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Silangit, Tangub City


First Quarter Examination
August 8-9, 2019

Name: __________________________________________ Score: ___________ Parents Signature: ______________

General Directions: Read and comprehend on the given statements or questions below. Give ONLY what is asked.
Avoid erasures and keep your work clean.

I. Identification: Read the statements carefully and give what is described. Be mindful with the spelling.
________________________1. A type of media which has organized content and distributed on digital
________________________2. It is a service, site or method that delivers media to an audience.
________________________3. If functions to deliver and allow feedback, discussion and sharing.
________________________4. It is the combination of print, broadcast and new media.
________________________5. Singular form of media.
________________________6. It is a way of using other people’s words and ideas without clearly
acknowledging the source of the information.
________________________7. It is the ability to perform and do things well.
________________________8. A question which is used to know how things or actions are done.
________________________9. These are the physical objects which are used to communicate and deliver
________________________10. It is the ability to recognize when information is needed.

II. Modified TRUE or FALSE: Analyze the statements below. If the statement is expressed without error,
write TRUE, if the statement has an error, underline the word which makes the statement wrong and
write the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
____________________1. Telephone belongs to Electronic Age.
____________________2. A person is technology literate if you know where to get information quickly
and easily.
____________________3. In MIL, L stands for literate.
____________________4. Traditional paper is an example of Industrial age.
____________________5. One of the ways to communicate information is through announcements.
____________________6. Print media, broadcast media and new media are the types of media.
____________________7. New media reaches the target audience using airwaves as the transmission
____________________8. Facebook is a good example of broadcast media.
____________________9. Symbolic codes include sounds, and lightning.
____________________10. Message is the information sent or made from the source or to a receiver of

III. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter which bears the correct answer.

Situation: In your MIL Class, your teacher has given Jie an instruction through a text message containing, “Attention:
A must and individual activity. You are required to pass a video containing your reaction on the extension of Martial
Law in Marawi City. You are asked to insert a reliable video clip to support your opinion about the issue. Upload
your video in our MIL Portal. The deadline of the submission will be on Monday afternoon at exactly 5:00 o’clock.
Thank yyou and good luck. – Teacher Juvy R. Malalis.

1. How will Jie relay the message if he is at the moment in Barangay Sicot doing the mountain climbing?
a. Video message b. email c. messenger d. text message
2. In what literacy does Jie’s way of relaying the message belong?
a. Media literacy B. Information Literacy c. technology literacy d. MIL
3. In the situation given, which can be considered an information?
a. Jie received the text message of the teacher.
b. Sending of the message to all MIL learners.
c. The content of the text message.
d. Getting a reliable video from any source.
4. Based form the situation, what technology literacy is observed?
a. Smart phone b. computer c. internet d. radio?

Situation: In the year 1700’s to 1930’s, there was a historical event happened at Tangub City, particularly in
Barangay Silangit. Every head of the family was given 50% of the land they have taken care of, which was the
proclamation of the city mayor before his life ended to pay off their labor and hard work and also their love and
support to him as the mayor of the city.

5. How can the mayor present his proclamation to the farmers during this time?
a. Letter b. stone tablet c. television d. mass media
6. Which time does this situation belong?
a. Pre-industrial b. industrial c. electronic d. information
7. Which could be considered the information in the situation?
a. There was a historical event in Barangay Silangit, Tangub City.
b. That the city mayor was dying.
c. The city mayor had given 50% of the land to every head of the family.
d. There was a proclamation given by the dying city mayor.
8. If the situation happened in the year 1900s-2000s, the following technology will help relay the
proclamation, except one.
a. Text message b. telegram c. Facebook d. Youtube
9. Why do we need information? The following answers the question, except one.
a. To be aware with the current news and events
b. To communicate
c. To acquire knowledge
d. To become a useful individual in the society

Situation: According to the weather forecast, there is no typhoon. However, your locality is experiencing heavy
rainfall, while some parts in your province/ region are already flooded. There are reported incidents of landslide,
evacuation, stranded vehicles and drowning. As a student, what are you going to do?

10. What information do you need?

a. About the typhoon c. Reported incidents and its current situation
b. Heavy rainfall in your locality d. Your role as a citizen of your locality
11. Where will you get the information about the reported incidents?
a. From the persons involved c. from the city mayor
b. From the rescuers d. from the survivors of the incidents
12. In these modern days, how will you create and communicate information to the public?
a. Create a narrative text message containing the significant events and send it to all the people in
your contact list.
b. Take a video and upload it in the Youtube.
c. Take a video, evaluate, organize, it and upload it in social network.
d. Write a news about the incident and endorse it to a newspaper company.
13. Based form the incident, the following are some tips on how to acquire information except one.
a. Photography b. record c. write d. download

Situation: You are strolling along the streets of Tangub City, where buildings are on the process of construction,
roads are being repaired, traffic enforcers are guiding and controlling the vehicles and pedestrians, and policemen
are posting on the side streets.
14. Based from the descriptive situation above, what are the things that you can see that help the
enforcers communicate to the people in the streets.
a. Guns of the policemen c. whistles of the traffic enforcers
b. Horns of the vehicles d. symbols and notices in and along the streets
15. How will you keep yourself safe while walking along the streets?
a. By walking carefully and attentively.
b. By wearing safety gears when passing through and by the construction area.
c. By reading the signage placed on the streets and posted on the corners of the streets.
d. By following the signage placed on the streets and posted on the corners of the streets.
16. How significant are the symbols? Why?
a. Not that significant. Because, we can keep ourselves safe without them.
b. A little of significance. Because, sometimes they are useful sometimes, they are not.
c. Significant. Because, they can help protect the people from danger.
d. Very significant. Because, they keep the city organize and clean and help protect the people living
and using the area.
17. Which of the following presentation of symbols does not belong to the group?
a. Language b. dress and actions c. iconic symbols d. objects

Situation: Barangay Matugnaw, is one of the remotest barangay in Tangub City, where mobile phones can hardly
acquire signal. Most of the residents do not have smartphones because of the latter issue. Their Barangay Captain,
Enjelo Capino, is the only person who acquire such thing because he is provided by their beloved city mayor, Jeffrey
Malinao. When problems and concerns arise, the city mayor will just send a text message to all his barangay
captains to inform them. But, Enjelo fails to attend and respond to some of the meetings because he sometimes
cannot receive the text messages. Mayor Malinao, later realizes that text messages cannot be useful at all times
and decides to send memos through a human messenger when he wants to meet them.

18. How did Mayor Malinao relay the message to the Baranagay Captains at first?
a. Through sending memos c. through letters
b. Through texting d. through Facebook
19. What type of media does the way of sending the information belong?
a. Print b. broadcast c. new media d. none of the above
20. How do you call the second option applied by the mayor in communicating to the officials?
a. Popular media c. indigenous media
b. Indigenous information d. media

IV. Essay: Answer the question below. Give a realistic example to strengthen your explanation.
1. How do you describe a person who is media, information and technology literate? (10 pts.)


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