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lone 1970 629

Hromination of 2,l ,;l-l~enzothiadiazoles

Kurt Yilgram, Mike Zupan and Richard Skiles

Contribution from the Biological Sciences Research Center

Shell Development Company

The bromination of 2,l ,:l-benzothiadiazoIcs in 47% hydrobromic acid at elevated temperature

has led to a general preparative method for thc synthesis in high yield of otherwise difficulty
accessible brominated 2,1,3-bt:nzothiadiazoles.'l'hc: typical addition reaction is apparently elimi-
nated under these reaction conditions and substitution takes place exclusively. Bromination of
2,1,3-benzothiadiazole occurs successively a t positions 4 and 7 . 4-Substituted 2 , I ,3-benzothia-
diazoles are selectively brominated at position 7. 5-Bromo- and 5-methyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole
are brominated consecutively a t positions 4 and 7.

4 s a part of a program designed to study the herbicidal hypothetical 4,7-dibrom0-4,7-dihydro-2,1,3-benzothiadia-

properties of 2,1,3-benzothiadiazolecarb(~~iitriles (I), cer- zole (2) as an intermediate. When treated with potassium
tain 4-bromo- and 4,7-dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazoles hydroxide, 3 was converted into 4,7-dibromo-2,1,3-ben-
wt:rt: required for conversion to the corresponding carbo- zothiadiazole (4).
nitri1t:s by displacement of bromine with cuprous cyanide. The above rc:sult was confirmed b y carrying o u t the
Although o-phenylenediamines are important intermedi- reaction of 1 with excess bromine a t 65-75" followed by
atcs in the synthesis of 2,1,3-benzothiadiazoles ( 2 , 3 ) and isolation of 3. However, treatment of 3 with potassium
it is convenient t o base the preparation of the derivatives hydroxide in ethanol as given by Pesin gave in our hands
on o-phenylenediamine itself, this routc: leads only t o 1,2- an almost quantitative yield of a mixture of 4 and its 4,6-
diamino-4,5-dibromob(:nzene(4) and, consequently, t o dibromo analog (5) in the approximate molar proportion
5,O-dibromo-2,1,3-bt:nzothiadiazole.A route to 4,7- of 4 : l . When a suspension of 3 in methanol was allowcd
dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole was noted by Pesin, et. al., t o react with potassium hydroxide the product obtained
( 5 ) ,who found that bromination of 2,1,3-benzothiadiazolc: was shown by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and gas-
(1) Icads to the addition o f four atoms of bromine and the liquid chromatographic analysis (GLC) to be a mixture of
formation of 4,5,6,7-tetrabrom0-4,5,6,7-tc:trahydro-2,1,3- 4, 5, and a third component (6) which could be isolated
bt:nzothiadiazole (3). The literature data (5) imply that in crystalline form either by fractionated crystallization or
the first step here is I ,4-addition of bromint: to the quinoid by preparative TLC. This compound was indistinguishable
system with a shift of the double bond to give t h e from an authentic sample of 6 on the basis of comparisons

of thin-layer gas chromatograms. A mixture melting point
with an authentic (6) sample of 6 was undepressed. The
amounts of 6 obtainable from several experiments were
-H variable and small (0.53%). The structure of 5 and 6 was
confirmed by an unambiguous synthesis. The 5,6-
dibromo analog (7) may have formed as well in these
reactions, b u t would n o t b e detected by TLC and GLC
because its %-value and retention time in different solvent
systems and o n different columns proved to be identical
t o that of 5.
When a mixture of 1 and excess bromine in constant
boiling hydrobromic acid (47% hydrobromic acid, b.p.
126") was heated a t reflux for several hours, a colorless
crystalline product was formed. This product was a
mixture of 3 and 4 in the approximate proportion of 3:7.
Prolonged heating did not change this ratio indicating that
630 h. l'ilgrani3 \ I . Ziipan and I{. Skileh Vol. 7

