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The collection and manipulation of items
Defined as the technologies that provide
of data to produce information.
access to information through
Devices include: Central Processing
Basic Concept of ICT Unit (CPU) and Graphics Processing Unit
Display information to an output device or
Basic Terminologies of ICT display screen.

1. Operating System – software that Devices include: Printer, Monitor,

performs the basic functions needed for Speaker, Projector, Headphones
you to use the computer
Store processed data as information for
display by another IPOS module when
Devices include: Flashdrive, CD or
2. Modem – device which connects the DVD, Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, Magnetic
computer to an internet service provider. Tape, Punched Cards

3. Internet/Web Browser – application

that lets you request and send information
on the internet.

4. Internet Service Provider – acts as the

connection between your computer and the
5. Local Area Network – connection
provider to local computers only
6. The Internet – A global system of
computers connected together to share
information between systems.
 STAGE 1 Piece of information processed or stored by
INPUT a computer. This data may be in the form
Collect data at its source or point of of text documents, images, audio clip, or
measurement. other types of data

Devices include: Keyboard, Scanner, INFORMATION

Mouse, Microphone, Light Pen, Camera, Computer of data processed by a computer.
Touch Screen, Joystick Stimuli that has meaning in some context
for its receiver.
Basic Terminologies of COMPUTER including graphics in the text, and
executing the slideshows.
An electronic device for storing and
Ex. MS Powerpoint
processing data.
5. Multimedia Software –
A computer performs five major operations
Allow the user to create audio and
or functions irrespective of its size and
make. These are
Ex. Media Players and Real Players
 it accepts data or instructions as input,
 it stores data and instruction STORAGE DEVICES
 it processes data as per the instructions,
 it controls all operations inside a Computer’s memory can be
computer, and classified into two types;
 it gives results in the form of output. Primary memory and Secondary memory
A. Primary Memory
Components of Computer  RAM (Random Access Memory)
Hardware – physical components of a  ROM (Read Only Memory)
RAM or Random Access Memory is the unit in a
Software – non-physical, information computer system. It is the place in a computer
handling parts of a computer where the operating system, application programs
and the data in current use are kept
Peopleware/Userware – computer users temporarily so that they can be accessed by
the computer’s processor. It is said to be
EXAMPLES OF HARDWARE DEVICES ‘volatile’ since its contents are accessible only as
Central Processing Unit (CPU) long as the computer is on. The contents of RAM
– The “brain” of the computer are no more available once the computer is
turned off.
– A screen used to display information ROM or Read Only Memory is a special type of
on your computer memory which can only be read and contents
Mouse of which are not lost even when the computer
– A device that can be used to move is switched off. It typically contains
around the computer screen. manufacturer’s instructions. Among other things,
Keyboard ROM also stores an initial program called the
– A device used to input text ‘bootstrap loader’ whose function is to start the
operation of computer system once the power is
Operating System
B. Secondary Memory
– The underlying software that runs all
the computer hardware.
 Hard Disk (HD) – can store up to 1 GB to
80 GB or more.
– Computer’s “home” view.
 Compact Disk (CD) – can store up to 650-
Application software
700 MB.
