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Problem # 1

Fig: 1 and 2 shows a section of IES and FDC logs obtained in a 9100ft deep well drilled in XYZ
field. Rm at a bottom hole temperature of 156ºF was 0.34Ω.m and sediments are of tertiary age.
i. Using the SP curve, determine the shale content of zone A.
ii. What assumptions are made in the procedure used in Part I.
iii. Using the gamma ray curve, determine the shale content of zone A.
iv. What assumptions are made in the procedure used in Part III.
v. Compare the values calculated in Parts I and III, and recommend a Vsh value.
i. Zone A displays PSP value of -47mV. The cleanest zone in the interval shown is Zone
B, which displays SSP value of -80mV. Hence
Vsh = 1 - ( 𝑆𝑆𝑃 )
Vsh = 1 - (−80)
Vsh = 0.4125 or 41.25%
ii. Assumptions implied in Part I are that zone B is a clean formation, zones A and B have
the same water salinity and the effects of bed thickness, formation resistivity and
invasion Rmf/Rw contrast on the SP deflection in zone A are negligible.
iii. The values obtained in zone A through C for γlog, γmin and γmax from figs. are: 44, 28
and 92 API respectively. Hence
(γ log − γmin)
Ish = (γmax − γmin)
Ish = (92−28)
Ish = 0.25 or 25%
Using empirical correlations for tertiary sediments:
Larionov eq: Vsh = 0.083(23.7Ish – 1)
Vsh = 0.083(23.7(0.25) – 1)
Vsh = 0.0745 or 7.45%

Stieber eq: Vsh = Ish / (3 – 2Ish)

Vsh = 0.25 / (3 – 2(0.25))
Vsh = 0.1 or 10%

Clavier eq: Vsh = 1.7 – [3.38 – (Ish + 0.7)2]1/2

Vsh = 1.7 – [3.38 – (0.25 + 0.7)2]1/2
Vsh = 0.1259 or 12.59%
iv. Assumptions implied in Part III are that zone B is a clean formation, zone C is a shale
zone and Vsh can be related to Ish by one of the given empirical equations.
v. The SP log yields a high Vsh value. Given the nature of assumptions in Parts II and
IV, a Vsh value derived from gamma ray log should be preferred over SP log.
Problem # 2
Answer the questions from the following figure obtained over an interval containing tertiary
shales and sands.
I. Explain which sand shown in the interval is the cleanest?
II. Using the gamma ray curve, estimate the Vsh content of zones 1 through 3.
I. The cleanest sand shown in the interval of interest is Sand X, especially the 10ft zone
located at 6911ft to 6921ft. It is clean, because it shows lowest gamma ray deflection.


Zone γlog Ish Vsh

API units % %
1 53
2 53
3 73
Problem # 3
The N-G log was obtained with a GNT tool with 19½-in source to detector spacing in an 8-
in. open hole filled with 13-lbm/gal fresh water based mud. The average temperature over the
interval shown by the log is 200ºF.
I. Estimate the porosity of the most porous interval within Sand A.
II. Estimate the average porosity of limestone formation B.

I. In zone A, the highest reading is 1280 API neutron units. Apply given bore hole and tool
design to the given chart. Find out neutron porosity from second figure and that is 19%.
II. The average tool response in zone B is 2560 API neutron units. Refer to same process
and it yields 3% porosity.
Problem # 4
Estimate the average porosity of the thick sand interval on the sonic log as shown below.

The average time travel is:
Δt = 10000/134 = 74.63 μsec/ft
(Δt − Δtma)
Hence, Փ = (Δtf − Δtma)
Փ= (189−55.5)
= 0.1432 or 14.32%
Problem # 5
Following figure shows an Induction Spherically Focused (ISF)/Sonic combination log
obtained in the XYZ sandstone formation. Provide a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of
the porosity of the thick sand interval.

The SP curve suggests that the sand is clean. The constant Δt value displayed by the sonic tool
supports this supposition because it also suggests a well sorted sand of constant porosity.
(Δt − Δtma)
Hence, Փ = (Δtf − Δtma)
(80 −55.5)
Փ = (189 −55.5) = 0.1835 or 18.35%

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