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Conjunction, 6. 18
elimination, 69,70
Ambiguity, 4 introduction, 69-70
And (see Conjunction) truth table definition of, 18
Antecedent, 54 truth tree rules, 12425
Arguments, 1 Conjuncu. 6,16
conclusions, 1 Connective:
deductive, 2-3 biconditional, 54-55
inductive. 2-3 components of, 6
premise, 1 conditional, 50-54
sound, 49 conjunction, 6, 16
valid, 47 disjunction. 6. 16
Argument by ca~es.99-102 main, 15
Associative law, 36 negation, 6, 16
Assumption, 67, Consequent, 54
discharging, 88 Consistency, truth tree test for, 143,
Contingent sentence. 39
Contradiction, 38
derivation test for, 110
Biconditional, 54-55 truth tree test for, 139.
derived rules, 103 Contradictory disjunct, law of, 39
elimination, 70-7 1 Contraposition:
introduction, 70-7 1 derived rule, 104
law of, 55 law of, 54
truth table definition of, 54 truth table definition of. I8
truth tree rules. 126 Counterexample, 47, 1 13-14,
Boldface letters, 18 122-23. 128
Both. . .and. . . ,23
Branches, 115, 119
closed, 11tL17,128
open, 118. 128 Deduction theorem, 110
But, 21-22 De Morgan's laws, 30
derived rules, 110
Denying the consequent, derived
rule. 103
Derivation, 61,88
Commutative law, 36 outer, 65,88
Completeness, 72 without premises, 106-10
Compound sentence, 6.7, 11-15, 16 subderivation, 64-68.88
Conclusion, 1 Derived rule, 98
Conditional, 50-54 Discharging an assumption, 67,88
derived inference rule, 104 Disjunction, 6,16..18
elimination, 59-60. derived rules, 103
introduction, 64--65 elimination, 60
law of. 54 indusive sense, 6 7
sentence, 50.54 introduction, .62
truth table definition of, 50 truth table definition of, 18
uwh tree rules, 125 ' . . truth tree rules, 124
Disjunctive normal form, 40-42 truth table definition of, ,16 T rules 124-27
Disjuncts, 6, 16 truth tree test for, 127 Truth value, 8
Distributive laws, 32 Non-truth functional sentence, Tautology, 38 assignment, 9
Double negation, law of, 30 51-53,57 Transcription, 2 1ff
Not (see Negation) adequate, 24-26
test, 24, 25
Transitivity of logical equivalents, 35
Translation, 2 1 Validity, 46-47
Either. . .or. . ., 22-23 Truth function, 9-10,42,43, 51, 53 truth tree test for, 128, 146
Expansion, law of, 39 Or (see Disjunction) Truth functional compound, 9-10 Valuation, rules of, 17
Expressive completeness, 42-43 Or, inclusive sense of, 6-7 Truth functional connective, 9-10 Venn Diagrams, 30-33
Outer derivation, 65, 88 Truth functional sentence, 9-10
Truth preserving rule, 62
Truth table, 7-9
,Truth trees, 113 ff -
Formation, rules of, 16 branch, 115, 119 Weakening, 98
Parentheses, 11-12, 16
Paths (see Branches)
Inconsistency, derivation test for, 111 of an argument, 1
Invalidity, 47-48 in a derivation, 61,88
Primitive rule, 98

License, 62, 88
Logic: Reductio ad absurdurn, 7 1,82
interest of, 2 derived inference rule, 103
as the science of arguments, 2 Redundancy, law of, 37
J-ogical equivalence, 29 Reiteration, 66.90-91
derivation test for, 111 Rule of inference, 60, 88
truth tree test for, 142
J-ogicallytrue conjunct, law of, 39
Logical truth, 38
derivation test for, 107
truth tree test for. 141-42 Scope tine, 62, 88-92
hopping, 9 1
abiguous, 4
atomic, 5-7, 16
Main connective, 15 compound, 6, 7, 11-15, 16
in derivations, 84-87 contingent, 39
in truth trees, 135-36 declarative, 2, 5
Model, 143 letter, 6, 7, 16
Modus ponens, 59 non-truth functional, 51-53, 57
truth functional, 9-10
Sheffer stroke, 42-43
N Sound argument, 49
Stack, 119-20
Negation, 4, 16 Subderivation, 65,88-92
elimination, 70, 71 Subscripts. 16
introduction, 70,71,72 Substitution of logical equivalents, 34

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