– software that can perform a specific
 Digital Video Disk (DVD) – has a larger
task for the user.
storage capacity and enormous clarity
comparing to the CD.
Types of Application Software:
Computer Security and Safety, Ethics, and
1. Word Processing Software – produce Privacy
Ex. MS Word, Word Pad, Notepad.  Computer Security Risks
2. Database Software – for organizing and Any event or action that could cause a loss
managing data. of or damage to computer hardware,
Ex. MS Access, FoxPro, Paradox, software, data, information, or processing
Oracle. capability.
3. Spreadsheet Software – for maintaining  Computer Crime
budget, financial statements, grade sheets, Any illegal act involving a computer
and sales record.  Cybercrime
Ex. MS Excel Online or Internet-based illegal acts
4. Presentation Software – display the  Crimeware
information in the form of a slide show. It Software used by cybercriminal
allows insertion and formatting of text,
Seven Basic Categories of Cybercrime  ROOTKIT
Perpetrators A rootkit is a program that hides in a
computer and allows someone from a
remote location to take full control of the
- someone who accesses a computer or
network illegally.
- Originally the term “HACKER” was
Symptoms of an infected computer
given to Computer Enthusiasts who
1. OS running slower
break into Computer systems for the
2. Less available memory
sole purpose of fixing problems
3. Corrupted files
4. Unusual messages or images
- someone who also accesses a computer
5. Unusual sounds playing
or network illegally but with the intent
6. Existing programs and files
of destroying data, stealing
information or other malicious actions.
7. Programs or files not working properly
8. Unusual Programs or Files appear
- Same intent as a cracker but does not
9. OS does not start up or unexpectedly
have the technical skills and
shuts down
knowledge, using prewritten code to
break into computers. Computer Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses
4. CORPORATE SPIES and Rootkits are classified as Malware
- Persons with excellent computer and (malicious software). These are
networking skills and are hired to programs that act without a user’s
break into a specific computer or knowledge and alters the computer’s
identify risks in their own operations.
Payload – the destructive event or prank
the program is intended to deliver.
- Persons who break into their
employers’ computers for a variety of The malware delivers its payload on a
reasons. computer when a user …
- Ex. Exploit Security, Financial Gains,
etc. 1. Opens an infected fie
6. CYBEREXTORTIONIST 2. Runs an infected program
- Uses e-mail as a vehicle for extortion, 3. Boots the computer with infected
threatening others for personal gain. removable media inserted
7. CYBERTERRORIST 4. Connects to an unprotected computer
- Uses internet or network to destroy or network
damage computer for personal reasons. 5. When a certain condition or event
occurs such as the clock changing to a
specific date.
Computer Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses,
A computer virus is a potentially damaging 1. DO NOT START A COMPUTER WITH
computer program that affects, or infects, a REMOVABLE MEDIA INSERTED IN
computer negatively by altering the way the THE DRIVES.
computer works without the user’s 2. NEVER OPEN A E-MAIL
A worm is a program that copies itself AND IT IS FROM A TRUSTED
repeatedly, in memory or on a network, SOURCE.
using up resources and shutting down the
computer or network.
 TROJAN HORSE Antivirus Program
A Trojan horse (named after the Greek It protects a computer against viruses by
myth) is a program that hides within or identifying and removing any computer virus
looks like a legitimate program and causes found in memory, storage, or incoming files.
a condition or action when triggered.

