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The Spirit of Bergoglio

“In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of
Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the
iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.” Leonine

“Francis doesn’t so much suffer a psychiatric illness as a spiritual disease; one wherein the presence
of demonic influence is becoming more and more difficult to deny.”
Louis Verechino Feb 16, 2018.

The 2015 Correctio Filialis, ignored by Francis, was rejected by lackeys such as Archbishop Bruno Forte special
secretary to the Bishops’ Synod on the Family, who declared that the Correctio represents “a prejudicially closed
stance towards the spirit of the Second Vatican Council which Pope Francis is incarnating so profoundly. ” He
continued, “those who are faithful to the successor of Peter in whom they recognize as the Pastor the Lord has
given to the Church as the guide of universal communion. Fidelity should always be directed to the living God,
Who speaks to the Church today through the Pope.” Robert de Mattei wrote “Now then, we have come to the
point of defining Pope Francis a ‘living God’, forgetting that the Church is founded on Jesus Christ, for Whom the
Pope is representative on earth, not the divine owner.” (Rorate Coeli 27-9-18), As Antonio Socci correctly wrote,
the Pope is not a “second Jesus” (Libero, September 24th 2017) but the 266th successor to Peter.

Chris Ferrara , writing in Fatima Perspectives #1225 noted that the liberal Catholic Zenit agency was forced to
censor, the Vatican Press Office’s “pro-gay” Father Thomas Rosica in his idolatrous praise of Francis despite his
Modernist train wreck of a pontificate. According to Rosica; “Francis, the first and only Jesuit Pope, has a ‘Jesuit
identity,’ ” that “continues to shape almost everything he does.” Rosica recited a litany of so-called ‘Jesuit traits,’ ─
“a passion for social justice,” “radical turn to championing the poor,” “turning away from devotional
traditionalism,” “be not ‘clerical’ but ‘ecclesial,’ ” “freeing …. from the confinement of doing something in a certain
way because it was ever thus,” “inclusiveness,” and other such blather having nothing to do with the original and
authentic Jesuit mission of combatting error and saving souls in every land.

Which Spirit?
Ferrara wrote; “the disruptive and chaos-inducing Father
Bergoglio was banished from Buenos Aires by his Jesuit superiors
and packed off to Germany on the pretext of writing a doctoral
thesis he never even seriously began. His inexplicable
resurrection and rise to power may, given the course of this
pontificate, involve some element of the preternatural.”

Ferrara continued; “If that claim seems extravagant, consider the

most explosive passage in Rosica’s piece, wherein he declares —
or rather warns — that with Francis; It’s hard to predict what will
come next. Francis is shrewd, and he has repeatedly praised the
Jesuit trait of holy cunning’ but not even he is sure where the
spirit will lead.”

And then the conclusion that Zenit had to censor because it is all too revealing of the truth about this out-of-
control pontificate:
“Pope Francis breaks Catholic traditions whenever he wants because he is ‘free from disordered
attachments.’ Our Church has indeed entered a new phase: with the advent of this first Jesuit pope, it is
openly ruled by an individual rather than by the authority of Scripture alone or even its own dictates of
tradition plus Scripture.”

Fr Rosica’s reference to holy cunning and not even he is sure where the spirit will lead together with Ferrara’s claim
that some element of the preternatural is involved, point to a diabolical presence. We have no means of
determining this absolutely however a comparison with a known historical figure may be revealing ─ Adolf Hitler.

Hitler ─ Medium of the Devil

Dom Alois Mager wrote in his important work Satan, Etudes carmelitaines (Desclee, 1948); “The medium through
whom Satan was beginning to overthrow all norms of law and morality, which had hitherto, in spite of a
progressive dechristianisation, without exception, been generally respected, this medium was Adolf Hitler. There is
no shorter, apter, clearer definition of Hitler’s character than the comprehensive epithet; medium of Satan. If it is a
characteristic, without exception, of all mediums that they are of low moral caliber, both in character and
personality, this is a fortiori true for a medium of the Devil. No one who is not prey to phantasmagoria can
consider Hitler a great personality, from the point of view of character and morality.”

