), x2 (L8), MM*(M7), MM*(M8), HI*(N8), HI*(N9), HI*(O8),
HI*(O9), HI*(P8), HI*(P9), x2 (P9), 2A0 (P10), HI*(Q8), HI*(Q9), HI*(R8), HI*(R9). -all units* start disordered.

"Veni Vidi Vici!"
Map: A
Special Rules:
 Ignore the stream.
 Pontic chariots are impetuous.
Side 1: Pontines (1 LDR, 2 HI, 4 LI, 1 MM, 2 HC, 4 CH) Color: Red Panic: 22
 Direction 1: 4-5 (C4), 4B4 (D4), 2-3 (D5), 4B4 (E4), 2-3 (E5), 2A0 (E9), 4-2 (F6), 2B3 (G5), x2 (G6), 4-2 (G6),
4B4 (H6), 2-3 (H7), 4B4 (I6), 2-3 (I7), 4-5 (J8).
Side 2: Romans (3 LDR, 3 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 10
 Direction 4: 2-6 (E1), 2B3 (F2), 4-2 (G2), 4-2 (H3), x2 (H3), x2 (H3), x2 (H3), 4-2 (I3), 2-6 (K4), 2B3 (J4), 2A0

War Elephants last appearance.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Caesar (3 LDR, 5 HI, 4 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 6: LC (F7), MM (F6), MM (G6), HI (G5), x2 (G5), HI (H5), HI (I4), x2 (I4), HI (J4), HI (K3), x2 (K3),
MM (L3), MM (M3), LC (M2), 2A0 (L8).
Side 2: Metellus Scipio (2 LDR, 5 HI, 2 LC, 2 EL) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 3: LC (B5), EL (C4), HI (D4), HI (E3), HI (F3), HI (G2), HI (H2), EL (I1), LC (J1), 2A0 (E1), x2 (E1), x2

Dictator for life.
Map: A
Special Rules:
 Ignore the stream.
 At the start of battle roll a die for every Pompeian unit; on a roll of 1, that unit is disordered.
Side 1: Caesar (3 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 3 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 17
 Direction 2: LC (B2), LC (C2), MM (C3), HI (D4), HI (E4), 2A0 (E6), HI (F5), HI (G5), x2 (G5), HI (H6), x2 (H6),
HI (I6), x2 (I6), MM (J7), LC (J8).
Side 2: Pompey (1 LDR, 7 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 5: MM (E1), LC (F1), HI (F2), HI (G2), HI (H3), HI (I3), 2A0 (J3), x2 (J3), HI (J4), HI (K4), HI (K5),
MM (L6), LC (M6).

Republicans vs. Triumvirs.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Republicans (2 LDR, 8 HI, 2 LI, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 20
 Direction 4: 2A0 (E3), x2 (E3), x2 (E3), HI (E6), HI (F6), HI (G5), HI (H5), LI (I4), LI (I3), HI (J4), HI (K3), HI
(L3), HI (M2), LC (N2), LC (O1).
Side 2: Triumvirs (2 LDR, 8 HI, 2 LI, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 1: HI (F9), HI (G8), HI (H8), HI (I7), LI (J7), LI (J8), HI (K6), HI (L6), HI (M5), HI (N5), LC (O4), LC
(P5), 2A0 (M9), x2 (M9), x2 (M9).

Roman’s revenge.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 During any one attack phase, the barbarians may triple the attack strength of Light Infantry.
Side 1: Germanicus, General of Rome (2 LDR, 6 HI, 4 LI, 2 MM, 2 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 23
 Direction 2: HC (I8), LC (I9), 2A0 (K11), HC (J9), HI (J10), LI (K9), HI (K10), LI (L10), HI (L11), MM (M10), HI
(M11), MM (N11), HI (N12), LI (O11), HI (O12), LI (P12), x2 (L11), x2 (M11).
Side 2: Arminius, Chief of the Germans (2 LDR, 10 LI, 3 MM, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 14
 Direction 5: LI (L8), LC (M8), LI (N8), LI (N9), LI (O8), LI (O9), 2A0 (P8), LI (P9), MM (P10), LI (Q9), x2 (Q10),
MM (Q10), x2 (R11), MM (R11), LI (I6), LI (J7), LI (K7). LI=WB

Distracted by a crossing of light troops in their rear, the Britons turn and assault the legionaries who have made a
surprise river crossing in their rear.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Britons are impetuous.
Side 1: Britons (1 LDR, 20 LI, 4 CH) Color: Red Panic: 28
 20 LI (2-3), 4 CH (4B4), x2: Enter Turn 1 between K1 and R1. LI=WB
Side 2: Romans (2 LDR, 9 HI, 3 MM, 3 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 Direction 1: 4-2 (R7), 4-2 (Q7), x2, 4-2 (P7), 4-2 (O7), x2, 4-2 (N7), 4-2 (M7), 2B3 (L8), 2B3 (K8),
2-6 (M9), 2-6 (O9).
 Reinforcements: Enter Turn 2 at R9: 3 HI (4-2), 1 MM (2B3), 1 LC (2-6).

The culmination of Claudius' campaign against the Britons. (Note: This is based upon Robert Graves' fictionalized
account in Claudius the God, rather than the real battle!)
Map: Brentwood (North is equivalent to Direction 1)
Special Rules:
 The British Camps are set up at D4, I2 and N4 (These represent Hill forts). All their units set up on or within
one hex of the hills.
 The Romans set up within one hex of the stream.
 The Romans win if they capture all three CP.
Side 1: Roman (Claudius) (2 LDR, 8 HI, 2 LI, 4 MM, 1 CM, 1 EL) Color: Red Panic: 26
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2-3, 2-3, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 6*3, 2-6, x2, x2.
Side 2: Britons (Caractacus) (1 LDR, 2 HI, 16 LI, 2 LC, 6 CH) Color: Yellow Panic: 34
 6x 4B4, 4-2, 4-2, 2-6, 2-6, 16x 2-3, x2, 2A0, 2A0, 2A0. LI=WB

Briton revolt against Rome.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 Iceni must use command control rule.
 LI may triple strength on any one turn. They choose which turn, but if not already used, this tripling ability must
be used during the turn command control is lost.
Side 1: Boudiccea (Iceni) (1 LDR, 16 LI, 1 CH) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 4: LI (C2), LI (D2), LI (D3), LI (D4), LI (E1), LI (E2), LI (E3), 2A0 (F1), LI (F2), LI (F3), x2 (F4), CH
(F4), LI (G1), LI (G2), LI (G3), LI (H2), LI (H3), LI (H4), LI (I2). LI=WB
Side 2: Paulinas (Rome) (2 LDR, 4 HI, 1 MM, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 10
 Direction 1: HI (D9), HI (E9), MM (F9), x2 (F9), x2 (F9), HI (G9), HI (H9), LC (F10), 2A0 (F11).

Beyond the Limes.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Caledonians have three Camps (3A0): N9, K8, I7.
 Caledonians must use command control rule.
 LI may triple strength on any one turn. They choose which turn, but if not already used, this tripling ability must
be used during the turn command control is lost.
 Romans win by destroying two Caledonian Camps.
Side 1: Caledonians (Calgacus) (1 LDR, 14 LI, 3 CH) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 2: LI (O10), LI (O9), LI (N10), LI (M10), LI (M9), LI (L10), LI (L9), LI (K9), LI (J9), LI (J8), LI (I8), LI
(H8), LI (H7), LI (G7), CH (N9), CH (K8), CH (I7), 2A0 (N11), 2A0 (K10), 2A0 (H9), 1 x2. LI=WB
Side 2: Romans (Agricola) (2 LDR, 7 HI, 2 MM, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 Direction 5: HI (P7), HI (O6), HI (N6), HI (M5), HI (L5), MM (Q7), MM (K4), LC (R8), LC (J4), HI (Q4), 2A0
(P4), HI (O3), 2 x2.

Trajan's first campaign battle against the rebellious Dacians.
Map: C (North is equivalent to Direction 4)
Special Rules:
 Dacians deploy infantry first, anywhere east of the stream.
 Romans deploy infantry next, anywhere west of the stream.
 Dacians then deploy cavalry, anywhere east of the stream.
 Finally Romans deploy cavalry, anywhere west of the stream.
Side 1: Dacians (1 LDR, 4 HI, 10 LI, 4 MM, 2 LA, 1 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 27
 4-5, 2-6, 2-6, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 2B3, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, 10 x 2-3, 2A0, x2.
Side 2: Romans (Trajan) (2 LDR, 8 HI, 2 MM, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 22
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2B3, 2B3, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2A0, x2, x2.

Trajan's final eastern battle against the Armenians and their Parthian allies.
Map: G
Special Rules:
 Treat islands as hills.
 Armenians set up first, all units within one hex of the hills or on them, one camp per hill.
 Romans then set up anywhere in hex rows 1-3.
 Romans must capture both camps to win.
 Heavy Cavalry are cataphracted and have a ‘B’ missile rating.
 Light cavalry have a ‘B’ missile rating.
 The light archers may fire three times against cavalry units.
Side 1: Armenians (1 LDR, 2 PX, 1 MM, 2 LA, 2 HC, 8 LC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 4-5, 4-5, 1A3, 1A3, 2B3, 6*1, 6*1, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2A0, 2A0, x2.
Side 2: Romans (Trajan) (2 LDR, 8 HI, 2 MM, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 22
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2B3, 2B3, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2A0, x2, x2.

The last campaign of Marcus Aurelius to pacify the Germanic tribes. "At my signal ... unleash Hell!"
Map: D
Special Rules:
 On game turn 3, the following Roman units enter the map through hexes A1-R12: 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, x2. The
Germans may not turn any units toward these reinforcements until one of the reinforcing Roman units attacks
a German unit.
 Roman cavalry are not disordered upon entering woods hexes.
 New 1C0 units are part of this scenario representing Roman artillery. These units have a range of 7
and use the following chart for missile fire to determine the die roll need to get a “DD” result:
Target Range 1-3 Range 4-5 Range 6-7
Phalanx 1-2 1 -
Inf. and others 1-3 1-2 1
Cavalry 1-2 1 -
 Germans may invoke the ferocity rule three times during the scenario.
 The Romans win by panicking the Germans. The Germans win by panicking the Romans or capturing the
Roman camp.
 Hexes A4-A6, B5-B6, C4-C5, D4-D6, E3-E5, F4-F5, G3-G5, H4-H5, I3-I5, J4-J6, K3-K5, L4-L5, M3-M5, N4-
N5, O3-O5, P4-P6, Q3-Q5 and R3-R5 are all woods hexes.
 Hexes A12, B12, C11-C12, D11-D12, E10-E12, F11-F12, G10-G12, H11-H12, I10-I12, J11-J12, K10-K12, L10-
L12, M10-M12, N11-N12, O11-O12 and P12 are all level one hill hexes.
 The 4-2 unit in hex I11 (the praetorian guard) must stay adjacent to the Roman camp at all times.
 The scenario lasts 12 game turns.
Side 1: Romans (Maximus) (3 LDR, 17 HI, 4 LA, 3 HC, 4 Art) Color: Red Panic: 45
 4-2 (B9), 4-2 C9), 4-2 (D9), 4-2 (E9), 4-2 (F9), 4-2 (G9), 4-2 (H9), 4-2 (I9), 4-2 (J9), 4-2 (K9), 4-2 (L9), 4-2
(M9), 4-2 (N9), 4-2 (O9), 4-2 (P9), 4-2 (Q9), 1A3 (F10), 1A3 (H10), 1A3 (J10), 1A3 (L10), 1C0 (E10), 1C0
(H11), 1C0 (J11), 1C0 (M10), 4-2 (I11), 2A0 (I12), x2, x2, x2.
Side 2: Germans (3 LDR, 2 MM, 27 LI, 4 LA, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 40
 2-6 (A5), 2-6 (A6), 2-3 (B5), 2-3 (B6), 1A3 (B7), 2-3 (C5), 2-3 (C6), 2-3 (D5), 2B3 (D6), 2-3 (E5), 2-3 (E6), 2-3
(F5), 2B3 (F6), 2-3 (G5), 2-3 (G6), 2-3 (H5), 1A3 (H6), 2-3 (I5), 2-3 (I6), 2-3 (J5), 1A3 (J6), 2-3 (K5), 2-3 (K6),
2-3 (L5), 2-3 (L6), 2-3 (M5), 2-3 (M6), 2-3 (N5), 2-3 (N6), 2-3 (O5), 2-3 (O6), 2-3 (P5), 1A3 (P6), 2-6 (Q4), 2-3
(Q5), 2-3 (Q6), 2-6 (R5), x2, x2, x2. LI=WB

Aurelian's veteran legions reconquest of Palmyra from Queen Zenobia's mixed forces.
Map: E (North is equivalent to Direction 6)
Special Rules:
 Treat the river as a stream.
 Persians set up anywhere east and north of the stream, one camp in the town, one in the hills.
 Romans enter anywhere along west map edge.
 Romans win immediately if they control both Persian camp at any time.
 Four of the Persian light cavalry are camels. Place unused markers under these units to distinguish them from
other light cavalry units. These units are also impetuous and are doubled vs. cavalry.
 Two of the Persian light cavalry have a ‘B’ missile rating.
 The Persian heavy cavalry units have a ‘B’ missile rating.
Side 1: Romans (Aurelian) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 4 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 24
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 2-6, 2-6, 2B3, 2B3, x2, x2.
Side 2: Persians (Zenobia) (2 LDR, 8 MM, 4 LA, 4 HC, 2 LC, 4 CM) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 4x 2*6, 4x 1A3, 8x 2B3, 4x 4-5, 2x 2-6, 2A0, 2A0, x2, x2.

East Empire vs. West Empire.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Lucinius, Augustus of Byzantium (3 LDR, 6 HI, 6 LI, 5 LA, 4 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 30
 The units that set up in a line from B2-H5 Direction 5; the rest Direction 6: LA (B2), LI (C2), LI (D3), LI (E3), LI
(F4), LI (G4), LI (H5), LA (G7), LA (H7), LC (K2), HC (K3), HC (K4), HC (K5), x2 (K5), HC (K6), LC (K7), LA
(M2), HI (M3), HI (M4), HI (M5), HI (M6), HI (M7), HI (M8), LA (M9), 2A0 (N7).
 Turn 5: 2 x2 (Place where you wish).
Side 2: Constantine, Caesar of Rome (3 LDR, 6 HI, 4 LA, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 3: 2A0 (A3), x2 (A3), HI (B4), HI (C4), HI (D5), HI (E5), HC (F6), x2 (F6).
 Turn 1: 1 x2, 1 HC, 2 LC, 2 HI, 4 LA enter at map edge within 2 hexes of the Roman camp.

Julian repels barbarian invasion.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Chnodomar, Chief of the Allemani (2 LDR, 12 LI, 2 HC) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Direction 4: LI (D1), LI (E1), LI (F1), LI (F2), LI (G1), LI (G2), LI (H2), LI (H3), 2A0 (I1), LI (I2), LI (I3), LI (J3), LI
(J4), x2 (J4), x2 (J4), HC (K2), HC (L3).
Side 2: Julian (Rome) (2 LDR, 5 HI, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 13
 Direction 1: HI (E5), HI (F6), HI (G6), x2 (G6), HI (H7), HC (I7), LC (J8), 2A0 (E5)
 Direction 2: x2 (D4), HI (D4).

Battle of Julian’s invasion of Sassanid Persia.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Certain 2-6 (LC) units have missile ratings of B (2B6) when not disorganized.
 Romans win by panicking the Sassanids or occupying at least one Ctesiphon gate hex at the end of the game.
 Sassanids win by panicking the Romans or prevent the Romans from occupying any Ctesiphon gate hex at
the end of the game.
 Sassanid 6*3 Elephant units are subject to Optional Rule 13.11.
 Hexes A12-R12 are all river hexes and are impassable, F1, H1, J1 and L1 are town hexes and G1, I1 and K1
are gate hexes. Gate hexes are treated as clear hexes.
 Roman 4-2 HI units are doubled when attacking Persian heavy cavalry units (ie, HC and KT units).
 The scenario lasts 10 game turns.
Side 1: Romans, Julian (3 LDR, 8 HI, 3 MM, 3 LA, 4 HC, 5 LC) Color: Red Panic: 33
 4-2 (F10), 4-2 (G10), 4-2 (H10), 4-2 (I10), 4-2 (J10), 4-2 (K10), 4-2 (L10), 4-2 (M10), 2B3 (G11), 1A3 (H11),
2B3 (I11), 1A3 (J11), 2B3 (K11), 1A3 (L11), 4-5 (B10), 4-5 (D10), 4-5 (O10), 4-5 (P10), 2-6 (P11), 2-6 (Q10),
2B6 (C10), 2-6 (B11), 2B6 (C11), 2A0 (J11), x2, x2, x2.
Side 2: Sassanids, Merena (1 LDR, 7 LI, 4 LA, 3 KT, 4 HC, 6 LC, 6 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 53
 6*3 (E5), 6*3 (G5), 6*3 (I5), 6*3 (K5), 6*3 (M5), 6*3 (O5), 8-4 (H5), 8-4 (J5), 8-4 (L5), 1A3 (G4), 1A3 (I4) 1A3
(K4), 1A3 (M4), 2-3 (G3), 2-3 (H4), 2-3 (I3), 2-3 (J4), 2-3 (K3), 2-3 (L4), 2-3 (M3), 4-5 (C5), 4-5 (D4), 4-5 (P5),
4-5 (Q4), 2-6 (D3), 2-6 (O3), 2B6 (R4), 2B6 (P4), 2B6 (B3), 2B6 (Q3), no camp unit, x2.

End of the reign of infantry.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 All barbarian infantry is doubled on defense if within 2 hexes of their camp.
 At the beginning of each Visigoth movement phase, a die is rolled. On a 1-2, his reinforcements arrive.
Side 1: Valens, Emperor of Rome (2 LDR, 10 HI, 5 MM, 4 LA, 2HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 33
 Direction 6: LA (H4), MM (H5), MM (H6), MM (H7), x2 (H7), x2 (H7), MM (H8), MM (H9), LA (H10), HC (H11),
HC (I3), LA (I4), HI (I5), HI (I6), HI (I7), HI (I8), HI (I9), LA (I10), HI (J6), HI (J7), HI (J8), HI (J9), HI (J10), 2A0
(K6), LC (I11), LC (J4).
Side 2: Fritigern, King of the Visigoths (1 LDR, 12 LI, 15 HC, 5 LC) Color: Red Panic: 47
 The set up Direction for each unit is shown after each set up hex in the form “(/-)”: LI (A4/6), LI (A5/5), LI
(A6/5), LI (B4/6), LI (B7/4), LI (C3/1), 2A0 (C5), LI (C7/4), LI (D4/1), LI (D7/3), LI (E4/2), LI (E5/2), LI (E6/3), x2
 Turn ?: 15 HC, 5 LC enter at any of hexes A1, A9-A11, B1-H1.

