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The rise in the use of the internet has led to many changes in our daily

life. In particular, this rise has also led to the rise of online gaming. Online gaming

can refer to any type of game that someone can play through the internet or over a

computer network. Most of the time, online gaming refers to the video games played

over the internet, where multiple players are in different locations around the world.

In most cases, online games are freeware programs that can be used for an

unlimited time and are available for free. Most percentage of web games available

nowadays is written in Flash, Shockwave and Java languages. Because of that, they

feature more primitive game play than downloadable games. Having an online

gaming experience typically requires a high-speed internet connection. Proper

hardware will also be required whether it ’s a computer or a gaming console, such

as Xbox or Play station that’s connected to the internet. Some online games require

a specific piece of controlling hardware such as a joystick or a game controller, but

these days, gaming technology has progressed to an amazing extent. Things like

streaming 3-D animation graphics with superb surround sound stereo now have the

ability to make all addicted to gaming. In terms of video games, online gaming is

growing in popularity for variety of reasons. Gamers can easily find opponents of a

similar skill level when playing a head-to-head game over the internet. Players also

can compete in massively multiplayer games, where dozens of players play an

ongoing game in a virtual world. Some online games change a monthly fee for

access to the video game software. Today, one can see the impact of computer

and video games in the Grade 10 students in Mayamot National highschool. A lot of

research is conducted to study its effect on lifestyle and behavior of the Students

leveling gamer. Online game is the most sought leisure activity followed by Teen

nowadays. Computers play a major role in shaping the future of the Students. Days

are gone when students loved to indulge in outdoor activities, rather than studying

or playing outside, There are students spend most of their time playing online games.

Online games surely have an impact on minds of Students Taking into consideration,

it is positively a great mind exercise and helps students explore many new things. It

includes improvement in recursive and proactive thinking, increased sociability and

improved interpretive skills. Some research shows that the Teens/Students who play

online games are more active and have sharper minds than their other counterparts.

However, Online gaming also receive much more negative critics, because games are

often coined with issue such as mindless entertainment, enhanced social recluse,

sexism and consumerism. Research shows that students who play violent Online

games showed on increased in emotional arousal and a corresponding decrease of

activity in brain areas involving self-control, inhabitation and attention. Everyone who

plays Online games has a different reason for playing, and the usage of the game

leads to different effects for each individual. Childhood upbringings, peer influences,

pressures at school and family issues are all factors that have a strong connection

with the effects of gaming on individuals. Online games maybe therapeutic for
some students, but the small amount of students who are negatively affected by

gaming impact are many.


This study aimed to know the impacts of online gaming among the 15-18 years

old of Grade 10 were in Mayamot National Highschool. Specifically, this study

sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

- Age

- Gender

- Educational Status

- Online games commonly played

- Length of time the respondents play online games in a week (in terms of hour )

- Amount of money the respondents spend for online gaming (per day)

2. What are the advantages of online gaming among 15 - 18 years old of grade 10

3. What are the disadvantages of online gaming among 15 - 18 years old Grade 10



This study is intended to know the impact s of online gaming among the Grade 10

students at the ages 15-18 . It also aims to help the parents to be informed about

the impacts of their teens obtain from online gaming.


This study will be valuable and significant to children/students, parents, readers and

future researchers.

Students. This study is primarily important to Teens, for it will give them

information about the impacts they may get from online gaming.
Parent. This study will help the parents to have enough knowledge about the

impacts of online gaming among their children.

Readers. This study will help the readers to have the understanding about the impact

of online gaming.

Future Researchers. This may serve as a basis for future research that they will



Research indicates that there are many impacts of online gaming among the teen

ages 15-18 of Mayamot National High School. Studies have been conducted assessing

the impacts of online gaming . As an input, We will gather all the information about

Grade 10 students who played Online games. As a result, We the researchers

discovered the impact of online gaming among our Co-students.


For clearer understanding of the work, the following terms were defined:

ADVANTAGE - A benefit o r gain .

DISADVANTAGE - Something that makes a situation worse or that makes somebody

or something less effective or desirable.

IMPACT - The powerful or dramatic effect that something or somebody has.

INTERNET - An electronic communication network that connects computer network

and organizational computer facilities around the world.

ONLINE GAME- Game that can be run from an internet browser and requires the internet


TECHNOLOGY- The practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.



This chapter presents the literature and studies relevant to presentation



Carey (2012) found out that the history of online gaming included contributions by

many different companies and entities. Online gaming began as multiplayer gaming,

but has evolved to include online gaming servers and massively-multiplayer online

games ettings.
Stated by Hassan (2011), online gaming is good and bad. Good for those who know

their limits and bad for those who fix themselves in the seats for long hours and

cut off the interaction with rest of the world.