An antivirus program scans for programs
that attempt to modify the boot program, - largest network in the world that
the operating system, and other programs connects hundreds of thousands of
that normally are read from but not individual networks all over the world.
modified. - The popular term for the Internet is the
“information highway”.
◇ One technique used to identify a virus is to - Rather than moving through
look for virus signatures, also called geographical space, it moves your ideas
virus definitions, which are a known and information through cyberspace –
specific pattern of virus code. the space of electronic movement of
ideas and information.
◇ To inoculate a program file, the antivirus - No one owns it and has no formal
program records information such as the management organization.
file size and creation date in a separate - As it was originally developed by the
inoculation file, thus enabling it to tell if a Department of defense, this lack of
file has been tampered with. centralization made it less vulnerable
to wartime or terrorist attacks
◇ If an antivirus program identifies an
infected file, it attempts to remove the For Requirements for Accessing the
malware. Internet

existing network need to pay a small

◇ If it cannot remove the infected file, it will registration fee
attempt to quarantine it. agree to certain standards based on the
TCP/IP (Transmission Control
◇ A quarantine is a separate area of a hard Protocol/Internet Protocol).
disk that holds infected files until the
infection can be removed, ensuring other Uses of the Internet
files will not become infected. • Send e-mail messages.

CONTENT MODERATORS • Send (upload) or receive (download) files

Content Moderator is always on guard, between computers.
maintaining the online reputation of a
• Participate in discussion groups, such as
business. They screen, monitor, and
mailing lists and newsgroups.
approve content in compliance with the
website’s guidelines. • Surfing the web.
What is Web?
What Does a Content Moderator Do?
- consists of information organized
A content moderator serves two primary into Web pages containing text and
functions - to protect and promote. graphic images.
While screening, monitoring, and - It contains hypertext links, or
approving content sound like easy tasks, highlighted keywords and images that
keep in mind that content comes in many lead to related information.
forms namely articles, images, videos and
audio clips. This is why they have to be on Webpage – it the document displayed in your
their toes round-the-clock. They ensure browser
that all information and data Website – A collection of linked web pages that
uploaded by users won't violate has a common theme or focus
intellectual property rights or contain
inappropriate content that may scare Homepage – main webpage of a website
away users. When it comes to promoting,
Client/Server Structure of the Web
Content Moderators help build up an
entertaining and compelling experience by Web – collection of files that reside on computers
keeping content focused on the interests of
Web servers – computers that are located all over
your community. Plus, they also respond to
the world and are connected to each other through
feedback or posts from the community.
the internet.
Web Client – a computer that uses the internet indicate where a Web page’s HTML document
connection to become a part of the web in a server resides on that computer.
Uniform Resource Locators
- Used to identify a web page’s exact
To allow Web browser software to read them, the - Four part addressing scheme that tells
text must be formatted according to a generally the web browser:
accepted standard. 1. What transfer protocol to use
for transporting the file
The standard used on the web is the Hypertext 2. The domain name of the
Markup Language (HTML). computer on which the file
HTML – uses codes or tags, to tell the Web resides
Browser software to display the text contained in 3. The pathname of the folder or
the document. directory on the computer on
which the file resides
For example, a Web browser reading the following 4. The name of the file
line of text:
Structure of a Uniform Resource Locators
<B> A Review of the Book
<I>Wind Instruments of the 18th Century</I></B>

This will appear as:

A Review of the Book

Wind Instruments of the 18TH Century


IP Addressing – a unique identification number

of a computer on the internet
- 4-part number
- Ranging from 0-255
- Each part is separated from the
previous part by period

Domain Name Addressing

Domain Name – unique name associated with a
specific IP address by a program that runs on an
Internet host computer
Domain Name Software – coordinates the IP
addresses and domain names for all computers
attached to it.
Domain Name Server – host computer that
runs this software
Graduate School of Business
University of Chicago
Educational institution HTTP