Theodosius Christian Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire: You have brought your army west to confront Arbogast the pagan
Frankish magister and emperor maker of the Western Roman empire who has elevated his puppet Eugenus to the purple, restore the empire to
Christianity and avenge the overthrow and murder of Emperor Valentinian II.
Arbogast Pagan Field Marshall of the Western Roman Army: Having murdered Emperor Valentinian II after a quarrel and replaced
him with the pagan Eugenius, you are about to discover just how far you have incurred the wrath of Theodosius. This is civil war and you face the
might of a combined eastern Roman army.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 The following optional rules should be used:
o Barbarian Charges (from turn two on day one, the eastern Roman army may use the barbarian
charge rule and triple the strength of all LI units for any one turn that day).
 Hex J6 is clear terrain.
 All Day One forces of the eastern Roman army are removed at the end of Day One.
 On Day Two, starting turn two for the eastern army and each turn thereafter before the start of its melee
combat, roll a die. On a die roll of 1-3, add one to the melee combat die doll to simulate the effects of a
cyclonic wind bearing down in the face of the western Roman army.
 At the start of day two, if the western Roman army is undefeated, it should regroup to its approximate position
at the start of day one.
 Each day lasts six turns.
Side 1: Eastern Empire, Theodosius 1: (1 LDR, 4 LI, 2 HC) / 2: (2 LDR, 6 HI, 5 LI, 4 MM, 2 LA, 3 HC, 3 LC)
Color: Red Panic: 8 (Day One) / 31 (Day Two)
 Day One: 4-5 (G3), 4-5 (L3), 2-3 (H3), 2-3 (I3), x2 (I3), 2-3 (J3), 2-3 (K3) - All Direction 4.
 Day Two: 4-2 (G3), 4-2 (H3), 4-2 (I3), 4-2 (J3), x2 (J3), 4-2 (K3), 4-2 (L3), 2-3 (G4), 2-3 (H4), 2-3 (I4), 2-3 (J4),
2-3 (K4), 1A3 (F5), 1A3 (L5), 2B3 (G5), 2B3 (H5), 2B3 (J5), 2B3 (K5), 2-6 (D5), 2-6 (F4), 2-6 (N4), 4-5 (E4), 4-
5 (E5), x2 (E5), 4-5 (M4), 2AO (M1) - All Direction 4.
Side 2: Western Empire, Arbogast (1 LDR, 8 HI, 8 LI, 2 MM, 2 LA, 5 HC, 3 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 40
 Day One: 4-2 (H9), 4-2 (I8), 4-2 (I9), x2 (I9), 4-2 (J9), 4-2 (J10), 4-2 (K9), 4-2 (L9), 4-2 (L10), 2-3 (F9), 2-3
(G8), 2-3 (H8), 2-3 (H10), 2-3 (L11), 2-3 (M8), 2-3 (M9), 2-3 (P9), 2B3 (G9), 2B3 (Q7), 1A3 (K10), 1A3 (P8), 2-
6 (E8), 2-6 (N9), 2-6 (N10), 4-5 (E7), 4-5 (F8), 4-5 (M7), 4-5 (N8), 4-5 (O8), 2AO (I10) - All Direction 1.
Historical Note: The battle involved two separate actions over two days. On day one Theodosius ordered his Gothic allies to make a frontal
assault against the western army. This was repulsed and on day two the western army regrouped to face an assault from Theodosius's Roman
army aided by a fierce wind known as the 'bora'. The western army broke after hard fighting. Eugenius was captured and beheaded while Arbogast
escaped to the hills and committed suicide. Theodosius was left as the emperor of a united Roman Empire.


Attila is attacking.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Aetius (Rome) (2 LDR, 5 HI, 5 LI, 5 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 25
 Direction 6: HI (F9), HI (G8), x2 (G8), HI (H8), LI (H9), LI (G9), LI (K8), LI (L8), LI (M7), HI (M8), x2 (M8), HI
(L9), 2A0 (L10), HC (O6), HC (P6), HC (P7), HC (Q5), HC (Q6).
Side 2: Attila (Huns) (2 LDR, 9 LI, 7 HC, 4 LC) Color: Red Panic: 27
 Direction 3: LI (D7), LI (E6), LI (E7), LI (F6), LI (F7), LI (G6), 2A0 (H3), LC (H5), LC (I4), HC (I5), LC (J4), HC
(J5), x2 (J5), LC (K3), HC (K4), x2 (K4), HC (L4), LI (M2), LI (N2), HC (N3), LI (O1), HC (O2), HC (P2).

Crumble of the Hunnic Empire.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Hunnic LC have B missile capability 2B6.
Side 1: Huns, King Ellac (22 LC) Color: Red Panic: 22
 22 LC with B missile rating set up facing direction 1 in hexrows 10 and 11.
Side 2: Gepids (Ardaric) and Ostrogoths (Theodimir) (2 LDR, 3 HI, 9 LI, 4 LA, 4 HC, 6 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 30
LC (A3), HC (B3), LC, x2 (B4), HC (C3), LC (C4), LI (D4), LI (E3), LA (E4), LI (F4), LI (G3), LA (G4), HI (H4), HI (I4),
HI (J4), LI (K3), LA (K4), LI (L4), LI (M3), LA (M4), LI (N4), HC (O3), LC (O4), HC (P3), LC, x2 (P4), LC (Q3).
Historical Note: After the nosebleed death of Attila, his three sons fought each other to determine who would succeed him. The eventual winner,
Ellac, then had to face a rebel alliance of Gepids and Ostrogoths. Along the Nedao River in Pannonnia, the allies smashed the Hun army. Ardaric
slew Ellac in single combat as the Hunnic empire came to an end.


King Arthur vs. the Teuton invaders.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 Ignore the village.
 Teutons set up within one hex of the hill.
 Britons enter on Turn 1 in any hex between G12 and I12 (inclusive).
Side 1: Arthur (Britons) (1 LDR, 3 LI, 3 MM, 4 HC, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 15
 4x HC, 1x LC, 3x LI, 3x MM, x2
Side 2: (Teutons) (1 LDR, 8 LI, 4 MM) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 8x LI, 4x MM, x2

Belisarius vs. Vandals in Africa.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Vandal reinforcements may not be withheld. They must enter on time.
 Byzantine Heavy Cavalry has a fire rating of “B” when not disordered.
Side 1: Belisarius (Byzant) (2 LDR, 3 HI, 2 HA, 4 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 17
 Direction 5: HC (K1), HA (K3), HC (L2), HI (L4), 2A0 (M3), HI (M4), HI (N5), HA (O5), HC (Q5), HC (R6), x2
(M4), x2 (N5).
Side 2: Gelimar, King of Vandals (1 LDR, 9 LI, 9 HC, 9 LC) Color: Red Panic: 36
 Direction 2: 2A0 (A1), HC (G4), HC (H5), HC (I5), LI (J6), LI (K6), LI (L7), LC (M7), LC (N8), LC (O8).
 Turn 2: 3 HC, 3 LC, 3 LI, 1 x2, on either edge within 2 hexes of your camp.
 Turn 5: 3 HC, 3 LC, 3 LI, on either edge within 2 hexes of the letter “D”.
Goths vs. Byzantines.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Gothic 4-5's are impetuous.
 Byzantine 4-5's have “B” missile rating when not disordered.
Side 1: Goths (Totila) (1 LDR, 5 HA, 5 HC) Color: Red Panic: 17
 Direction 1: 4-5 (G8), 3A2 (G10), 4-5 (H9), 3A2 (H11), 4-5 (I8), x2, 3A2 (I10), 4-5 (J9), 3A2 (J11), 4-5 (K8),
3A2 (K10).
Side 2: Byzantines (Narses) (1 LDR, 3 HI, 4 LA, 5 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
Direction 4: x2, 4B5 (F4), 1A3 (F5), 4B5 (G3), 1A3 (G4), 4-2 (H4), 4-2 (I3), 4-2 (J4), 4B5 (K3), 1A3 (K4), 4B5 (L4), 1A3
(L5), 4B5 (O5).

Byzantine reconquest in Italy.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Byzantine HC has firing rating of “B” when not disordered
 All Frankish units must use the “command control” rule.
 Frankish LI = WB.
Side 1: Buccelin, Chief of the Franks (2 LDR, 8 HI, 7 LI, 2 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 27
 Direction 3: HC (I8), 2A0 (J5), HI (K6), HI (K7), LI (K8), HI (L5), HI (L6), HI (L7), LI (L8), HC (M2), HI (M4), HI
(M5), HI (M6), LI (M7), LI (N4), LI (N5), LI (N6), LI (N7), x2 (N7, x2 (N7). LI=WB
Side 2: Narses, General of Byzantium (2 LDR, 3 HI, 4 HA, 7 HC) Color: Red Panic: 26
 Direction 6: HC (L11), HC (M10), HC (M11), x2 (M11), HA (N10), HC (N11), HA (O9), HI (P9), HC (Q3), HC
(Q4), HA (Q5), HA (Q6), HI (Q7), HI (Q8), HC (R4), x2 (R4), HC (R5), 2A0 (R9).


A last ditch attempt by Pictish heroes to defeat the invading Angles, the subject of the epic poem Goddodin.
Map: B (North is equivalent to Direction 1)
Special Rules:
 The Angles set up first, anywhere in hex rows A12 - H9.
 Then the Picts set up, anywhere in hex rows E1 - P4. Both generals must start with the heavy cavalry.
Side 1: Picts (Mynnydogg) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 2 MM, 4 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 17
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 2-6, 2-6, 2B3, 2B3, x2, x2.
Side 2: Angles (Aethelfrid) (1 LDR, 8 HI, 8 LI, 2 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 25
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, x2.

Aelthelfrith defeats Aedans alliance of Picts, Britons, Scots and Irish.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: (King Aethelfrith of) Northumbria (1 LDR, 3 HI, 2 LI, 1 MM, 1 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 10
 Direction 3: 1A3 (J6), 2-3 (I6), 4-2 (H7), 4-2 (G7), 2-3 (F8), 2B3 (E8), 4-2 (F6), x2, 2A0 (F3).
Side 2: Scottish (King Aedan of Dal Riata) (1 LDR, 1 HI, 5 LI, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 8
Direction 6: 2-3 (N9), 2-3 (L9), 2-3 (K9), 4-2 (J10), 2-3 (I10), 2-3 (H11), 2-6 (G11), x2, 2A0 (K11).

The forces of Khalid Ibn Al-Walid double envelop the Persian-Sassinid army of Andarzaghar.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Arabs (Khalid Ibn Al-Walid) (3 LDR, 5 HI, 6 HC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 4: 4-2's in L4, M4, N4, O4, P4. x2 in N4
 On turn 1, 6 4-5's and two x2's enter anywhere from J 12 to R 12 inclusive.
Side 2: Sassanid Persians (Andarzaghar) (1 LDR, 14 LI, 3 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 20
 Direction 1: 2-3's in K7, K8, L7, L8, M7, M8, N7, N8, O7, O8, P7, P8, Q7, Q8. 4-5's in L10, N10, P10, x2 in N7.

Major effort of the Muslims during a sandstorm to prevent the Byzantine army from retaking Syria.
Map: F (North is equivalent to Direction 4)
Special Rules:
 The four Byzantine knights are cataphracted and have a ‘B’ missile rating.
 The four Muslim light cavalry units have a ‘B’ missile rating.
 The Byzantine heavy infantry and heavy archers units begin disrupted.
 The Byzantines set up first, anywhere south of the river. The camps must be at least eight hexes apart, with
two cataphracts adjacent to each camp.
 The Muslims set up anywhere north of the River.
 The Byzantine knights may not move for the first two turns.
 The Muslims win if they capture both Byzantine camps. The Byzantines win if they keep both camps or kill
both Muslim generals. Any other result is a draw.
Side 1: Byzantium (1 LDR, 4 HI, 2 HA, 4 KT) Color: Red Panic: 27
 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 3A2, 3A2, 2A0, 2A0, x2.
Side 2: Muslims (Khalid) (2 LDR, 8 LI, 4 LA, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 14
 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, x2, x2.

Muslim invasion of Sassanid Persia.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Use Free Deployment and elephant rule.
 Both sides have camps.
 All LC have B missile capability.
Side 1: Arabs (2 LDR, 20 LC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 20 x 2-6, x2, x2.
Side 2: Persians (1 LDR, 10 LI, 8 HC, 5 LC, 3 EL) Color: Yellow Panic: 40
 10 x 2-3, 8 x 4-5, 5 x 2-6, 3 x 6-3, x2.

An allied force of Mercians and Britons defend against a Northumbrian invasion.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Mercians/Britons (2 LDR, 5 HI,4 LI, 2 HC) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 1: Hex columns D through H and hex rows 9-12, all inclusive, 1 2A0, 5 4-2's, 2 4-5's, 4 2-3's, 2x2's.
Side 2: Northumbrians (2 LDR, 8 HI) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 4: Hex columns D through H, and hex rows 6-8, all inclusive. 1 2A0, 8 4-2's, 2x2's.

Frankish conquests.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 Terrain – Ignore the river and the woods/towns.
Side 1: Theuderic (Thierry) III of Neustria (1 LDR, 2 HI, 4 PH reduc, 4 LI, 1 LA, 2 MM, 2 HC) Color: Red Panic: 17
 Deploy within 3 hexes of the South map edge 2 x 4-2, 4 x 3-1, 4 x 2-3, 1 x 1A3, 2 x 2B3, 2 x 4-5.
Side 2: Pepin of Hersta of Austrasia (1 LDR, 4 HI, 6 LI, 1 LA, 3 MM, 3 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 Deploy within 3 hexes of the North map edge 4 x 4-2, 6 x 2-3, 1 x 1A3, 3 x 2B3, 3 x 4-5.

Repelling the Islam from Europe.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Abd Al-Rahman (Moslems) (2 LDR, 5 HC, 10 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 20
 Direction 4: LC (I2), LC (J3), HC (K1), LC (K3), HC (L2), x2 (L2), LC (L4), HC (M2), LC (M4), LC (N5), x2 (N5),
LC (O5), 2A0 (P1), HC (P4), LC (P6), HC (Q4), LC (Q6), LC (R7).
Side 2: Charles Martel (Franks) (2 LDR, 3 HI, 2 HA, 2 LI, 3 HC) Color: Red Panic: 17
 Direction 1: HA (J6), HI (K6), HI (L7), HI (M7), x2 (M7), LI (N8), HC (N10), 2A0 (L9), LI (O8), HC (P9), HC
(Q9), x2 (Q9), HA (I5).

Battle ending Chinese expansion and influence in Central Asia.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Both sides have 2-6 (LC) units with missile rating of B (2B6) when not disordered.
 Tang 2B6 units (the Quarlug Turkish allies) change sides on a roll or 1 or desert on a roll of 2, which is rolled
for on each of the first two game turns.
 The Arabs win by panicking the Tang or capturing their camp; the Tang win by panicking the Arabs or
capturing their camp; any other result is a draw.
 Hexes A5, B5, and C1-C4 are river hexes and are impassible. Hexes A10, A11, B11, C11, D11, E11-E12, F12,
P9-P11, Q8, Q11, R8 and R12 are level one hill hexes. Hexes A12, B12, C12, D12 and R9-R11 are level two
hill hexes.
 The scenario lasts 10 game turns.
Side 1: Tang (Ko Sonji a/k/a Kao Hsien-Chih) (2 LDR, 6 MM, 4 HA, 8 HC, 4 LC) Color: Red Panic: 37
 2B3 (E8), 2-3 (F9), 2B3 (G8), 2-3 (H9), 2B3 (I8), 2-3 (J9), 2B3 (K8), 2-3 (L9), 2B3 (M8), 2-3 (N9), 2B3 (O8),
3A2 (G9), 3A2 (I9), 3A2 (K9), 3A2 (M9), 2B6 (E10), 2B6 (F11), 2B6 (G10), 2B6 (H11), 4-5 (J11), 4-5 (K10), 4-
5 (K11), 4-5 (L11), 4-5 (M10), 4-5 (M11), 4-5 (N11), 4-5 (O10), 2A0 (L12), x2, x2.
Side 2: Arabs (Ziyad ibn-Salih) (2 LDR, 8 LI, 4 LA, 4 HC, 8 LC, 5 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 32
 2-3 (D5), 1A3 (E4), 2-3 (F5), 2-3 (G4), 1A3 (H5), 2-3 (I4), 2-3 (J5), 1A3 (K4), 2-3 (L5), 2-3 (M4) 1A3 (N5), 2-3
(O4), 2B6 (D4), 2B6 (E3), 2B6 (F4), 2B6 (G3), 4-5 (H4), 4-5 (I3), 4-5 (J4), 4-5 (K3), 2B6 (L4), 2B6 (M3), 2B6
(N4), 2B6 (O3), 2-6 (D3), 2-6 (F3), 2-6 (H3), 2-6 (J3), 2-6 (N3), 2A0 (I2), x2, x2.

The Basques foot troops defend their independence from the Frankish Knights.
Map: B (North is equivalent to Direction 6)
Special Rules:
 The Franks set up first, on any plain hex in hex-rows A3-F7.
 The Basques then set up anywhere.
 The Basque light archers units may fire three times vs. cavalry.
 The Franks win if they capture the Basque camp, and the general lives.
 The Basques win if they kill the general or all heavy cavalry and keep their camp.
 Any other result is a draw.
Side 1: Franks (Roland) (1 LDR, 4 HI, 2 HA, 4 HC) Color: Red Panic: 19
 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, x2.
Side 2: Basques (Trevino) (1 LDR, 12 LI, 8 MM, 2 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 21
 12x 2-3, 1A3, 1A3, 8x 2B3, 2A0, x2.

Beormwulf of Mercia confronts Ecgbert of Wessex. The battle was called one of great slaughter and Beornwulf and his
men from Mercia taking the larger losses.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Ecgbert of Wessex (1 LDR, 2 HI, 4 LI) Color: Yellow Panic: 8
 Direction 4: 2-3 (I6), 4-2 (J6), 4-2 (K5), 2-3 (L5), 2-3 (J5), 2-3 (K4), x2, 2A0 (J2).
Side 2: Beornwulf of Mercia (1 LDR, 3 HI, 5 LI) Color: Red Panic: 11
 Direction 1: 2-3 (I10), 2-3 (J10), 2-3 (K9), 2-3 (L9), 2-3 (M8), 4-2 (J9), 4-2 (K8), 4-2 (L8), x2, 2A0 (L12).

Battle of Saxons and Viking Danes in Wessex.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Aethelred of Wessex (2 LDR, 3 HI, 4 LI, 1 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 Direction 3: LA (M4), HI (M5), HI (M6), x2 (M6), HI (M7), LI (M8), 2A0 (K4).
 Turn 1: 1 x2, 3 LI on edge within 4 hexes of Saxon camp.
Side 2: Vikings (1 LDR, 4 HI, 3 LI, 1 LA) Color: Red Panic: 11
 Direction 6: LI (O7), LI (O8), LI (O9), HI (P6), x2 (P6), HI (P7), HI (Q5), LA (Q7), HI (R5), 2A0 (R9).

Final showdown between the English of King Alfred and the Vikings of Guthrum.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 English begin with 1 VP. Shield wall option may be used if desired.
Side 1: Guthrum Vikings (1 LDR, 3 HI, 4 LI, 1 MM) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 Direction 1: LI (F8), LI (G7), LI (H8), HI (I8), x2 (J9), HI (J9), LI (L10), MM (K10), 2A0 (I10).
Side 2: Alfred English (1 LDR, 2 HI, 7 LI, 1 MM) Color: Red Panic: 12
 Direction 4: MM (F4), LI (G4), LI (H5), LI (I3), LI (J4), LI (K4), LI (K6), LI (L7), x2 (I5), HI (I5), HI (J6), 2A0 (J2).

The French of Henry III catch up to a retiring force of Viking raiders.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 The Viking camp has a movement allowance of 2. The Vikings get 1 victory point for successfully moving it
across the river at the bridge between Q11 and Q12.
Side 1: French (1 LDR, 3 LI, 2 LA, 3 HC) Color: Red Panic: 10
 HC (H1), LA (H2), LI (H3), LI (H4), LI (H5), LA (H6), HC (H7), x2 (H7), HC (H8).
Side 2: Vikings (1 LDR, 5 HI, 2 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 LA (L3), HI (L4), HI (L5), x2 (L5), HI (L6), HI (L7), HI (L8), LA (L9), 2A2 (L7).