Likewise, Rome’s chief exorcist Fr Gabriel Amorth told Vatican Radio in August 2006 that Hitler and Stalin were
certainly possessed by the devil. Prior to this, Cardinal Ratzinger also spoke about the influence of the demonic in
the life of Hitler. In his book God and the World (Ignatius, 2002) he treated the subject at some length. “There are
reliable reports by eye witnesses that suggest he had some kind of demonic encounters,” the future Pope said of
Hitler. “He would say, trembling: ‘He was there again,’ and other such things. We cannot get to the bottom of it. I
believe one can see that he was taken into the demonic realm in some profound way, by the way in which he was
able to wield power and by the terror, the harm, that his power inflicted.”

Cardinal Ratzinger continued: “On the one hand, Hitler was a demonic figure. One only need read the history of
the German generals, who time and again made up their minds, just for once, to tell him to his face what they
really thought, and who were then yet again so overcome by his power of fascination that they did not dare to.
But then, when you look at him from up close, this same person who has a demonic fascination about him is really
just a quite banal hoodlum.” He pointed out that “the power of evil makes itself at home precisely in what is
banal,” because, when it comes to evil, “the greater it is, the more pitiful ..... That is to say, there is some kind of
demonic power that takes possession somehow, that makes what is banal great - and makes what is great appear
banal - and above all makes it dangerous and destructive.”

A Comparison ─ Hitler & Bergoglio

There are a number of traits, of a demonic type, shared by Bergoglio and Hitler. Before these are considered it is
well to recall that a pope, being Sovereign Pontiff, is entrusted with the care of all the treasures of those spiritual
goods that can be distributed among men. Thus, it is from the Sovereign Pontiff that depends every man’s union
with Jesus Christ through the sacraments, and subsequently his supernatural life and eternal salvation. In this
regard the Sovereign Pontiff is given the Graces of State to enable him to carry out his mission in the world. These
Graces of State may be accepted or rejected.

Their Rages
Hitler’s deranged rages are well documented and several similar Bergoglion explosions have been reported. For
example, on October 12, 2015, following a letter of 13 cardinals ‘the Holy Father had a terrible outburst in the
dining room at Santa Marta in front of bishops, priests, seminarians and many others. He was apparently
screaming “Full power has been given to me! I run the show around here. Who do these cardinals think they are? I
will remove their [red] hats.” He was so angry that he almost fainted; some say he almost had a heart attack.
People were shocked.’

Author Marcantonio Colonna, describes in The Dictator Pope what Pope Francis is like when his adoring public
isn’t looking: “arrogant, dismissive of people, prodigal of bad language and notorious for furious outbursts of
temper which are known to everyone from the cardinals to the chauffeurs.”

How accurate is Colonna? No less than EWTN’s Robert Royal has concluded: “About 90 percent of it is simply
incontrovertible, and cannot help but clarify who Francis is and what he’s about.”

Their Foul-Mouthed Language
Hitler was widely reported to use vulgar and offensive language. In the case of Bergoglio, the traditionalist blog
Rorate Caeli suggested that ‘ageing or an underlying medical issue’ was responsible for his ‘persistent anger,
rancour, vituperation, use of uncouth words (which is known to be increasingly frequent in private) .’ Damian
Thomson of the Spectator reported that “there is no evidence that the Pope is mentally ill. However, plenty of
Vatican employees will testify to his outbursts of temper, rudeness towards subordinates and vulgar language.”
True to form, but this time publicly, he told the media to stop spreading fake stories because “people have a
tendency towards the sickness of coprophagia.” Which means eating excrement.

There are reports of Hitler’s coprophila and/or coprophagia. Perhaps Bergoglio is also afflicted as yet again he
made a similar public outburst during his August 2018 Ireland visit. Canon News of the Church and the
World reported ─ “Holy Coprophagiac meets with victims in Ireland, says pedo-coverups are like toilet filth and

“Pope Francis condemned corruption and cover-up within the church as ‘caca,’” abuse survivors said in a
statement. “Literally filth as one sees in a toilet,” his translator clarified. ‘Caca’ literally translates from Spanish as

“When he was already wearing a collar” and much to her displeasure, the man who is Pope today taught swear
words to his nephew, whose name was likewise Jorge and who was also his godson, according to Maria Elena
Bergoglio. This led to an embarrassing situation when her brother began to preach “at an important Mass” with
lots of priests, and her son, being surprised at seeing his uncle [at the pulpit], disturbed the calm by yelling out “a
very bad word” — audible to all. After Mass, Jorge came to us and could not stop laughing”, according to his sister.
(“Kindheitserinnerungen von Papst Franziskus” [“Childhood Memories of Pope Francis”],, Mar. 19, 2013).