• The transfer protocol is the set of rules that

Sample domain name endings: the computers use to move files from one
• com (commercial) computer to another on the Internet.
• edu (educational institution) • The most common transfer protocol used
• gov (government) on the Internet is the Hypertext Transfer
• net (network) Protocol (HTTP).
• org (organization)
Search Engine
The IP address and the domain name each identify • Special kind of website that allows you to
a computer on the Internet. However, they do not search for webpages from other websites.
Brief History of Computer worked by tugging various-coloured threads
into patterns by means of an array of rods. By
The earliest known calculating device is inserting a card punched with holes, an
probably the abacus. It dates back at least operator could control the motion of the rods
to 1100 BCE and is still in use today, and thereby alter the pattern of the weave
particularly in Asia. Now, as then, it typically
Charles Babbage invented the difference
consists of a rectangular frame with thin
engine in 1823. The Difference Engine was
parallel rods strung with beads.
more than a simple calculator, however. It
mechanized not just a single calculation but a
Calculating devices took a different turn
whole series of calculations on a number of
when John Napier, a Scottish mathematician,
variables to solve a complex problem. It went
published his discovery of logarithms in
far beyond calculators in other ways as well.
1614. Analog calculating devices based on
Like modern computers, the Difference
Napier’s logarithms—representing digital
Engine had storage—that is, a place where
values with analogous physical lengths—soon
data could be held temporarily for later
processing—and it was designed to stamp its
output into soft metal, which could later be
In 1623 the German astronomer and
used to produce a printing plate.
mathematician Wilhelm Schickard built the
first calculator. He called it a Calculating
While working on the Difference
Clock, which modern engineers have been
Engine, Babbage began to imagine ways to
able to reproduce from details in his letters.
improve it. Chiefly he thought about
generalizing its operation so that it could
The first calculator or adding machine to be
perform other kinds of calculations. By the
produced in any quantity and actually used
time the funding had run out in 1833, he had
was the Pascaline, or Arithmetic Machine,
conceived of something far more
designed and built by the French
revolutionary: a general-purpose computing
mathematician-philosopher Blaise
machine called the Analytical Engine.
Pascal between 1642 and 1644. It could only
do addition and subtraction, with numbers
The machine was designed to consist of four
being entered by manipulating its dials.
components: the mill, the store, the reader,
Pascal invented the machine for his father, a
and the printer. These components are the
tax collector, so it was the first business
essential components of every computer
machine too (if one does not count the abacus).
today. The mill was the calculating
He built 50 of them over the next 10 years.
unit, analogous to the central processing
unit (CPU) in a modern computer; the store
In 1671 the German mathematician-
was where data were held prior to processing,
philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von
exactly analogous to memory and storage in
Leibniz designed a calculating machine called
today’s computers; and the reader and printer
the Step Reckoner. (It was first built in 1673.)
were the input and output devices.
The Step Reckoner expanded on Pascal’s
ideas and did multiplication by repeated
The reader was another new feature of the
addition and shifting.
Analytical Engine. Data (numbers) were to be
entered on punched cards, using the card-
Many other mechanical devices built during
the 19th century also performed repetitive reading technology of the Jacquard loom.
functions more or less automatically, but few Instructions were also to be entered on cards,
had any application to computing. There was another idea taken directly from Jacquard.
one major exception: the Jacquard loom, The use of instruction cards would make it a
invented in 1804–05 by a French programmable device and far more flexible
weaver, Joseph-Marie Jacquard. than any machine then in existence. Another
element of programmability was to be its
The Jacquard loom was a marvel of the ability to execute instructions in other than
Industrial Revolution. A textile-weaving sequential order. It was to have a kind of
loom, it could also be called the first practical decision-making ability in its
information-processing device. The loom conditional control transfer, also known
as conditional branching, whereby it would be
able to jump to a different instruction 1951 – UNIVAC
depending on the value of some data.
The first practical electronic computer was
Lady Lovelace, the first programme built by Eckert and Mauchly (of ENIAC fame)
and was known as UNIVAC (UNIVersal
Automatic Computer). The first UNIVAC was
Lady Lovelace attended
Babbage’s soirees and became fascinated used by the Bureau of Census. The unique
with his Difference Engine. She also feature of the UNIVAC was that it was not
corresponded with him, asking pointed aone-of-a-kind computer. It was mass
questions. It was his plan for the Analytical produced.
Engine that truly fired her imagination,
however. In 1843, at age 27, she had come to
understand it well enough to publish the Late 1970s to early 1980s – The
definitive paper explaining the device and Microcomputer Explosion
drawing the crucial distinction between this
new thing and existing calculators. The During this period many companies appeared
Analytical Engine, she argued, went beyond
and disappeared, manufacturing a variety
the bounds of arithmetic. Because it operated
of microcomputers (they were
on general symbols rather than on numbers,
it established “a link…between the operations called microto distinguish them from
of matter and the abstract mental processes of the mainframes which some people referred
the most abstract branch of mathematical to as real computers). There was Radio
science.” It was a physical device that was Shack’s TRS-80, the Commodore 64, the
capable of operating in the realm of abstract Atari, but...

1977 - The Apple II

She went on to become the world’s only expert
on the process of sequencing instructions on
The most successful of the early
the punched cards that the Analytical Engine
microcomputers was the Apple II, designed
used; that is, she became the world’s
and built by Steve Wozniak. With fellow
first computer programmer.
computer whiz and business savvy friend,
Steve Jobs, they started Apple Computer in
1943 – Colossus I
1977 in Woz’s garage. Less than three years
The first really successful electronic computer
later the company earned over $100 million.
was built in Bletchley Park, England. It was
Not bad for a couple of college dropout
capable of performing only one function, that
computer geeks.
of code breaking during World War II. It could
not be re-programmed.

1946 – ENIAC - J. Prosper Eckert (1919-

1995) and John W. Mauchly (1907-1980)
he first all electronic computer was
the Electrical Numerical Integrator and
Calculator, known as ENIAC. It was
designed by J. Prosper Eckert and John W.
Mauchly of the Moore School of Engineering
at the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC
was the first multipurpose electronic
computer, though very difficult to re-program.
It was primarily used to computer aircraft
courses, shell trajectories, and to break codes
during World War II.

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