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Mobiles /


1. Read the text and choose the right word.

There are 3 alternatives but only one is correct.

In the last 5-10 years (depends on the

countries) cellular (1) get / became / will be

one of the most popular inventions all over the

world. At the very begining only the rich

bussinessmen could (2) afford / bought / had it.

A little bit later it turned into a status symbol. Nowdays you can

buy a mobile phone for almost free. For example if you buy one with a

pre-paid SIM card, it is (3) free / valuable / valid for 1 year. During

this year you are accessable by everybody, without spending a big

amount of money (4) in / on / about your phone bill.

This invention has as many advantages as disadvantages.

At first let me see the advantages. As I mentioned above it

needs a little to have one. You can (5) keep / hold / get in touch

with your friends. If you are involved (6) on / about / in an accident

or you are eye-witnessing it, you can call the ambulance immediately.

If you are a bussinessperson, you are always available (7) for / in /

at your colleagues or partners. If you have one of the latest versions,

you are able to (8) make / take / get pictures because they have a

built – in camera. For example you do not need a camera during your

holiday. These phones are smart, you can use your phone as an alarm

clock, as a calculator, and as a stopwatch. You can programme your

meetings into it and it (9) going / is / will beep you or you can

connect to the Internet.

On the other hand it is (10) annoying / nervous / exciting

very much if you are in the cinema, theatre and somebody does not

switch it (11) on / off / of. To tell the truth, I am not (12)

interesting / interested / related in other people’s private life but

sometimes I am forced to do it because some people speak too (13)

slowly / loudly / fast.

Another disadvantage is using cellular during driving. It is a fact

that your brain can concentrate (14)

on / in / of 3-5 different things at the

same time. When you are driving you

have to concentrate on the traffic,

speed limit, traffic lights, changing

gears, etc. If you are using your phone

it is too much for your brain and you

can find (15) your / youself / yourself in an accident very easily.

In my opinion to sum up the pros and cons it is a very useful

invention, but we should learn some etiquett about using it.

2. Answer the questions according to the text.

Who were the first owners of mobiles?

How can you buy a mobile for almost free ?

In what kind of situations can you use your cell phone?

Which are those places where mobiles should not be used?

Why is it dangerous using mobiles while driving?

3. Continue the sentence.

Mobiles are good because ……………………………………………………..…………

4. Find the expressions in the text and complete them.

 You are available ……..…… your ……………

 I am not interested …………. other people’s …………

 Keep in …….… with your …………

 To ……….. the truth

 Use your phone …….… an alarmclock

 Speak ……… loudly

 Without spending a big ……….. of money …..…….. it

 Using your mobile ……… driving

 Connect ………….. the internet

5. Tell me the advantages and the disadvantages of mobiles using the
expressions in task 4.

6. Ask your partner.

A) Where can you use your phone?

B) Where can’t you use your mobile? Why?

7. Continue the sentence .

Mobiles are / can be used for


about you?
do you use your mobile?

What do you do
if you are at the cinema?
8. Continue the sentence.
I use my mobile for

9. Answer the questions.

 How often do you use your phone?

 Can you imagine your life without using your mobile?

 When was the last time you used your phone?

 Is it necessary having a mobile nowadays? If so, why?

If not, why?

 If you buy a mobile, how do you choose a cellphone?

What details are the most important to you? The
price, the functions, its colour or its size ?

 How often do you check / switch on your mobile?

 Have you ever tried no to switch on your cell phone

for one day? If not, would you try it? 

 Can the people be addicted to mobiles?

 Are you addicted to your phone ? Are you sure ? 



1. became
2. afford
3. valid
4. On
5. keep
6. in
7. for
8. take
9. will
10. annnoying
11. off
12. interested
13. loudly
14. on
15. yourself

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