Br h o m i n e in refluxing 47% hydrobromic: acid. Continiic:d

addition o f bromine leads t o formation of the 4,7-dibromo
analog (12) in high yield. Steric and electronic effects arcs
Er clcarly operating in this reaction as cvidenced by the more
br sluggish reaction of 9 with onc molar equivalent of bro-
4 5
mint: unc1t:r the same conditions to give 6 as the major
(90$%)product along with the tribromo (14) analog (5%)
and some starting material (9). Formation of the 4,6-
dibromo analog (5) was n o t observed. Again, t:xi't:ss
brominc: I d to formation of 14 in almost quantitative
yield. T h e same tribromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole (14) was
obtaincd from 5 and must therefore be the 4,5,7-tribromo
derivativt:. This confirms the structure assigncd to the
products of mono- and dibromination of 9.
3 was n o t the precursor of 4 under these: reaction condi- Analogous results were obtained with 5,6-dimethyl-
tions. 2, I ,3-benzothiadiazole (15). Bromine and 15 gave the
When bromine was added dropwistb a t 120- I:lOo to a 4,7-dibromo analog (16) in high yield.
mixture o f 1 in 47% hydrobromic acid, 4-brorno-%,I,:<- Ijromination of 4-methyI-2,1,3-benzothiadiazolt: (17)
benzothiadiazole, 8 , was formed exlcusivcly a t first ( w c with one niolar equivalent of bromine in 47% hydrobromic
Figure 1). Towards the half-way point of the addition, acid a t 65-10" gave the expected 7-bromo derivative (18).
GLC indicated that the 4,7-dibromo analog (4) bt:gan to 'J'he4-(bromomethyl)-7-bromo compound (19) was formed
form. After completion of the bromination, 4 was isolatcd in 80% yield when excess bromine was allowed to react
in almost quantitative yield. The failure t o observt: any ol' with 17 in 4776 hydrobromic acid a t 126". T h e structure
the addition product 3 under these reaction (:ontiitions o f 19 was verified by its NMK spectrum, which showed
indicates that 8 and 4 have been formed by tblwtrophilic the signals characteristic of a bromethyl compound a t 6
substitution. Moreover, the absence of 5 (and O)-bromo- 4.05 ppni.
2 . I ,3-benzothiadiazolessuch as 5 , 6 , 7 and 9 in thc reaction
t Similar rc:sults were obtained with 4-ethyl-2,1,3-benzo-
mixture can be rationalized on the basis that attack of1Jr
a t position 4 (or 7) which involves a o-bond intermediate, thiadiazol~:(20). This thiadiazole gave the 7-hromo analog
t (21) in 75%)yield in addition t o starting material (15%)
is energetically favored over t h e attack of U r a t position
5 ( o r 6). and two higher brominated materials (10%) by reaction
tlydrogen bromide, formed during tht: brominationa with equimolar quantities of bromine in 47% hydrobromic
with elemental bromine, does n o t dissolve in the already acid a t 80". Higher reaction temperature and excess
constant boiling hydrobromic acid and so escapes from the bromine led t o extensive bromination in the side chain.
reaction flask. To avoid loss of hydrogcn bromide from 1hcse rc:sults (summarized in Table I) show that bro-
the reaction mixture, hydrogen peroxide which converts mination o f 2,1,3-benzothiadiazoles in 47% hydrobromic
hydrogen bromide to bromine, was ust:d in place of the acid a t elevated temperature is a convenitmt synthesis o f
latter. Thus, when a mixture of 1 in 47% hydrobromic h m i n a t e d 2,1,3-benzothiadiazoles particularly when the
acid was allowed t o react with excess 90% hydrogcn corresponding o-phenylenediamine is not readily available
peroxide a t 126-130°, 4 was isolated in 95% yicld from for ring closure with N-thionylaniline or thionyl chloride.
the reaction mixture.
Some bromination reactions of 5-bromo-, (9), 5 - EXPERIMENTAL
methyl-, ( l o ) , 4,6-dibromo-, (5) and 5,6-dimethyl-, (15), Melting points are uncorrected and were taken o n a Thomas-
2 , I ,3-benzothiadiazole in refluxing 47% hydrobromic: acid Hoover capillary apparatus. The NMR spectra were determined on
wcrc also examined since these compounds (:an b(: prc:- a Varian A-60 spectrometer.
pared from commercially available o-nitroanilincs. Klec- ( 1).
2, I ,3-Benzothiadix~ole
trophilic substitutions in these 5-substitutc:d 2 , I ,3-benzo- Keaction of o-phenylenediamine with thionyl chloride in ben-
thiadiazoles follow a simple pattern. l'he thiadiazolc: zene in the presence of pyridine afforded 1 in 89% yield, m.p. 44O,
framework and the substituent in position4 dirc:ct the lit. ( Y , l O ) m.p. 44O.
bromine first t o position-4 followed by substitution a t (5).
position-?, if these positions are unoccupicd. For examph:,
This compound was prepared in 98% yield from 1,Zdiamino-
4-bromo-5-methyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazolt: ( 1 1) is formt:d 3,5-dibromobenzene and N-thionylaniline in refluxing toluene;
smoothly b y reaction of 10 with one molar c:quivalcnt of m.p. 1 2 7 O , lit (10) m.p. 1 2 7 O .
.I I1 tlt! I 070 Ilrornination 0 1 2, I ,:l-Henzothiadiazoles


