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Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4.

1. What is text about?

A. An advertisement
B. An announcement
C. A schedule
D. A label

2. Based on the schedule, What time should have lunch?

A. 11:00
B. 12:00
C. 12:30
D. 02:00

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3. According to the schedule, story time was earlier than ....

A. Lunch
B. Circle time
C. Last pick up
D. Outdoor group activity

4. What Is the purpose of Schedule above?

A. To arrange our daily activities

B. To fail our daily activities
C. To retell our daily activities
D. To report our daily activities

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Read the following text to answer questions number 5 to 7.

5. Which statement is true based on the text?

A. The Math for the first day of the examination

B. The test of each subject lasted for one and a half hours
C. The schedule was valid for academic year 2017/2018
D. The English examination was held on Thursday

6. According to the schedule, the Math exam was earlier than ...

A. Indonesian
B. Indonesian and Science
C. English and Science
D. Science and Indonesia

7. How long will the students do the test in each subject?

A. An hour
B. An hour and a half
C. Two hours
D. Two hours and a half

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Read the following text to answer questions number 8 and 10.

8. If we want to fly to Toledo, we should take International Aircraft type.....

A. DL 9871
B. MQ 2817
C. MQ 2912
D. YX 4235

9. What time flight to Denver?

A. 11:45
B. 11:00
C. 11:25
D. 11:32

10. Based on the flight schedule above we know that ….

A. Flight DL 9871 should be through G18 gate

B. Flight YX 4235 should be through G15 gate
C. Flight MQ 2817 should be through H3B gate
D. Flight MQ 2912 should be through G2A gate

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Kunci Jawaban
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. B
10. D


What is text about?

a. flight schedule

b. an advertisement

c. an estimated time of arrival

d. an estimated time of departure

If you want to fly to Medan at 11.00, you can take flight...

a. SG 813

b. SG 622

c. SG 504

d. SG 211

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The earliest flight departure to Manado is...

a. SG 813

b. SG 622

c. SG 504

d. SG 211

How long the flight to Medan if you take FL.No SG 506...

a. 2 hours 15 minutes

b. 2 hours 25 minutes

c. 2 hours 35 minutes

d. 2 hours 45 minute




The following text is for questions number 1 to 2

Semarang - Surabaya Railway Time Table

Train Departure

(Semarang) Arrival


Eastern Sun 07.30 am 03.00 pm

Arya Triwangsa 09.30 pm 05.00 am

Fajar Express 05.30 pm 01.00 pm

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Midnight Express 10.30 pm 06.00 am

1. Which train travels the earliest from Semarang

a. Eastern Sun

b. Arya Triwangsa

c. Midnight Express

d. Fajar Express

2. From the text, we can conclude that ....

a. three train leave in the morning

b. Midnight express leaves at midnight

c. Fajar express arrives in the morning

d. two train arrive in the morning

The following text for questions number 3 to 5


Time Saturday Sunday

07.00 Breakfast Breakfast

08.00 To Parangtritis beach Shopping to Malioboro

12.00 Lunch Lunch

15.00 Back to hotel Back to hotel

17.00 - To airport

3. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To describe the tour

b. To advertise a tour

c. To inform about the activities in a tour

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d. To show the information about a tour

4. What will they do after having breakfast on the second day?

a. Having lunch

b. Doing shopping

c. Seeing the beach

d. Going to the airport

5. "Back to hotel"

The underlined word is synonymous with ......

a. go

b. give

c. return

d. endorse

The following text is for question no 6 to 8

6. What is the purpose of the text

a. To inform students about the detailed tour activity

b. To show students about their accommodation

c. To provide students with the food

d. To describe Bali Tour

7. What will the students do on Monday morning?

They will ...

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a. visit GWK

b. enjoy Kecak dance

c. take a rest in the hotel

d. have lunch at Bedugul

8. "Leave for Denpasar"

The underlined word is closest in meaning to the words ....

a. go to

b. get to

c. go around

d. go away from

The following text is for questions number 9 to 11

9. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To inform the day trip schedule to Cibodas

b. To encourage students to join the school activity

c. To announce the trip to Cibodas Botanical Garden

d. To give a clear decription of the botanical garden

10. What will the Botanical Garden officecrs do after giving the program overview?

a. Having a picnic lunch

b. Hiking to the waterfall

c. Describing the do's and don'ts

d. Playing games with the students

11. "Assemble in the schoolyard"

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What is the synonym of the word "assemble" in the text?

a. play

b. enter

c. gather

d. follow

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