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Running head: Exchanging Information 1

Exchanging Information

Nataly Hernandez Montes

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Exchanging Information 2

After going to the library, I learned from Ms. Looby that I should use more medical

words. The words that I had typed in were relevant, but I needed to use better terminology. For

example, I had typed in “mothers dying after childbirth”, but she advised me to change the words

to “maternal mortality.” We typed in those two words and got a lot more results than we had

before. Mrs. Looby and I realized that all I had to do was type in words that were more medically

inclined, and that would give me better results.

Using Mrs. Looby’s advice really helped as I got many more results than I previously

had. By having “maternal mortality” as my key words I had thousands of results, but I was able

to narrow them down by putting the years from 1969 to 1973. Once I made the search for just

four years, the articles were a lot easier to find. I found three articles that looked like they had a

lot of potential. These articles are the best ones that I had chosen, and included two of them in

the annotated bibliography. After considering the third document for the annotated bibliography,

I realized that the third article was not the best source to use.

After talking to Gabbie about her experience in the library, she felt she had gained a lot of

knowledge. Once we shared our experiences, Gabbie and I felt that we had gained some of the

same knowledge. She like me needed to change her wording, and by doing so she got better

results. Gabbie stated that after we all had met with Ms. Looby that her inquiry question also

changed a bit. Her question narrowed down to only including African American grandparents.

She also said, “I loved how you took something personal to your family, and you were able to

make it into a research question and help develop your research on your family.” She

understands that this is an extremely personal subject to my family and I, but I am still going to

conduct some research on this problem. Although it is not something my family and me usually
Exchanging Information 3

talk about I now will. I am getting older, and this project seems like the perfect time to research

such a sensitive topic while not seeming like I am invading.

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