DYLE, 891 AD
A pitched battle ensues when the Vikings attempt to land near a main Frankish encampment at Dyle.
Map: E (North is equivalent to Direction 2)
Special Rules:
 Everything south of the river is sea.
 Vikings secretly nominate a coastline hex.
 Franks set up first. Camp must be in village. Heavy infantry must be within two hexes of camp. Light infantry
and heavy archers can be anywhere north of the coastline.
 Vikings now set up, all units within one hex of entry point (note that this means Vikings will take at least two
turns to land) Viking general lands on Turn 1.
 Vikings win if they capture the camp or they eliminate all Frankish heavy archers and light infantry. Franks win
if they kill the Viking general or they lose no light infantry or heavy archers and keep their camp. Any other
result is a draw.
Side 1: Franks (2 LDR, 5 HI, 2 LI, 2 HA) Color: Red Panic: 15
 3A2, 3A2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2-3, 2-3, 2A0, x2, x2.
Side 2: Vikings (1 LDR, 6 HI, 4 LI, 4 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, x2.

The Byzantines of Leo Phocas attack the Bulgarians of Czar Simeon along the shore of the Black Sea.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Byzantine HC and Bulgarian LC have B missile capability.
 At the beginning of each Bulgarian player turn roll a die. On a roll of 1-3 Reinforcements arrive.
Side 1: Byzantines (Leo Phocas) (2 LDR, 4 HI, 4 HA, 4 HC) Color: Red Panic: 24
 5x 4B5, 4x 4-2, 4x 3A2, 2 leaders deploy facing direction 1 in the area K-R, 5-7 inclusive.
Side 2: Bulgarians (Czar Simeon) (2 LDR, 3 PX*, 6 LI, 3 MM, 3 HC, 6 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 25
 6x 2-3, 3x 3-1, 3x 2B3, 1 leader deploy facing direction 4 in the area K-R, 1-3 inclusive.
 Reinforcements: 6x 2B6, 3x 4-5, and a leader arrive anywhere from H1 to J1.

The greatest single battle in Anglo-Saxon history before the Battle of Hastings. Saxon victory by the army of Athelstan,
King of England over the combined Scot, Pict and Viking armies of Olaf III Guthfrithson and the Norse–Gael King of
Map: C
Special Rules:
 Only the woods/towns are used.
Side 1: Saxon King Athelstan (2 LDR, 4 HI, 4 LI, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 13
 Direction 6: 2-3 (H10), 2-3 (H9), 2-3 (H8), 2-3 (H7), 4-2 (H3), 4-2 (H6), 4-2 (H5), 4-2 (H4), 2-6 (I7), 2A0 (J6),
x2, x2.
Side 2: Kings Olaf of Dublin and Constantine of Scotland (2 LDR, 3 HI, 4 LI, 1 MM) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 Direction 2: 2-3 (E10), 2B3 (D10), 2-3 (D9), 4-2 (D8), 2-3 (D7), 2-3 (D6), 4-2 (D5), 4-2 (D4), 2A0 (B7), x2, x2.


German Emperor Otto is trying to lift a siege by Hungarians.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 Hungarian LC has a fire rating “B” when not disordered.
Side 1: Bulcsu, King of the Hungarians (2 LDR, 4 HC, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 Direction 6: HC (G10), HC (G11), x2 (G11), HC (H9), x2 (H9), LC (H11), LC (H12), HC (I8), LC (I9), LC (J9),
2A0 (L8).
Side 2: Otto, Holy Roman Emperor (2 LDR, 8 HC) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Direction 3: 2A0 (B11), HC (D9), HC (D10), HC (D11), x2 (D11), HC (D12), HC (E7), HC (F7), HC (F8), HC
(G7), x2 (G7).

Having disposed of the Magyar threat at the Lech, Otto I of Germany marches against another Slavic army-Obodrites
commanded by Nakon.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Slavic LC has a fire rating “B” when not disordered.
Side 1: Otto, Holy Roman Emperor Germans/Frisians (1 LDR, 1 HI, 7 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 1: HC (J8), HC (K8), HC (L8), HC (M8), HC (N8), HC (O8), HC (P8), HI, x2 (M9).
Side 2: Nakon, Obodrite Slavs (1 LDR, 8 LI, 1 LC*) Color: Red Panic: 9
 Direction 4: LI (J4), LI (K4), LI (L4), LI (M4), LI (N4), LI (O4), LI (P4), LI (Q4), LC*, x2 (R4).

Viking raiders are confronted by a hastily called English levy.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 To simulate the variable makeup of the hastily gathered English reaction force, roll a die five times. A roll of 1-3
generates a 4-2 heavy infantry. A 4-6 generates a 2-3 light infantry. The force is then deployed in hexes E8,
F9, G9, H10 and I10 as the English player sees fit, plus a Leader (x2). Panic level will have to be figured by
adding the final strengths of the units and dividing by 2, rounding up.
Side 1: Danish Vikings (1 LDR, 5 HI, 1 LA) Color: Red Panic: 11
 Direction 2: 2A0 (A12), 4-2 (C9), 4-2 (D10), x2 (E10), 4-2 (E10), 4-2 (F11), 4-2 (G11), 1A3 (H12).
Side 2: English (1 LDR, ? HI, LI, 1 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: see Special Rules
 Direction 5: 2A0 (I7), 1A3 (J11), plus Special Rules.

Scottish king Malcolm II leads his countrymen against the Danish invaders.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 As options, use shield wall for the Danes and barbarian charge for the Scottish LI.
Side 1: Malcolm II Scots (1 LDR, 4 HI, 6 LI, 2 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 15
 Enter Turn 1 from hexes I 12 to O 12: x3, 4 HI, 6 LI, 2 LA.
Side 2: Enetus Danish Vikings (1 LDR, 7 HI, 2 LA) Color: Red Panic: 15
 Camp in M1, x2, 7 HI, 2 LA deploy within two hexes.

Old Irish legendary king fights Vikings off Dublin.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 All non-archers on both sides must roll for “command control”.
Side 1: Vikings (2 LDR, 6 HI, 2 LI, 2 LA, 2 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 19
 Direction 4: HI (I2), HC (I3), HI (J3), LA (J4), HI (L4), LI (L5), HI (M4), LI (M5), 2A0 (N2), HI (O5), LA (O6), HI
(P6), HC (P7), 2A0 (N2), x2 (L4), x2 (M4).
Side 2: Brian Boru (Irish) (2 LDR, 4 HI, 4 LI, 2 LA, 2 HC) Color: Red Panic: 17
 Direction 1: HC (I7), LI (I8), LA (J8), LI (J9), HI (L9), HI (L10), 2A0 (L12), HI (M9), HI (M10), LA (O10), LI
(O11), HC (P11), LI (P12), x2 (L10), x2 (M10).

While part of a Byzantine army demonstrates in front of Bulgarians defending a mountain pass, the other part makes a
flank march and attacks the defenders from the rear.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 All cavalry units on both sides have B missile rating.
 The hill running from P7 to M12 is mountainous terrain and impassible to all units.
 Byzantine reinforcements--2x 2-6's, 3x 8-4's--enter R 10 through 12 on die roll of 1-2 at start of each
Byzantine turn.
Side 1: Byzantines (1 LDR, 1 HI, 2 HA, 3 KT, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 19
 Direction 4: 3A2 (P5), x2, 4-2 (Q4), 3A2 (R4).
 Reinforcements: 3 8B4, 2 2B6
Side 2: Bulgarians (1 LDR, 2 PX, 2 LI, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 Direction 1: 6*1 (Q6), 6*1 (R6), x2 (R6), 2-3 (Q7), 2-3 (R7), 2B6 (P9), 4B5 (Q8).

Pope Leo IX leads a combined force of local levies, Lombards and others against the invading Normans.
Map: F (North is equivalent to being between Directions 5 and 6)
Special Rules:
 Everything south and west of the stream is woods.
 Norman camp is set up in village.
 Papal army sets up all except light infantry anywhere east of river and hex-rows N-R.
 Norman army sets up. Heavy cavalry must begin within two hexes of camp; light archers may begin anywhere
north and east of river.
 Papal light infantry set up anywhere in woods.
 Normans must keep at least three heavy cavalry within two hexes of camp at all times.
 Pope wins if they capture the Norman camp or destroy at least four Norman heavy cavalry.
 Any other result is a win for the Normans.
Side 1: Normans (Robert Guiscard) (1 LDR, 2 LA, 6 HC) Color: Red Panic: 13
 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 1A3, 1A3, 2A0, x2.
Side 2: Papists (Pope Leo IX) (1 LDR, 2 HI, 4 LI, 4 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 10
 4-2, 4-2, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 2A0, x2.

The first attempt by the English to halt the invasion of Harald Hardrada.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 A river runs through hexes, K12, L12, L11, L10, L9, L8, K7, K6, L6, M5, N5, O4, P4, Q3, R3.
A stream runs through hexes A9, B9, C8, D8, E7, F7, G6, H6, I5, J6, and K6, where it meets the river.
Side 1: Vikings (Hardrada) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 2 LA) Color: Red Panic: 13
 Direction 4: 1A3 (B8), 4-2 (C7), 4-2 (D7), x2, x2, 4-2 (E6), 4-2 (F6), 4-2 (G5), 4-2 (H5), 1A3 (I4).
Side 2: English (Northern Earls) (1 LDR, 3 HI, 3 LI, 2 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 10
 Direction 1: 1A3 (C9), 2-3 (D9), 2-3 (E8), x2, 4-2 (F8), 4-2 (G7), 4-2 (H7), 2-3 (I6), 1A3 (J7).


Harold's well-trained army against the barbarian Norsemen before his march south to fight William.
Map: F (North is equivalent to Direction 6)
Special Rules:
 Norse camp is in the town, nine heavy infantry units begin disordered within two hexes of the camp. The tenth
heavy infantry unit starts anywhere on hills.
 All Norse heavy infantry units are impetuous.
 Saxons start one hex south of stream.
 Saxons win if they capture the Norse camp. Norsemen win if they kill either Saxon general. Any other result is
a draw.
Side 1: Saxons (2 LDR, 3 HI, 4 LI, 1 LA) Color: Red Panic: 11
 1A3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, x2, x2.
Side 2: Norsemen (Hardrada) (1 LDR, 10 HI) Color: Yellow Panic: 20
 4-2, 4-2*, 4-2*, 4-2*, 4-2*, 4-2*, 4-2*, 4-2*, 4-2*, 4-2*, 2A0, x2. -all (except one) units* start disordered.

Saxons against Normans for mastery of England.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 William starts at -1 victory point.
Side 1: William, Duke of Normandy (1 LDR, 2 LI, 2 LA, 4 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 Direction 1: LA (A4), HC (A5), LI (C5), HC (C6), x2 (C6), LI (D6), HC (D7), 2A0 (C8), LA (F7), HC (F8).
Side 2: Harold, King of Wessex (Saxons) (1 LDR, 3 HI, 4 LI) Color: Red Panic: 10
 Direction 4: LI (B2), LI (C2), HI (D3), 2A0 (E2), HI (E3), x2 (E3), HI (F4), LI (G4), LI (H5).

Turks crash the Byzantine power for ever.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Byzantine KT have missile rating of “B” when not disrupted.
 Byzantine KT must use “command control” rule.
 Variant: use neither of above special rules.
Side 1: Romanus IV (Byzantium) (1 LDR, 2 HI, 4 HA, 6 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 34
 Direction 6: KT (J10), KT (K9), HA (K10), KT (L9), x2 (L9), HA (L10), KT (M8), x2 (M8), HI (M9), KT (N8), HI
(N9), 2A0 (N10), KT (O7), HA (O8), HA (P8).
Side 2: Alp Arslan (Turks) (2 LDR, 12 HC, 6 LC) Color: Red Panic: 30
 Direction 3: LC (B6), LC (B7), HC (C5), LC (C6), x2 (C6), HC (D5), HC (D6), 2A0 (E3), HC (E4), HC (F4), HC
(F5), HC (G3), HC (G4), HC (H3), HC (H4), HC (I2), HC (I3), LC (J2), HC (J3), LC (K1), LC (K2), x2 (K2).

Byzantines are trying to repel Norman adventurers from taking their land.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Byzantine Light Infantry must use “command control”.
Side 1: Robert Guiscard of Normandy (1 LDR, 1 HI, 2 LA, 6 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 Direction 6: KT (K5), KT (K6), x2 (K6), LA (K7), HI (K8), LA (K9), x2 (K10), KT (K10), KT (K11), KT (L6), KT
(L11), 2A0 (M9).
Side 2: Alexius Comnenus, Emperor of Byzantium (1 LDR, 4 HA, 6 LI, 6 HC) Color: Red Panic: 24
 Direction 3: 2A0 (B5), HC (D5), HC (D6), x2 (D6), HC (F3), HA (F4), LI (F5), LI (F6), LI (F7), HA (F8), HC (F9),
HC (G3), HA (G4), LI (G5), LI (G6), LI (G7), HA (G8), HC (G9).

Unsuccessful Spanish Reconquista battle.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Alfonso VI of Castile and Leon (2 LDR, 2 HI, 6 PH reduced, 4 LI, 1 HA, 2 LA, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow
Panic: 26
 Deploy within 3 hexes of the West map edge.
Side 2: Yusif bin Tashfin Muslim Almoravid (1 LDR, 5 PH reduced, 4 HI, 1 HA, 3 LA, 4 MM, 4 LC, 2 HC) Color: Red
Panic: 28
 Deploy within 3 hexes of the East map edge.

First clash of Westerners with the Saracens as they come into the formers ambush.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 The Saracens must win by 2 points to claim victory.
Side 1: Soliman, Sultan of the Saracens (1 LDR, 5 LA, 5 HC, 10 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 23
 Direction 3: LA (A5), LA (B5), LA (C4), HC (C6), LA (D4), HC (D6), LA (E3), HC (E5), LC (E7), HC (F5), LC
(F7), LC (F8), HC (G4), LC (G6), x2 (G6), LC (G7), LC (H6), LC (H7), x2 (H7), LC (I5), LC (I6), LC (J6).
Side 2: Bohemund (Crusaders) (2 LDR, 2 HA, 5 KT) Color: Red Panic: 23
 Direction 6: 2A0 (N10), x2 (N10), HA (N11), HA (O9), KT (O10).
 Turn 2: 1 x2, 4 KT, on any edge with 6 hexes of the letter “D”.

A desperate push by the Crusaders to capture the Turkish stronghold.
Map: F (North is equivalent to Direction 4)
Special Rules:
 The Turks set up heavy cavalry within one hex of the town, camp in the town.
 The Crusaders set up north of the stream within one hex of the stream.
 The Turks set up light cavalry anywhere south of the stream.
 The Crusader knights units are impetuous.
 The Turk cavalry units have a 'B' missile rating.
 The first time a Crusader general is stacked with a unit which attacks the town, the unit receives a one-time
bonus x2 multiplier.
Side 1: Crusaders (2 LDR, 6 HA, 7 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 40
 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 3A2, 3A2, 3A2, 3A2, 3A2, 3A2, x2, x2.
Side 2: Turks (2 LDR, 8 HC, 8 LC) Color: Red Panic: 24
 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 2A0, x2, x2.


A desperate Crusaders’ attack on the Turkish relieving force.
Map: A (North is equivalent to Direction 1)
Special Rules:
 The Crusader knight unit is impetuous.
 The Turk Light cavalry units have a 'B' missile rating.
Side 1: Crusaders (2 LDR, 5 HI, 2 HA, 1 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 17
 Direction 6: HI (J8), HI (J9), HI (K7), KT (K8), HI (K9), HA (L9), HI (L10), HA (M9), 2A0 (M10) x2 (J8), x2 (K8).
Side 2: Turks (1 LDR, 5 LI, 3 MM, 2 LA, 4 HC, 4 LC) Color: Red Panic: 21
 Direction 3: LI (H5), LI (H6), LI (H7), LI (H8), LI (H9), LA (G4), MM (G5), MM G6), MM (G7), LA (G8), LC (D4),
HC (D5), HC (D6), LC (D7), LC (C3), HC (C4), HC (C5), x2 (C5), LC (C6), 2A0 (B5).

Outnumbered Crusaders try to keep Palestine from the Egyptians.
Map: F (North is equivalent to Direction 1)
Special Rules:
 Crusaders set up, camp in town, heavy archers adjacent to camp, knights adjacent to heavy archers.
 Crusader knights are impetuous.
 Egyptians setup anywhere two or three hexes from map edge.
 Egyptian cavalry units have a “B” missile rating.
 Winner is the holder of camp after six turns.
Side 1: Crusaders (2 LDR, 3 HA, 4 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 20
 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 3A2, 3A2, 3A2, 2A0, x2, x2.
Side 2: Egyptians (1 LDR, 4 LA, 8 HC) Color: Red Panic: 18
 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, x2.

Outnumbered Crusaders try to keep Palestine from the Egyptians. Revised
Map: B (North is equivalent to Direction 5)
Special Rules:
 Crusader knights are impetuous.
 Egyptian Light cavalry units have a “B” missile rating.
Side 1: Crusaders (2 LDR, 2 HI, 3 HA, 4 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 25
 Direction 2: KT (J7), KT (K7), KT (L8), KT (M8), HI (I7), HA (J8), HA (K8), HA (L9), HI (M9), 2A0 (J9), x2 (J7),
x2 (M8).
Side 2: al-Afdal, Egyptians (1 LDR, 8 LI, 3 MM, 3 LA, 4 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 23
 Direction 5: LI (K3), LI (L3), LA (L4), MM (M3), LI (M4), LA (N5), LI (N4), MM (O4), LI (O5), LA (P6), LI (P5), LI
(Q6), MM (Q5), LI R6, LC (M1), HC (N2), HC (O2), HC (P3), HC (Q3), LC (R4), 2A0 (Q1), x2 (P3)

El Cid’s last charge.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 All 2-6 LC have “B” missile capability – 2B6.
Side 1: El Cid (2 LDR, 5 HI, 4 HA, 3 HC, 3 LC) Color: Red Panic: 25
 Deploy rows K and L: 5x 4-2, 4x 3A2, 3x 4-5, 3x 2B6, x2, x2; Camp 2A0 (N6).
Side 2: Yusuf ibn Teshufin (1 LDR, 4 HI, 4 LI, 5 LA, 6 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 21
 Deploy rows D and C: 4x 4-2, 4x 2-3, 5x 1A3, 6x 2B6, x2; Camp 2A0 (A7).

One of the first Crusaders’ defeats.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Baldwin II of Edessa, Crusaders (1 LDR, 6 HI, 3 KT) Color: Red Panic: 24
 3 8-4, 6 4-2, x2 deploy within two hexes of K3. Knights are, as usual, impetious.
Side 2: Governor of Mosul, Seljuk Turks (1 LDR, 6 HC, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 6 4-5, 4 2-6, x2 within two hexes of K11. 2-6 LC have “B” fire rating when not disrupted.

The young Henry I is surrounded by the forces of his brother Robert, Duke of Normandy.
Map: B (North is equivalent to Direction 6)
Special Rules:
 One Norman heavy infantry is in the town.
 The English set up all units within two hexes of the town except light archers.
 Then the Normans set up anywhere east of the hills.
 Finally the English light archers are set up anywhere.
 The Norman knights are impetuous.
 The English archers may fire three times against cavalry units.
Side 1: Normans (Robert) (2 LDR, 3 HI, 2 LA, 2 KT, 6 HC) Color: Red Panic: 27
 8-4, 8-4, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, x2, x2.
Side 2: English (Henry) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 4 LA, 1 KT, 2 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 22
 8-4, 4-5, 4-5, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 2A0, x2, x2.

