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Running head: Trying to Find the Truth 1

Trying to Find the Truth

Nataly Hernandez Montes

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Trying to Find the Truth 2

After reading my previous writing prompts, I instantly knew how I was going to respond

to this writing prompt. Once I was actually writing the response, the more I thought about the

questions that were asked, and the more curious I got. For example, writing prompt five was all

about my name. I knew that I was named after my mom’s paternal grandmother, but I did not

know much about her because even my mom barely remembers her. She died a long time ago

when my mom was very young. However, while conducting more in depth interviews I wanted

to ask more and more about her to gain further knowledge about her. In the same manner it was

not until we did the twelfth daily prompt that asked about a picture that was significant to us, or

that had more meaning than it seemed that I knew what to do. I had a couple of topics that could

have been potential inquiry questions, but it wasn’t until that day that I was decided on what I

would write about.

While talking to my tia Cecilia, who everyone knows has too much information on our

relatives, that I found a little bit more information about my grandmother. I was FaceTiming her,

and she answered some questions. Nevertheless, I still had more questions. Cecilia is not related

to my mom through her mom’s side, so I decided to ask people who were on that side of the

family. I then asked my tia Hilda. She was very informative as she told me about my mom’s

mom, and gave me the fifth generations that I was missing. It was kind of funny because she had

said, “I was practicing with Gabby {her daughter}and I remembered everything perfectly.”

When it came to her telling me the name of my great great grandfather’s name she could not

remember his name at all. She was embarrassed about the fact that she had forgotten, so she

called an aunt that is also related to my mom. This aunt is Hortencia Ulloa de la Cruz. She is my

deceased grandmother’s sister. She also happens to be my mom’s godmother, but doesn’t really
Trying to Find the Truth 3

care about my mother therefore we don’t speak to her. The good thing is that my tia Hilda has a

really good relationship with her, so she will get the information for me. By my personal

preference, I believe that the prompts that I have mentioned have been the most useful. They

were the ones that actually made me more curious to learn more about it. I will now know what I

will be asking in the future interviews that I will be conducting.

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