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Analytical Exposition Task


by: Ajeng Putri Ayu / 03
Alima Assajidah / 04

As we all know, there are many people who smoking around us. They didn’t care, are
they a child or even an elder. Even though, we know that smoking is have bad effects for the
smoker itself nor people around them. A lot of people are dying because of the damage that
smoking gives. In fact, there are 50 million peoples are dead each year because of smoking. It
shows us how smoking is very dangerous for our body.
Smoking is really dangerous for our body no matter how you smoke it, it can harms
our body and have no benefit at all. Smokers are two or three times likely to die than non-
smokers. Smoke also makes the person who used it getting addicted, and it’s totally
dangerous for us. The composition of smoke can give damage to the smokers. Besides,
smoke also caused bronchitis, heart diseases, lungs cancer, miscarriage, impotence, and the
scariest one is it can cause the smokers dead. The bad effects aren’t only working for the
smokers, it also works for people around them.
Secondly, people around the smokers also badly affected. For example, usually
children of smoker are more likely to have bronchitis and pneumonia than the others. Another
case, a passive smoker can get cancer two times likely than an active smoker. Passive
smokers receive bigger damage than active smokers because there aren’t any filter for
chemicals that produced by smoke in our body. So, the tiny particles can easily get deeper to
lungs and destroy the respiration system. That’s why we’re recommended to stay far from
smokers or prohibit someone to smoke near us.
In conclusion, there are no good effects that given by smoke at all. So, there are no
reason for us to be a smoker. However, smoke is very dangerous for the smokers themselves
and people around them as what already mentioned before. As a young generation, we should
do more positive activities that can make our generation better and our life healthier such as
doing sport, reading book, and many more. We can live a healthy and peaceful life without

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