Louis VI (The Fat) of France vs. Henry I of England.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 Starting turn 2 French must DR for command control.
Side 1: French (1 LDR, 8 HC) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Enter Turn 1 hexes D1 through H1: 8 4-5, x2.
Side 2: English (1 LDR, 5 HI, 3 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 1: 4-5 (E7), 4-5 (F7), 4-5 (G7), 4-2 (D8), 4-2 (E8), 4-2 (F8), x2 (F8), 4-2 (G8), 4-2 (H8).

The Crusaders of Roger of Salerno are surrounded by the Moslem forces of Il-Ghazi.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 All Moslem LC have “B” fire rating.
 Crusaders set up first.
Side 1: Moslems (1 LDR, 4 LC, 4 HC) Color: Red Panic: 12
 Set up anywhere on map but no closer than two hexes to a Crusader unit: 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, 2B6, 2B6, 2B6,
2B6, x2.
Side 2: Crusaders (1 LDR, 3 HI, 1 HA, 1 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 2A0 (L7). Setup within one hex of camp: 8-4, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 3A2, x2.


Stephen and his archers attempt to repulse the Scottish invaders supporting his cousin Maude.
Map: A (North is equivalent to Direction 5)
Special Rules:
 The English set up all units on or within one hex of the hills and the camp on hex K5.
 Knights must remain stacked with the camp at all times.
 The Scots set up anywhere north of the stream.
 The Scots win immediately if they capture the English camp at any time.
 The Scottish light infantry are impetuous and barbarian.
 The Scottish knights are impetuous.
 The English archers fire three times per turn.
Side 1: Scots (2 LDR, 4 HI, 16 LI, 2 KT, 2 HC) Color: Red Panic: 36
 16x 2-3, 8-4, 8-4, 4-5, 4-5, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2A0, x2, x2.
Side 2: English (Stephen) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 6 LA, 1 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 19
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 8-4, 2A0, x2, x2.

The Anarchy; Rebel Barons march against the Royal Army of King Stephen.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 On turn 1 all Rebel 8-4's add one to their melee combat rolls (effects of charging downhill).
Side 1: Rebel Barons Robert Earl of Gloucester (2 LDR, 3 HI, 3 HA, 4 KT) Color: Red Panic: 27
 Direction 3: KT (I10), HI (J9), KT (J10), HI (K8), HA (K9), HI (L8), HA (L9), HA (M8), KT (N8), KT (O7), 2A0
(I7), 2 x2.
Side 2: Royal Army King Stephen (2 LDR, 3 HI, 3 HA, 4 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 27
 Direction 6: KT (L12), KT (M11), HA (N11), HA (O10), HI (O11), HA (P10), HI (P11), KT (Q9), HI (Q10), KT
(R9), 2A0 (Q11), 2 x2.

A well defended city manned by the Norman invaders is besieged by O'Connor.
Map: E (North is equivalent to between Directions 2 and 3)
Special Rules:
 The Norman knights and camp set up in the town, heavy infantry and heavy cavalry set up adjacent to the
town, light archers set up adjacent to the heavy infantry.
 Treat the river as if it were stream terrain.
 The Irish setup anywhere over the stream.
Side 1: Normans (1 LDR, 2 HI, 4 LA, 1 KT, 2 HC) Color: Red Panic: 14
 8-4, 4-5, 4-5, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 4-2, 4-2, 2A0, x2.
Side 2: Irish (O'Connor) (2 LDR, 12 LI, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 4-5, 4-5, 2-6, 2-6, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, x2, x2.

Barbarossa vs. Pope.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Fredrich Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor (1 LDR, 6 KT) Color: Red Panic: 24
 Direction 2: KT (I8), KT (J9), KT (J11), KT (I10), KT (G9), KT (H10), 2A0 (H11).
 Turn 2: 1 x2 (Place where you wish).
Side 2: Alexander III, Pope (in exile) (2 LDR, 2 HI, 2 HA, 6 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 31
 Direction 2: KT (M6), HA (M3), HI (N4), HI (O4), 2A0 (P3), x2 (P3), HA (P5).
 Turn 2: 2 KT. Enter at map edge within 2 hexes of the camp.
 Turn 3: 1 x2, 3 KT. Enter at map edge within 2 hexes of the camp.

King Baldin IV of Jerusalem leads out a small Crusader force to confront the mighty Saladin.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Baldwin starts with 1 VP.
 Crusaders must use Command Control except they are not dispersed the first turn of use.
 Saladins army starts dispersed.
 If the Crusader camp is captured the game ends and VP's are counted.
 All Muslim 1-6 LC have a "B" missle rating.
Side 1: King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem (2 LDR, 3 HI, 2 LA, 2 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 15
 Direction 3: KT (F4), KT (E4), HI (C4), LA (D4), HI (E3), LA (F3), HI (G2), 2A0 (D2), 2 x2.
Side 2: Saladin (1 LDR, 4 LI, 2 LA, 3 HC, 8 LC) Color: Red Panic: 13
 Direction 6: all units start dispersed LC (D9), LC (E8), LI (F8), LC (G7), LC (H7), LI (I6), LC (J6), LC (K5), LC
(D10), LA (E9), LI (F9), HC (G8), HC (H8), HC (I7), LI (J7), LA (K6), LC (L6), 2A0 (I9), 1 x2.

Saladin defeats Crusaders.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Knights must use “command control”.
Side 1: Guy of Lusignan (Crusaders) (1 LDR, 2 HI, 1 HA, 4 KT) Color: Red Panic: 21
 Direction 3: HA (E6), HI (F7), HI (G7), 2A0 (H8), KT (I8), KT (J9), KT (K9), KT, (L10), x2 (L10).
Side 2: Saladin (Saracens) (2 LDR, 6 HC, 4 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 5: LC (N6), LC (O6), LC (P7), LC (Q7), x2 (Q7), x2 (Q7).
 Turn 1: 6 HC enter from any map edge. They may be withheld to enter on a later turn.

ARSUF, 1191 AD
Saladin vs. Richard the Lionheart.
Map: A
Special Rules:
 The river actually represents the coast line. Ignore the bridge and ford hexes.
Side 1: Saladin (Saracens) (2 LDR, 21 LI, 4 HC, 5 LC) Color: Red Panic: 34
 Direction 5: LI (E6), LI (E7), LI (F7), LI (F8), LI (G7), LI (G8), LI (H8), LI (H9), LI (I8), LI (I9), LI (J9), LI (J10), LI
 Direction 4: LC (A5), LI (A7), LI (A8), 2A0 (B3), LC (B5), LI (B7), LI (B8), LC (C4), LI (C6), LI (C7), HC (D4), LI
(D6), LI (D7), HC (F5), x2 (F5), x2 (F5), HC (G5), HC (H6), LC (I6), LC (J7).
Side 2: Richard the Lionheart (Crusaders) (2 LDR, 8 HA, 4 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 Direction 2: KT (C11), KT (D11), KT (E10), HA (F10), HA (E9), KT (F11), HA (G10), HA (H11).
 Direction 6: HA (B11), HA (B10), HA (C9).
 Direction 1: 2A0 (E11), x2 (E11), x2 (E11), HA (D9).

Trying to subjugate Thrace after the capture of Constantinople, a Latin Crusader army led by Baldwin I attempts to
recapture Adrianople from the Bulgarians.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Bulgar LC are with B missile capability.
 Knights are impetuous.
Side 1: Bulgars with Cuman and Greek allies (1 LDR, 15 LC) Color: Red Panic: 15
 Set up facing the front of the Crusader deployment, no closer than four hexes away: 15 2-6 (with B missile
rating), x2.
Side 2: Latin Empire Crusaders (1 LDR, 4 HI, 2 HA, 1 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 15
 Camp 2A0 in J2,
 All units set up within two hexes of camp: 1 8-4, 4 4-2, 2 3A2, x2

Las NAVAS, 1212 AD

A coalition of Spanish Christian Kingdoms and crusaders defeats the Almohads with their Andalusian allies in a major
battle of the Reconquista.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Each side has some light cavalry with missile capacity designated as “2B6”.
 The Almohads must keep two light infantry next to the Almohad camp at all times.
 One Almohad leader must remain in the Almohad camp at all times.
 The Spanish Christians win if they capture the Almohad camp. The Almohads win if they capture the Spanish
Christian camp. Any other result is a draw.
 The scenario lasts 10 game turns.
Side 1: Spanish Christians (3 LDR, 1 HI, 9 LI, 3 LA, 8 KT, 1 LCa, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 50
 2-3 (B11), 8-4 (C10), 1A3 (C11), 2-3 (D11), 8-4 (E10), 4-2 (F10), 8-4 (G10), 2A0 (G12) 2-3 (H10), 8-4 (I9), 2-3
(I11), 2B6 (J9), 2-6 (J10), 8-4 (J11), 2-6 (J12), 8-4 (K9), 2-3 (K11), 2-3 (L10), 8-4 (M9), 1A3 (M10), 2-3 (N10),
2-3 (O10), 8-4 (P10), 1A3 (P11), 2-3 (Q10), x2, x2, x2.
Side 2: Almohads (2 LDR, 4 MM, 9 LI, 3 KT, 2 HC, 1 CM, 3 LCa, 8 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 42
 2-6 (A3), 2-6 (B3), 8-4 (C3), 2B6 (D3), 2-6 (E3), 2B3 (G4), 2B6 (H1), 2-3 (H4), 2-3 (H5), 2B3 (H6), 2-3 (I1), 2-3
(I3), 2-3 (I4), 2-6 (I5), 2A0 (J2), 8-4 (J3), 4-5 (J4), 4-5 (J5), 2-3 (K1), 2-3 (K3), 2-6 (K4), 2-6 (K5), 2-6 (L1)
“camel unit”, 2-3 (L4), 2-3 (L5), 2B3 (L6) 2B3 (M4), 2B6 (N3), 2-6 (O2), 8-4 (P3), 2-6 (P2), x2, x2.

German Emperor is attacking French king.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Phillip II, King of France (1 LDR, 4 HI, 2 HA, 6 KT) Color: Red Panic: 35
 Direction 2: KT (C4), x2 (C5), KT (C5), KT (D5), HA (F6), HI (G6), HI (H7), 2A0 (G8), HI (I7), HI (J8), HA (K8),
KT (M9), KT (M10), x2 (M10), KT (N10).
Side 2: Otto IV, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (2 LDR, 4 HI, 4 HA, 8 LI, 5 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 42
 Direction 5: KT (F3), KT (G2), x2 (G2), KT (G3), HA (I4), HI (J5), HA (K3), HI (K5), LI (L4), HI (L6), LI (M3), LI
(M4), HI (M6), LI (N4), LI (N5), HA (N7), LI (O4), LI (O5), 2A0 (P3), LI (P5), HA (P6), KT (P8), x2 (P8), KT

King David of Georgia attacks the encampment of the Muslim invaders.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Muslim LC units have B missile capability.
Side 1: Georgia (2 LDR, 4 LC, 8 KT) Color: Red Panic: 36
 Turn 1: x2, 4 KT, 4 LC enter between D12 and M12.
 Turn 2: x2, 4 KT enter anywhere along hex row 1.
Side 2: Muslims (1 LDR, 5 LI, 5 LA, 5 HC, 10 LC*) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 Camp deploys in I5. 10 LCB, 5 HC, 5 LI, 5 LA deploy within four hexes of camp.
 Muslims get a leader on their camp at the start of their second player turn. They do not suffer the panic effects
of having no leader before his arrival.
Muslim LC units have B missile capability.

INDUS, 1221 AD
Mongol conquest of Central Asia.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 Mongol Light Cavalry has missile rating “B” when not disordered.
Side 1: Shah Jalal Ad-Din (Kwarazim) (2 LDR, 2 LI, 4 LA, 5 HC, 6 LC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 4: LC (E1), LC (F1), LC (F2), LC (G1), LC (G2), LC (I2), HC (I3), 2A0 (J1), LI (J3), HC (J4), LI (K3),
HC (K4), HC (L2), HC (M2), LA (M5), LA (N5), LA (N6), LA (O5), x2 (G1), x2 (K3).
Side 2: Ghengis Khan (Mongols) (3 LDR, 10 HC, 10 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 30
 Direction 1: LC (E3), LC (E4), HC (F4), HC (F5), x2 (F5), LC (G4), LC (I5), LC (I6), HC (J6), HC (J7), x2 (J7),
HC (J9), HC (I8), HC (H8), HC (K9), LC (K6), LC (K7), LC (M7), LC (M8), HC (N8), HC (N9), x2 (N9), LC (O8),
2A0 (O10).

KALKA, 1223 AD
Russians are defending against Mongols.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 A draw is considered a minor Russian victory.
Side 1: Subadai of the Mongols (2 LDR, 5 HC, 5 LC) Color: Red Panic: 15
 Direction 6: LC (M11), LC (N11), HC (N12), x2 (O10), LC (O10), HC (O11), LC (P10), x2 (P11), HC (P11), LC
(Q9), HC (Q10), HC (R10).
Side 2: Mstislav, Prince of Kiev (1 LDR, 5 HI, 5 HA, 4 LI, 3 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 29
 Direction 3: HI (G7), LI (J7), LI (K6), LC (K8), LI (L6), HC (L8), LI (M5), HC (M7), x2 (M7), HC (N7), LC (O6).
 Direction 2: HI (E4), HA (E5), HI (F6), HI (G6).
 Direction 5: HA (D6), HA (E6), HA (E7).
 Direction 4: 2A0 (F7), HI (F8).
 Direction 6: HA (D5).

The Imperial army of Frederick II catches the army of Lombard League on the march.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Imperial archers (Saracens) fire two volleys a turn.
 Lombard camp has a movement of two.
Side 1: Frederick II (Imperial) (1 LDR, 2 HI, 5 LA, 5 HC) Color: Red Panic: 17
 Enter A7-A11: 1 LDR, 2 HI, 5 LA, 5 HC.
Side 2: (Lombard League) (1 LDR, 3 HI, 2 HA, 4 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 17
 Direction 5: HC (D8), HC (E7), HC (F7), HC (G6), HA (H6), HI (I5), HI (J5), 2A2 (K4), HI (L4), HA (M3), x2 as

European knights stand before the Mongol onslaught.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Mongol Light Cavalry has missile rating “B”.
 Mongol units may leave the map and re-enter the same map edge on the following turn, an adjacent edge in
two turns, or the opposite edge in three turns.
Side 1: Henry of Silesia (1 LDR, 6 HI, 4 HA, 10 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 58
 Direction 5: KT (N2), KT (N3), HA (N4), HI (N5), HI (N6), HI (N7), HA (N8), KT (N9), KT (N10), x2 (N10), KT
(N11), KT (O1), KT (O2), HA (O3), HI (O4), HI (O5), HI (O6), HA (O7), KT (O8), KT (O9), KT (O10), 2A0 (Q5).
Side 2: Kaidu (Mongols) (2 LDR, 10 HC, 10 LC) Color: Red Panic: 30
 Direction 2: HC (G2), HC (G3), HC (G4), HC (G5), HC (G6), HC (G7), HC (G8), HC (G9), HC (G10), HC
(G11), LC (I2), LC (I3), LC (I4), LC (I5), LC (I6), x2 (I6), LC (I7), x2 (I7), LC (I8), LC (I9), LC (I10), LC (I11).

Lake PEIPUS, 1242 AD

Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky marches out to meet invading Teutonic knights on the frozen surface of Lake
Map: G
Special Rules:
 The Teutonic knights are impetuous.
 The Russian LC have a “B” missile rating.
Side 1: Teutonic Knights (1 LDR, 3 HI, 2 HA, 3 KT) Color: Red Panic: 21
 Direction 4: 4-2 (F2), 3A2 (G1), 8-4 (G2), 4-2 (H2), 8-4 (H3), x2 (H3), 3A2 (I1), 8-4 (I2), 4-2 (J2), 2A0 (H1).
Side 2: Russian (Alexander Nevsky) (2 LDR, 4 HI, 3 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 1: 4-5 (F10), 4-2 (I9), 4-2 (G9), 2A0 (H12), 4-2 (H10), 4-2 (H9), 4-5 (J10), 4-5 (K9), x2 (K9), x2 (K9),
2B6 (L10), 2B6 (M10).

La FORBIE, 1244 AD
Crusaders’ final defeat.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Crusader 8-4 KT must use Command Control.
 Khwarezmid LC have “B” missile rating.
Side 1: Mixed Crusader/Syrian army (Walter of Brienne and Al-Mansur) (2 LDR, 2 HI, 3 HA, 4 MM, 2 KT, 4 LC)
Color: Yellow Panic: 25
 Direction 4: 3A2 (C4), 8-4 (D5), 4-2 (D4), 8-4 (E4), 3A2 (E3), 3A2 (F5), 4-2 (F4), 2B3 (H5), 2-6 (H4), 2B3 (I4),
2-6 (I3), 2B3 (J5), 2-6 (J4) 2B3 (K4), 2-6 (K3), x2 (D5), x2 (J4), 2A0 (G1).
Side 2: Mamluk/Khwarezmid army (Baibars) (2 LDR, 3 MM, 4 HC, 10 LC) Color: Red Panic: 21
Direction 1: 2B3 (C8), 2B3 (D8), 2B3 (E8), 4-5 (C9), 4-5 (D9), 4-5 (D10), 4-5 (E9), 2B6 (G8), 2B6 (G9), 2B6 (H8), 2B6
(H9), 2B6 (I8), 2B6 (I9), 2B6 (J8), 2B6 (J9), 2B6 (K8), 2B6 (K9), 2A0 (G11), x2 (D9), x2 (I8).


Egyptian Mamelukes attempt to break the power of the Mongols.
Map: E (North is equivalent to Direction 6)
Special Rules:
 Egyptians set up with the camp in the town, infantry within one hex of the camp or on hills, and cavalry within
3 hexes of the town.
 Mongols enter from northeast map edge.
 Mongols win by reducing Egyptians to less than twelve strength points and capturing the camp. Egyptians win
by panicking the Mongols. Any other result is a draw.
 The Egyptian light infantry are spearmen and are doubled vs. cavalry.
 The Mongol cavalry all have a “B” missile rating.
Side 1: Egyptians (2 LDR, 6 LI, 6 LA, 6 HC, 6 LC) Color: Red Panic: 27
 6x 4-5, 6x 1A3, 6x 2*3, 6x 2-6, 2A0, x2, x2.
Side 2: Mongols (2 LDR, 10 HC, 10 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 30
 10x 4-5, 10x 2-6, x2, x2.

LEWES, 1264 AD
A small force lead by Simon de Montfort attacks a much larger disordered Royal Army.
Map: E (North is equivalent to Direction 1)
Special Rules:
 John sets up first, camp in the town, all heavy infantry within one hex of camp.
 de Montfort enters on Turn 1 from the northern map edge.
 The Royal infantry and camp begins disordered.
Side 1: Nobles (de Montfort) (2 LDR, 8 HI, 1 KT) Color: Red Panic: 20
 8-4, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, x2, x2.
Side 2: Royal Army (John) (1 LDR, 14 HI) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2A0, x2.

The Holy Roman Empire vs. Charles of Anjou.
Map: A
Special Rules:
 Ignore village and stream.
Side 1: Conradin and Frederick (1 LDR, 6 KT) Color: Red Panic: 24
 Direction 1: x2, 8-4 (L12), 8-4 (M11), 8-4 (P11).
 Direction 6: 8-4 (O9), 8-4 (P9), 8-4 (P10).
Side 2: Charles of Anjou (1 LDR, 6 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 Direction 4: 8-4 (L9), 8-4 (L10), 8-4 (M8), 8-4 (M9).
 Direction 5: x2, 8-4, (P4), 8-4 (Q4).

