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Test I. Instructions: Read the whole text first to get the general idea. Then fill in the blanks with words you think
are appropriate to make sense out of the text. Do this in pair using only one copy.

The Teaching of English

In teaching the English language, students _____ required to have at least _____ threshold competency

for _____ to take place, and according _____ Sandra Savignon there _____ four major communicative

competencies needed, namely: ___________, ___________, ___________, and ___________Documentation.

___________ competence refers to _____ ability of the student to use the specific _____of the language

may it _____ a language’s _____ (Phonology), words (_____), and sentence _____ (syntax).

___________competence pertains _____ the ability of the _____ to understand a particular language beyond

sentential level-stories, letters, _____ conversations _____ some samples which can also _____ closely

associated with the ___________ competence that _____ turn deals with _____contexts (including culture

mode, tenor, and mood) where _____ language is used. ___________competence, _____ the other hand deals

with the ability _____ the student to find ways _____ how to solve language gaps _____ creating a new form.

An example of _____ is when a student lost for word utters “Lady Gaga-ish” when what he/she wants to say

_____outrageous or flamboyant.

TEST II. BICS and CALP Distinction

Instructions: Read the phrases below. Put a positive (+) sign in the space provided, if the phrase is present in
the given learning competencies and negative (-) sign if it is absent.
1. Cognitively demanding _____ ______
2. Context embedded _____ ______
3. Social communication skills _____ ______
4. Academic language _____ ______
5. Context reduce _____ ______
6. Cognitively undemanding _____ ______
7. Playground language _____ ______
TEST III. ESSAY: Discuss what is meant by responsive teaching?
1. What is the purpose of remedial program?
2. What are the factors that you must consider in organizing a remedial program?
3. What is the role of the teacher in the teaching of English as a second language?
Capitalization and Punctuation whole) through metal. That is because (their,
Read each sentence. If the underlined part is they’re) so very hard. In fact, (its, it’s) difficult to
correct, write C in the blank. If the part is wrong, think of anything that a diamond (ca’nt, can’t) cut.
write W in the blank.
_____1. Joe DiMaggio was born in 1914 in Martinez Subject-Verb Agreement, Tenses, and
California. Irregular Verbs
_____2. In the 1932 he got his start in baseball as a 30. In the past, recovery from an operation (is, was)
shortstop for a minor league team. a slow process.
_____3. After only two years, he joined the new york 31. No one (was, were) expected to go home quickly
yankees. after an operation.
_____ 4. His first game was attended by 25,000 32. Today, medical students are (teached, taught)
Italian Americans. that people should resume activity quickly.
_____5. The fans clapped cheered and shouted 33. Now we know that the sooner patients (go,
when he came out on the field. went) back to their normal activities, the better their
_____6. In the 1941 seasons; he hit safely in 56 health will be.
consecutive games. 34. Patients who (begin, begun) an exercise program
_____7. Many fans wonder if anyone will ever break will recover even more quickly.
that record? 35. Nice medicines (reduce, reduces) the danger of
_____8. During World War II, he took a break from infection.
baseball to serve in the Army. 36. Wounds (heal, healed) faster, too, thanks to
_____9. When he returned, he made Summer an better bandage materials.
exciting time for fans once again. 37. Some recent drugs (prevent, prevents) blood
_____10. He had health problems; and he retired clots from forming.
from baseball in 1951. 38. Researchers have (found, finded) that sharp rises
____11. He married movie star Marilyn Monroe in in blood pressure can be controlled by fluids and
1954; they were divorced soon after. exercise.
____12. however, when she died, he brought 39. In the past ten years, we have (saw, seen) big
flowers to her grave. advances in other medical methods, too.
____13. Later his life, he appeared on TV as the 40. For example, doctors (repair, repairs) some
spokesman for Mr. Coffee. hearing problems with sharp beams of light.
____14. DiMaggio died on march 8, 1999, of lung 41. Plastic (are, is) used to repair noses, ears, and
cancer at his home in Florida. chins.

Directions: Underline the correct word inside the Adjectives and Adverbs
parenthesis to complete the sentence. 42. It is a fact that widows and widowers do not live
Plurals and Possessives as (well, good, best) as married people.
15. Sometimes (parents, parents’, parent’s) cannot 43. The illnesses are (worse, worst, bad) than those
get their children to behave. of married people.
16. They appreciate getting an (experts, experts’, 44. They often recover from illness more (slow,
expert’s) advice. slowly, slower).
17. Experts say it is wise to show (childrens, 45. They are even likely to die (soon, sooner,
children’s, children) an example of good behavior. soonest) than married people, too.
18. Mothers and fathers are the most important role 46. Research has shown that people tend to do
models in their children’s (lifes, lives, life’s). (bad, badly, worst) if they do not have social ties.
19. Also, be consistent, and make sure your (familys, 47. Those who are alone have death rates two to
family’s, families) rules do not change. three times (higher, more higher, highest) than
20. Remind children to show good manners when those with many friends.
they go to a (friends, friends’, friend’s) house to play. 48. Even having a pet is (better, best, good) than
being completely alone.
Spelling, Homonyms, and Contractions 49. Perhaps the (difficult, difficulties, most difficult)
Did you (no, know) that diamonds are the life is the lonely one.
hardest substance on earth? You can (break, brake) 50. Loneliness can be the (harder, hardest, most
a diamond only with a sharp blow in a certain spot. hardest) condition of all to bear.
The diamond will then split, (produceing, producing)
pieces with flat, even surface. A diamond’s value is
based on its clearness, color, and (weight, wieght).
Diamonds are used to make (beautiful, beutifull)
jewelry, but they can also be used to drill a (hole,

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