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1 Computer speed measured in

a) Mega Hertz(MHZ)
b) Giga Hertz(GHZ).
c) Both a,b
d) None
2 Micro computer is also known

a) Mini computer
b) Super
c) Mainframe
d) Personal computer

3 Digital camera is example of

a) Output device
b) Picture device
c) Input device
d) None

4 Output device ---------

a) Send information
b) Receive information from computer
c) Compare information
d) None

5 Pointing device -------

a) For play games

b) For design
c) For control pointer
d) None

6 Which package use for documentation in MS office

a) MS power point
b) Ms word
c) Ms excel
d) Ms access

7 Which is the shortcut key for file save?

a) Ctrl +R
b) Alt +d
c) Ctrl+S
d) Alt+S

8 Which is the shortcut key for open run menu?

a) Window key +R
b) Alt +R
c) Ctrl +R
d) Shift +ctrl+R

9 Which is the shortcut key for paste?

a) Ctrl+d
b) Ctrl+e
c) Ctrl+v
d) Ctrl+x

10 The data and instruction given to the computer is known as?

a) Program
b) Input
c) Semi program
d) None

11 The arrangement of keys on a keyboard is called?

a) Keys
b) Layout
c) Keyboard layout
d) Buttons

1. Define input and output 2+2

2. Write shortcut key open window explorel ,copy,cut,file close and open task manger
3. Define Pointing Devises and its type 5
4. Write any 5 feature of ms Word? 5

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