VOHAN Valley, 1277 AD

Mongol Invasion of Burma.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Mongol 2-6 (LC) units have missile ratings of B (2B6) when not disorganized.
 Mongol player may dismount 2B6 units and substituted them for 1A3 (LA) units and remount them back to
2B6 units, at the beginning of each Mongol movement phase.
 Mongols win by panicking the Burmese or capturing the Burmese camp; Burmese win by panicking the
Mongols; any other result is a draw.
 Burmese 6*3 Elephant units are subject to Optional Rule 13.11.
 Hexes A1-A12, B1-B12, C1-C8, D1-D7, E1-E5, P1-P2, Q1-Q5 and R1-R6 are all jungle (woods) hexes.
 The scenario lasts 10 game turns.
Side 1: Burmese (Narathihapate) (2 LDR, 2 HI, 2 HA, 7 MM, 9 LI, 1 HC, 4 LC, 5 EL) Color: Red Panic: 44
 6*3 (G7), 6*3 (I7), 6*3 (K7), 6*3 (M7), 6*3 (O7), 2-6 (F8), 2-3 (G9), 2B3 (H8), 2-3 (I9), 2B3 (J8), 2-3 (K9), 2B3
(L8), 2-3 (M9), 2B3 (N8), 2-3 (O9), 2-6 (P8), 2-6 (F9), 2-3 (H9), 2-3 (J9), 2-3 (L9), 2-3 (N9), 2-6 (P9), 4-2 (I10),
3A2 (J10), 4-5 (K10), 3A2 (L10), 4-2 (M10), 2B3 (E2), 2B3 (E3), 2B3 (F4), 2A0 (K11), x2, x2.
Side 2: Mongols (Nasir al Din) (3 LDR, 10 HC, 10 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 30
 4-5 (F1), 2B6 (F2), 4-5 (G1), 2B6 (G2), 4-5 (A1), 2B6 (H2), 4-5 (I1), 2B6 (I2), 4-5 (J1), 2B6 (J2), 4-5 (K1), 2B6
(K2), 4-5 (L1), 2B6 (L2), 4-5 (M1), 2B6 (M2), 4-5 (N1), 2B6 (N2), 4-5 (O1), 2B6 (O2), no camp unit, x2, x2, x2.

Hapsburgs vs. Bohemians.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Hapsburg light cavalry have B missile rating.
Side 1: Hapsburgs (1 LDR, 10 KT, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 42
 Direction 2: 8-4 (D4), 8-4 (D5), 8-4 (D7), 8-4 (D8), 8-4 (D10), 8-4 (D11), 2B6 (F3), 2B6 (F4), 8-4 (F6), x2, 8-4
(F7), 8-4 (F9), 8-4 (F10).
Side 2: Bohemians (1 LDR, 9 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 40
 Direction 5: 8-4 (I3), 8-4 (I4), 8-4 (I6), x2, 8-4 (I7), 8-4 (I9), 8-4 (I10), 8-4 (K4), 8-4 (K7), 8-4 (K8).

English-Scottish War.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Edward I of England (1 LDR, 2 HI, 3 LA, 5 KT) Color: Red Panic: 25
 Direction 3: LA (H8), KT (H9), 2A0 (I5), HI (I6), KT (I8), HI (J6), LA (J7), KT (K7), x2 (K7), LA (M5), KT (M6),
KT (N6).
Side 2: Wallace of Scotland (1 LDR, 4 PX, 2 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 20
 Direction 1: KT (M11), PX (N11), PX (O10), x2 (O10), PX (P10), PX (Q9), 2A0 (Q11), KT (R9).

The Flemish militia defend their independence against a French army.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 The French knights are impetuous.
 This isn't exactly a balanced scenario. Historically the missile troops and infantry deployed in front of the
knights--at least according to the source map I used--and there is some dispute as to whether they got out of
the way of the charging knights or not. If the knights lose control early you can guess what happens--you may
want to deploy a second leader for the French (also in L4) to lessen the chance of early control loss and/or
balance the scenario.
Side 1: French (1 LDR, 2 HI, 2 HA, 2 LI, 6 KT) Color: Red Panic: 33
 Direction 4: 8-4 (I5), 2-3 (I6), 8-4 (J5), 4-2 (J6), 2A0 (K2), 8-4 (K4), 3A2 (K5), x2 (L4), 8-4 (L4), 4-2 (L5), 8-4
(M3), 3A2 (M4), 8-4 (N3), 2-3 (N4).
Side 2: Flemish (1 LDR, 5 PX, 3 HA) Color: Yellow Panic: 20
 Direction 1: 3A2 (H9), 3A2 (I8), 6-1 (K8), 6-1 (L8), 2A0 (M10), 6-1 (M7), x2 (M7), 6-1 (N7), 6-1 (O6), 3A2 (P6).

Scottish repulse another English invasion.
Map: A
Special Rules:
 English archers get 2 shots per turn.
 Scottish reinforcements arrive in the camp hex. It costs them one movement point to leave. If they cannot
leave the camp, they must be brought in later.
Side 1: Edward of England (1 LDR, 5 LA, 10 KT) Color: Red Panic: 43
 Direction 1: KT (K11), KT (L11), KT (M11), KT (O8), KT (O9), LA (O10), LA (O11), KT (P9), x2 (P9), KT (P10),
LA (P11), LA (P12), KT (Q9), KT (Q10), LA (Q11), KT (R10), 2A0 (R11).
Side 2: Robert the Bruce (Scotland) (2 LDR, 5 PX, 2 LI, 1 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 21
 Direction 4: PX (L6), PX (M6), KT (N5), x2 (N5), PX (N6), PX (O6), 2A0 (P4), PX (P6).
 Turn 4: 1 x2, 2 LI arrive in the camp.

MYTON, 1319 AD
Battle hardened veterans of Bannockburn vs. a scratch force of English levies.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Scots (Douglas and Moray) (1 LDR, 5 PX, 2 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 4: HC (L4), PX (M4), PX (N5), PX (O5), x2 (O5), PX (P5), PX (Q4), 4-5 (R4).
Side 2: English (Archbishop of York, et. al.) (1 LDR, 10 LI, 2 LA) Color: Red Panic: 11
 Direction 1: LA (L7), LI (M7), LI (M8), LI (N7), LI (N8), LI (O7), LI (O8), x2 (O8), LI (P7), LI (P8), LI (Q7), LI
(Q8), LA (R7).


Balliol vs. supporters of the infant son of Robert Bruce with the crown of Scotland at stake.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Longbows: LA may fire 3 volleys a turn.
Side 1: Scots (Earl of Mar) (1 LDR, 9 PX reduced) Color: Yellow Panic: 14
 Direction 5: PX (L6), PX (L7), PX (M5), PX (M6), PX (M7), PX (N5), PX (N6), PX (N7), PX (O6), x2 anywhere.
Side 2: Rebel Scots and English (Balliol) (1 LDR, 2 HI, 4 LA) Color: Red Panic: 6
 Direction 1: LA (H7), LA (H8), LA (J10), LA (K10), HI (I8), HI (J9), x2 (I8).

HALIDON Hill, 1333 AD

Edward III's archers and men at arms versus the Scottish shiltrons.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 English archers fire three volleys a turn.
Side 1: Scots (1 LDR, 6 PX, 1 HC) Color: Red Panic: 17
 Direction 1: 6-1 (A4), 6-1 (B5), x2 (C5), 6-1 (C5), 6-1 (D6), 6-1 (E6), 6-1 (E7), 4-5 (G7).
Side 2: English (2 LDR, 3 HI, 4 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 8
 Direction 4: 4-2 (C2), 4-2 (E3), 4-2 (G4), x2 (E3), x2 (E3), 1A3 (B2), 1A3 (D3), 1A3 (F4), 1A3 (H5).

Troops of the Swiss Confederation versus a mixed League force.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: League Army (1 LDR, 4 HI, 3 LI, 3 KT) Color: Red Panic: 23
 Direction 2: 8-4 (K5), 8-4 (K6), 2-3 (K7), 2-3 (K8), 2-3 (K9), 4-2 (L7), x2 (L8), 4-2, (L8), 4-2 (L9), 4-2 (L10), 8-4
Side 2: Swiss (2 LDR, 3 PX, 2 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 13
 Direction 5: 6-1 (O4), 4-5 (P5), x2 (P6), x2 (P6), 6-1 (P6), 4-5 (P7), 6-1 (P8).

The first battle between the English Longbow and the impetuous French Knights.
Map: B (North is in between Directions 5 and 6)
Special Rules:
 The English archers may fire three times against cavalry.
 The French knights are impetuous.
Side 1: English (2 LDR, 4 HI, 8 LA) Color: Red Panic: 13
 English set up first, anywhere on or within one hex of the large hills: x2, x2, 4 x 4-2, 8 x 1A3, 2A0.
Side 2: French (1 LDR, 6 HI, 6 LI, 6 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 42
 French then enter from eastern map edge: x2, 6 x 4-2, 6 x 2-3, 6 x 8-4.

The English try a surprise attack to lift a siege by French Footmen.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 English knights start in the town.
 French set up five heavy infantry (disordered) adjacent to the town, the camp adjacent to any one disordered
heavy infantry, and the other two heavy infantry plus General adjacent to camp.
 Remaining English forces set up anywhere.
 English General cannot stack with knights unless another English unit has been adjacent at least once in the
 English archers may fire three times.
Side 1: English (2 LDR, 1 HI, 3 LA, 1 KT) Color: Red Panic: 8
 8-4, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 4-2, x2, x2.
Side 2: French (1 LDR, 7 HI) Color: Yellow Panic: 14
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2A0, x2.


A ragbag of English Monks and farm workers defend England from a Scottish invasion.
Map: F (North is equivalent to Direction 3)
Special Rules:
 The English archers may fire three times vs. cavalry.
 The knights and heavy infantry in both forces are impetuous.
 The English knights and one of the Generals start in the town.
 The English light archers start adjacent to the town.
 The English heavy infantry and one of the Generals start within two hexes of the town.
 The Scots start north of the river, at least two hexes away.
 The Scots win if they hold the town at the end of two consecutive turns, or at the end of the scenario. The
English win if they keep the Scots out of the town and keep their knights alive. Any other result is determined
through victory points.
Side 1: English (2 LDR, 5 HI, 1 LA, 1 KT) Color: Red Panic: 15
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 8-4, x2, x2.
Side 2: Scots (1 LDR, 9 HI, 1 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 22
 8-4, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, x2.

St. POL de LEON, 1346 AD

Ambushed by a superior French force, Dagworth's small army retreated to a hill where they dug in. Charles
dismounted his men and mounted a three pronged attack on the hill which was shot to pieces by archery.
Map: F (Ignore stream)
Special Rules:
 The English archers may fire three volleys a turn.
Side 1: French (Charles of Blois) (1 LDR, 12 HI) Color: Red Panic: 24
 Deploy at least three hexes away from any Anglo-Gascon unit: 12 HI, x2.
Side 2: Anglo-Gascons (Sir Thomas Dagworth) (1 LDR, 6 HA) Color: Yellow Panic: 10
 Deploy on hill as desired: x2, 6 HA, 2A0

CRECY, 1346 AD
Day of the Arrow.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 Ignore the stream on the map; it doesn’t exist.
 French knights must use “command control”.
 English archers may fire 3 times per turn.
Side 1: Phillip VI of France (1 LDR, 3 LA, 10 KT) Color: Red Panic: 42
 Direction 1: 2A0 (J10), KT (L9), KT (L10), LA (M7), KT (M8), KT (M9), LA (N7), KT (N8), x2 (N8), KT (N9), LA
(O6), KT (O7), KT (O8), KT (P7), KT (P8).
Side 2: Edward III of England (1 LDR, 3 HI, 4 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 8
 Direction 4: LA (K5), HI (L4), x2 (L4), LA (M5), HI (M3), 2A0 (M2), HI (O4), LA (P4).
 Direction 3: LA (N5).

Hundred Years War.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 French knights must use “command control”.
 English archers may shoot 3 times per turn.
Side 1: John II of France (1 LDR, 2 HA, 8 KT) Color: Red Panic: 35
 Direction 6: HA (N6), HA (N7), KT (N8), KT (O5), KT (P7), x2 (P8), KT (P8), KT (P9), KT (Q7), KT (Q8), x2
(Q8), KT (Q9), 2A0 (R9).
Side 2: Black Prince (English) (1 LDR, 3 HI, 3 LA, 1 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 Direction 3: 2A0 (J7), HI (K4), x2 (K4), KT (K5), LA (K6), LA (L5), HI (L6), HI (M4), LA (N4).

MELLO, 1358 AD
French nobles try to crush the Jacquerie peasant revolt.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Charles II of Navare (1 LDR, 10 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 40
 Direction 2: 10 x 8-4, x2 deploy from L1 to L10.
Side 2: Guillaume Cale (Jacquerians) (1 LDR, 14 LI, 4 LA, 2 HC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 5: 14 x 2-3, 2 x 4-5, 4 x 1A3, x2 deploy on hill in rows P through R.

The Black Prince goes to Spain!
Map: E
Special Rules:
 English archers fire three volleys per turn.
Side 1: French and Castillians (1 LDR, 2 HI, 2 HA, 5 LI, 4 HC) Color: Red Panic: 20
 Direction 2: 2A0 (D7), 2-3 (F5), 2-3 (F6), 2-3 (F7), 2-3 (F8), 2-3 (F8), 4-5 (G6), 4-5 (G7), 4-5 (H4), 3A2 (H5),
x2 (H6), 4-2 (H6), 4-2 (H7), 3A2 (H8), 4-5 (H9).
Side 2: English (1 LDR, 8 HI, 4 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 Direction 5: 1A3 (K3), 4-2 (K4), 4-2 (K5), 1A3 (K6), 4-2 (M1), 1A3 (M2), x2 (M3), 4-2 (M3), 4-2 (M4), 1A3 (M5),
4-2 (M6), 4-2 (N3), 4-2 (N4), 2A0 (O2).

Ending a period of English invincibility on the battlefield.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 English archers fire three volleys per turn.
 English Camp at J6; place 4 trench markers in I6, I5, J5, K5; The Trench counters have a +1(Foot),+3(Horse)
mp to enter and Infantry units are doubled in defense if stacked on.
 French knights and heavy infantry must use “command control”.
Side 1: Bertrand du Guesclin French (1 LDR, 5 HI, 2 HA, 4 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 29
 Direction 3: 5x 4-2, 2x 3A2, 4x 8-4, x2 deploy from J1 to E3 and H1-D3.
Side 2: Thomas Granson English (1 LDR, 4 HI, 2 LA, 2 KT) Color: Red Panic: 17
 4x 4-2, 2x 1A3, 2x 8-4, x2 deploy within 2 squares of camp (2A0) J6.

Showdown between the Russians and the Mongols/Tartars.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 All Light Cavalry (2-6) have B fire rating.
Side 1: Mongols/Tartars (1 LDR, 6 HI, 10 HC, 8 LC) Color: Red Panic: 40
 Direction 4: 2-6 (G4), 2-6 (G5), 2A0 (H1), x2 (H1), 4-5 (H4), 4-5 (H5), 4-2 (I2), 4-5 (I4), 4-5 (I5), 4-2 (J2), 2-6
(J4), 2-6 (J5), 4-2 (K2), 2-6 (K4), 2-6 (K5), 4-2 (L2), 4-5 (L4), 4-5 (L5), 4-2 (M2), 4-5 (M4), 4-5 (M5), 4-2 (N2),
4-5 (N4), 4-5 (N5), 2-6 (O4), 2-6 (O5).
Side 2: Russians (2 LDR, 10 HI, 5 HC, 6 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 36
 Direction 2: 2-6 (D7), 4-5 (E7), 2-6 (E8).
 Direction 1: 2A0 (E12), 2-6 (G9), 2-6 (G8), 4-5 (H9), 4-5 (H8), x2 (H8), 4-2 (I9), 4-2 (I8), 4-2 (J9), 4-2 (J8), 4-2
(K9), 4-2 (K8), 4-2 (L9), 4-2 (L8), 4-2 (M9), 4-2 (M8), 4-5 (N9), 4-5 (N8), x2 (N8), 2-6 (O9), 2-6 (O8).

Flemish pikemen come down from their hilltop camp to attack the French camp.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 Ignore stream and village.
Side 1: Flemish (1 LDR, 6 PX) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 2A0 (F7), 6-1 (H5), 6-1 (H6), 6-1 (H7), 6-1 (I4), x2, 6-1 (I5), 6-1 (I6).
Side 2: French (1 LDR, 2 HI, 2 HA, 3 KT) Color: Red Panic: 19
 2A0 (M3), 3 x 8-4, 2 x 4-2, 2 x 3A2, x2 within two hexes of camp.

Austrian invasion on Switzerland. End of a millennium domination of cavalry.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Beginning turn 3, Austrian knights must use “command control”.
Side 1: Austrians (1 LDR, 3 HI, 6 KT) Color: Red Panic: 30
 Direction 3: 2A0 (C5), HI (C6), HI (D6), x2 (D6), HI (F5).
 Turn 2: 6 KT enter on their map edge within 4 hexes of camp.
Side 2: Swiss (1 LDR, 4 PX, 2 HI) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 6: PX (E11), x2 (F11), PX (F11), HI (G7), PX (G10), 2A0 (H8), PX (H10).
 Direction 1: HI (H7).


In support of King Richard II, a royalist army commanded by Robert De Vere, Earl of Oxford, tries to force its way
across the barricaded and defended Radcot Bridge (spanning the Thames) as it marches on London.
Map: A
Special Rules:
 Ignore small stream, ford, and village
 As an option, roll each turn for the reinforcements. A roll of 1-3 means entry.
Side 1: Royalists (Oxford) (1 LDR, 4 HI, 2 HA) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 Direction 4: HI (K8), HA (K9), HI (L8), x2, HI (L9), HI (M7), HA (M8).
Side 2: Forces of the Lords Appellant (1 LDR, 2 HI, 3 HA, 2 KT) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Direction 1: HA (L11).
 Enter Turn 1 on hexes R10 through R12: x2, 2 KT, 2 HI, 2 HA.

Turkish invasion.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None.
Side 1: Lazar (Serbs) (2 LDR, 8 LI, 5 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 Direction 1: LI (D9), KT (E8), LI (E9), LI (G9), KT (H9), LI (H10), KT (I8), x2 (I8), 2A0 (I11), KT (J9), LI (J10), LI
(K9), KT (M8), x2 (M8), LI (M9), LI (N9).
Side 2: Murat (Turks) (2 LDR, 3 HA, 9 LI, 2 HC, 8 LC) Color: Red Panic: 26
 Direction 4: LI (D5), LC (D3), LI (E5), LC (E3), LI (F5), LC (F3), LI (G5), LC (G3), HA (H5), x2 (H5), HC (H3),
HA (I5), LI (I3), 2A0 (I1), HA (J5), x2 (J5), HC (J3), LI (K5), LC (K3), LI (L5), LC (L3), LI (M5), LC (M3), LI (N5),
LC (N3).

Tamerlane’s victory broke the power of the Golden Horde forever.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 All LC units have A missile capability 2A6.
Side 1: Tamerlane Mongols (1 LDR, 9 HC, 16 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 34
 Direction 4: 16 LCA, 9 HC, x2, sets up in hexrows 1-2.
Side 2: Toktamish Golden Horde (1 LDR, 8 HC, 16 LC) Color: Red Panic: 32
 Direction 1: 16 LCA, 8 HC, x2, sets up in hexrows 11-12.

