The Contemporary World REPORT

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The Contemporary World

The Feminist Perspective

Martin Manuel Alcordo

Jhunier Kent Masayon

NE 54 TTh 10:30-12:00

26 February 2019
(Summary) Feminist approach the issue of reproductive rights from another angle, they
believe that government assumption that poverty and environmental degradation are
caused by overpopulation are wrong. These factors ignore other equally causes like
unequal distribution of wealth like universal health care, education etc. their goal in 1994
united nations international conference on population and development suggest
recognition of this issue. That women should receive family planning counseling
abortion and the elements of responsible parenthood. Women’s and feminist arguments
on reproductive rights and overpopulation are acknowledge, but the struggle to turn
them into policy is still fought at the national level, and the dilemma that women and
feminist movements face today.

(Experience-Masayon) I was at a party and the only way I could get this one girl to
leave me alone was to lie and say I was in a relationship. I realized that she only valued
me as another girl’s property and not as a human being who deserves respect.

(Experience-Alcordo) I started following a girl on Tumblr who happened to be a

feminist I read almost everything she posted about feminism and it just made sense. It
clicked. I realized some of the ideas I had grown up with were really a toxic and there is
so much internalized misogyny in most girls.

(Reaction) There's no right or wrong way of being a feminist, but there are ways of
being a feminist that are more mindful than others, and their feminism, I make listening
to women a priority. It's through listening that we can grow and learn. Learning to love
women and see them as my friends has truly changed the way that I experience life. I
feel more at peace mentally, and am a more positive human being overall.

(Action) We should treat all women equal and respect them. Feminists do not crinkle
their noses at stay at home moms, either. A feminist could be a stay-at-home mom or
not a mom at all. The whole point of feminism is to embrace choices and be anything
one wants to be without judging another woman on her choices. Every woman should
be free to do whatever she pleases, and look however she desires.

(Evaluation) Today, we take many socio-political phenomenons for granted. People in

democratic countries vote for their candidates during presidential elections, freely
express themselves, practice any religion they want, and enjoy many other rights and
freedoms, all of which are guarded by numerous laws, bills, non-governmental
organizations, and so on. However, the realities of social life were not always so fair.
About a hundred years ago, white and black people treated each other with lawful
distrust, women were not considered equal with men to a large extent, and many other
injustices took place.

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