Bromination Data o f 2, I ,:l-Ut,nzothiaciiazoles in 47% Hydrobroniic Acid at 1 2 6 O

Final Product Analysts, 70

Y o . of Compd. yc Lit., Urominc Nitrogen
Iiri~minated No. K4 K5 K6 It7 Yield Mp, Mp, OC Formula Calcd. Found Calcd. Found

8 Br H H II 02 1i0-8I 37.2 37.8 13.0 12.9

4 ( a ) Br H H Ur 98 188- I8'J 54.4 54.5 9.5 9.2
6 Br Br [I H 00.4 134-130 54.4 54.4 9.5 9.1
14 Br Br H Ur 96.5 165-166 64.4 64.7 7.5 7.5
14 Br Br H Ilr 97 165-I60 64.4 64.6 7.5 7.6
11 Br CH3 II II 04.4 02-05 34.9 35.0 12.2 12.1
12 Br CH3 lI Hr 1l8.:l 147-148 52.0 52.0 9.1 9.0
16 Ur CH3 CHJ Ilr 03.7 170-I72 49.7 49.4 8.7 8.7
18 CH, H H Ur IlO .5 I 38- 1 30 34.9 34.6 12.2 11.8
19ic) CHzBr H H Br 78. I 137.138 52.0 51.9 9.1 9.2
21 CzH5 H I1 l3r 5 I .4 40-4I 32.9 33.2 11.5 11.8

('I) Sulfur, calcd.: 10.9; fd.: 11.1%. ( b ) U r o m i n a t c ~ iat 05-70°. (c) Sulfur, calcd.: 10.4; fd.: 10.970. ( d ) Brominated at 8 0 O .

( 10).
5-hlettryl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole (8).
'I'his compound was prepared analogously from :l,4-diamino- A mixture of 40.8 g. (0.3 mole) of 1 and 300 ml. of 477'0
toluene and N-thionylaniline and melted at 28-30', lit. (9,l 0) hydrobromic acid washeated t o reflux with stirring while bromine,
n1.p. xO. 14 ml., was added dropwise. The reaction was closely followed
by GLC (see Figure 1). After one hour, GLC indicated that the
5-tiromo-2,I,3-bcnzothiadiazole (9).
reaction was incomplete and consisted of about 33% of 1 (starting
'I'his cornpound was prepared in 56% yield from I,2-diamino- material), 62% of 8 (desired product) and 5% of 4 (4,7-dibromo
4bromobenzene and N-thionylaniline and had m.p. 59-6 I O. analog). Steam distillation of the reaction mixture afforded 1 and
( 15).
5.04 )imcthyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole 8 which were separated by crystallization from ethanol, yield,
26.9 g. (41.8%) of 8, m.p. 80-81°, lit. (6)m.p. 83-85O.Filtration
Kcaction of 1,2-diamino-4,5dimethylbenzenewith N-thion- of the residue from the steam distillation gave 4, m.p. 184-185O
ylanilint~in rcfluxing toluene gave 15 in 61%yield, m.p. 81-82', (from acetone), lit. (5)m.p. 184-185'.
A r d . Calcd. for CsHsN2S: N , 17.1; S, 19.5. Found: N,
17.3; S, 19.4. (4).

( 17).
.l.-Mt~thyl-2,1,3-bcnzothiadiazole (a) From 1 and Bromine in 47% Hydrobromic Acid.