French Knights attempt to retake Nicopolis from the Turks.
Map: B (North is equivalent to between Directions 5 and 6)
Special Rules:
 The Turkish camp sets up inside the town, the heavy infantry set up adjacent to the town, the light archers set
up adjacent to the heavy infantry.
 The French set up anywhere in south of hex rows O4-R4.
 The Turkish light cavalry and light infantry set up anywhere in hex-rows A-D.
 The French knights are impetuous.
 The Turkish infantry are doubled when defending against 'uncontrolled' French knights.
 The Turkish cavalry have a 'B' missile rating.
Side 1: Turks (Bajazit) (3 LDR, 2 HI, 6 LI, 6 LA, 6 LC) Color: Red Panic: 19
 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 2-6, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 2-3, 4-2, 4-2, 2A0, x2, x2, x2
Side 2: French (2 LDR, 6 HI, 2 HA, 5 KT, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 37
 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 2-6, 2-6, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 3A2, 3A2, x2, x2.

Henry IV tries to hold his flanks against a split force of Welsh Archers and Percy's Knights.
Map: G (North is equivalent to Direction 3)
Special Rules:
 Treat the islands as hills.
 Henry sets up first, anywhere in hex-rows G3-K6.
 Percy sets up on northern hill, Owen on southern hill.
 Neither Percy nor Owen may stack with the other's troops while the other is alive.
 Welsh archers may fire three times vs. cavalry.
Side 1: English (Henry) (2 LDR, 5 HI, 2 LA, 2 KT) Color: Red Panic: 20
 8-4, 8-4, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, 2A0, x2, x2
Side 2: Rebels & Knights (2 LDR, 5 HI, 2 LI, 2 LA, 1 KT, 1 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 19
 Rebels (Percy): 8-4, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, x2
Welsh (Owen): 4-5, 1A3, 1A3, 2-3, 2-3, x2

The Order of Teutonic Knights vs. a Polish-Lithuanian coalition.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 Ignore large forest and village in center of map.
Side 1: Poles and Lithuanians (2 LDR, 1 HI, 1 LI, 7 KN, 4 HC) Color: Red Panic: 39
 Direction 2: 2A0 (B7), LI (C6), HI (C7), HC (C10), HC (C11), KN (D3), KN (D4), KN (D5), KN (D6), x2 (D6), KN
(D7), KN (D8), KN (D9), HC (D10), HC (D11), x2 (D11).
Side 2: Teutonic Knights (1 LDR, 2 HA, 8 KN) Color: Yellow Panic: 35
 Direction 5: HA (G6), HA (G7), KN (H3), KN (H4), KN (H5), KN (H6), KN (H7), x2 (H7), KN (H8), KN (H9), KN
(H10), 2A0 (J6).

Highlanders vs. Lowlanders.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 Highlanders may use barbarian charge for one turn.
Side 1: Lowlanders (Alexander Stewart, Earl of Mar) (1 LDR, 8 HC) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Direction 2: 4-5 (L9), 4-5 (L10), 4-5 (L11), 4-5 (L12), 4-5 (M8), 4-5 (M9), 4-5 (M10), x2 (M10), 4-5 (M11).
Side 2: Highlanders (MacDonald, Lord of the Isles) (1 LDR, 12 LI) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 Direction 5: 2-3 (O6), 2-3 (O7), 2-3 (O8), x2 (O8), 2-3 (O9), 2-3 (O10), 2-3 (O11), 2-3 (P6), 2-3 (P7), 2-3 (P8),
2-3 (P9), 2-3 (P10), 2-3 (P11). LI=WB

Reign of the Longbow.
Map: C
Special Rules:
 Either use “command control” for French knights, or restrict play to the area between the woods.
 The French heavy infantry are dismounted knights and must behave as such for purposes of command
 English archers may shoot 3 times per turn.
Side 1: Henry V, King of England (1 LDR, 2 HI, 5 LA) Color: Red Panic: 7
 Direction 4: LA (C2), LA (D2), HI (E1), LA (F1), HI (G1), x2 (G1), LA (H2), LA (I2), 2A0 (J1).
Side 2: Charles VI, King of France (1 LDR, 10 HI, 5 HA, 10 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 65
 Direction 1: HI (D6), HA (D7), HI (D8), HI (E5), HA (E6), HI (E7), HI (F6), HA (F7), HI (F8), HI (G5), HA (G6),
HI (G7), HI (H6), HA (H7), HI (H8), KT (C10), KT (C11), KT (E10), KT (E11), KT (F10), x2 (F10), KT (F11), 2A0
(F12), KT (G10), KT (G11), KT (I10), KT (I11).

Knights of the Holy Roman Empire assault the Hussite palisades east of Prague.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 Holy Roman Knights are impetuous.
 Starting deployment hexes of the Hussites double them on defense. Use markers to delineate the line
(represent the palisades, ditch and towers prepared before the battle.
 At the start of each Hussite player turn, roll a die. On DR 1-2 one KN, two HI and a leader arrive anywhere
from H1 to N1.
Side 1: Holy Roman Empire (Sigismund) (1 LDR, 8 KN) Color: Red Panic: 32
 Direction 3: KN (H3), KN (H8), KN (I2), KN (I3), KN (I4), x2, KN (I5), KN (I6), KN (I7).
Side 2: Hussites (Jan Ziska) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 3 HA, 1 KN) Color: Yellow Panic: 20
 Direction 6: HI (M2), HA (M3), HI (M4), x2, HA (M5), HI (M6), HA (M7), HI (M8).

Milanese dismounted men-at-arms and crossbowmen versus Swiss pikemen and halberdiers.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 None
Side 1: Milanese (1 LDR, 9 HI, 3 HA) Color: Red Panic: 23
 3A2 (F5), 4-2 (F6), 4-2 (F7), 4-2 (F8), 4-2 (F9), 3A2 (F10), 3A2 (G4), 4-2 (G5), 4-2 (G6), x2, 4-2 (G7), 4-2
(G8), 4-2 (G9).
Side 2: Swiss (1 LDR, 7 PX, 1 HI) Color: Yellow Panic: 23
 4-2 (J4), 6-1 (J5), 6-1, x2 (J6), 6-1 (J7), 6-1 (J8), 6-1 (K4), 6-1 (K5), 6-1 (K6).

The final battle for the control of Northern France, once again, English Longbows vs. French Knights.
Map: A (North is equivalent to Direction 5)
Special Rules:
 English set up first, anywhere south of the stream.
 French set up, at least two hexes north of the stream.
 The English archers may fire three times vs. cavalry.
 The French knights are impetuous.
Side 1: English (Bedford) (3 LDR, 5 HI, 1 LI, 4 LA) Color: Red Panic: 13
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 2-3, 2A0, x2, x2, x2.
Side 2: French (2 LDR, 6 HI, 1 HA, 2 LI, 3 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 3A2, 2-3, 2-3, 2A0, x2, x2.

SARK, 1448 AD
With their back to the Solway, the English force of the Earl of Northumberland faces the wild Highland charge.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Use Warband rules. Each LI may triple their attack strength once, but individual units may use it as desired--
the army does not have to all use it on one turn.
 LA may fire three volleys a turn.
Side 1: Scottish clansmen under the Earl of Ormonde (1 LDR, 8 LI) Color: Red Panic: 8
 Direction 3: LI in hexes N2 through N9. x2 in N5.
Side 2: English underthe Earl of Northumberland (1 LDR, 4 HI, 3 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 10
 Direction 5: LA (Q3), HI (Q4), HI (Q5), x2, HI (Q6), HI (Q7), LA (Q8), LA (Q9) .

St. ALBANS, 1455 AD

First major battle between white and red in the War of the Roses.
Map: F (North is equivalent to Direction 2)
Special Rules:
 Somerset sets up anywhere within one hex of the hills, but may not place any units in the town.
 Henry enters from southern map edge.
 The Lancastrian camp has a movement value of 2.
 Somerset wins if he kills both Lancastrian generals or one general and captures the camp. Henry wins if he
kills one Yorkist general or exits his camp over the stream, accompanied by one heavy infantry. Any other
result is a draw.
Side 1: Yorkists (Somerset) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 3 LA) Color: Red Panic: 14
 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2A0, x2, x2.
Side 2: Lancastrians (Henry VI) (2 LDR, 4 HI, 2 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 9
 1A3, 1A3, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 2A0, x2, x2.


Lancaster vs. York.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 Lancasterian KTs are impetuous.
Side 1: Lancaster (Audley) (1 LDR, 4 HA, 3 KT) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 4: 8-4 (I5), 3A2 (J5), 8-4 (K4), x2 (K4), 3A2 (L4), 8-4 (M3), 3A2 (N3), 3A2 (O2), 2A0 (K2).
Side 2: York (Salisbury) (1 LDR, 3 HI, 4 HA) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 Direction 1: 3A2 (I10), 4-2 (J10), 3A2 (K9), 4-2 (L9), 3A2 (M8), 4-2 (N8), x2 (N8), 3A2 (O7), 2A0 (P8).

A Yorkist army is ambushed by a numerically superior Lancastrian force.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 None
Side 1: Lancastrian (1 LDR, 6 HI, 4 HA) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 2: 3A2 (G1), 4-2 (G2), 4-2 (G3), x2 (G3), 4-2 (G4), 3A2 (G5).
 Direction 1: 3A2 (K7), 4-2 (L7), 4-2 (M6), 4-2 (N6), 3A2 (O5).
Side 2: Yorkist (1 LDR, 6 HI, 2 HA) Color: Yellow Panic: 15
 Direction 5: 3A2 (J2), x2 (J3), 4-2 (J3), 4-2 (J4), 3A2 (J5), 4-2 (K1), 4-2 (K2), 4-2 (K3), 4-2 (K4).

War of the Roses in probably the largest and bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil.
Map: D (hexrow R is South)
Special Rules:
 Both sides place their camp 2A0 anywhere within 3 hexes of friendly unit.
 All missile fire directed at targets to the south of the firing unit is resolved on table B (even adjacent) due to
snow storm.
Side 1: York (Edward IV) (1 LDR, 8 HI, 5 HA) Color: Red Panic: 25
 Direction 5: HA (N2), HI (N3), HI (N4), HA (N5), HI, x2 (N6), HI (N7), HA (N8), HI, x2 (N9), HI (N10), HA (N11).
 Reinforcement arrive on a roll of 1-2 along the east edge, start rolling from 2 nd turn: 2 HI, 1 HA.
Side 2: Lancaster (Henry Beaufort) (1 LDR, 8 HI, 5 HA) Color: Yellow Panic: 25
 Direction 2: HI (I7), HA (I8), HI (I9), HA (K3), HI (K4), HI (K5), HA (K6), HI, x2 (K7), HI (K8), HA (K9), HI (K10),
HI (K11), HA (K12).

The end of significant Lancastrian resistance in the north England.
Map: E
Special Rules:
 Ignore hill at bottom portion of map.
Side 1: York (1 LDR, 4 HI, 5 HA) Color: Red Panic: 16
 3A2 (E2), 4-2 (F3), 3A2 (G3), x2, x 2, 4-2 (H4), 3A2 (I4), 2A0 (J2), 4-2 (J5), 3A2 (K6), 4-2 (L6), 3A2 (M7).
Side 2: Lancaster (1 LDR, 3 HI, 4 HA) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 3A2 (F6), 2A0 (F8), 4-2 (G6), 3A2 (H7), x2, 4-2 (I7), 3A2 (J8), 4-2 (K8), 3A2 (I9).

King Edward vs. Warwick (the King Maker).
Map: F
Special Rules:
 Treat the hill as Woods terrain.
 Missile range is limited to one hex owing to fog.
Side 1: Yorkists (King Edward) (2 LDR, 3 HI, 3 LI, 4 LA) Color: Yellow Panic: 12
 Direction 4: 1A3 (K9), 2-3 (K8), 4-2 (L8), x2 (L8), x2 (L8), 2A0 (M5), 2-3 (M7), 1A3 (M8), 4-2 (N7), 1A3 (N8), 2-
3 (O6), 4-2 (P6), 1A3 (P7).
Side 2: Lancastrians (Warwick) (1 LDR, 4 HI, 3 LI, 5 LA) Color: Red Panic: 13
 Direction 1: 2-3 (L12), 4-2 (M11), 1A3 (M10), 2-3 (N11), 1A3 (N10), 2A0 (O12), 4-2 (O10), x2 (O10), 1A3 (O9),
4-2 (P10), 1A3 (P9), 2-3 (Q9), 1A3 (Q8), 4-2 (R9).

King Edward vs. the Duke of Somerset.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 At the start of each Yorkist player turn, roll a die. On a roll of 1-2, a 4-5 reinforcement enters anywhere
between and including F1 to I1 (represents the detached force the Yorkists sent out before the battle to flush
out any enemy troops believed to be in a wood on the Yorkist left. When the main bodies were engaged this
force fell on the Lancastrian right. Different sources call them either horse or spearmen--a flank attack by the
former is much more interesting, IMHO).
Side 1: Lancastrians (Somerset) (1 LDR, 5 HI, 3 HA, 2 KT) Color: Red Panic: 23
 Direction 5: 3A2 (G4), 3A2 (G6), 3A2 (G8), 8-4 (H4), 4-2 (H5), x2 (H6), 4-2 (H6), 4-2 (H7), 4-2 (H8), 4-2 (H9),
8-4 (H10), 2A0 (J6).
Side 2: Yorkists (King Edward) (2 LDR, 4 HI, 3 HA, 4 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 28
 Direction 2: 2A0 (A6), 8-4 (C3), 4-2 (C4), 8-4 (C5), 4-2 (C6), x2 (C6), x2 (C6), 4-2 (C7), 8-4 (C8), 4-2 (C9), 8-4
(C10), 3A2 (D4), 3A2 (D7), 3A2 (D10).

King Christian I leads an army to restore Danish rule to Sweden by taking the capital of Stockholm, but the Swedes
under Sten Stures sets a trap.
Map: A
Special Rules:
 Only the long ridge and the woods are used on the map. Ignore river, stream and village.
 Scenario is 8 Turns long (no night turns).
Side 1: Swen Sture of Sweden (3 LDR, 2 HI, 9 LI, 1 HA, 1 LA, 2 KT) Color: Red Panic: 23
 Force A: 2 4-2, 4 2-3, 1 1A3, 1 3A2, 2 8-4, 1 x2 within 3 hexes of the long ridge. Camp F10.
 Force B: Enter Turn 3. 3 2-3, 1 x2 anywhere between F1- L1.
 Force C: Enter Turn 4. 2 2-3, 1 x2 anywhere between R3- R6
Side 2: King Christian I of Dennmark (2 LDR, 4 HI, 2 LI, 2 HA, 1 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 17
 Anywhere on the long ridge from G2-P6: 4 4-2, 2 2-3, 1 8-4, 2 3A2, 2 x2. Camp O1.

MORAT, 1476 AD
The famous Swiss pikemen go forth to defend their independence against the Burgundian army.
Map: F (North is equivalent to Direction 1)
Special Rules:
 The Swiss set up first, all units within three hexes of the town.
 The Burgundians set up, all units south of stream.
Side 1: Burgundy (Charles) (2 LDR, 6 HI, 4 HA, 4 KT) Color: Red Panic: 34
 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 3A2, 3A2, 3A2, 3A2, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, x2, x2.
Side 2: Swiss (1 LDR, 4 PX, 4 HA, 3 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 24
 6*1, 6*1, 6*1, 6*1, 3A2, 3A2, 3A2, 3A2, 4-5, 4-5, 4-5, x2.

NANCY, 1477 AD
Charles the Bold's last battle.
Map: F
Special Rules:
 Hill is considered woods. Swiss units initially deployed in it are not disordered.
 Burgundian camps (2A0's) represent artillery. Each artillery unit can fire two volleys per turn.
Side 1: Swiss (2 LDR, 6 PX, 3 HA, 4 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 30
 Direction 2: 4-5 (D5), 6-1 (E5), x2 (F6), 6-1 (F6), 6-1 (G6), 4-5 (G7).
 Direction 1: 4-5 (I9), 3A2 (J10), 6-1 (J9), 3A2 (K9), 6-1 (K8), x2 (K8), 3A2 (L9), 6-1 (L8), 4-5 (M7).
Side 2: Burgundian (1 LDR, 3 HI, 2 KT) Color: Red Panic: 16
 Direction 4: 8-4 (H6), 4-2 (I7), 2A0 (J6), 2A0 (K6), 4-2 (L5), 4-2 (M5), 8-4 (N4), x2 (where desired).

BOSWORTH Field, 1485 AD

The last battle of the Wars of the Roses, where everything depends upon which side Stanley will support.
Map: F (North is equivalent to between Directions 2 and 3)
Special Rules:
 Hex-rows G, H and I, east of the stream, are marshland (2 mp), which is impassable to knights, and heavy
infantry and light archers become disordered upon entering.
 The Yorkists set up anywhere east and north of the stream.
 Then the Tudors set up anywhere north of the hills.
 Stanley's forces (1A3, 4-2, 4-2, 8-4, x2) enter on Turn 3, from the northern map-edge. Just prior to entry,
deduct the number of Yorkist strength points lost from Tudor strength points lost. Add this value to a die roll. If
the result is greater than six, Stanley joins the Yorkist force. Otherwise he joins with Henry.
 All archers may fire three times vs. cavalry.
 The time limit for this battle is eight turns, not six.
Side 1: Tudors (Henry VII) (1 LDR, 3 HI, 4 LA, 2 KT) +(1 LDR, 2 HI, 1 LA, 1 KT) Color: Red Panic: 16 (+9 if
 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 1A3, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 8-4, 8-4, x2.
Side 2: Yorkists (Richard III) (1 LDR, 6 HI, 2 LA, 4 KT) +(1 LDR, 2 HI, 1 LA, 1 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 29 (+9 if
 1A3, 1A3, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 4-2, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, 8-4, x2.

STOKE, 1487 AD
A motley alliance of Irish levies and German mercenaries challenge Henry VII in a battle some call the last of the Wars
of the Roses.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 None
Side 1: Irish/Germans (1 LDR, 2 HI, 5 LI, 1 LA) Color: Red Panic: 10
 Direction 1 (Deploy as desired on the hill from and including hexrows L through P and 10 through 12): 2x 4-2,
5x 2-3, 1A3, x2; 2A0 (N12).
Side 2: Tudors (1 LDR, 7 HI, 6 HA) Color: Yellow Panic: 23
 Direction 4: 3A2 (L4), 3A2 (L5), 3A2 (L8), 4-2 (M4), 4-2 (M5), 4-2 (M7), 2A0 (N2), 4-2 (N4), 4-2 (N5), x2 (N5),
4-2 (N8), 3A2 (O3), 4-2 (O4), 3A2 (O7), 3A2 (P5).

The retreating French army of Charles VIII is waylaid by an army of the Italian League.
Map: B
Special Rules:
 Italian League units pay two movement points to enter row R.
 French camp has a movement value of 2 rather than 0.
Side 1: Italian League (1 LDR, 1 HI, 4 HA, 3 KT, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 22
 On turn 1, enter anywhere on hex row R: 3x 8-4, 4x 3A2, 2x 2-6, 4-2, x2.
Side 2: French (1 LDR, 2 PX, 3 HA, 3 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 23
 Direction 1: 8-4 (M1), 6-1 (M2), 6-1 (M3), 8-4 (M4), x2 (M4), 3A2 (M5), 8-4 (M6), 3A2 (M7), 3A2 (M8), 2A0

El Grand Capitan Gonzalo De Cordoba surprises dispersed French army.
Map: A (North is direction 4)
Special Rules:
 Owing to Cordoba achieving tactical surprise, all French units begin disrupted.
Side 1: Spanish (3 LDR, 5 HI, 3 HA, 2 KT, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 25
 Deploy on north side of river within four hexes of the bridge: 5x 4-2, 2x 8-4, 2x 2-6, 3x 3A2, 3x x2.
Side 2: French (2 LDR, 5 HI, 2 HA, 4 KT) Color: Yellow Panic: 29
 Deploy anywhere in hexrows E through I in the V formed by the stream and the river: 5x 4-2*, 4x 8-4*, 2x
3A2*, 2x x2. -all units* start disordered.