Their Contempt for the Eucharist

There are other diabolical traits shared by Bergoglio and Hitler ─ grave contempt for the Blessed Sacrament.

Although nominally a Catholic, Adolf Hitler later boasted in his ‘Table Talks’ that his first Holy Communion had
been sacrilegious. He was expelled from the Benedictine monastery school at Lambach aged about ten years.
Konrad Heiden reports; “at the age of fourteen, enraged at the God of his fathers, he spat out the Host at
communion.” (‘The Fuehrer’, Konrad Heiden, p 43).

In Bergoglio’s case his contempt for the Blessed sacrament is well documented. Chris Ferrara wrote on May 31
2016, “On May 26 a Eucharistic procession presided over by Francis took place at the Basilica of Mary Major in
Rome. Before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar was a velvet kneeler for the Pope’s use. Francis declined
to kneel upon it. He stood before the Blessed Sacrament exposed while priests and altar boys around him knelt in

Adoration. All kneel except one

A photograph taken during a retreat for the Roman Curia held

in Arricia, near Rome, shows Francis standing during
Eucharistic Adoration as all the dozens of clergy in the chapel
around him kneel before the Monstrance atop the altar. Often
sporting a scowl even more troubling than the prideful posture
itself, Bergoglio’s defiance discloses the presence of an alien

In fact, Francis has consistently declined to kneel before the

Blessed Sacrament. Not even when he confects the Eucharist himself at the altar; not even during his first Mass as
Pope in the Sistine Chapel. Yet he readily kneels to receive the ‘blessing’ of babbling charismatics and to wash and
kiss the feet of non-Catholics, including Muslim women, during the rather ludicrous foot-washing ritual with which
he has replaced the traditional Holy Thursday mandatum.

Receiving a
from a
ability to
Catholics but not the Blessed Sacrament cannot be
explained by ill health.

This refusal to kneel dates back to his time as

Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Lucrecia Rego de Planas,
previous director of, met the Archbishop
over a period of twelve years at various meetings and
ecclesial Central and South America. On
Sept 23, 2013 she wrote a lengthy open letter to Pope
Francis in which she documented his behaviour
unbecoming of a Pope. She wrote:

“When I first met you during these retreats, when you were still Cardinal Bergoglio, I was struck and puzzled
that you never acted like the other cardinals and bishops. To give some examples: you were the only one
there that did not genuflect before the tabernacle or during the Consecration ….
I cannot applaud a Pope who does not kneel in front the Tabernacle or during the Consecration as the rite of
the Mass requires, but I cannot criticize him, because he is the Pope! ….”
(Christian Order April 2014)

Chapel of the Nunciature, Bogota, Sept 6, 2017

Editor of Christian Order, Rod Pead wrote; “Francis is aware of the confusion, worry, and consequent resistance
provoked by his teachings and behaviour. Yet he takes no heed; making no attempt to reassure the pious Catholic
multitudes that he believes in Transubstantiation. Rather, as if gripped by a demon, he seems compelled to
demonstrate openly, proudly, and repeatedly, his unbelief in the Presence of Christ — Body, Blood, Soul and
Divinity — in the Sacred Host.

“To cut to the chase: Cardinal Ratzinger once noted that such profane conduct has always been considered
diabolical. In his ensuing exposition of ‘The Theology of Kneeling’ (another fitting reflection for Eastertide) he
relates a story that comes from the sayings of the Desert Fathers, according to which the devil was compelled by
God to show himself to a certain Abba Apollo. He looked black and ugly, with frighteningly thin limbs, but most
strikingly, he had no knees.

“He has no knees because he has no use for them. As pride personified and the father of self-absorption, Lucifer is
incapable of bending a knee to anyone or anything except a mirror!”

