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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Co Subject English
nt Grade Level 11
led Learning Objective
11.1 g) Use presentation technology
11.2 a) Use technology and other information tools to organize and display
ge knowledge others can view, use and assess.
11.8 a) Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate, and
communicate information.

Pe In this activity, my students are going to use Powtoon to create a presentation to

dag teach the class about an author or poet they have researched individually. They must
ogy have slides devoted to a brief biography of the author, overall literary style and
Pla notable written pieces slide(s) within the author’s literary period.
Pe Activity 1.Teacher will introduce Powtoon, and
dag demonstrate its instructional facets briefly.
ogy ex: transition capabilities, textboxes,
inserting pictures and videos. Teacher will
play the brief Powtoon they have created, so
that students can see these examples in real
2.Teacher will then allow students to explore
the tool, creating a presentation based on
prior research that has been gathered.
3.The presentation must include interesting
and engaging visuals, videos and
demonstrate they have explored the tool
fully. Each presentation should have 4-5
slides and be roughly 5 minutes long.
4.Students will have forty mins of the period
to create their presentation and will be free
to collaborate with one another. The
presentation building should be fun and
allow for creativity, as the research process
occurs beforehand to allow for this creative
5.Teacher will circulate the room to ensure
students are on task, as well as answering
any questions and trouble shooting.
6.At the midpoint of class, students will begin
presenting their Powtoons to the class.
Tec Technology 1.Students will use Powtoon to create a
hn presentation.
olo 2.Powtoon allows students to create a
gy presentation that resembles that of an
educator, providing engaging tools and
capabilities to enhance the material
3.Powtoon allows for students to auto play a
presentation, recording exactly how long it
is when presented, which aids students in
time management and meeting
4.Powtoon is a tool that can be utilized in
future career and interview situations to
help students stand out, present their ideas
in an unique and creative way.
5.Powtoon has options to create storyboards,
build templates from scratch, utilize
templates, include animation and embed
videos with ease, as well as having a
professional appearance.
Directions for Use 1.Get out chrome-books and go to in the internet web
2.Create a free account so that all
presentations can be saved in one place for
future use and editing purposes.
3.Click on the heading titled “My Powtoons” at
the top of the page.
4.Select the option to create a “Blank
5.Begin creating! Make sure that there it a
title slide with the students name on it.
Consider use of fonts that are legible and
readable for others.
6.On the lefthand side of the screen, students
can create and add new slides to the
presentation, clicking back and forth
between them. Each presentation should
have 4-5 slides.
7.On the righthand side of the screen, the
toolbar allows students to insert text-boxes,
backgrounds, videos, pictures and
8.Select each of these tools and browse
options, utilizing various tools as students
see fit.
9.The bottom of the presentation slide will
display a timeline. This will tell students
how long their current presentation is with
animations and selected tools. Students can
press the + and - buttons to increase length
or decrease length of animation.
10.One student is finished, select the
“Preview and Export” button at the top of
the screen. Save the powtoon as a ppt.x
11.Students present.
Link to the example product

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