Samurai Scenarios
OKEHAZAMA, 19 May, 1560
Map: A
Special Rules:
 Reinforcements: Enter during Reinforcements phase on a die roll less than or equal to the current turn.
Side 1: Oda Nobunaga (2 LDR, 7 LI, 1 LA, 2 HC) Color: Yellow Panic: 11
 Direction 3: 2-3(P7), 2-3(P10), 2-3(O8), 2-3(L10), 2-3(L11), 2A0(K6), x2(K6).
 Reinforcements: Enter within hexes A12-R12 inclusive: x2, 2 x 4-5, 2 x 2-3, 2 x 1A3.
Side 2: Imagawa Yoshimoto (1 LDR, 9 LI, 1 LA, 1 HC, 2 LC) Color: Red Panic: 13
 Direction 6: 2-6(R12), 2-3(Q12), 2-3(Q11), 2-3(N12).
 Direction 5: 2-3(R7), 2-3(R8).
 Direction 2: 2-3(B9), 2-3(B10), 4-5(B11), 1A3(A8), 2-3(A9), 2-3(A10), 2-6(A11), x2(B11).

Fourth KAWANAKAJIMA, 10 September, 1561

Map: D
Special Rules:
 Reinforcements: Enter during Reinforcements phase on a die roll less than or equal to the current turn.
Side 1: Uesugi Kenshin (2 LDR, 8 LI, 1 HA, 2 HC, 6 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 19
 Direction 3: 2-6(K3), 2-3(J4), x2(J3), 2-6(J3), 2-3(I3).
 Direction 2: 2-3(H4), 2-6(H3), 2-3(G4), 2-6(G3), 2-6(F4).
 Direction 1: 3A2(G7), 2-3(G6), 2-3(G5), 2-6(F7), x2(F6), 4-5(F6).
 Reinforcements: Enter within hexes J12-M12 inclusive: 2 x 2-3, 4-5.
Side 2: Takeda Shingen (2 LDR, 14 LI, 2 LA, 2 HC, 10 LC) Color: Red Panic: 29
 Direction 6: 2-3(K9), 2-3(K8), 2-6(K10), 2-6(L9), 2-3(L8), 2-6(M8), 2-3(M7), 1A3(N8), 4-5(N7), 2-3(N6), 2-
3(N5), 2-3(N4), x2(O7), 2A0(O7), 1A3(O6), 2-6(O5), 2-6(O4), 2-3(O3), 2-6(P3).
 Reinforcements: Enter within hexes G1-J1 inclusive: x2, 4-5, 4 x 2-6, 6 x 2-3.

The ANEGAWA, 28 June, 1570

Map: F
Special Rules:
 Reinforcements: Enter during Reinforcements phase on a die roll less than or equal to the current turn.
 Ignore all non-river terrain.
Side 1: Asai Nagamasa (2 LDR, 2 HA, 8 LI, 2 HC, 3 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 18
 Direction 1: 2-3(G9), 3A2(G10), 2-3(H9), 2-3(H10), 2A0(H12), x2(H12), 2-6(I8), 4-5(I9), 3A2(I10), 2-6(M7), 4-
5(M8), 2-3(N7), 2-3(N8), 2-3(O6), 2-3(O7), x2(O7), 2-6(P6), 2-3(P7).
Side 2: Oda Nobunaga (2 LDR, 13 LI, 2 HC, 8 LC) Color: Red Panic: 25
 Direction 4: 2-3(N5), 2-3(N4), 2-3(N3), 2-6(M5), 2-6(M4), 4-5(M3), x2(M3), 2-6(I5), 2-6(I4), 2-3(H6), 2-3(H5),
2-3(G6), 2-3(G5), 2-3(F7), 2-3(F4), 2-6(G2), 2-6(G1), 2-3(F3), 2-3(F2), 2-3(E3), 2-3(E2), 2A0(E1), x2(E1).
 Reinforcements: Enter within hexes A1-I1 inclusive: 2 x 2-6, 4-5.

MIKATA-GA-HARA, 22 December, 1572

Map: B
Special Rules:
Side 1: Tokugawa Ieyasu (2 LDR, 2 HI, 2 HA, 2 LI, 2 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 15
 Direction 2: 4-2(J5), 2-6(J6), 2-6(J8), 4-2(J9), 4-5(I5), 2-3(I6), 4-5(I7), 3A2(I8), 2-3(H6), 2A0(H7), 3A2(H8),
x2(H7), x2(I7).
Side 2: Takeda Shingen Color: Red (1 LDR, 3 HI, 2 HA, 6 LI, 2 HC, 2 LC) Panic: 21
 Direction 5: 4-2(N4), 2-6(N5), 4-2(N6), 4-5(O3), 2-3(O4), 2-3(O5), 2-6(O6), 2-3(P3), 3A2(P4), 2A0(P5), x2(P5),
2-3(P6), 4-2(P7), 2-3(Q4), 3A2(Q5), 4-5(Q6), 2-3(R6).

NAGASHINO, 29 June, 1575

Map: C
Special Rules:
 Oda starts with one victory point.
Side 1: Oda Nobunaga (2 LDR, 2 PX, 4 HI, 2 LI, 1 HA, 1 HC, 1 LC) Color: Red Panic: 18
 Direction 6: 2-6(P7), 2A0(P8), x2(P8), 2-3(O4), 4-2(O5), 6*1(O6), 3A2(O7), 6*1(O8), 4-2(O9), 4-5(N10), 4-
2(M10), x2(M10), 4-2(M11), 2-3(M12).
Side 2: Takeda Nobunaga (1 LDR, 1 HI, 2 LI, 5 HC, 2 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 16
 Direction 3: 2-6(J4), 4-5(J5), 2A0(J6), x2(J6), 4-2(J7), 2-3(J9), 2-3(K5), 4-5(K6), 4-5(K7), 4-5(K8).
 Direction 2: 4-5(J11), 2-6(J12).

SEKIGAHARA, 21 October, 1600

Map: E
Special Rules:
 Reinforcements: During Rally phase, Tokugawa rolls a die and adds the difference in full strength losses
incurred. If the result is greater than six, the reinforcements enter during the following turn's Reinforcements
 Ishida's Camp (2A0) may fire two volleys during its Defensive Fire phase and may deduct one (-1) from each
roll (Ishida's cannons).
Side 1: Tokugawa Ieyasu (3 LDR, 10 HI, 1 KT, 3 HC, 1 LC) Color: Yellow Panic: 31
 Direction 1: 4-2(G5), x2(G5), 4-2(G6), 4-2(H6), 4-2(H7), 4-5(I5), 4-2(J6), 4-5(K6), x2(K6), 4-2(K7), 4-2(L7), 4-
2(L8), 4-2(M7), 4-2(N8), 4-5(O8), 2A0(J10).
 Reinforcements: Enter within hexes A12-R12 inclusive: x2, 8-4, 2-6
Side 2: Ishida Matsunari (3 LDR, 4 HI, 6 LI, 1 KT, 1 HC, 5 LC) Color: Red Panic: 25
 Direction 4: 2-3(C3), 2-3(C4), 8-4(D4), x2(D4), 2-6(F3), 2-6(F4), 2-3(G2), 2-3(G3), 2-6(H3), 4-2(I3), x2(I3), 4-
2(J3), 2-6(J4), 4-2(K3), 2-6(L3), 2-3(N3), 4-5(N4), 2-3(N5), 2A0(O3), x2(O3), 4-2(O4).
Several scenarios are (fast and) loose adaptations of those provided with GMT's Japanese entry into the Great Battles of History
series: Samurai. All of these scenarios should be played with the following optional rules.
Samurai Combat
In order to bring the Duels variant more in line with the Japanese scenarios, the following variant is provided.
Before combat results are rolled, any adjacent leaders (attacking or defending, but the attacker gets first option) may challenge the
other to hand-to-hand combat. If the leader receiving the challenge declines, that side's Panic value is automatically decreased
immediately by two. If the challenge is accepted, both players roll a die and add one to the result. If one player's roll is at least three
times the other player's roll, the low roller's leader is immediately removed and the victor immediately raises his side's Panic value
by two. If one roller's result is at least twice that of the other, the low roller's leader is wounded (flip the leader unit to indicate this
status). A wound lasts for the duration of the scenario. If the two combatant's rolls are not sufficiently different to yield one of the
noted results, there is no effect.
Assuming that both leaders are still standing after a combat roll, the leader who received the challenge, followed by the challenger,
are given the option to withdraw. Withdrawing from Samurai combat results in an immediate decrease in the withdrawing player's
Panic value by one if the leader is wounded or two if unharmed. If neither leader opts to withdraw, another round of Samurai
combat ensues per the procedure noted above. Combat continues until either one leader is killed (resulting in a two point increase
in the victor's panic level) or withdraws.
At the moment of challenge, both players (the challenger first), may opt to send in a Samurai warrior rather than put their leader in
harms way. In order to make this substitution, a player must roll a die result greater than the number of leaders currently in play in
their army. Failure means that their leader must fight. Both players must declare the intent to use (or not) Samurai before either
makes the substitution die roll. Combat with substitute Samurai is handled in the same manner as described above, except that the
Samurai get no modifications to their combat die rolls. Also, victory over a Samurai — as opposed to a Leader proper — results in
immediate increase in the victor's Panic value by one, instead of the two points garnered for whacking a Leader unit.
During different points in a player's turn, he may opt to have one or more of his leaders commit ritual suicide. At the beginning of the
Route phase, removal of a leader from play will void an army routing for that turn (even if it results in the last leader on a side being
removed). During combat, all adjacent units to the leader being removed may add one to their combat result rolls. During the Rally
phase, all units beneath and adjacent to the removed leader automatically rally to their full strength sides.
Withdrawals from Combat
Any unit stacked with a leader which opts to withdraw from combat automatically results in a one point decrease in the withdrawing
unit's side's Panic value.

Naval Scenarios
Introductory naval tactics scenario.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 To win, you must sink, cripple or capture all enemy ships and destroy all enemy marines.
 First turn movement roll for each side is automatically “3”.
Side 1: Color: Red Crew Quality: 4
 Direction 1: 3 triremes (1 marine each) in I10, I11, I12.
Side 2: Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 4: 5 triremes (1 marine each) in E8, G8, I8, K8, M8.

Battle of the NILE DELTA, 1175 BC

Egyptian pharaoh Ramesses III repulses a major sea invasion.
Map: G
Special Rules:
 These ships have no rams; neither side may ram.
 Sea Peoples’ marines get +1 DRM for Boarding attacks. They do not have Archery ability.
 Egyptian’s marines get Archery attack at a range of 3 hexes.
 The last floating ship wins.
Side 1: Sea Peoples Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 4: 13 small war ships (2 marines each) in D7, E6, E7, F6, F7, G5, G6, G7, H6, H7, I6, I7, J7.
Side 1: Egyptians Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 1: 10 small war ships (2 marines each) in E11, E12, F11, F12, G11, G12, H11, H12, I11, I12.
 At the start of Egyptian turn 2, place one two-strength Marine unit, on each side of the riverbank.

Outnumbered Greeks defend the Salamis straights.
Map: H
Special Rules:
 Persians must exit 2 ships off the north map edge (A12-R12) to win; if they fail to do so, the Greeks win.
 First turn movement roll for each side is automatically “4”.
 Scale: 1/30.
Side 1: Greeks Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 4
 10 triremes (small ships, any 5 with 1 marine each, any 5 with 2 marines each, 15 marines altogether)
 Direction 5: H3, I2; Direction 6: L10, L11, K11, J12; Direction1: H12, I12, M12; Direction 2: G11.
Side 2: Persians Color: Red Crew Quality: 1
 20 triremes (small ships, 1 marine each)
 Direction 2: E3, E4, F3, F4; Direction 3: A6, B6, B7, C5, C6, D6, D8, E7, E8, F7, F8, G6, G7, H6, H7, I6.

TRAGIA Island, 440 BC

Superior, but outnumbered Athenian fleet comes to crush Samian revolt. (Tragia is modern day Ionian island
Map: D
Special Rules:
 North is in direction 1.
 First turn movement roll for each side is automatically “2”.
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Scale: 1/9
Side 1: Athens (Pericles) Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 4
 Direction 1: 5 triremes (1 marine each), deploy second, within 3 hexes from the North edge.
 (Variant: deploy from I8 to I12).
Side 2: Samos Color: Red Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 4: 9 triremes (1 marine each), deploy first, within 5 hexes from the South edge.
 (Variant: deploy E3, F3, G3, H3, I3, J3, K3, L3, M3).

LEUCIMME Promontory, 435 BC

Corcyraean War. (Leucimme is the promontory of Actium).
Map: G
Special Rules:
 North is between directions 2 and 3.
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Scale: 1/8
Side 1: Corcyra Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 1: 10 triremes (1 marine each), deploy first, within 5 hexes of the East map edge.
Side 2: Corinth Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 4: 9 triremes (1 marine each), deploy second, within 3 hexes of the West map edge.

SYBOTA Islands, 433 BC

Corcyraean War. Corcyra, Athents vs Corinth. (Sybota islands lie between the Epirus and the Southern tip of Corcyra).
Map: D
Special Rules:
 North is in direction 1.
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Scale: 1/12
Side 1: Corcyra with Athenian allies Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 4
 Direction 4: 10 triremes (1 marine each), deploy second, within 5 hexes of the North map edge.
Side 2: Corinth Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 1: 13 triremes (1 marine each), deploy first, within 5 hexes of the South map edge.

SYRACUSE Harbour, 413 BC

Decisive Battle of the Peloponnesian War. (Athenian fleet is blockaded in Syracuse Harbour and trying to break out to
the open sea).
Map: G
Special Rules:
 Syracuse starts the scenario with 4 extra marine units, on land, two on each side of the harbour entrance.
Marine units may move one hex per phase: on the land, onto a friendly ship and can make archery attacks.
 From the second turn onward, if Athenians roll “1” for movement, their Crew Quality drops to 2 for the
remainder of scenario (due to fatigue, demoralization and desperation).
 Victory conditions: Athens win if at least one of its ships exits the map through xx1 hexrow. Syracuse win by
preventing Athenian victory or if no Athenian ship exits the map by the end of the 15 th turn.
 Scale: 1/8
Side 1: Athens Color: Red Crew Quality: 3 (drops to 2 permanently if roll for movement, from the second turn, is 1)
 Direction 1: 12 triremes (2 marines each) in E11, E12, F11, F12, G11, G12, H11, H12, I11, I12, J11, J12.
Side 2: Syracuse Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 4
 Blockading Force: 9 triremes (2 marines each) deployed as follows:
 Direction 1: 3 triremes in F7, H7, J7.
 Direction 3: 3 triremes in C8, D8, E7.
 Direction 5: 3 triremes in K7, L8, L9.

CHIOS Island, 411 BC

Chian all-out attempt to break Athenian blockade.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Starting with the 3rd turn DR for ending the battle due to lateness of the hour and dark. DR needed to stop
fighting and end scenario: 3rd turn DR 6, 4th turn DR 5-6, 5th turn DR 4-6, 6th turn DR 3-6, 7th turn DR 2-6, 8th
turn – automatic.
 Victory conditions: upon scenario end, each player score points – for each enemy ship Sunk: 5 points; each
enemy ship Crippled: 3 points; for each eliminated enemy marine: 3 points.
 Scale: 1/4.
Side 1: Chios and Sparta Color: Red Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 4: 9 triremes (1 marine each), setup second within 4 hexes of xx12 row.
Side 2: Athens Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 1: 8 triremes (1 marine each), setup first within 4 hexes of xx1 row.

Athenians with their half-trained crews desperately try to open supply line to Euboea.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Scale: 1/6.
Side 1: Athens (Timochares) Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 3: 6 triremes (1 marine each) deploy first, within 4 hexes of row xx12.
Side 2: Sparta (Agesandridas) Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 6: 7 triremes (1 marine each) deploy second, within 4 hexes of row xx1.

CYNOSSEMA Promontory, 411 BC

Hard fought battle. (In the Hellespont).
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Scale: 1/7
Side 1: Sparta (Mindarus) Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 12 triremes (1 marine each) deployed as follows:
 Squadron 1, Direction 1: 4 triremes in B9, C9, D9, E9.
 Squadron 2, Direction 1: 4 triremes in H9, I9, J9, K9.
 Squadron 3, Direction 1: 4 triremes in N9, O9, P9, Q9.
Side 2: Athens (Thrasybulus) Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 4
 10 triremes (1 marine each) deployed as follows:
 Squadron 1, Direction 4: 5 triremes in A4, B4, C4, D4, E4.
 Squadron 2, Direction 4: 2 triremes in I4, J4.
 Squadron 3, Direction 4: 3 triremes in O4, P4, Q4.

Will Alcibiades come in time for rescue? (Abydus is a town on the Hellespont).
Map: G
Special Rules:
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Beached triremes spend entire move action to get afloat into the sea.
 Scale: 1/10
Side 1: Sparta (Mindarus) Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 10 triremes (1 marine each) deployed as follows:
 Squadron 1 (Dorieus), Direction 2: 2 triremes in C11, D12 starting beached on the shore.
 Squadron 2, (Mindarus) Direction 5: 8 triremes in Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, R1, R2, R3, R4.
Side 2: Athens (Thrasybulus) Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 4
 9 triremes (1 marine each) deployed as follows:
 Squadron 1, Direction 4: 7 triremes in D2, D3, E1, E2, E3, F2, F3.
 Squadron 2 (Alcibiades), Direction 3: 2 triremes, enters map A1-A2; From the 6th turn DR to check if they
appear. Turn 6 they enter if DR 6, turn 7 if DR 5-6, turn 8 if DR 4-6, turn 9 if DR 3-6, turn 10 if DR 2-6, turn 11
automatically enter.

Alcibiades’ ambush.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Scale: 1/8
Side 1: Athens (Alcibiades) Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 11 triremes (1 marine each) deployed as follows:
 Squadron 1 Alcibiades, Direction 1: 3 triremes in H2, I1, J2.
 Squadron 2 Theramenes, Direction 2: 4 triremes in A9, A10, A11, A12.
 Squadron 3 Thrasybulus, Direction 6: 4 triremes in R9, R10, R11, R12.
Side 2: Sparta (Mindarus) Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 1: 10 triremes (1 marine each) in H8, H9, H10, I7, I8, I9, I10, J8, J9, J10.