Responding to Card Ratzinger Italian journalist and author Antonio Socci asks “Father Bergoglio [as Francis calls
himself], do you have a problem with the Holy Eucharist? Do you not know that in Christian spirituality the
‘inability to kneel is seen as the very essence of the diabolical’? (Socci is the author of some 15 books, including,
The Fourth Secret of Fatima.)

Their Mental State

A secret analysis of Hitler’s mental state was drawn up by British Intelligence in 1942. It reported ‘morbid
tendencies’ classified as Shamanism, Epilepsy and Paranoia. A 1943 US Office of Strategic Services study concluded
that Hitler was ‘a hysterical at the edge of schizophrenia.’ In the numerous studies on Hitler’s mental state there is
little agreement among psychiatrists on the condition of Hitler’s mind.

One of the most comprehensive Hitler pathographies comes from the neurologist and psychiatrist Frederick
Redlich. In his 1998 published work Hitler: Diagnosis of a Destructive Prophet, on which he worked for 13 years,
Redlich came to believe that Hitler had indeed shown enough paranoia and defense mechanisms in order to ‘fill a
psychiatric textbook with it’, but that he was probably not mentally disturbed. Hitler's paranoid delusions ‘could
be seen as symptoms of a mental disorder, but the largest part of the personality worked normal.’ Hitler ‘knew
what he was doing and he did it with pride and enthusiasm.’

Insane or just evil? Dr. Redlich concludes that ‘Hitler's crimes and errors were not caused by illness.’

In an interview with French sociologist Dominique Wolton for a new book, Pope Francis: Politics and Society,
Bergoglio revealed “at a certain point, I felt the need to consult an analyst. For six months, I went to her house
once a week to clarify a few things. She was a doctor and psychoanalyst. She was always there.” He said that the
regular appointments with the Jewish psychotherapist “helped me a lot.” He did not specify what 'things' needed

He said: “Then one day, before she died, she called me. Not to receive the sacraments, because she was Jewish,
but for a spiritual dialogue. She was a good person. In those six months she really helped me.”
Bergoglio told the French writer he now felt liberated. “Of course, I'm in a cage at the Vatican, but not spiritually.
Nothing frightens me.” When asked why he chose to sleep in a modest guesthouse instead of the Vatican’s grand
Apostolic Palace, he said, ‘'It's for psychiatric reasons. I can't live alone, do you understand?” Despite not being
able to live alone, when appointed Archbishop in Buenos Aires he chose to live in a simple apartment and cook his
own meals rather than live in the Archbishop’s palace.
During his flight at the end of his South Korea visit he admitted he had "some nerve problems", which required
treatment. “Must treat them well, these nerves,” he joked. “One of these neuroses is that I'm too much of a
homebody,” he added.

According to Marcantonio Colonna, pseudonym of the author of The Dictator Pope, Fr Bergoglio applied for a
dispensation from the rule forbidding Jesuits from becoming bishops. A report by the Superior General of the
order, Fr Kolvenbach was required. He accused Bergoglio of a number of defects ranging from habitual use of
vulgar language to deviousness, disobedience concealed under a mask of humility, lack of psychological balance
and that he had been a divisive figure as Provincial of his own order.

Kolvenbach’s report was ignored with Bergoglio being appointed auxiliary bishop in 1991. This report was
distributed among the former members of the Congregation for the Bishops and therefore became known to a
rather large number of people. Bergoglio hurried to make it disappear when he became pope. The copy, which
was in the official archives of the Jesuit order in Rome, has disappeared.

A lack of psychological balance, a deceitful character and a nervous condition is not evidence of a mental disorder.
Insane or just evil? Would Dr. Redlich’s conclusion that ‘Hitler's crimes and errors were not caused by illness’ and
that he ‘knew what he was doing and he did it with pride and enthusiasm’ equally apply to Bergoglio?

Their Occult Affinity

Fr J A Hardon SJ, in a conference on demonology, explains the difference between obsession and possession by
the devil. He reduces them to the one category of possession in general, for ease of explanation, and explains the
degrees of possession.