According to the study of Chang (2009), online gaming was referred to as Internet

Gaming or Electronic Gaming. It was a gathering of players with a common game

using a local area network (LAN) where they could be on the same settings. The players

seem to be in a real situation that they use their mouse or keypads to move in the

monitor, their virtual world.

Hall (2005) said that online gaming has become increasing popular over the past few


Both Orzack (2004) and French (2002) found out that in internet search for

“gaming addiction” yields lists of physical and psychological symptoms from dry-

eyes and carpal tunnel syndrome to “problems with school or work,” offered as

indicative of problem usage behavior.

Griffiths, et al. (2003) stated that online gaming has been separated by some

researchers into three main types: stand-alone games, local and wide network

(LAWN) games and massively multiplayer online role-playing (MMORP) games.

French & Dwyer (2002) claimed that online game players “don’t have normal

social relationships anymore” and play online games in order to cover feelings of

anger, depression and low self-esteem.

Nie & Erbring (2000) and Kraut, et al. (1998) stated that some fear that virtual

communities was detracted from social activity and involvement in the real world,

replaced real social relationships with less robust online substituted and caused users

to turn away from more traditional media.

Turkle (1995) found out that online games enabled self-exploration and discovery

that users extended and idealized their existing personalities or try out new ways of

relating to one another that can positively affect real life relationships.

Rheingold (1993) stated that the one reason for the popularity of online games

was that they meld the fun and challenge of video games with the rewarding social

aspects of online community. Participation in online communities allows us to stay in

touch with old friends, meet new people, learn, and share information.


In the study conducted by Wood, Gupta, Devevensky & Griffiths (2004), online

gaming can be addictive. The research has tended to concentrate on negative aspects,

such as excessive play and addiction. Instead of spending their hours on studying and

doing their homework, children spend their time on playing computer games .

On the other hand, online gamers can also benefit on playing online games. A

great variety of forms have been developed and put into practice to enhance

learning, offer solace, to drive away boredom, and/or to persuade players to adopt

certain actions and opinions. The game play improve various thinking skills but that

it can also boost cognitive speed for those who play action games and can also
improve cognitive 9 accuracy for players who solve puzzle and strategy games

(Klabber, 2001). Some video games have been associated with aggressive behaviour.

In that case, children imitate online characters.

Some children are at the period of modelling (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). Taha,

J. (n.d.) said that online games are seen as good learning tool because many think

that they can teach children in ways that their teachers are failing by sparking their

minds, stimulating their thinking, and inspiring their imagination.



This chapter introduces the details of research design, respondents of the study, sampling,

data gathering procedures, data gathering instruments, and statistical treatment of


The researchers used the descriptive research to conduct this study entitled “The

Impacts of Online Gaming among the grade 10 students of Mayamot National High



The respondents were chosen through quota sampling. The researchers made use

of 30 Students of Grade 10 of Mayamot National High School. The respondents ’ ages

range from 15-18 years old and 10-12 years. After choosing the respondents, each of

them were given a survey questionnaire to answer.


Distribution of Survey Questionnaire to the Selected Grade 10 students of

Mayamot National High school.


15 – 18 30

10 – 12 0


The researchers made use of (30) Grade 10 students ages 15-18 of Mayamot

National High school. All 30 Grade 10 students who play online games answered the

test questionnaire given by the researchers.


At first, we looked for necessary resources that could help us on our study. We

did an intensive reading from the internet and asked opinions from the students

who played online game. From these, we were able to construct ideas and questions

necessary for the questionnaire.

We researchers asked the permission from our adviser to allow us to proceed with

the distribution of the questionnaire to the Students ages 15-18 where in Mayamot

National High school.

With the permission granted, We clearly explained all the directions and items to

our grade 10 co-students respondents to ensure understanding and correctness of

their responses.

Retrieval of the questionnaires was done after three days. The responses were

tallied, analyzed and interpreted in accordance to the items found in the


Questionnaire was used as the main instrument of the study to determine the

impacts of online gaming a mong the Grade 10 students ages 15-18. The designed

questions focus on the Impacts of Online gaming to the Academic Performance among

Grade 10 students of Mayamot National High school. The questionnaire was prepared

by the researchers themselves after doing a research and intensive reading from the

internet and asking opinions from their co-students who paying online games.

The researchers questionnaire was prepared and showed to the adviser for the

comments and suggestions. After that, revision of the questionnaire was done. The

researchers incorporated the comments and suggestions of the adviser and prepared

the second draft of the questionnair. The questionnaire has four parts. PART I

contained the profile of the respondents in terms of age, gender and educational

status. PART II focused on what are the online games mostly played by the students,

how long the respondents spend their time playing online games and how much

money they spend playing online games. PART III focused on the advantages of online

gaming and PART IV on the disadvantages of online gaming.

