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Classroom language The teacher says 4 Match the phrases and pictures 1-13. Open your books, please Goto page 84. Doexercisea Read the text. ‘Look at the board. Close the door. Work in pats / groups Answer the questions Liston and repeat. Standup. Sit down Tarn off your eel phone. Please stop talking! 'b 2/321) Listen and check You say a Match the phrases and pictures 14-22. Sorry, can you repeat tha, please? 14 Sorry 'm late. | don’t understand. ‘Can thavea copy, please? How do you spell it? dun thenow: Excuse me, what's Canyouhelp me, please? What page isit? b 2/33) Listen and check. in English? € Cover the sentences and look at the pictures. Say the sentences + Use the when we know which (board, ook at the board. NOT Leok-at-@ board « Use the with: ‘and plural nouns (the board, the:

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