Specialists in the study of possession distinguish between two kinds of possessions. Some possessions manifest
psychiatric phenomena; others manifest phenomena that are beyond psychiatric analysis. Possessions that
Parallel Psychiatric Changes will manifest phenomena that are very similar to those of certain mental illnesses,
symptoms of psychic disturbance or disease. The risk is that a person who shows psychological disturbance will be
dismissed as a mere psychotic and not considered to be under the demonic influence.

Fr Hardon notes that there will always be the strong aversion to the sacred or anything that was a source of
spiritual consolation before the possession. In many cases this aversion may extend to the moral and physical
order. He continues: ‘All that we have so far said about this kind of possession may resemble a psychopathological
condition. However, one prime key to distinguish possession from psychopathology is the universal opposition,
even hatred of everything which has to do with God, or the Eucharist, or the Blessed Virgin, or the saints or, in
general, whatever is sacred.’

Whilst possession is not always attributable to the faults of the victims it does happen that such faults may be the
precipitating factor. This is particularly the case in the modern world today. Fr Hardon explains that some
possession is self-induced and through the mind.

In ‘Hitler: A Study in Tyranny’, Professor Bullock lists the subjects that Hitler studied in Vienna. Bullock wrote: “His
intellectual interests seem to follow the same pattern. He spent much time in the public libraries but his reading
was indiscriminate and unsystematic - Ancient Rome, the Eastern Religions, Yoga, Occultism, Hypnotism and

Bergoglio also took an active interest in eastern religions and the

occult. For eight years, until his papal election, he was treated by
Taoist monk Liu Ming for a range of serious conditions; diabetes,
liver disease and serious heart problems. Ming cured them all
using Taoist medicine.

This occult practice describes illness as an obstruction of Tao’s

universal energy that should be flowing naturally through that
person. When the person gives free course to that immanent
force inside his soul, it re-establishes the broken energetic
equilibrium and restores health to the sick organ.

This energy has two matrixes, the masculine, black, Yang, and the
feminine, white, Yin. The interaction of
these energies allegedly produced
everything that exists.

Along with astrology, divination and

medicine, Taoism developed practices to attain longevity and even immortality. These
practices are mostly transmitted from mouth to ear and are not in books.

Bergoglio called Ming in 2004 and consultations commenced at the Cathedral initially with three treatments per
week. Taoist Ming explained “I always say that with Chinese medicine you can live 140 years. We have two worlds:
the external and the internal. Traditional medicine looks at the external but fails to consider that we have the
solutions for everything in our own body. And this is the interior world.”

Regarding the alleged spectacular cure of Bergoglio’s heart, Ming explained: “It was in 2005, when a new election
for pope was coming. The doctors wanted him to have surgery, but he did not want it. By means of my treatment,
his blood started to circulate better in the arteries - which were obstructed. All I did was to re-direct the body’s
energy. After that, he [Bergoglio] had full confidence in me. His doctors, all proud, became a little resentful except
for one lady doctor who came here to learn Chinese medicine with me; she is Graciela Rodriguez.” The monk
applied his Taoist knowledge to Bergoglio, who was allegedly cured of his heart problem and all the illnesses he
had. He stopped taking all his medicines and today stays healthy by applying what he learned from this monk.

Ming confirmed that he and Bergoglio discussed Eastern philosophy and that he was interested. They exchanged
books, Bergoglio giving Ming I Ching (Book of Changes) in Spanish which Ming uses to give courses in Buenos Aires.

Ming discussed Bergoglio’s mission in the new Taoist 8000-year cycle which started at the end of 2012. Ming
claimed the fact that Bergoglio is pope is a positive change related to a better world to come. Bergoglio “is
someone who has the difficult task of leading many people, but he does it without ego and this is rare to find. We
are sent [for a mission], we are not the owners. We are nothing but a single instant on earth and we must be
respectful of this. Bergoglio thinks very clearly [in this regard], he is a great wise man, as is the Chinese culture.”

Following his interview with Bergoglio on October 1, 2017, Eugenio Scalfari recounted the meeting. The Pope
smiles and says "some of my colleagues who know you told me that you will try to convert me."