The researchers initially distributed the survey questionnaire among the Grade 10

student where in Mayamot National High school.



This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data.

The study included several profile variables to gain the information about the

respondents of the study. These were presented in the following table.

- AGE. Table 2 shows the characteristics of respondents in terms of age.


Age Distribution of the Respondents


15-18 30 99%

10-12 0 0%

TOTAL 30 99%

Results indicate that out of 30 respondents, all of them has 15-18 year have

frequency, (30 ) with a percentage of (99% ).

- GENDER. Table 3 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of gender.


Gender Distribution of the Respondents


Male 20 66%

Female 10 33%

TOTAL 30 99%

Out of 30 respondents, (20) of them are male which is equivalent to (66%)

while (10) of them are female which is equivalent to (33%).

The findings revealed that majority of the respondents who are playing online

games were male.

- EDUCATIONAL STATUS. Table 4 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of

educational status.


Educational Status of the Respondents


Studying 30 99%

Not Studying 0 0%
TOTAL 30 99%

It shows that all of the respondents are studying. In this results , all the

respondents are studying even they are fond of playing online games .


- Table 5 shows the profile of the respondents in terms of online games commonly

played by them.

Games Frequency Rank

Legue of Legend (LOL) 17 1

Others 13 2

Rules of Survival (ROS) 10 3

Crossfire 9 4

Special Force 7 5

DOTA 7 5

GTA 7 5
Table 5 shows the online games commonly played by the respondents. The most

played online game is the Legue of Legend (LOL) game which has a frequency of 17

and the DOTA, GTA and Special Force are games not mostly played by the

respondents. Four out of seven online games are mostlyt played by the respondents.


- Table 6 shows the length of time the respondents play online games in a week (in

terms of hour).

Hours Frequency Percentage Rank

1-3 hours 10 33% 2

4-6 hours 13 42.9% 1

10-12 6 19.8% 3

7-9 1 3.3% 4

TOTAL 30 99% 10

Table 6 shows the length of time the respondents play online games in a week (in

terms of hour). It shows that 13 out of 30 respondents are spending 4-6 hours for

playing online games in a week which is equivalent to (42.9%); ten of them are

spending 1-3 hours for playing online games in a week which is equivalent to

(33%); six of them are spending 10-12 hours for playing online games in a week
which is equivalent to (19.8%); and one of them is spending 7-9 hours for playing

online games in a week. It indicates that almost all of the respondents are spending

4-6 hours in a week in playing online games.

- Table 7 shows the amount of money the respondents spend for online gaming (per day).


Table 7 Amount of money the respondents spend for online gaming (per day)

Money Frequency Percentage Rank

Php 0-50 11 36.3% 2

Php 51-100 14 46.2% 1

Php 101-150 1 3.3% 4

More than Php 150 4 13.2% 3

TOTAL 30 99% 10

Table 7 shows the amount of money the respondents spend for online gaming

(per day). It indicates that 14 out of 30 respondents are spending almost Php 51-100
for playing online games which is equivalent to (46.2%), and eleven of them are

spending Php 50 for playing online games which is equivalent to (36.3%). It indicates

that almost all of the respondents are spending almost Ph 51-100 for online gaming.


-Table 8 shows the advantages of online gaming.


Advantages of Online Games

Advantages Agreed Agreed Rank

1. Students who play online 30 0r 99% 0 or 0% 1

games are able to enjoy the

reward and satisfaction that

come with the small goals that

are often established in games.

2. Online games raise student’s 28 or 2 or 3.3% 3

confidence and also instill a 92.4%

sense of accomplishment.
3. Students learn the importance 23 or 7 or 23.1% 6

and fun of sharing and taking 75.9%


4. Playing team games help the 27 or 3 0r 9.9% 4

student’s to learn how to 89.1%

cooperate in a team.

5. Students who play online 24 or 6 or 19.8% 5

games improve their technological 79.2%


6. Playing games like brain 29 or 95.7% 1 or 3.3% 2

challenge, etc., sharpen the mind

of student.

7. Students who play online 16 or 14 or 46.2% 7

games can learn how to multitask 52.8%

in an effective manner.

Table 8 shows the advantages of online gaming. It shows that almost all of the

advantages listed above are agreed by the respondents. Out of 7 advantages, 30 of

them got the highest percentage 99%: “Students who play online games are able to

enjoy the reward and satisfaction that come with the small goals that are often
established in games.” The advantage that got the lowest percentage 16 or 52.8%:

"Students who play online games can learn how to multitask in an effective manner.”