Athenians try to turn the tide of the Great War.
Map: G
Special Rules:
 For victory, Athenians must destroy or capture all enemy ships and have at least 6 ships not sunk or sinking;
any other result is a Spartan victory.
 First turn movement roll for each side is”2”.
 Scale: 1/12.
Side 1: Sparta Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 3: 10 triremes (1 marine each) in C7, D7, E6, F6, G5, H5, I4, J4, K3, L3.
Side 2: Athens Color: Red Crew Quality: 4
 Direction 6: 12 triremes (1 marine each) in I8, J8, K7, L7, M6, N6, K9, L9, M8, N8, O7, P7.
The Spartan fleet under Lysander pays a surprise visit on the beached and unready Athenian fleet.
Map: G
Special Rules:
 At start of game roll a die for each Athenian ship. On a roll of 1-2 it gets a marine. 3-6, no marine. Roll only
takes place on turn 1 (note, this represents the fact that many of the Athenian crews/marines were ashore
 Spartans win by sinking or capturing all Athenian ships. Athenians win (sort of) by having at least one ship still
afloat and uncaptured by end of game.
 Movement allowances for the Spartans and Athenians are 4 and 2, respectively, for the first turn.
 Scale: 1/18.
Side 1: Sparta Color: Red Crew Quality: 4
 Direction 4: 10 triremes (1 marine each) in I5, J5, K4, L4, M3, N3, O2, P2, Q1, R1.
Side 2: Athens Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 4
 Direction 4: 9 triremes (for marines see special rule) in J10, K9, L9, M8, N8, O7, P7, Q6, R7.

Naval Battle at TYRE, 332 BC

Alexander’s the Great Naval Battle.
Map: G
Special Rules:
 Ignore the land terrain A8-D12, treat it as sea hexes. The other land mass represents the Northern part of the
Tyre island.
 Victory conditions: Tyrians win by sinking at least 4 Macedonian ships and exiting the map through the
Southern edge, row R with at least 4 ships.
 Scale: 1/2
Side 1: Tyre Color: Red Crew Quality: 4
 Direction 5: 6 quinquiremes (2 marines each) in M4, N4, O3, P3, Q2, R2.
Side 2: Macedon Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 2: 5 quinquiremes (2 marines each) in H5, H6, I6, I7, J8.
 Direction 1: 4 quinquiremes (2 marines each) enter the map from the West side, on any xx12 sea hexes on
the 3rd turn if DR 1-2, on the 4th turn if DR 1-4, on the 5th turn automatically.

Agathocles lures Carthaginian blockade force into ambush.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 First turn movement roll is “2”.
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Scale: 1/4
Side 1: Syracuse (Agathocles) Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Squadron 1 Syracusan, Direction 1: 4 triremes (1 marine each) in H2, I1, I2, J2.
 Squadron 2 Etruscan, Direction 1: 5 triremes (1 marine each) in G12, H12, I12, J12, K12.
Side 2: Carthagine Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 1: 7 triremes (1 marine each) in H7, H8, I6, I7, I8, J7, J8.

The battle that introduced a Roman invention “corvus”. (Mylae is on the NorthEast coast of Sicily)
Map: D
Special Rules:
 First turn movement roll is “5”.
 For victory Romans must destroy or capture all enemy ships and still have 6 ships not sunk or sinking; any
other result is a Carthaginian victory.
 Scale: 1/14.
Side 1: Carthage Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 3: 10 Quinquiremes (large ships with “ballista” and 2 marines each) in A4, B4, C3, D3, E2, F2, G1,
H1, J8, K8.
Side 2: Rome Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 6: 10 Quinquiremes (large ships with “corvus”, “ballista” and 2 marines each) in I12, J12, K11, L11,
M10, N10, O9, P9, Q8, R8.

Roman “corvus” vs. Punic seamanship. (Tyndaris is on the NorthEast coast of Sicily).
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Scale: 1/3.
Side 1: Rome (Regulus) Color: Red Crew Quality: 2
 12 Quinquiremes (large ships with “corvus”, “ballista” and 2 marines each).
 Direction 1: 3 Quinquiremes: I9, J9, K9.
 Reinforcements 9 Quinquiremes, Direction 1: From the second turn Roman player DR to check if
reinforcements arrive. DR needed that reinforcements appear: 2nd turn DR 6; 3rd turn DR 4-6, 4th turn DR 2-6,
5th turn automatically. All reinforcement quinquiremes enter through any xx12 hex.
Side 2: Carthage (Hamilcar) Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 4: 9 Quinquiremes (large ships with “ballista” and 2 marines each) in J3, J2, J1, D3, D2, D1, P3, P2,

One of the largest naval battles of the ancient Mediterranean world, and a candidate for the largest naval battle in
history. (Cape Ecnomus is on the South coast of Sicily).
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Scale: 1/33.
Side 1: Carthage Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 1: 11 Quinquiremes (large ships with “ballista” and 2 marines each) in C11, D11, E11, H11, I11, J11,
K11, L11, O11, P11, Q10.
Side 2: Rome Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 4: 10 Quinquiremes (large ships with “corvus”, “ballista” and 2 marines each) in H5, H3, I5, I2, J6,
J3, K5, K2, L5, L3.

Carhage strikes back. (Drepanum is on the West coast of Sicily)
Map: D
Special Rules:
 For victory Carthaginians must destroy or capture all enemy ships and still have 6 ships not sunk or sinking;
any other result is a Roman victory.
 Scale: 1/12.
Side 1: Carthage Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 4: 10 Quinquiremes (large ships with “ballista” and 2 marines each) in F5, G4, H5, I4, J5, K4, L5,
M4, N5, O4.
Side 2: Rome Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 3: 10 Quinquiremes (large ships with “ballista” and 2 marines each) in G10, G11, I10, I11, K10, K11,
M10, M11, Q10, R11.

AEGATES Islands, 241 BC

Final Roman effort and Carthaginian “all or nothing” gamble. (Aegates Islands are off the western coast of the island of
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Roman ships have no ballistas and one half of Carthaginian ships have two marines each and the other half
just one marine each.
 For victory Romans must destroy or capture all enemy ships and still have 5 ships not sunk or sinking; any
other result is a Carthaginian victory.
 Scale: 1/20.
Side 1: Carthage Color: Red Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 3: 10 Quinquiremes (large ships with “ballista”; five ships have 1 marine each and other five ships
have 2 marines each) setup within 4 hexes of xx12 hexrow.
Side 2: Rome Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 6: 10 Quinquiremes (large ships with (no “ballista”) 2 marines each) setup within 4 hexes of xx1

Caesar’s Civil War.
Map: G
Special Rules:
 Victory conditions: The last floating ship wins.
 Large ships have -1 modifier against any Ramming attack on them.
 Scale: 1/2.
Side 1: Caesarian (Brutus) Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 1
 Direction 3: 6 quinquiremes – large ships with ballista (2 marine each) deploy first, within 2 hexes of row xx1.
Side 2: Pompeian (Domitius) Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 6: 9 triremes – small ships (1 marine each) deploy second, within 5 hexes of row xx12.

A battle that decides the future of Roman world.
Map: G
Special Rules:
 First turn movement roll is “2”.
 Anthony wins by exiting 4 ships off the west map (A1 to R1) edge. Octavian wins by preventing this.
 Scale: 1/20.
Side 1: Anthony and Cleopatra Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 1: 10 Quinquiremes (large ships with “ballista” and 2 marines each) in D10, E10, F10, F12, G10,
G12, H10, H12, I10, J10.
Side 2: Octavian and Aggripa Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 4: 20 Liburnians (small ships with 1 marine each) in C3, C5, D3, D5, E3, E5, F3, F5, G3, G5, H3, H5,
I3, I5, J3, J5, K3, K5, L3, L5.

A battle with first use of “Greek Fire”.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 First turn movement roll is “1”.
 Greek fire was fired from tubes on the bows of Byzantine ships. In their “ballista” phase any uncrippled
Byzantine ships may attack an enemy in the hex directly in front of its bow. Roll on the “broadside ram” table
and add +2 to the die.
 For victory Byzantines must destroy or capture all enemy ships and have at least 5 ships not sunk or sinking;
any other result is an Arab victory.
Side 1: Byzantines Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 4
 Direction 6: 10 Pamphylos (small ships with 1 marine each and “Greek fire” tubes) in I12, J12, K11, L11, M10,
N10, O9, P9, Q8, R8.
Side 2: Arabs Color: Red Crew Quality: 1
 Direction 3: 20 Pamphylos (small ships with 1 marine each) in B9, C8, D8, E7, F7, G6, H6, I5, J5, K4, D10,
E9, F9, G8, H8, I7, J7, K6, L6, M5.

Vikings fight themselves.
Map: D
Special Rules:
 Norwegian ships are lashed together. They may not move.
 Rowers double as marines. In this way 2 marines may stack on these small ships. But ships may not move
without at least 1 marine aboard. Also, marines may move onto enemy ships that have no marines aboard.
 These ships are not fitted with rams. Neither side may ram.
 The last marine unit alive wins.
Side 1: Norwegians Color: Red Crew Quality: 4
 7 Longships (small ships with 2 marines each) in L9, M9 Direction 3; L8 Direction 1, M8 Direction 2; L10
Direction 4; K9 Direction 5; K8 Direction 6.
Side 2: Danes Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 4
 Direction 6: 7 Longships (small ships with 2 marines each) in L12, M11, N11, O10, P10, Q9, R9.

MALTA, 1283 AD
Aragonese fleet of Roger of Lauria come to relieve the besieged garrison of Malta, which was trapped in the Grand
Harbour by the Naples fleet under Angevins, after the inhabitants of Malta had revolted.
Map: H
Special Rules:
 Ignore the land in hexes G9, L8, L9, M8, M9, N9.
 These ships have no rams; neither side may ram.
 Angevin ships cannot move first turn.
 Both sides get +1 to Boarding attacks.
 Last marine alive wins.
Side 1: Angevins Color: Red Crew Quality: 3
 Direction 5: 5 galleys (1 marine each) in H9, I9, J10, K10, L11
Side 1: Aragonese Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 3: 4 galleys (1 marine each) in F6, F7, F8, F9.

SLUYS, 1340 AD
Naval battle from the Hundred Years War.
Map: G
Special Rules:
 The French ships were either surprised at anchor or were lashed together. In either case, no French ships
may move on the first turn.
 The English have longbows. They may make archery attacks at a range of 3 hexes, and add +1 to all their
archery attacks.
 These ships are not fitted with rams. Neither side may ram.
 These ships had high “castles” on the bows and sterns. They also had platforms on the tops of the masts
(fighting tops). They give an advantage in combat. They get the +1 bonus in “boarding attacks”.
 The last marine alive wins.
 Scale: 1/20.
Side 1: English Color: Yellow Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 1: 10 Galleys (large ships with “fighting tops” and 2 marines each) in D10, D11, F10, F11, G10, G11,
H10, H11, J10, J11.
Side 2: French Color: Red Crew Quality: 2
 Direction 4: 15 Galleys (large ships with “fighting tops” and 2 marines each) in E4, E5, E6, F4, F5, F6, G4, G5,
G6, H4, H5, H6, I4, I5, I6.

Tournament Battles
Tournament Battle I
Side 1 (Red)
 2 Leaders, 4 Light Cavalry, 5 Phalanx, 4 Heavy Infantry, 3 Light Infantry, 2 Heavy Archers, 5 Mixed Missiles, 1
Heavy Cavalry, 1 Elephant, 1 Camp
 Panic: 46
Side 2 (Yellow)
 2 Leaders, 5 Light Cavalry, 2 Phalanx, 6 Heavy Infantry, 10 Light Infantry, 4 Mixed Missiles, 1 Light Archer, 2
Elephants, 1 Camp
 Panic: 44
Map: B
Special Rules
 The Yellow army begins with ½ victory point.
 Both players roll a die and the high-roller chooses sides. The red army sets up first in hexes J4- J12, K4-K12,
and L5-L12, facing in any direction. The yellow army sets up second in hexes C2-C11, D3-D12, E3-E12.

Tournament Battle II
Side 1 (Yellow)
 2 Leaders, 10 Light Cavalry, 4 Phalanx, 4 Heavy Infantry, 2 Light Infantry, 1 Camp
 Panic: 32
Side 2 (Red)
 2 Leaders, 5 Chariots, 5 Knights, 5 Heavy Cavalry, 2 Elephants, 1 Camp
 Panic: 46
Map: B
Special Rules
 Victory is determined according to standard victory points. If the players are tied at the end of the sixth turn,
play continues an additional six turns. If still tied, victory is awarded the player with the most strength points
remaining on the map.
 Both players roll a die, the high-roller selecting sides. Units are then set up hidden (using a screen or duplicate
maps) in the following locations: Red: G5, H6, I5, J5-J6, K4-K5, L4-L6, M4- M5, N4-N6, O4-O5, P4-P6, Q4-
Q5, R4-R6, Facing: 4. Yellow: G6, H7, I6, J7-J8, K6-K8, L7-L8, M6-M8, N7-N8, O6-08, P7-P8, Q6-Q8, R7-R8,
Facing: 1.
 The player who did not get to choose sides rolls a die and units positions are adjusted thus:
o dr1: All red units are moved back one hex (in direction 1).
o dr2: Both sides move their units back one hex (red in direction 1, yellow in direction 4).
o dr3: All red units are moved back two hexes in direction one, all yellow units are moved back one hex
in direction 4.
o dr4: Both sides move their units back two hexes (red in direction 1, yellow in direction 4).
o dr5: All red units are moved back three hexes in direction one, all yellow units are moved back two
hexes in direction 4.
o dr6: Both sides move their units back three hexes (red in direction 1, yellow in direction 4).
 Both players roll a die, and the high-roller moves first.

Tournament Battle III

Side 1 (Yellow)
 2 Leaders, 8 Light Cavalry, 2 Phalanx, 3 Heavy Infantry, 5 Light Archers, 3 Elephants, 1 Camp
 Panic: 32
Side 2 (Red)
 2 Leaders, 5 Chariots, 8 Knights, 5 Mixed Missiles, 5 Heavy Cavalry, 1 Camp
 Panic: 56
Map: C
Special Rules
 Yellow begins with ½ victory point.
 Both players roll a die, and the high-roller selects sides. Yellow places units on the map first, followed by red,
using Free Deployment. Yellow places his camp anywhere on the map, and places the enemy camp within 10
hexes of his own camp. Yellow may not place the camp in any hex adjacent to the river.

Tournament Battle IV
Side 1 (Yellow)
 2 Leaders, 6 Light Cavalry, 6 Phalanx, 6 Light Infantry, 5 Mixed Missiles, 1 Camp
 Panic: 35
Side 2 (Red)
 2 Leaders, 5 Heavy Infantry, 5 Knights, 5 Heavy Cavalry, 1 Elephant, 1 Camp
 Panic: 42
Map: B
Special Rules
 Victory is determined according to standard victory points. If the players are tied at the end of the sixth turn,
victory is awarded the player with the most strength points remaining on the map.
 Both players roll a die, the high-roller selecting sides. Units are then set up hidden (using a screen or duplicate
maps) in the following locations: Yellow: G5, H6, I4-I5, J4-J6, K4-K5, L4-L6, M4-M5, N4-N6, O4-O5, P4-P6,
Q4-Q5, R4-R6, Facing: 4. Red: G6, H7, I6-I8, J7-J8, K6-K8, L7-L8, M6-M8, N7-N8, O6-08, P7-P8, Q6-Q8, R7-
R8, Facing: 1.
 The player who did not get to choose sides rolls a die and units positions are adjusted thus:
o dr1: All red units are moved back one hex (in direction 1).
o dr2: Both sides move their units back one hex (red in direction 1, yellow in direction 4).
o dr3: All red units are moved back two hexes in direction one, all yellow units are moved back one hex
in direction 4.
o dr4: Both sides move their units back two hexes (red in direction 1, yellow in direction 4).
o dr5: All red units are moved back three hexes in direction one, all yellow units are moved back two
hexes in direction 4.
o dr6: Both sides move their units back three hexes (red in direction 1, yellow in direction 4).
 Both players roll a die, and the high-roller moves first.

Tournament Battle V
Side 1 (Yellow)
 2 Leaders, 8 Light Cavalry, 2 Phalanx, 2 Heavy Infantry, 3 Heavy Archers, 3 Elephants, 1 Camp
 Panic: 31
Side 2 (Red)
 2 Leaders, 3 Chariots, 8 Knights, 2 Light Infantry, 8 Mixed Missiles, 5 Heavy Cavalry, 1 Camp
 Panic: 54
Map: C
Special Rules
 Victory is determined by standard victory points. If players are tied at the end of six full turns, the player with
the most total strength points remaining on the map is the winner.
 Both players roll a die, and the high-roller selects sides. Yellow places units on the map first, followed by red,
using Free Deployment. Yellow places his camp anywhere on the map, and places the enemy camp within 10
hexes of his own camp. Yellow may not place the camp in any hex adjacent to the river, nor in or adjacent to a

Tournament Battle VI
Side 1 (Yellow)
 2 Leaders, 4 Light Cavalry, 4 Phalanx, 4 Light Infantry, 4 Mixed Missiles, 1 Camp
 Panic: 24
Side 2 (Red)
 2 Leaders, 4 Heavy Infantry, 4 Knights, 4 Heavy Cavalry, 1 Camp
 Panic: 32
Map: B
Special Rules
 Victory is determined according to standard victory points. If the players are tied at the end of the sixth turn,
victory is awarded the player with the most strength points remaining on the map.
 Both players roll a die, the high-roller selecting sides. Units are then set up hidden (using a screen or duplicate
maps) in the following locations: Yellow: G5, H6, I4-I5, J4-J6, K4-K5, L4-L6, M4-M5, N4-N6, Facing: 4. Red:
G6, H7, I6-I8, J7-J8, K6-K8, L7-L8, M6-M8, N7-N8, Facing: 1.
 The player who did not get to choose sides rolls a die and units positions are adjusted thus:
o dr1: All red units are moved back one hex (in direction 1).
o dr2: Both sides move their units back one hex (red in direction 1, yellow in direction 4).
o dr3: All red units are moved back two hexes in direction one, all yellow units are moved back one hex
in direction 4.
o dr4: Both sides move their units back two hexes (red in direction 1, yellow in direction 4).
o dr5: All red units are moved back three hexes in direction one, all yellow units are moved back two
hexes in direction 4.
o dr6: Both sides move their units back three hexes (red in direction 1, yellow in direction 4).
 Both players roll a die, and the high-roller moves first.

New Unit Types

A few new units (all are actually variants of existing units found in the game) have been introduced to provide a better simulation of the type of
troops found in each army:

Spears (SP) Spears are similar to Phalanx (PX) units but they generally were
armed with a shorter spear instead of the longer pikes of the PX units,
and in a shallower formation. Greek hoplites are typical of SP units. In
the game use PX counters for SP units, and SP units have exactly the
same ability as PX units except that their strength is halved (i.e.
War Bands (WB) War Band units are impetuous infantry that relies on the initial charge
to overwhelm their opponent. In game terms they are the same as
Light Infantry (LI) units except that the first combat in each game a WB
unit participates in they have their strength tripled to 6. You may have
to keep a note or use some markers to indicate which WB units have
participated in combat.
Skirmishers (MMs) Skirmishers -- sparse Mixed-Missles (MM) -- are those loose formation
of skirmisher troops found in just about any army. They are the same
as MM units except that they begin the game already on the
disordered side, and are eliminated if they receive an AD, DD or DE
combat result. They are not affected by the M combat result. They
cannot be rallied by a leader. Any MMs units lost are not included in a
panic check.
Dense Archers (LAd) Dense Archers are the same as Light Archers (LA) units except that
they can fire three times per turn.

Unit Point Cost Table

(Same as those listed in the Ancients rulebook, with the point values of the new units added)

Hvy Archers (HA): 5 Phalanx (PX): 12 Knights (KT): 10

Dns Archers (LAd): 8 Hvy Infantry (HI): 7 Hvy Cavalry (HC): 6
Lt Archers (LA): 4 Spears (SP): 6 Chariots (CH): 6
Mix Missiles (MM): 3 War Bands (WB): 4 Lt Cavalry (LC): 5
Skirmishers (MMs): 1 Lt Infantry (LI): 3 Elephants (EL): 15

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