“It's a joke,” I tell him. “My friends think it is you want to convert me.”
He smiles again and replies; “Proselytism is solemn nonsense, it makes no sense.”.......
“Your Holiness, is there is a single vision of the Good? And who decides what it is?”
“Each of us has a vision of good and of evil. We have to encourage people to move towards what they think is
Good.” ..... “I believe in God, not in a Catholic God, there is no Catholic God, there is God and I believe in Jesus
Christ, his incarnation. Jesus is my teacher.

These, and other comments, easily fit with Eastern religion. When Bergoglio stated “I believe in God, not in a
Catholic God, there is no Catholic God” he could well have been referring to Tao, the Chinese god allegedly
immanent in all individuals, who identifies himself with the energy of the universe. Similarly, his reference to Jesus
Christ his incarnation and teacher rather than Saviour, recalls the New Age Christ, Lord Maitreya, the teacher.

Bergoglio refuses to define ‘good’ and says that “we have to encourage people to move towards what they think is
Good.” This is a departure from Catholic teaching but conforms with that of Taoism.

The Taoist notion of good and evil distinguishes between the "concept" of evil versus the "reality" of evil. As a
concept, Taoists do not hold the position of good against evil; rather they see the interdependence of all dualities.
So, when one labels something as a good, one automatically creates evil. That is, all concepts necessarily are based
on one aspect vs. another; if a concept were to have only one aspect, it would be nonsensical.

Taoist reality of good and evil is that all actions contain some aspect of each. This is represented in the t'ai chi,
more commonly referred to as the yin-yang symbol. Any action would have some negative (yin) and some positive
(yang) aspect to it. Taoists believe that nature is a continual balance between yin and yang, and that any attempt
to go toward one extreme or the other will be ineffective, self-defeating, and short-lived. When people interfere
with the natural balance by trying to impose their egoistic plans, they will not succeed; rather, the non-egoistic
person allows nature to unfold, watching it ebb and flow from good to bad and back again.

Another way of understanding this is that the sage person understands the reality of good and evil, whereas the
fool concentrates on the concept of good and evil. The sage knows that any evil will soon be replaced by good, the
fool is forever fruitlessly trying to eliminate evil. Similar to the Buddhist concept of Sunyata (the void), good and
evil are just empty conceptual abstractions that have no permanent independent existence.

Some understanding of Bergoglio’s beliefs may be gained by a study of Taoism. For example, Taoist ethics in
general emphasize wu wei, action without intention, naturalism, simplicity, spontaneity and the Three Treasures:
compassion, frugality and humility, all precisely describing Bergoglio’s supposed virtues.

In his exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate,, whilst paying lip service to the defence of the innocent unborn, Bergoglio
states: “Equally sacred, however, are the lives of the poor, those already born, the destitute, the abandoned and
the underprivileged, the vulnerable infirm and elderly exposed to covert euthanasia, the victims of human
trafficking, new forms of slavery, and every form of rejection.”

Whilst Taoist texts do not unambiguously address abortion, divorce, non-violence and social- betterment
Bergoglio’s position on these subjects would be weakened by the Taoist belief that any stance is just a conceptual
abstraction that has little usefulness.

Eugenio Scalfari, journalist and founder of La Repubblica, has had five interviews with Francis over the past few
years. He reported an interview in La Repubblica on March 15, 2015.
“What happens to that lifeless soul? Will it be punished? How?”
‘Francis’ answer is very clear: “There is no punishment, but the annihilation of that soul.”

Again, in October 2017 Scalfari reported “Pope Francis has abolished the places where souls were supposed to go
after death: hell, purgatory, heaven.”

In their fifth meeting in March 2018 Scalfari quoted Francis on those who die in a state of mortal sin. Writing in La
Repubblica: “They are not punished. Those who repent obtain God’s forgiveness and take their place among the
ranks of those who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot be forgiven disappear. A hell doesn’t
exist, the disappearance of sinning souls exists.”

These reports accord with Taoism which is not a salvific practice and death has no particular meaning. There is
nothing that one needs to be saved from, and belief in salvation would lead to belief in damnation in the same
manner as belief in good leads to belief in evil.
Although they do not accept the false duality of salvation vs.
damnation, living simply in harmony with Te and Tao, and
not excessively pursuing material wealth, stature, or
prestige, will lead to a joyful life.

