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Bisection Method

Determine the temperature of the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) at which it freezes,
The equation that gives the temperature Tf to which the LPG gas gets to the point where it becomes
frozen is given by

Use the bisection method of finding roots of equations to find the temperature Tf to which the gas
freezes. Find the iterations till the required P.E=5% is achieved.

Regula Falsi Method

At the processing plant, the engineer needs to inject methanol in pipelines to prevent the formation
of hydrates, the equation of which given is,

F(x)= x3+ - 2x - 5 = 0,
Using the Regula Falsi method, estimate the amount (in hundred bbls) of methanol that
is needed to be injected in pipelines, with a percentile error of 0.05%.

Newton Raphson Method

In designing the amine sweetening tower, to purify the sour gas by removing the impurities from
it, determine the number of plates which needs to be installed in the sweetening tower for effective
The equation that gives the minimum number of spacing plates n to be installed is given by

Use the Newton-Raphson method of finding roots of equations to find the minimum number of
plates that needs to be installed. Conduct iterations until required P.E=0.05% is achieved.
During drilling, the porosity of the formation needs to be determined, so the drilled cuttings from
the borehole are collected and examined in lab. Determine the porosity x (in terms of 10%) of the
formation from the drilled cuttings if the equation generated from the drilled cuttings is given by
f(x) = x3-9x+1=0
Use Fixed Point Iteration method and conduct the iterations upto 3 decimal points and conclude
the results.

Crouts Method
Find the quantity of fractions of the gases in a homogeneous gas mixture produced from a nearby
well, the values x1, x2 and x3 represent methane, ethane and CO2 respectively.
The set of equations of the gas mixture is given as,

Find the values of x1, x2 and x3 using Crouts Method.

Doolittle Method
A new harder formation has been encountered in a greater depth while drilling, the drilling
engineer needs to optimize the bit parameters (WOB, RPM, ROP) according to the characteristics
of the formation so as to drill the target zone as quick as possible without causing excess wear to
the bit.
Determine the values of these parameters using Doolittle method, the system of equations is

given as,
Where x1, x2 and x3 represents WOB, RPM and ROP respectively.
An intermediate casing has been run on a borehole to isolate it from the surrounding troublesome
formation, the casing is subjected to multiple stresses at 3 different points x1, x2 and x3.
The system of equations is given by:

Use the Cholesky method and determine the stresses at these points and also conclude whether
the stresses are compressional or tensile.
(Note: +ve value shows compressional stress while the –ve sign shows tensile stress.)

After conducting seismic surveys and mud logging, it has been confirmed that the reservoir
contains oil and gas, the reservoir engineer needs to determine the amount of ratio of gas (x1),
water (x2) and oil (x3) present in the reservoir.
The set of equations is given by.

Determine the proportions x1, x2 and x3 upto 5 iterations and interpret the results.
The following systems of equations is designed to determine the concentrations of additives (the
c’s in g/m3) in drilling mud as a function of the amount of mass input in each drilling fluid system
(right-hand sides in g/day)

17c1-2c2-3c3 = 500
-5c1+21c2-2c3= 200
-5c1-5c2+22c3 = 30

Solve this system using the Gauss-Seidel method to a stopping tolerance of 5%. Use an initial
guess of c1 = c2 = c3 = 0.

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