'I'his compound was obtained analogously I'rom 2,3-diamino- A mixture of 136 g. (1.0 mole) of 1 in 200 ml. of 47% hydro-
73% yield, b.p. 76-78O( 14 mm).
toluene and N-thionylaniline in bromic acid was heated under reflux with stirring, while 480 g.
A n d Calcd. for C7H6N2S: N, 18.7; S, 21.3. Found: N , (3.0 moles, 165 ml.) of bromine was added slowly within 3.25
18.9; s, 21.2. hours. Towards the half-way point of the addition, GLC indicated
the following composition of the reaction mixture: co, 30% of
4-K thyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole(20). 1, 60% of 8,and 10% of 4. A peak corresponding with 3 was not
The product obtained in 66% yield from I,2-diamino-3- present in the gas chromatogram. Towards the end of the addition,
ethylbenzene and N-thionylaniline in refluxing benzene was (m), the reaction mixture became a suspension of solid in the hydro-
b.p. 1l3-84O(14mm). bromic acid. I n order to facilitate stirring, 100 ml. of 47%
A w l . Calcd. for C s H s N ? S : N , 17.1; S , 19.5. Found: N , hydrobromic acid was added and the mixture was heated under
10.9; s, 19.2. reflux for 2.5 hours after completion of the bromine addition.
K. Pilgram, M. Zupan a n d R. Skiles Vol. 7

0.! 0.5 I .o
Added Bromine (Mole)
ACID AT 1269

( 18).
The mixture was filtered while hot, cooled, filtered again, washed
well with water and dried to give 305 g. (98%) of 4melting at 188- Twentyg. (0.133 mole) of 17and 200 ml. of 47% hydrobromic
189O, lit. (5) m.p. 184-185'. acid was heated with stirring at 65-70' while bromine, 9.0 ml., was
added slowly over a period of 30 minutes. The mixture was heated
for one additional hour, poured into 500 ml. of ice water and
(b) From 1 and Hydrogen Peroxide in 47% Hydrobromic Acid.
filtered. The crystalline solid was recrystallized from methanol to
A mixture of 27.2 g. (0.2 mole) of 1 and 250 ml. of 47% give 27.3 g. (89.5%) of 18, melting at 138-139O, lit. ( 8 ) m.p. 136-
hydrobromic acid was heated under reflux while 50 ml. of 90% 138'; nmr, 6 2.65 (CH3), 7.2 + 7.65 (aromatic H, J = 7.5 Hz).
hydrogen peroxide was added dropwise. The only detectable
( 19).
product after six hours was 4 ( b y GLC). The reaction mixture was
quenched in ice water, filtered, washed with water and dried to A mixture of 15.0 g. (0.1 mole) of 17 and 30 ml. of bromine
give 55.6 g. (95%) of 4. in 100 ml. of 47% hydrobromic acid was heated under reflux for
4,5-Dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole 4.5 hours, poured into ice water, and filtered. The brown solid
was recrystallized from 150 ml. of acetone to give 25.0 g. (81.2%
To a mixture of 71.0 g. (0.33 mole) of 9 in 470 ml. of boiling of 19 melting at 137-138O, lit. (7) m.p. 141.2-142.2'; nmr, 6 ca.
47% hydrobromic acid, bromine, 20 ml., was added gradually within 7.7 (aromatic H) and 4.95 ppm (CH2).
two hours. GLC indicated that the reaction was incomplete and
contained about 65% of 9 and 35% of 6. Bromine, 20 ml., was (7).
added again and heating was continued for an additional five hours. A mixture of 4,5-dibromo-o-phenylenediamine, 24.0 g. (0.09
At this point, GLC indicated that only traces of 9 were present in mole), obtained by the reduction of 4,5dibromo-1,2-dinitro-
the reaction mixture. However, the tribromo analog (14) started benzene ( l l ) , 25.0 g. (0.18 mole) of thionylaniline and 100 ml. of
to build up. The reaction mixture was poured into ice water, toluene was heated under reflux for 24 hours. The reaction
filtered, washed well with water and dried. Recrystallization from mixture was acidified by addition of 150 ml. of 25% hydrochloric
methanol afforded 87.7 g. (90.4%) of 6,melting at 134136', lit. acid, filtered, and phase separated. The benzene layer was washed
(6) m.p. 134-136'. with water ( 3 x 150 ml.), dried (magnesium sulfate), charcoaled,

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