Tao (meaning The Way) has been described as “the divine

way of the universe” and the “unproduced producer of all
that is." Tê is the power of Tao and the power to bring Tao
into realization. It incorporates the belief that human
interference is damaging.

Occult Vestments?
During his August 2018 visit to Ireland, on the occasion of
the World Meeting of Families, Francis celebrated Mass at
Phoenix Park in Dublin. Francis and the priests wore
vestments designed for the occasion. Fr Damian McNeice,
Master of Ceremonies of the event and Chairperson of the
Dublin Council of Churches, explained the vestments’
symbol, a pre-Christian Celtic symbol found on Neolithic
monuments across the island. “It’s the whole notion of the
journey into the divine, and almost like eternal life too,” he
Marco Tosatti, Catholic religious journalist, wrote in
‘Dublin, Meeting Families. Symbols Pagani Multicolori,
(Arcobalenco?) on the cases for the Mass,’ had a different
explanation. He commented; “Look at them well. What
are you thinking of? What do you associate with the
choice of pastel colors, and that multicolored symbol in
the center of the chasuble, say with a memory not so
vague of the rainbow?” (The US Catholic Church
homosexual scandal.)

“So: the symbol you see is a Triskell, a Celtic symbol ….. The ternary symbology represented by it, contextualised to
Celtic culture, lends itself to numerous interpretations: the three moments of the movement of the sun, dawn,
zenith and sunset; the triple composition of the cosmos according to the Celtic tradition, fire, earth and water; time
itself as past, present and future or, although much later in meaning, the threefold composition of the alchemical
man composed of spirit, soul and body (mercury, sulfur and salt)”

“It seems that St. Patrick has tried to Christianize without much luck the
symbol. Which has remained a patrimony of the Druidic and Neo-Druidic
culture. In short, a pre-Christian symbol, pagan, and linked to the Druidic
culture: ancient and modern. To the writer, he immediately brought to
mind the Yin and the Yang, the two opposite and complementary
principles of the Taoist culture.”

“I wonder why a Christian symbol was not good, since - it seems - it would be a Christian event. But maybe it's
better not to ask too many questions.”

Cardinal Willem Eijk, the Archbishop of Utrecht, commenting on the German intercommunion debate wrote: ‘ The
response of the Holy Father, given through the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to the
delegation of the German Conference, that the Conference should discuss the drafts again and try to achieve a
unanimous result, if possible, is completely incomprehensible. The Church’s doctrine and practice regarding the
administration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist to Protestants is perfectly clear.’’

In conclusion the Cardinal wrote: ‘Observing that the bishops and, above all, the Successor of Peter fail to maintain
and transmit faithfully and in unity the deposit of faith contained in Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, I cannot
help but think of Article 675 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

“The Church’s ultimate trial. Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will
shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the
‘mystery of iniquity’ in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the
price of apostasy from the truth.”

Are the apostasy, the collapse of the Mass, the crisis in the Church: indicators of the Antichrist’s imminent
appearance? Given a demonic presence in the person of Francis. It seems reasonable to ask:

Is Bergoglio the Precursor?

“I hold it in such abomination that for it alone I buried five cities by a divine judgment, My divine justice being no
longer able to endure it. This sin not only displeases Me as I have said, but also the devils whom these wretches
have made their masters. Not that the evil displeases them because they like anything good, but because their
nature was originally angelic, and their angelic nature causes them to loathe the sight of the actual commission of
this enormous sin.”
St Catherine of Siena

Bergoglio and Juan Francisco Taborda

Luna Park Buenos Aires 29 June 2006
“Who am I to judge?”

From the Dictator Pope “Yet, if

nothing else, the author
provides confirmation of the
growing intuition among the
Catholic faithful that there is
something terribly amiss with
this Pope and his
intentions for the Church.
Forewarned is
forearmed against what is
almost certainly coming next,
and from which it now seems
only the miraculous
intercession of Our Lady of
Fatima can spare us.”

What is coming next? The reign of Antichrist, a subject to be examined shortly.


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