-Table 9 shows the disadvantages of online gaming


Disadvantages of Online Games

Disadvantages Agreed Disagreed Rank

• Playing online games can 30 or 99% 0 or 0% 1

damage the vision of the


• Kids who play online games 22 or 72.6% 8 or 26.4% 3

waste their money.

• Children are getting addicted to 20 or 66% 10 or 33% 4

computer games.

• Online games can be bad for 25 or 82.5% 5 or 16.5% 2

your health.

• Children spend most of their 19 or 62.7% 11 or 36.3% 5

time on computer.

• Online games can influence 0 or 0% 30 or 99% 6

kids to be violent like killing

and fighting.
• Children tend to ignore on 0 or 0% 30 or 99% 6

their education which is very


Table 9 shows disadvantages of online gaming. It shows that almost all of the

disadvantages listed above are agreed by the respondents. Out of 7 disadvantages, one of

them got the highest percentage (30 or 99%): “Playing online games can damage the vision

of the students, who play online games waste their money.” The disadvantage that got the

lowest percentage (0 or 0%): “Children tend to ignore on their education which is very

important.” and " Online games can influence kids to be violent like killing and fighting."

We found out that in internet search for “gaming addiction” yields lists of physical and

psychological symptoms from dry-eyes and carpal tunnel syndrome to “problems with

school or work,” offered as indicative of problem usage behavior.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations related

to the present study, The Impacts to the academic performance among the Gr. 10 Mayamot

National Highschool, Mayamot Antipolo City Year 2019.

Summary of Findings

This study was conducted to determine the impacts of online gaming among the Gr. 10

students. This research was conducted during this year 2019. Specifically, the study

attempted to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

- Age

- Gender

- Educational Status

- Online games commonly played

- Length of time the respondents play online games in a week (in terms of hour)

- Amount of money the respondents spend for online gaming (per day)

- What are the advantages of online gaming among 15-18 years old children?

- What are the disadvantages of online gaming among 15-18 years old children?

After the data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted the following findings


1. The profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age. Out of 30 respondents, t all the students are 15-18 yrs old, 30 with a percentage of

1.2. Gender. Out of 30 respondents, 20 of them are male which is equivalent to 66% while

10 of them are female which is equivalent to 33%.

1.3. Educational Status. All of the respondents are studying even they are fond of playing

online games.

1.4. Online games commonly played. The most played online game is the Legue of Legends

(LOL) games and the Special Force, DOTA, and GTA are games that are not played by the

respondents. Four out of 7 online games are played by the respondents.

1.5. Length of time the respondents play online games in a week (in terms of hour). 13 out

of 30 respondents are spending 4-6 hours for playing online games in a week which is

equivalent to 42.9%; ten of them are spending 1-3 hours for playing online games in a week

which is equivalent to 33%; six of them are spending 10-12 hours for playing online games

in a week which is equivalent to 19.8%; and one of them is spending 7-9 hours for playing

online games in a week.

1.6. Amount of money the respondents spend for online gaming (per day). 14 out of 30

respondents are spending almost Php 51-100 for playing online games which is equivalent

to 46.2%, and eleven of them are spending Php 0-100 for playing online games which is

equivalent to 36.3%.

2. This study showed the advantages of online gaming. It shows that almost all of the

advantages listed above are agreed by the respondents. Out of 7 advantages, 30 of

them got the highest percentage 99%: “Students who play online games are able to
enjoy the reward and satisfaction that come with the small goals that are often

established in games.” The advantage that got the lowest percentage 16 or 52.8%:

"Students who play online games can learn how to multitask in an effective manner.”

3. This study showed that Out of 7 disadvantages, one of them got the highest percentage

(30 or 99%): “Playing online games can damage the vision of the students, who play online

games waste their money.” The disadvantage that got the lowest percentage (0 or 0%):

“Children tend to ignore on their education which is very important.” and " Online games

can influence kids to be violent like killing and fighting."


1. Online games are prevalent, and the students are not that addicted to the popular online


2. Students are getting many advantages from online gaming like “Students who play

online games are able to enjoy the reward and satisfaction that come with the small goals

that are often established in games” and “Online games raise children’s confidence and also

instill a sense of accomplishment”; in the other hand they are getting many disadvantages,

too like “Playing online games can damage the vision of the children.” and “Students who

play online games waste their money.”.

3. The education of the Students is not greatly affected by playing online games; however

online games are seen as good learning tool because many think that they can teach

students in many ways.


After a careful and thorough evaluation of the results of the research conducted, the

following recommendations are hereby given:

1. Students should know their limitation in playing online games.

2. Students should know the consequences that they might get from too much playing of

online games.

3. Students should know that online games are not just for fun but it could also give them

the learning that they may apply in their lives.

4. Parents must guide them on choosing the most appropriate online games that their

children should play.

5. Parents must know how to limit their children in playing online games.

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